I am bumping a 3yr old thread just to say that Resistance fall of man, is the best fps ever made. and I aint even trolling. call me crazy, I dont give a fuck.
I have played every single fps this gen, cod, halo, borderlands etc etc, and no other game has come close to Resistance. I just completed Halo 4 last week, and just completed Resistance fall of man literally 2 seconds ago. and I am still fucking blown away by the death animations, grand scale of the battles, AI, atmosphere, level design and sound. its simple unmatched.
you guys have always known my hatred torward Resistance 3 and my love for Resistance fall of man, my opinion has not changed in the slightest, and its been 6 years.
the game is truly a classic that belongs right beside the likes of Halo and Half life.
I know I give Insomniac alot of shit, but thats because I am bitter that they had such a perfect foundation that could of proved apon with the sequels, but end up going 10 step backwards instead, But I will always respect insomniac for making the best fps this generation.
this game has truly stood the test of time. simply incredible and this is coming from a fps enthusiast.