preordered mine with red & blue! Zelda LE too, hoping bomberman is a fair price cause fuck im happy he's back
honestly, Zelda + bomberman makes this a better launch lineup for me than PS4/XB easily too
$50 more than i expected, paying for online sucks but i don't really do that anywhere anyway, and the price on the pro controller stings. the real bad news is the lack of pack-in game, though for sure 1,2 Switch was it
oh and No More Heroes 3 was my big surprise of the evening
I feel like there's a contingent out there who every single generation say "I was a huge Nintendo fan until today, now I hate them". Like they said it about the Gamecube sucking after the 'loved' the N64, the Wii after the 'loved' the Gamecube (the weirdest one since the Wii sold 5X the GCN), the Wii U after they 'loved' the Wii. Like revisionist fake fans who are apparently constantly at a turning point of hatred.
Actually, I guess it's the same thing with Star Wars fans... Maybe it's just a standard neckbeard emotional cycle.
Oh yeah that's actually huge. First ever for a Nintendo home console.
agreed with all of this - and having had a day 1 GC, i love all the love that system now gets from people who weren't touching it with a 10' pole at the time, haha
I'm glad there's some positive reactions here. I just don't understand the software drought though. You'd think they'd have a nice launch library to make sure this system sold well out of the gate. It's my biggest concern. They've not had many heavy hitters over the past two years.
But the only huge first party games we're getting in 2017 (so far) are a Zelda port, Xenoblade 2 and Mario.
i can agree with this, i was definitely expecting at least more WU ports at/around launch - mario maker, smash, etc. still hoping there.
Mostly I increasingly think that GAF is an incredibly toxic place to talk about anything Nintendo related.
god yes, i imagine much of the net is like that with whatever ambiguous term "core gamers" is now too, but at least this spot's cool
I love it. It's basically what I was expecting: a somewhat powerful portable console I could easily use on my TV. It seems like a good home for Japanese developers filling in the void that the Vita and 3DS are leaving.
I commute by train every day for about an hour and a half so it will be awesome being able to play this to and from work.
strongly hopeful for the first part there, yeah - that's one of the biggest selling points i think, really hoping we see more japenese development on that front, there's a handful of companies that really kept the vita kicking along that i expect/hope to migrate
and i don't game on the go for very long bits of time so we'll see how much that battery life does me in, i'm guessing killing wifi and downing the brightness a bit (a la the 3DS) helps