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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread


hmm... online cheating's already started? i just finished an online session. in one of the games, i encountered a invincible human. there were like 3~4 of us vs. him alone. we were all shooting him like crazy but he just woudn't die... until finally he killed us all... WTF? lag? or cheating? or a developer with God mode onmwanted to have some fun?


This thread has so many pages and I have just some simple questions...

Does the voice chat works fine? Any bluetooth headset works?


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Well, I just wanted to ring in with my impressions of Resistance as well. I pretty much agreed with alot of other impressions that at 1st the game looks good but not great. After about 2 hours in though I realized that this game is amazing. It is hard to point out what makes it so good but just about ever little thing is done right. I normally perfer 3rd person view like Socom and hate FPS but Resistance for some reason doesn't bother me at all, maybe because the game runs so smooth or because it controls so well but for some reason it just feels right. Graphics are very pretty and very smooth, this game has the some of the best trees in a game. The AI is very aggressive and challenging which makes a big difference in the overall feel of the single player game. My only knock on the game is some of the weapons are not as good as others, the Flame Throw is worthless IMO. So you can see I like this game alot but the single play game is nice, the online play is AMAZING!!!! It is hard to believe that a PS3 launch title crushed any of my 360 games online, why am I paying $50 a year for Live? I have played about 10+ hours in online matches and none of them with any less then 20 players and most of the time with close to 40 players, I have seen NO LAG AT ALL. Let me repeat that, NO LAG AT ALL! I don't know how they did it and I don't care either but I can't believe that Sony isn't charging a dime and delivering this kind online gaming. I can some up Resistance online with one word, FUN! This game is just so much fun, reminds me when I just got Golden Eye for the N64, yes that kind of fun. All I can say is, if you have a PS3 do yourself a favor and get this game and enjoy.

Feel free to ask any question about the game if anyone wants some more info.
If anyone from Insomniac is reading...

You guys REALLY need to fix the GAPING race balance that exists between humans and chimera. Chimera OWN humans. Seeing through walls is more useful than the minimap due to the terrible range of the radar and in many levels have very confusing layouts and it actually can hurt more than help. Sprint is nice, but just gets you dead faster.

Not only can Chimera boost their damage and see through walls... the bullseye is 1000000000000000000000000000x better than the Carbine (yes, humans can get it, but Chimera start with it).

1) It has a larger clip

2) It has INFINITE lock on capacity. If anything, you should have to find the secondary fire ammunition as with grenades. It is way too easy to just lock-on to someone and go to town... combined with "steroid mode" and you just get utter ownage.

Now, I mostly play team deathmatch and deathmatch, but I haven't found the human abilities that helpful on some of the other game types either, barring perahps a very select few maps. Nothing matters much when you can expect to be destroyed in a second or less when encountering the enemy. The round winner in team deathmatch has about a 99.9% probability of being Chimera at this point.


Why do some unranked matches give experience and further your rank, while others don't? Also, it is even possible to surpass the rank of 1st Sergeant in unranked matches? I've cycled through several levels and my rank hasn't changed, and half the matches no longer give me any experience anyway.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
OMG, I get 2 pts for assisting in a kill?!? Best MP ever!!

[aka, average FPS player tries Resistance MP for first time ;) ]


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
How far am I from the end if I just completed
Devil at the Door

My Arms Your Hearse said:
The round winner in team deathmatch has about a 99.9% probability of being Chimera at this point.

Girrrrrl, don't hate them cause they're beautiful!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Y2Kevbug11 said:
How far am I from the end if I just completed
Devil at the Door

What city are you in? If you`re in
Thames or London
you`re pretty close to the end.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
DCharlie said:
yeah, the key to this game for me in terms of tactics has been grenades, grenades and grenades.

And as mentioned by others, the airfuel grenade is one of the funnest weapons ever.

Yeah thank god for the different type of grenades too. If this game didn't have grenades if would be impossible for me to beat it.


My Arms Your Hearse said:
If anyone from Insomniac is reading...

You guys REALLY need to fix the GAPING race balance that exists between humans and chimera. Chimera OWN humans. Seeing through walls is more useful than the minimap due to the terrible range of the radar and in many levels have very confusing layouts and it actually can hurt more than help. Sprint is nice, but just gets you dead faster.

Not only can Chimera boost their damage and see through walls... the bullseye is 1000000000000000000000000000x better than the Carbine (yes, humans can get it, but Chimera start with it).

1) It has a larger clip

2) It has INFINITE lock on capacity. If anything, you should have to find the secondary fire ammunition as with grenades. It is way too easy to just lock-on to someone and go to town... combined with "steroid mode" and you just get utter ownage.

Now, I mostly play team deathmatch and deathmatch, but I haven't found the human abilities that helpful on some of the other game types either, barring perahps a very select few maps. Nothing matters much when you can expect to be destroyed in a second or less when encountering the enemy. The round winner in team deathmatch has about a 99.9% probability of being Chimera at this point.


Why do some unranked matches give experience and further your rank, while others don't? Also, it is even possible to surpass the rank of 1st Sergeant in unranked matches? I've cycled through several levels and my rank hasn't changed, and half the matches no longer give me any experience anyway.

At first I read here that people complain about playing as a chimera, so I'm glad you figured out how to make use of the advantage of playing as a chimera. Maybe people will learn how to counter that? Is it easy to keep the rage mode under control?


Sailor Stevenson
Graphics Horse said:

Weren't 20mph areas first introduced in the 90s? I know it's an alternate history, but still.. :D

Are there any real life areas that are recognizable in the game? I'm sure there'll be some in London, but what about further north?

You posed the question - and we got the answer from Rolf (and later Steve):

Ex-Brit Insomniac here, on the concept art team Ever since we took the decision to set the game in England we expected some critical eyes being cast over our locations, period details and such ... I've already seen one post elsewhere nitpicking at our street lamps, power lines, telegraph poles, road markings and asked if any of the developers were from Britain or had ever been there. The answer is yes - aside from myself we have one Irish and four English programmers (one of whom was an architect of the original Xbox, for the enthusiasts in the audience) and one designer from Liverpool... if that counts? I think that partly explains why our games are so very good. On top of that, one of our artists Steve Ratter took a trip to Blighty and toured the towns we had chosen to take photos. He had done the same thing previously on Call of Duty Frontline and also worked on the Medal of Honor games, and found this to be very effective for getting inspiration and ideas.

In answer to Graphics Horse, "Weren't 20mph areas first introduced in the 90s? I know it's an alternate history, but still.." Firstly, congratulations are in order since only you and Phil Harrison are the special people who have thus far asked us about the 20 mph speed limit signs. But nope, surprisingly you're way off. One our Brits grew up with a 20 mph sign just down the road from his house. We looked it up and managed to find scans of British Highway Codes as old as 1946. It seems this style of speed limit sign goes back to the 40's and we found a 20mph speed limit example in the 1954 copy. On top of that you rightly point out we're dealing with an alternate history so I would argue we're in pretty safe territory on that one.. ;)

(As an aside, one thing I found myself researching was light fixtures in WW2 period aircraft carriers. I'm sure very few people have ever stopped to wonder what kind of lights they used back then, and no matter what photo reference I could find of carriers from that period they all seemed to have fluorescent lights in their interiors. At first I assumed they had all been modernized but then eventually discovered this was one of the first ever uses of fluorescent lamps, developed specifically for the purpose by the US Navy. Learn something every day...)

As for "real" locations, I'm glad DCharlie appreciated our choice to show plenty of Northern towns - this was quite deliberate since most of us Brits here are from the North or Midlands and we thought fair's fair. If you look carefully, you should be able to spot references to real things scattered here and there throughout the game. York for example was a nice opportunity to make use of the old castle walls that still surround the town. We also based the Shambles district directly on the real world version. However in general we took a conscious decision to try and stay away from the typical "touristy" landmarks that Hollywood uses in every film they set in Britain. You won't see the Houses of Parliament for example, but you will see certain landmarks and details that may remind you very much of certain familiar locations. For my own part I've always wanted to see Nottingham destroyed by an alien invasion. In the nicest possible way, of course.

From: Steve

Well that big tower in the distance is the Boddingtons tower from the Manchester brewery not too far from the cathedral… so as we used to say about Medal of Honor, we’re striving for a level of authenticity, not necessarily “realism.” As for how we approached making the towns, we tried to capture the spirit of the town and not every blinking little detail. So I think we did a pretty job at York. Nottingham is all in ruins so I guess it’s hard to tell anything there, and Grimsby is more or less just the docks and cannery buildings. So usually, we picked a few buildings from a city that were somewhat generic and repeatable, then tried to get in a couple of unique ones. We tried to pay attention to some signage, trashcans, city crests, etc. So I think if people look here and there, they’ll find some traces of the city. After all, we do have alt-history on our side!!

For instance, in my mind, the Manchester level starts in Salford, goes toward the cathedral, then snakes through a few streets eastward, cuts through Picadilly park, then ends somewhere south east of there. In might not necessarily reflect the footprint of the city, but in my head, that’s what’s going on…. The Statue of the Queen at the roundabout for example was taken directly from a real one in Manchester . The idea was to mix up real elements as points of familiar reference with our make-belief version of England.


jstevenson said:
You posed the question - and we got the answer from Rolf (and later Steve):

First, congrats for making such a good game, and second thanks for such amusing answer and comments about the development process. That was a nice anecdote :) .


Post Count: 9999
My god ... this game is getting amazing.

I'm at the Conduits ... the last couple of levels have simply been mind-bending.

I don't understand how this engine is possible on a launch title.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Hooray, people love Resistance! I am happy now. :)

When it was first released, it wasn`t getting the attention it deserved. Glad that`s finally changing.


Chimera Apologist
My Arms Your Hearse said:
If anyone from Insomniac is reading...

You guys REALLY need to fix the GAPING race balance that exists between humans and chimera. Chimera OWN humans. Seeing through walls is more useful than the minimap due to the terrible range of the radar and in many levels have very confusing layouts and it actually can hurt more than help. Sprint is nice, but just gets you dead faster.

Not only can Chimera boost their damage and see through walls... the bullseye is 1000000000000000000000000000x better than the Carbine (yes, humans can get it, but Chimera start with it).

1) It has a larger clip

2) It has INFINITE lock on capacity. If anything, you should have to find the secondary fire ammunition as with grenades. It is way too easy to just lock-on to someone and go to town... combined with "steroid mode" and you just get utter ownage.

Now, I mostly play team deathmatch and deathmatch, but I haven't found the human abilities that helpful on some of the other game types either, barring perahps a very select few maps. Nothing matters much when you can expect to be destroyed in a second or less when encountering the enemy. The round winner in team deathmatch has about a 99.9% probability of being Chimera at this point.


Why do some unranked matches give experience and further your rank, while others don't? Also, it is even possible to surpass the rank of 1st Sergeant in unranked matches? I've cycled through several levels and my rank hasn't changed, and half the matches no longer give me any experience anyway.

Congratulations! You have revealed yourself as a true fan of the game and someone who has played long enough to get the flaw in the balancing that exists in the launch version. Believe it or not I am excited to see this post because I've seen a lot of people that seem to think the opposite and I was concerned that a fix would not make sense to them. The good news for you is that a fix for this issue will be coming very soon. I think a lot of people will be very pleased with the first patch for this game. It ought to address most of the issues that people have identified since we launched and I think it does a good job of tuning the game towards being more fun and balanced.


And even i am moderately surprised
wow guys, thanks for the detailed answer ! :)

As for "real" locations, I'm glad DCharlie appreciated our choice to show plenty of Northern towns - this was quite deliberate since most of us Brits here are from the North or Midlands and we thought fair's fair. If you look carefully, you should be able to spot references to real things scattered here and there throughout the game. York for example was a nice opportunity to make use of the old castle walls that still surround the town

yes, the locations are nice and they feel familiar without being carbon copies of the location. I especially liked the start of the Manchester level with the destroyed houses and again - i got a strong "War of the Worlds" vibe from the game (as in the Album artwork by Geoff Taylor - especially from the sooty semi-sepia tinted levels).

Being a Northerner it has defintely been fun and making that connection has helped the game no end (i'm from Cumbria - if possible, can you please arrange for the next Chimera invasion to eminate there - perhaps starting with an incident in the fields around Ennerdale? ;) ha ha... although in cumbria distinguishing locals from Chimera might be a bit tricky... i guess the quiet ones not looking for trouble would be the Chimera...)

York was really awesome, i believe after the arch, the wheatsheaf arms (or some pub similarly named) is on the left... :)

But the alternate reality setting is awesome, and i really hope more games use it. A similar sort of game set even futher back (again, dreaming out my original war of the world fantasy here!) would be interesting. Poor weaponry and low tech vs. the onslaught of the Chimera in Victorian britain would be interesting! :)

Anyways, cheers for the response and congrats on the game. Also props to the continued focus on improving the game after shipping! Looking forward to the patch.



Onix said:
My god ... this game is getting amazing.

I'm at the Conduits ... the last couple of levels have simply been mind-bending.

I don't understand how this engine is possible on a launch title.

Details, details!!! ~_~


I FINALLY got my PS3 today from Gamestop and can't stop playing Resistance. This is by far the best FPS ive played in a long time....and its a launch title! Everything about this game is just polished. I hope they turn this into a franchise cause I would love to play more of it (even though I haven't finished R:FoM) :D


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
neogaf_cage_free said:
Congratulations! You have revealed yourself as a true fan of the game and someone who has played long enough to get the flaw in the balancing that exists in the launch version.

You don`t really need to play very long to realize that Chimera are far far better than Humans, ESPECIALLY with the combination of seeing through walls and the auger in hand.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ceb said:
Very impressive. Those sure are some sturdy chairs though!

Yeah, but also note how the shodow is casted on that chair. Light coming form the window to the left. Not "pre-rendered"


There's plenty of destructible elements to the environments, but you'll sometimes discover things that should be destructible that aren't. Like blocks of concrete and cars can be destroyed, but stacks of tires cannot. It's most glaring in the early levels of the game IMO, which is probably why some first impressions complained about it.


Who Compares, Wins
Thanks to jstevenson for those good and so interesting answers. It's cool to see you on GAF.

Well, i think there are amazing textures in your game. Some are absolutely awesome :



And your game looks great :

Congratulations, very great job. I'm fan.

Please, i have got a question. Were you inspired by Scarlett Johansson when you created Rachel ? I think there's something...


Maybe i'm dreaming :lol


bouc_emissaire said:
Please, i have got a question. Were you inspired by Scarlett Johansson when you created Rachel ? I think there's something...

I would say you have a point.

The model does look simmilar to Scarlett.


Just like many have said, at first I wasn't that impressed with it's graphics. A few levels later, its another story. The animation in this game is just awesome!!! I think im 75% done with the game and im very much looking forward to that snow level you guys mentioned. :D

Dont judge the game early on, stick with it and it truly begins to shine.

Please add me if you wish....id like to play with some of you gaffers.



Post Count: 9999
What a lot of people don't realize is how amazing the lighting is in this game.

Walk up to any surface that is even semi-glossy (painted drywall for example) ... and then strafe left to right, etc.



Sailor Stevenson
bouc_emissaire said:
Thanks to jstevenson for those good and so interesting answers. It's cool to see you on GAF.

No problem - I love talking with you guys. I will be playing Resistance online more regularly at night once a few things work out, most notably being that I finish Twilight Princess and I manage to get my hands on a PS3.


Onix said:
What a lot of people don't realize is how amazing the lighting is in this game.

Walk up to any surface that is even semi-glossy (painted drywall for example) ... and then strafe left to right, etc.


If i´m understanding what you are refering too, its nothing particularly special. You can find that in PDZ.


Post Count: 9999
Orodreth said:
If i´m understanding what you are refering too, its nothing particularly special. You can find that in PDZ.

The technique by itself may not be ...

When combined with everything else that is going on in this game though, you start to realize how incredible this engine actually is.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Onix said:
What a lot of people don't realize is how amazing the lighting is in this game.

Walk up to any surface that is even semi-glossy (painted drywall for example) ... and then strafe left to right, etc.

That is one of many reasons why I felt similarities between this and Half-Life 2 (and Source in general).

I can't wait to see where the game goes visually, as I too am disappointed with the early areas. The level of detail seems signficantly lower than Gears of War, for instance (particularly indoor areas). Of course, part of that is likely due to the art style. Gears wasn't really pushing around any more polygons (possibly even less, really), but the method of texturing they used was insane.

If i´m understanding what you are refering too, its nothing particularly special. You can find that in PDZ.
You say that as if PDZ is the norm. :p Despite the fact that the game boasts the worst art design I've seen in years, PDZ uses some amazing texturing effects. Unfortunately, the art direction makes the whole thing seem like a tech demo. Both Kameo and PDZ make HEAVY usage of parallax texture mapping (making it seem as if textures are actually 3D objects).


Just thought I'd chime in here and say that I'm pretty sure Resistance is going to be the most underrated game of the Fall. Just as everyone else has mentioned, while it starts out simply solid, this game is elevating itself to a level I seriously wasn't expecting. Not to be hyperbolic, but now that the game is sinking in more and more each day, this is Halo-caliber stuff here. And I don't mean any of that 'killer' shit, just in the similarities between the two (both FPS, both at launch, etc.) This game is just that good for a launch title. IGN was spot on saying this is a killer app right at launch. Everyone needs to play this game.

I'll be posting up some more detailed impressions once I finish the game sometime this week. I can't wait to get home and play this more. I think I'm really close to seeing the snow!


I´m sorry if i was missunderstood or didnt choose the best words to answer.

I was not trying to nitpick Resistance in any way, just that recently have been playing PDZ ( finishing dark agent ) and that game also uses plenty of that kind of shader? effects, or they´have been used in the case of also mentioned half-life 2.

And in PDZ of course agree that it may be great use from a technical point but not from an artistic one.


dark10x said:
Of course, part of that is likely due to the art style. Gears wasn't really pushing around any more polygons (possibly even less, really), but the method of texturing they used was insane.

Just wait... I am no expert but I think it is definatly pushing more polys than gears. That snow level was just... WOW. best. snowstorm. ever!

Another great thing - there is so many little extras. All the intel you find laying around, concepts sketches and little stories.
Can anyone give me advice on getting voice chat to work in Resistance? The PS3 recognizes my headset just fine but I have yet to get it to work in multi-player.

Also, when i finish a match and exit to the dashboard my "players met" area is always empty. How am i supposed to make friend requests if it doesn't keep track of the people I have played with?

I am sure that it is my error at that point. can someone point out what i am doing wrong?


Post Count: 9999
Orodreth said:
I´m sorry if i was missunderstood or didnt choose the best words to answer.

I was not trying to nitpick Resistance in any way, just that recently have been playing PDZ ( finishing dark agent ) and that game also uses plenty of that kind of shader? effects, or they´have been used in the case of also mentioned half-life 2.

And in PDZ of course agree that it may be great use from a technical point but not from an artistic one.

I didn't think it was a nit-pick.

I was just mentioning that it is amazing to see shader effects like that in a game that is doing so many other things (polygons, texture effects, particle effects, physics, AI, animation) ... all while having one of the smoothest framerates I've seen in a FPS.


Uh wow. I don't have a PS3 and havent' seen this game in person but most of the videos I've seen on various sites don't look nearly as good as those photos. The lighting and texture work are sick.


Post Count: 9999
dark10x said:
That is one of many reasons why I felt similarities between this and Half-Life 2 (and Source in general).

I can't wait to see where the game goes visually, as I too am disappointed with the early areas. The level of detail seems signficantly lower than Gears of War, for instance (particularly indoor areas). Of course, part of that is likely due to the art style. Gears wasn't really pushing around any more polygons (possibly even less, really), but the method of texturing they used was insane.

(Please note that the following is based on a VERY limited viewing of GoW at a friends house on a SD TV. He will be bringing over his 360 in the near future to play on my HDTV - so I will have a better grasp of what is going on in that game).

To me, the two games are a very different means to an end. GoW has some unbelievable texturing to give things a 'real' look. On the other hand, Resistance is much more subtle ... using lots of effects, high-ploy modeling, and animation to create it's believability. It takes a while for everything to sink in, but as you go around experimenting and finding all the subtle things it is doing ... the game-world turns into an almost alternate reality that reminds me of a Pixar movie.

I liken it to the difference between Mortal Kombat and Virtua Fighter (please note, that is not meant as a gameplay or overall graphics comparison). Mortal Kombat used digitized images to make the characters look real - at least superficially. On the other hand, Virtua Figher took a completely different path to create realism. While the characters don't look as life-like in stills ... when you play and see everything moving ... the subtle animations, the lighting, etc ... even though the characters themselves are less superficially real looking ... it ends up being more believable as an actual fight (even if they come off as mannequins or something).

I'm not saying the difference is that jarring ... but it is the best metaphor I can come up with to explain the believability I feel while playing Resistance. It just really seems like a living, breathing world at times.

(Again, please note GoW may have crazy effects going on that would have the same effect ... I don't know just yet. If that is the case, simply consider my comparison to be against the majority of other FPS ... specifically ones the normally look 'better' than Resistance in stills).



You know, when all of the reviews were coming out and the comparisons to Gears of War began, a lot of comments were made, stating we shouldn't do that, because "it's not fair to Resistance".

After a lenthy play session last night... I'm not so sure about that anymore.


Post Count: 9999
h1nch said:
Uh wow. I don't have a PS3 and havent' seen this game in person but most of the videos I've seen on various sites don't look nearly as good as those photos. The lighting and texture work are sick.

I would say the texture work is somewhat inconsistent (detail-wise). There are very few (if any) instances that I would actually call it bad ... it is just that some are better than others. Some of the stuff looks literally real.

To be honest, I think that isn't a negative. There are lots of surfaces in reality that don't have crazy amounts of detail. A lot of games go a bit overboard with that. While it looks cool, it is also a bit artificial.

Also, like most texturing ... how detailed it looks is going to be based on your distance from it. Some people have complained that the textures aren't super detailed looking from far away ... but I'm not sure I understand the problem with that. They shouldn't be. We can't resolve details like that from far away in real life. Some games go overboard on the filtering to make far away textures look too detailed IMO.

BTW - The texture variety is incredible. There is so much subtle detailing (including lots of stuff with writing). I can see why this game uses a lot of memory.


Onix said:
(Please note that the following is based on a VERY limited viewing of GoW at a friends house on a SD TV. He will be bringing over his 360 in the near future to play on my HDTV - so I will have a better grasp of what is going on in that game).

To me, the two games are a very different means to an end. GoW has some unbelievable texturing to give things a 'real' look. On the other hand, Resistance is much more subtle ... using lots of effects, high-ploy modeling, and animation to create it's believability. It takes a while for everything to sink in, but as you go around experimenting and finding all the subtle things it is doing ... the game-world turns into an almost alternate reality that reminds me of a Pixar movie.

I liken it to the difference between Mortal Kombat and Virtua Fighter (please note, that is not meant as a gameplay or overall graphics comparison). Mortal Kombat used digitized images to make the characters look real - at least superficially. On the other hand, Virtua Figher took a completely different path to create realism. While the characters don't look as life-like in stills ... when you play and see everything moving ... the subtle animations, the lighting, etc ... even though the characters themselves are less superficially real looking ... it ends up being more believable as an actual fight (even if they come off as mannequins or something).

I'm not saying the difference is that jarring ... but it is the best metaphor I can come up with to explain the believability I feel while playing Resistance. It just really seems like a living, breathing world at times.

(Again, please note GoW may have crazy effects going on that would have the same effect ... I don't know just yet. If that is the case, simply consider my comparison to be against the majority of other FPS ... specifically ones the normally look 'better' than Resistance in stills).

I kinda feel similar. GOW looks much better in stills, but when they are moving Resistance looks better, the world feels more "alive" and not so stilted.
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