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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread


mr_nothin said:
US version of what? The PS3 or the game?
Because JS of Insomniac said that the game detects which system it is being played on and then selects which version gets played. There's only 1 SKU of the game....just different casing.

Yeah, but on the JPN version of the game, there are two versions ENG/JPN that load up depending on what country your system is set for under language. Unfortunately both these versions are missing the "hero moments" as if they aren't on the disc at all.

It would've been nice if booting with US system settings opened the full uncensored English version and Japanese system settings played the censored version, but I'm guessing the ratings board would come down on them for the uncensored stuff just being on the disc in the first place.

I dunno, hopefully one of my friends is actually getting his PS3 this week from Costco and if so I'll have him bring over US Resistance and I'll check it out firsthand.


Bebpo said:
Finished it.

Incredibly impressed by the game and Insomniac's fantastic level design, weapon design, enemy AI, graphics, story. The game does so many things right and yet this is just the start for awesome Insomniac FPS games.

Since I don't want to overhype it for those who haven't finished it and have it not be as good because they were expecting something beyond all expectations, I'm just going to spoiler text my glowing thoughts for those who've finished it already.

GoTY (been a crazy good year. I thought Okami would be an unbeatable GoTY, and then came Gears with it's excellent graphics and multipalyer with good single player, and now comes Resistance to top even that [will Zelda top even Resistance?]). Beyond just GoTY, I'll even say that personally I think this is the best FPS I've ever played. Until now my favorite FPS titles have been Half-life 1/2 and Halo 1/2 with everything else a good notch below. When I was about 75% through the game I came to realize that already Resistance was the best FPS I'd played on a console, even better than Halo :O But I still thought there's no way it could take the crown from Half-life. But by the end, the battles which were SO INTENSE (oh man in that walk up the tower at the end my heart was racing as I had 1 bar of health left and did not want to die and redo it all. I played sooo careful and well and luckily got through all that in one run. But wow it was crazy.), and the way the story was told both actively with the cutscenes and subtlely with the notes (cloven) and the hinting along the way about the American aspect...it was all so well done.

It had the architecture and interesting story of Half-life (though the characters were a bit underdeveloped in comparison), combined with the incredible AI and firefights from Halo combined with the enemy variety of an action game rather than an FPS with the same 4 enemies the whole game. All these pieces merged together to become my new favorite FPS, and to think this is only the start. I can't even begin to imagine how amazing Resistance 2 could be.

PS. Robots rule

PSS. Spider tank vs. GOLIATH = AWESOME (mecha fans will go crazy)

Graphics - Though I was definitely underwhelmed at first, by the end of the game I do not have a single complaint about the visuals but rather just pure praise. There are moments when it was hard to even believe I was playing a game and not watching some gorgeous CG movie. This is often thanks to the just excellent animation that is beyond probably anything we've seen in an FPS before. Everything moves so smooth and CGish...it's just WOW. One part in particular topped even the best Visuals in Gears IMO.

Music - The weakest aspect of the game IMO. The music was ok, but after hearing Gears with it's amazing soundtrack, this was a tad bland. Voice acting was good though as were the sound effects.

AI - Holy crap! The AI here is the best you will see in an FPS outside Halo (maybe even as good as Halo?). By the end the enemies use awesome tactics and they're out there doing the same stuff you're doing. It's really crazy to see how they think and how different the same scenes can play out each time. Also makes the game HARD but in a good way.

Enemy Variety - Completely awesome. Tons of enemy's all with their own unique weapons. Insomniac does a good job mixing them up and keeping players on their toes. The 'major' enemies in particular are a sight to behold and very enjoyable to fight.

Story - Good stuff! I was talking to TheTrin and much of the plot is hidden in the game and left for the player to put together themselves. This actually makes the plot a lot more interesting and we were discussing some various theories.

Level Design - Fantastic. The pacing is perfect, the difficulty ramps up just right, the architecture gets better and better, the levels are filled with all sorts of neat little things that you just catch out of the glimpse of your eye and go "woah".

Weapon Variety - Couldn't ask for more. Having so many options let's you make your own way through each fight. Also low supply of ammo keeps you switching around and making use of everything to make it through.

Vehicles - What? Fun vehicle levels in an FPS? How could that be!? I'm not sure how they pulled it off but the vehicle parts are really fun and some are just plain AWESOME. I loved them all.

Length - Great game length, just the right amount for a full FPS. PLUS unlike any other FPS out there (that I can think of) you get 2nd play GOODIES so like say RE/DMC, you actually want to go through it all AGAIN :) Plus there's Multiplayer but I haven't really played it besides a lame one-hit kill match with 2ch clan people, so I won't comment.

Loading - Could be better. It's not that the loading is bad (10 seconds or so for a level that'll last 10-20 mins), but rather that the levels feel like a few sections (20 mins) and then a cutscene/loadscreen. Maybe in their next FPS Insomniac can do seamless transitions between levels :)

Overall, the game might be inspired by all the greatest FPS games out there, but there's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from the greats and build off that for your own unique game. Resistance has everything I could ever want in an FPS. It has very smart AI + a wide spectrum of enemies and guns + a GREAT physics engine; so that every battle plays out differently and firefights are always great fun. It has excellent atmosphere, great presentation, gorgeous levels and art, and a neat story w/solid characters; so the game is always engaging even when not in battles. For the single player campaign there really isn't a single flaw I can think of besides maybe not having a checkpoint at 2 or 3 of the longer/harder points, and less loading/longer levels between loads.

Single Player score (all I really care about in an FPS): 9.8/10; Worth buying a PS3 for. I think that once the PS3 gets in more hands and more people have time to play Resistance through to the end, word of mouth will get around and Resistance will be 'the' console FPS that all console FPS games (single player) will be judged by

I have never been into FPS, the genre never really interested me and just started laying a couple of FPS a couple of months ago since i have a somewhat decent pc. I just have played fear and call of duty 2 and to be honest i wasnt even in the slightiest interested in Resistance. Due to the shortages and having to import from the US i have really contemplating Motorstorm to be my killer app since around its launch its when i could probably get a ps3, but after reading your impressions i became interested on it.


Post Count: 9999
Having read Bepo's impressions, and having played through about 1/2 of the game so far ...

... I am further convinced that some of the reviewers of this game did not play all the way through.

PS2.5 my ass.


kaching said:
Is Hale basically what The Cloven are? Humans that were immune to the full Chimeran transformation, but still took on some Chimeran traits? Does the game say one way or another?

I don't think so. Hale is said to be the first to simply not become a Chimera. What I got from the Cloven are that they speak Russian, they eat both Chimera and Humans, the US soldiers (or British soldiers) are secretly hunting them, and when they get cornered they tear their tongues out and have a picture of some leader stuffed in their mouth.

Definitely seems like some sort of super-soldier experiment coming out of Russia, but I think we'll know more next game :) This is the first time I've actually been glad that a game has been made with a franchise in mind from day 1, I love the foreshadowing, the secrets, and can't wait to see where the story goes in #2

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Bebpo said:


Resistance is easily one of the best console shooters that I have ever played and I've played all of the big ones (including Gears). Its definitely in the top 2 or 3 for me. I'm almost tempted to go so far as to say its the best one I've ever played because everything is just so rock-solid. Insomniac clearly did their homework when making the game.

One of the things that Bebpo didn't touch on that impressed me just as much as everything else are the controls. They are just spot on. I can definitely say that I haven't played an FPS on a console that has controlled this well for me before.

Ever since I needed to return my PS3 I've been jonesing to play Resistance again. I like it that much. I can't wait to play it again.


I think I'm about halfway through, and I'm starting to see exactly what you guys are talking about.

At the beginning, I was extremely underwhelmed, but it's incredible to see how much the game improves as you advance further along.

Very challenging, too, which is always a good thing, but as Bebpo & Co. said, the Checkpoint system is pretty inane, and it can really kick your ass sometimes.
More FPSs should use the style of checkpoint system that Halo used. You either get far enough to trigger an area checkpoint, or you slaughter everything in your path to earn a check point.
Bebpo said:
I don't think so. Hale is said to be the first to simply not become a Chimera. What I got from the Cloven are that they speak Russian, they eat both Chimera and Humans, the US soldiers (or British soldiers) are secretly hunting them, and when they get cornered they tear their tongues out and have a picture of some leader stuffed in their mouth.

Definitely seems like some sort of super-soldier experiment coming out of Russia, but I think we'll know more next game :) This is the first time I've actually been glad that a game has been made with a franchise in mind from day 1, I love the foreshadowing, the secrets, and can't wait to see where the story goes in #2

Actually, one of the intel reports suggests there have already been a few guys like Hale.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
viralmarketeer said:
There's a US commercial playing for this game?

Yeah. It's has that blank white room with the PS3 in it too. It's a good commerical to be honest.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
My Arms Your Hearse said:
Actually, one of the intel reports suggests there have already been a few guys like Hale.


Damn it man I read it before you spoilered it. Damn!


sex vacation in Guam
So it's official Resistance most underrated game this year.

To me GAF (hardcore gamers) Reviews > Gaming press that relies on marketing dollars.


TheProfessor said:
So it's official Resistance most underrated game this year.

To me GAF (hardcore gamers) Reviews > Gaming press that relies on marketing dollars.

you do realize alot of GAF posters are proffesional reviewers right? ;)

I really need to spend some quality time with this before I can form a valid opionon. So far (played for a couple hours single and online) seems solid.


TheProfessor said:
So it's official Resistance most underrated game this year.

To me GAF (hardcore gamers) Reviews > Gaming press that relies on marketing dollars.
Same here, though I have been doing this for a long time now.

Safe Bet

The game runs very well online from what I have seen so far...

I've got about ~3hrs into the multiplayer modes and I haven't had a valid 'that's bs!' moment yet.



Bebpo, all of Insomniac's games give heavy incentives to play through them again. And I keep saying the last three were FPSs. *sigh*

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
viralmarketeer said:
There's a US commercial playing for this game?
I'd like to see it too. In fact, now that I think about it, I haven't seen a *single* PS3 commercial (hardware or games) on a TV - ever! At least not here in Canada.
I've seen tons of X360 and Wii commercials though.
Bebpo's impressions and praise pretty much echo everything I feel about the game, though learning I'm missing Hero Moments and possibly other content by playing the JPN version is saddening... :(

Unlike some of the other posters though I didn't think the visuals started subpar and later became outstanding, I thought they started pretty damn good and simply climbed to new levels of awesomeness every time I cleared a level. :D

Oh, and the for those who love a challenge, Resistance is plenty tough on Normal...it's just insane on Hard. If there is another difficulty above that I will probably never touch it, Hard is spanking me so badly already.

(Minor battle spoiler):
Getting ambushed on walkways by groups of enemies who can kill you in literally a couple seconds if you don't get behind cover, somehow surviving by the grit of your teeth, then ducking into the seemingly safe confines of a nearby tunnel to get slammed by ANOTHER group of enemies with wall-penetrating weaponry...the adrenaline of surviving these kind of encounters is great in Normal, but I already have nightmares how I'll tackle them in Hard...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jstevenson said:
Hi guys,

We're really excited to see how much you guys like the game. Ted has another blog that has just hit IGN.


Sounds like all the hard work paid off. :)

I can't wait to play it myself. These impressions have me chomping at the bit. If things go according to plan, though, I should have my PS3 on Wednesday (just in time for the holiday).
Hey Cliffy, if you're reading this...is this your actual user review on Resistance from Metacritic or is it an impersonator?


Cliff B. gave it a 10:

Finally a chance to play it first hand, and what can I say... This is a pretty damn amazing achievement - the quality of the graphics, complex animation blending system, realistic deformation and ragdoll physics, density of particle effects, glass simulation, etc, etc...Once you get to sit down and play it the graphics turn out to be way better than I was expecting - if anything this game has been unfairly underrated in this department. There are some of the most spectaular environments I've ever seen in a game, especially when you get to the huge alien interiors towards the end. Gameplay is great, as you would expect from Insomniac - the pacing is perfect and builds nicely as you progress through the game - by the end of it the whole experience gives you that feeling of adventure like when you've read a great novel and intrigued to find out about what the Chimera are, where they came from, and where do the "Cloven" fit in to it all. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but I hear that's one of the best things about it. Just mind-blowing what they pulled off here, especially for a launch title.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Mistwalker said:
though learning I'm missing Hero Moments and possibly other content by playing the JPN version is saddening... :(
If it's any consolation, the Hero Moments are easy to miss because you kind of have to be in the right place at the right time. Some are setup to happen almost in front of you but that's still no guarantee of saving a comrade. If you do, there's no big glorious fanfare, but the saved comrade can be helpful in certain situations
roomful of Gray Jacks that rise from containment out of the floor

Unlike some of the other posters though I didn't think the visuals started subpar and later became outstanding, I thought they started pretty damn good and simply climbed to new levels of awesomeness every time I cleared a level. :D
Same here. I think it's been pretty consistent visually, it just started in some of the more mundane locales of the game and the pacing is measured so it builds to the more frantic firefights in later areas that give you a better impression of how rock solid the game engine is.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
artful_dodger said:
Hey Cliffy, if you're reading this...is this your actual user review on Resistance from Metacritic or is it an impersonator?


Cliff B. gave it a 10:

Finally a chance to play it first hand, and what can I say... This is a pretty damn amazing achievement - the quality of the graphics, complex animation blending system, realistic deformation and ragdoll physics, density of particle effects, glass simulation, etc, etc...Once you get to sit down and play it the graphics turn out to be way better than I was expecting - if anything this game has been unfairly underrated in this department. There are some of the most spectaular environments I've ever seen in a game, especially when you get to the huge alien interiors towards the end. Gameplay is great, as you would expect from Insomniac - the pacing is perfect and builds nicely as you progress through the game - by the end of it the whole experience gives you that feeling of adventure like when you've read a great novel and intrigued to find out about what the Chimera are, where they came from, and where do the "Cloven" fit in to it all. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but I hear that's one of the best things about it. Just mind-blowing what they pulled off here, especially for a launch title.

Just curious but why do you think Cliffy wrote that review?


kaching said:
If it's any consolation, the Hero Moments are easy to miss because you kind of have to be in the right place at the right time. Some are setup to happen almost in front of you but that's still no guarantee of saving a comrade. If you do, there's no big glorious fanfare, but the saved comrade can be helpful in certain situations
roomful of Gray Jacks that rise from containment out of the floor

I think you get them anyways in the Japanese version. At least I had the guy for that part. I think maybe instead of some graphic "hero" type scene (I have no idea what these even are really), you just walk into a room and see a guy fighting an enemy and if you kill the enemy you get the guy to stay with you. I had that happen a few times.
mckmas8808 said:
Just curious but why do you think Cliffy wrote that review?

Obviously because of the name (Cliff B.) and that he recognizes technical aspects of the game in the review that most non-industry internet fanboys don't usually add in user reviews. He also mentioned on the 1up podcast a few months ago that he was eager to try it out at launch, worth a shot to verify anyway since he posts here.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
artful_dodger said:
Obviously because of the name (Cliff B.) and that he recognizes technical aspects of the game in the review that most non-industry internet fanboys don't usually add in user reviews. He also mentioned on the 1up podcast a few months ago that he was eager to try it out at launch, worth a shot to verify anyway since he posts here.

Oh okay cool. That's nice of him to say even when he has a game that's being compared to it like 5 million times a day. Respect for Cliffy B. +1.


Really eager to try this one out. I'm not sure how I'll react to the lack of cover mechanism after spending so much time on GoW... but doubtless, it'll bring a lot of its own to the table that makes it work damn well as a game.


Zaptruder said:
Really eager to try this one out. I'm not sure how I'll react to the lack of cover mechanism after spending so much time on GoW... but doubtless, it'll bring a lot of its own to the table that makes it work damn well as a game.

One word of advice: don't try to play it like GoW. Coming straight from GoW and CoD3 I started out playing Resistance like those two games and hiding behind cover while popping out to take some shots and then hiding some more and popping out, while moving from cover to cover. Needless to say...I died A LOT :p

It wasn't until later when I started really figuring out a good way to play that I started to really enjoy it. The game plays about half-way between a cover game and a run n' gun. You'll want to stay behind things a lot as to not take too much damage, but you'll also be wanting to keep moving just as much and firefighting while moving in between covers...or through them :p The weapons really do change up the gameplay so that you can't just turtle. Even the sniper rifle has a mechanism to keep players from hiding behind cover; most of the time I'd use the rifle I'd be running at full speed and doing headshots :) The game-stopping weapon change is a lifesaver for this as well. You can toss a grenade in and run in to mop up and then suddenly if something changes you can instantly switch to the appropriate weapon for the situation.


And even i am moderately surprised
yeah, the key to this game for me in terms of tactics has been grenades, grenades and grenades.

And as mentioned by others, the airfuel grenade is one of the funnest weapons ever.


I don't see how staying in cover for a long time is going to benefit you in this game, like just about every weapon has a way to get around this.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
DCharlie said:
yeah, the key to this game for me in terms of tactics has been grenades, grenades and grenades.

And as mentioned by others, the airfuel grenade is one of the funnest weapons ever.

Grenades are the best. So powerful.

This game rocks...screw the complaining about "identity."
artful_dodger said:
Hey Cliffy, if you're reading this...is this your actual user review on Resistance from Metacritic or is it an impersonator?
FYI that same Cliffy gave Gears of War 4/10 @metacritic. So yeah, it's Cliffy B. for sure and not some PS3 fanboy.



I have a question about the split screen co-op. How will the slow down sniper mode work in spilt screen co-op?

TP: Hi LeoTheLudo. In co-op time slows down for both players when one uses the alt-fire on the Fareye sniper rifle. We found that it created some cool strategic opportunities for the other player by allowing this.

Woah that's pretty cool!


And even i am moderately surprised
I don't see how staying in cover for a long time is going to benefit you in this game,

well, there is the fact that you can regain some health, and hanging around cover always means you have some were to dive when the Hedgehogs get tossed over!

I'm actually using cover quite a lot - not in the same way as Gears, but definitely planning where i'm going to be or where i'm going to go to avoid the heat (especially in some of the bigger battles). It's not integral to the game, but i certainly think you can make effective use of cover (i am at least! :) and that's just testiment to the game
I truly think this is the best FPS I have ever played outside of Half Life the whole game just felt so good I was playing with a grin the whole time.

Time for some online.

If anyone is up for it my Playstation User ID is CFD_BruceLeeRoy

Ace R.

Resistance is good stuff. But damn those slow zombie movin guys really made me shake the hell out of my sixaxis. I didnt know they come at you fast like that. Lets just say I didnt need the rumble feature when those dudes lunged at me:lol

But man online is where its at. The maps are great:)


And even i am moderately surprised
the other thing i failed to mention is that i get a real Halo vibe from this game, in more ways than one.

There is the obvious parallel of this being a great FPS game at the launch of machine,
add in some very Halo style moments (Cheddar Gorge), use of weaponary per situation (a bit obvious you'd think but a lot of FPSs get it wrong), etc... etc...

The big thing i see though is the effect it's having on people - Halo certainly converted a hell of a lot of people when they played it (and upset a hell of a lot of people (some of who, i'm guessing, never actually played the game) and this game certainly seems like it's doing the same : i'm up to about 8 people now who have said "This is my first FPS" or "i don't really play FPS's ..." closely followed by "but god damn is Resistance awesome!"

Perhaps some people just needed a prod in the right direction on FPS's?
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