I just use standard zip ties. My entertainment center has a backing board as well so it hides the wiring.
Does anyone know of some people who might be willing to make custom cables for money? Thanks.
What kind of cables do you need? These guys have a lot of different sorts of cables, and they actually seem to manufacture them themselves. Last time I ordered from them, they sent me an email my order would be shipped the next week after the cable had been manufactured.
So you could email them and ask them if they don't have what you need.
also,his head is a opa opa thats pretty good
In what sense?And Neo Geo CD Fatal Fury 3 I've heard is a down grade from FF Special, but I didn't have it, and for $10 figured I could give it a whirl.
I think "downgrade" is too general a term--my bad. I haven't played it yet, but one thing I know is the number of playable characters is smaller than from Fatal Fury Special.In what sense?
longer loading times?
I wanna go there!^^You guys should totally try to come, Irish! It's scheduled for October 18-19 this year. I'll bring a console or two to play in the hotel, so we'll get no sleep! lol
Holy shit.
A Playstation still in the box.
gorgeous. where'd you pull that pic from man?
Holy shit.
A Playstation still in the box.
Is that Rare? I have my Playstation 1 still in the box...
not at all. the joke is only being impressed by the playstation amongst all the boxed saturn stuff.
So, that Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and the Battle That Defined a Generation book came out today. I'm about 65 pages in, and I can safely recommend it to all of you. It's excellent. It's basically an in-depth look at all the shenanigans going on between Sega and Nintendo in the '90s, and there's a lot of stuff that'll be of particular interest to people who are into old-school gaming. The book is really well-written, too.
It's a bit on the pricey side, but it's 576 pages, so I think it's worth shelling out for.
damn, i'm sleepin on it for the moment so please post up new stuff you guys learn...i'm gonna be all over this sometime soon, just wondering how much is stuff we don't know. don't know how much faith i have in the film project but it could be cool!
So, that Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and the Battle That Defined a Generation book came out today. I'm about 65 pages in, and I can safely recommend it to all of you. It's excellent. It's basically an in-depth look at all the shenanigans going on between Sega and Nintendo in the '90s, and there's a lot of stuff that'll be of particular interest to people who are into old-school gaming. The book is really well-written, too.
It's a bit on the pricey side, but it's 576 pages, so I think it's worth shelling out for.
Sorry for the self promotion, but I will be interviewing the author, Blake J. Harris this week if you have any questions for him. You can reply to this or post them in the Back in my Play thread:
It's not so much a series of "did you know?" factoids and more of a narrative of all the crazy shit that went down. It's like every single battle that Sega of America and Sega of Japan had is chronicled here, and you get a sense for who the good guys and bad guys were in this industry.
Do ya'll keep backup consoles and controllers? I mean like if one should fail, you have a another one.
Oh, nice. I'll be sure to tune in for that one.