If your business can't afford to pay someone $15/hr, it's shit and should close down anyway.
There is no lack of people willing to work. Only a lack of companies willing to pay properly.
If someone isnt a moron relying on burger flipping for 30 years trying to raise a family on it, he's an idiot and should brush up their skills.
There is no lack of businesses paying good money. Only a lack of people not smart enough to achieve better and dont deserve more than $12/hr.
In life, you got to put in some effort. Nobody ever said making french fries would guarantee making ends meet. It doesnt even make high school kids ends meet and they live at home with their parents getting free food and rent.
Its not even hard to get a half decent paying job. It's not like every person making the average $52,000 wage is a brainy go getter with an IQ of 140. You can get a job in a plant doing some blue collar roles or work at the office doing boring admin working with invoices and make $50k.
For all the coders out there making $100,000+, do you consider yourself to be ultra mensa members? Or simply, you put in some effort to do tech, gun for a hot paying industry and voila! Looks good.
I do finance staring at MS Excel all day slogging through emails and spreadsheets and make good money. I think I'm a decently smart guy but no valedictorian or mensa guy. I bet lots of people on this forum could do what I do. All you got to be is good with numbers, have some business experience, know how to use MS Office and be smart enough to learn corporate programs you'd never use at home like SAP and databases (that arent Access). Its actually not that hard. Do some analysis , make some decisions, do some approvals and when things go well everyone thinks youre the smartest guy all week. I'm not. I dont even have an accounting designation.