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Retool the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, utilizing The Clone Wars TV show


In another topic a great question was posed:

Which story arcs should have been used in the prequel films themselves if Lucas had done the prequels differently? I really think his decision not to have Tarkin play any role in the films was a huge missed opportunity, and to a lesser extent, Mon Mothma. Maybe the Siege of Onderon would have been a great arc to have adapted in Episode 2. It's clear that Lucas tried to pack in too dense a volume of ideas, so which of his ideas would have been best being attended to and which left on the cutting room floor? Jedi/Sith conflict, Galactic Senate, Republic vs. Separatists, ect., and then having to figure out a way to shoehorn Anakin's relationships with Obi-Wan and Padme. Yes, the prequels were godawful in terms of execution, but even in the hands of more capable writers and directors, could the ideas I just listed been executed more properly? Moreover, could they have snuck in some story arcs from Clone Wars for good measure?

I put some thought into it and think there's a strong premise here. Obviously they couldn't have stuffed all of Clone Wars into three movies. But they could have picked several stories. I came up with my idea for a better way to structure it.

Here's how I'd retool it:

The Phantom Menace

Personally I would have gone with the Maul & Mandalore plot, It was the best in the series, for Episode 1. Gut what is currently Episode 1 down to the fight with Darth Maul where Qui-Gon dies being the start of the film, then have a time skip and play it out from there. It gives a clear protagonist and antagonist, lets Obi-Wan have a film where he is the real main character, and let's us truly see a "Jedi in love" who is bound by his duty and loses it all. The storyline is already powerful, it could have made a great movie. You could even have the entire Mandalorian crisis be the jumping off point for the Clone Wars. The Sith (Maul) will have revealed themselves once more, etc. And it helps make sense of why Jango Fett, a Mandalorian, would even want to be the person all these clones are based on.

Attack of the Clones

The Clone Wars start and we see Anakin as a real hero, as well as his relationship and camaraderie with Obi-Wan. I would use the Slaves of Kadavo arc for an exciting, pulpy serial, opening that does a good job of showing these two characters working together. After that you can still have the Padme romance aspect... although it would have to be written much better. Then instead of getting captured and put in an arena or whatever I would utilize material from the Landing at Point Rain arc. This wouldn't be the start of the Clone Wars. It should be a huge, important battle in the ongoing conflict. I would incorporate aspects of the Umbara arc for part of this movie, also one of the best arcs in that series, but include Anakin and Obi-Wan. Use Krell and his betrayal to foreshadow Anakin's own fall to the dark side.

Revenge of the Sith

You can still have Palpatine kidnapped at the start and his influence over Anakin grow stronger. Forcing Obi-Wan to be away from Anakin should be utilized in -this- movie to have Obi-Wan go to Kamino. But instead of whatever happens in episode 2, incorporate the order 66 arc and have him discover the chips in the Clones' heads. But by time he figures out what it is, it will be too late. Anakin will have already become Darth Vader and most of the Jedi order will have been wiped out. And the stuff with Anakin's love story with Padme here could echo back to Obi-Wan's relationship with Satine in episode 1 and help inform his own understanding of what Anakin is going through. Make it clear Obi-Wan could have gone down a similar path to Anakin and that Obi-Wan can tragically relate. You can still have the climactic battle in the Volcano, but Anakin's turn should be much more deliberate and better justified than he accidentally choked his wife or something.

But what other ideas do we have? It's not like it will ever happen, but if Lucasfilm ever decided to do a complete redo of the PT with TCW elements, what would you like to see?


With the prequels, it would need it to be a Page One rewrite from the start, where basically everything would need to get chucked out. If I couldn't do a complete overhaul of those films from the ground-up, I wouldn't want to do them.
With the prequels, it would need it to be a Page One rewrite from the start, where basically everything would need to get chucked out. If I couldn't do a complete overhaul of those films from the ground-up, I wouldn't want to do them.

You should watch the Clone Wars because it sounds like you haven't if you think everything needs to be chucked out.


Comics, serious business!
With the prequels, it would need it to be a Page One rewrite from the start, where basically everything would need to get chucked out. If I couldn't do a complete overhaul of those films from the ground-up, I wouldn't want to do them.

You can't just do that. Original trilogy, clone wars, canon novels, and new movies rest on the prequels.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Part of the issue with the prequel trilogy is just that.

It's a prequel trilogy of movies.

Too much ground to cover if you want to actually explain shit, and not enough time to explain it all in.

Even if we scrapped Episode 1, turned labrythn of evil into Episode 2, and have that run directly into Episode 3 like the book does (think Rogue One into Episode IV) you'd sorta fix Anikan's downfall. You'd still not explain the clone wars or anything in a wider context though.


The entire prequel trilogy would be different if I had say in it

  • The entire Trilogy would take place during the Clone Wars. Anakin would be an adult and with Obi-Wan already. Episode 1 would be about the start of the war
  • No "Chosen One" prophecy
  • Darth Maul and Palpatine would be the villain duo throughout the trilogy
  • Padme/Anakin love story would be downplayed
  • The Jedi would already be something that seem to be fading out. Fewer people becoming Jedi, fewer people believing in The Force
  • Anakin wouldn't build C-3PO. In fact, R2 and 3PO wouldn't be in the prequel trilogy
  • Anakin would fall to the dark side because he thought its power would give him an edge in the Clone Wars. Not by being tricked by Palpatine
  • Third movie would feature mostly in-suit Darth Vader going full Rouge One-ending on the remaining Jedi
  • The Jedi would fall because they went against a Sith Lord who utilized powers beyond what they were prepared for, they wouldn't fall because they were idiots
  • Stormtroopers wouldn't be Boba Fett clones
Episode 1: The outbreak of the war with Qui Gon and Oli Wan teaming up with Amadala to stop ti. Qui Gon dies. War breaks out anyway.

Episode 2: The war is in progress. Short on Jedi, Kenobi recruits a war orphan with force sensitivity, Anikan.

Episode 3: Anikan wanting the war to end slides to the darkside, helps the order of the Empire trump the chaos of a galaxy in flames.
Wait, WAS Jango Mandalorian? I thought Almec said something to the effect of "No, Fett was just some asshole wearing some of our armor".


I think the whole Mandalore/Maul storyline fleshes out the universe so well that it should be the backbone of the prequels. I'd honestly make that into a whole movie... take the highlights of TPM/AOTC and merge them into that story.

I'd actually have Obi-Wan spare Maul after he kills Qui-Gon, on orders from the Jedi Council (they need him for information or whatever). Have the whole Mandalorian neutrality thing on the backburner for the first movie, show the past between him and Satine, his struggles trying to convince them to join the cause peacefully during the early stages of the war.

Then in the second movie - Maul is back in action, fucking shit up. Big battle for Mandalore. Maul dies. Satine dies. The planet is in flames and is essentially a lost cause.

Anakin sees firsthand why the Jedi way doesn't work. Obi-Wan lived by the code - no attachments, follow orders, use diplomacy. What does he get for it? Just suffering and loss.

Then ROTS plays out more or less the same, but with Anakin actively pursuing the Dark Side rather than being seduced into it.


Wait, WAS Jango Mandalorian? I thought Almec said something to the effect of "No, Fett was just some asshole wearing some of our armor".

Pretty yes you're right. He claims he was from Concord Dawn, a mandalorian world but the claims were never verified and he was called a pretender from the Mandalorian government.


There is so much good in TCW that it's hard to pick just a few arcs. Something small I really liked was that dream fight between Yoda and Anakin against Sidious and Dooku. I feel like that scene should've actually been what happened when Anakin killed Dooku but replace Yoda with Obi-wan.

That whole Mortis storyline should die in a fire though.
I haven't seen much/any of the Clone Wars TV show (the 3D one, I saw all of the Tartakovsky one). While I'm sure there is a lot of cool stuff therein, I would scrap so much of the prequel trilogy that I'm sure it would completely affect what happens in that show and make using anything from it fairly meaningless. But I could be wrong on that...


No bald cap? Lies!
First and foremost I would make the trilogy only follow Anakin and Obi-Wan during the course of the war for all three films. No Qui Gon, Princess Amidala just a Padme type character, Naboo, etc.

  • Jedi would not be leading the war effort, that was just dumb for an order of supposed peaceful warrior monks to prosecute an entire war.
  • Many Jedi, like Obi-Wan and Anakin, would participate in the war though.
  • The main focus over the trilogy being Obi-Wan trying to guide his padawan while in the middle of a galactic civil war and their increasing participation in that.
  • Dooku, or someone like him would be leading the Separatist movement. A former Jedi, disillusioned with the Order and bloated Republic they swore to protect.
  • Clones should have been on the Separatist side, not the Republic, it's such a morally problematic issue that makes no sense for the Republic to support, let alone the Jedi.
  • First film should focus on a specific battle/planet and the struggles and trauma associated with them and how Obi and Anakin cope and deal with the challenges that face them and ultimately lead to them fully committing to the war effort.
  • With the second film then covering when Obi-Wan and Anakin take official command and completely take part in the war as it enters its bloodiest and darkest time. Challenging Obi-Wan and really affecting Anakin's view of the world and what is right and wrong. Ending with the turning point in the war.
  • Third film would then deal with the conflict between Obi-wan and Anakin as Obi and the rest of the Jedi oppose the Republic/Palpatine's actions in prosecuting the closing out of the war. Choosing to wipe the Separatists off the map rather than sue for peace and reconciliation. Anakin himself disillusioned by the horrors of the war supports these extreme actions and the very militant and authoritarian stance the Republic has moved towards during the war, while the rest of the Jedi now see the influence of the Dark Side controlling the Republic.
  • Final battle between Republic and Separatists occurs, Obi-Wan and other Jedi go to protect and try and save what Separatists still live and Anakin sees them as traitors, they fight in a volcano, he loses. Jedi are labeled enemies of the state. Anakin gets a big black leather suite. We know all the rest. End.
In regards to actual arcs from the show. My exact recollection isn't great enough to specify any particulars, but I do remember there being more than a few episodes and arcs that could be used as at least a template for most of these conflicts. Stuff like Ryloth and the Twi'leks and Mon Calamari and so on including the Mandelorians. They could basically rip off KotoR 2's Malachor V battle for the ending of the 2nd or 3rd film.


You should watch the Clone Wars because it sounds like you haven't if you think everything needs to be chucked out.

I did watch Clone Wars and I enjoyed it. It doesn't change the fact the show was built upon a notoriously shiity foundation that could vastly be improved upon, though.

You can't just do that. Original trilogy, clone wars, canon novels, and new movies rest on the prequels.

Not sure I understand this comment. You realize the original trilogy came out before the prequels were even made, right? In addition, the new movies also bear almost zero relation to them. And if I was making new movies, why would I give a damn about the old EU? Force Awakens sure didn't, and it was undoubtedly a better film for it.
After Ankain's origin, Ashoka would take over as the main character


Anakin works best as a supporting/tragic character. Vader/Anakin is my favorite character in SW but they butchered that in the PT.
Scrap the Phantom Menace storyline altogether. It has no real reason to exist, other than Finding Anakin, and the Duel of the Fates.

Make it more a focus on, y'know, the actual Clone Wars (it's baffling that the movies skirt around a massive galactic war), and more specifically the relationship between Obi Wan and Anakin.

Try to add more twists to the Anakin becoming Darth Vader thing than none at all.


Comics, serious business!
Not sure I understand this comment. You realize the original trilogy came out before the prequels were even made, right? In addition, the new movies also bear almost zero relation to them. And if I was making new movies, why would I give a damn about the old EU? Force Awakens sure didn't, and it was undoubtedly a better film for it.

I'm assuming you haven't consumed much Star Wars outside of the movies? Tarkin? Thrawn? Lords of the Sith? Darth Vader/Star Wars comics? Battlefront games? Post OT books? Rogue One? If you want to re-do the PT then you have to basically say, "ok, I'm starting all of Star Wars from scratch."


I'm assuming you haven't consumed much Star Wars outside of the movies? Tarkin? Thrawn? Lords of the Sith? Darth Vader/Star Wars comics? Battlefront games? Post OT books? Rogue One? If you want to re-do the PT then you have to basically say, "ok, I'm starting all of Star Wars from scratch."

If I'm going to redo the prequels, George Lucas...let me redo the damn prequels. What's the point of you asking me to come down here to redo them if you're telling me I basically have to make exactly the same movies you made out of fear of disrupting the narrative for a bunch extrinsic products?

Lucasfilm basically said "Okay, we're starting much of Star Wars from scratch" in 2012 by erasing approximately a bazillion EU works outside of six movies. If I'm re-making your damn prequels for you George, I want the creative license to do the same, or else I'm out of here.


Yeah. Above all else, I really don't know why there was an entire movie before that other than to have the pod racing action scene and Liam Neeson in an entire movie.

GL wanted a movie where Anakin was totally innocent to contrast him with Vader, to show how Palpatine became the chancellor, and to show the Galactic Republic before the war began.

The only things I'd change would be adding Dooku to TPM, retooling the romance in AotC, and adding deleted scenes from AotC and RotS back in. I really enjoy the plot of the prequels, so I wouldn't want it to be changed too much. The problem was the execution.


The entire prequel trilogy would be different if I had say in it

  • The entire Trilogy would take place during the Clone Wars. Anakin would be an adult and with Obi-Wan already. Episode 1 would be about the start of the war
  • No "Chosen One" prophecy
  • Darth Maul and Palpatine would be the villain duo throughout the trilogy
  • Padme/Anakin love story would be downplayed
  • The Jedi would already be something that seem to be fading out. Fewer people becoming Jedi, fewer people believing in The Force
  • Anakin wouldn't build C-3PO. In fact, R2 and 3PO wouldn't be in the prequel trilogy
  • Anakin would fall to the dark side because he thought its power would give him an edge in the Clone Wars. Not by being tricked by Palpatine
  • Third movie would feature mostly in-suit Darth Vader going full Rouge One-ending on the remaining Jedi
  • The Jedi would fall because they went against a Sith Lord who utilized powers beyond what they were prepared for, they wouldn't fall because they were idiots
  • Stormtroopers wouldn't be Boba Fett clones

First and foremost I would make the trilogy only follow Anakin and Obi-Wan during the course of the war for all three films. No Qui Gon, Princess Amidala just a Padme type character, Naboo, etc.

  • Jedi would not be leading the war effort, that was just dumb for an order of supposed peaceful warrior monks to prosecute an entire war.
  • Many Jedi, like Obi-Wan and Anakin, would participate in the war though.
  • The main focus over the trilogy being Obi-Wan trying to guide his padawan while in the middle of a galactic civil war and their increasing participation in that.
  • Dooku, or someone like him would be leading the Separatist movement. A former Jedi, disillusioned with the Order and bloated Republic they swore to protect.
  • Clones should have been on the Separatist side, not the Republic, it's such a morally problematic issue that makes no sense for the Republic to support, let alone the Jedi.
  • First film should focus on a specific battle/planet and the struggles and trauma associated with them and how Obi and Anakin cope and deal with the challenges that face them and ultimately lead to them fully committing to the war effort.
  • With the second film then covering when Obi-Wan and Anakin take official command and completely take part in the war as it enters its bloodiest and darkest time. Challenging Obi-Wan and really affecting Anakin's view of the world and what is right and wrong. Ending with the turning point in the war.
  • Third film would then deal with the conflict between Obi-wan and Anakin as Obi and the rest of the Jedi oppose the Republic/Palpatine's actions in prosecuting the closing out of the war. Choosing to wipe the Separatists off the map rather than sue for peace and reconciliation. Anakin himself disillusioned by the horrors of the war supports these extreme actions and the very militant and authoritarian stance the Republic has moved towards during the war, while the rest of the Jedi now see the influence of the Dark Side controlling the Republic.
  • Final battle between Republic and Separatists occurs, Obi-Wan and other Jedi go to protect and try and save what Separatists still live and Anakin sees them as traitors, they fight in a volcano, he loses. Jedi are labeled enemies of the state. Anakin gets a big black leather suite. We know all the rest. End.
In regards to actual arcs from the show. My exact recollection isn't great enough to specify any particulars, but I do remember there being more than a few episodes and arcs that could be used as at least a template for most of these conflicts. Stuff like Ryloth and the Twi'leks and Mon Calamari and so on including the Mandelorians. They could basically rip off KotoR 2's Malachor V battle for the ending of the 2nd or 3rd film.

Mash these two posts together and we have a winner.


Junior Member
One of the big issues with the Prequel Trilogy is that Lucas tried to make it a sort of "repeat" of the events of the OT (or vice versa I guess), recreating the same general "arc" of events in each part. Phantom Menace was basically a remake of A New Hope, and so-on. This is most effective when you compare Revenge of the Sith to Return of the Jedi.

Personally I would keep the general idea of trying to make the whole thing a "twist" on the plot arcs of the OT, most of all in Episode 3. A big change though (which everybody seems to be suggesting) is having Ep 1 start out chronologically at least where Attack of the Clones started.

And honestly, I actually still think podracing could still be worked in, or something similar.


No bald cap? Lies!
One of the biggest fundamental issues with the PT as it stands and with any rebooting of it, especially in a way that makes sense like focusing all three films on the Clone Wars and the how that trauma shapes and ultimately destroys Anakin, is the fact that you have to actually create a real connection and bond between Anakin and Obi-Wan that even after everything bad that happens is still something Obi-Wan cherishes and smiles about in his later years.

The PT failed miserably in doing that as all the characters felt so artificial and completely devoid of any genuine emotions or personality, save for McGregor, while also having a story that was overly complex, needlessly political and nonsensical which completely did nothing to help bring people together or tell the story of a Jedi Master and his best friend and Padawan. It was a shit show from top to bottom.

That said, to reboot the PT in a way like I outlined would certainly make the rise of the Empire and fall of Anakin make more sense, be more straightforward and logical, but it would also still be somewhat hard to convey that relationship and bond between Anakin and Obi-Wan. It's just too depressing and dark a saga. Plenty of films and stories have developed great comradery between characters in war torn and conflict heavy settings, but extending that out for 3 films is a pretty tall order. So I kind of understand why Lucas may have framed the story how he did, however misguided that was in the end.

But even if you were to do something completely different like have the first 2 films focused on something else entirely, following Anakin and Obi-Wan just doing some light hearted adventury Jedi shit there's also the fact that at the end of the day any story who's end goal is the utter ruination of a central character is going to be kind of a downer in what is essentially a light space fantasy series. It's a thing you can reference and use in the OT, but it's not exactly great for actually showing how it came to be. It's too depressing, sad and disturbing. They had him kill fucking children in cold blood. Like what the fuck, this is Star Wars.

Blowing up a planet full of people is in the abstract, showing immediate anguish and fear and all that kind of stuff is easily relatable in the moment and helps build tension but trying to get an audience to really like a character a whole lot and then gradually turn that person into a militant sociopath who murders kids and innocents by their own hand isn't really what anyone wants to see.

The Clone Wars series had over a hundred episodes to handle this and most were not actually set in and about front line combat, but all sorts of random shit that was happening elsewhere and around the war. They had serious and dramatic battles and events that were then often surrounded by tons of much less dramatic and adventury stories. There was lots and lots of breathing room in the show, which is much harder to do in a few ~2 hour long movies that have to cover a much greater amount of time and character development than several dozen hours of a TV show.
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