Nephews are awesome.
So, I'm at E3, and Nintendo is clearly the only thing worth giving a shit about anymore.
In the console space I've felt this way since the beginning of this gen.So, I'm at E3, and Nintendo is clearly the only thing worth giving a shit about anymore.
So, I'm at E3, and Nintendo is clearly the only thing worth giving a shit about anymore.
I mean... not really. I get the cynicism about modern western gaming, but when I say nintendo is the only thing that gets me excited in the console space, I'm speaking to 1st party offerings. Uncharted is boring. Halo is no longer for me. But there are tons of games that look fantastic coming out on a pretty regular basis, from the east and west alike. Games like Anthem or Assassin's Creed origins are experimenting a bit in a stagnant AAA space -- or at minimum within the devs' personal comfort zone -- and there are games like Wolfenstein that are just fun as hell.Ultimately it's all that makes giving a shit about. Always has been the case. Not to be a fanboy, but there is Nintendo and then all else as catch up. I mean, just look at that new Spidey game and it is hard to feel anything but a bit sad at what the industry has become. Thankfully there seems to be an upswing in stuff from Japanese devs.
My favorite slow mech sim, easily. Enjoy it, it's rough!
I think the controller and adds a lot to the game but overshadows how good the game itself is.
Eh, I look forward to what's coming on PS4, X1 and Switch equally. There's more than enough games to last me for a long time with those consoles. I'm down with those Nintendo exclusives, but I need that third party support that the PS4 and X1 offers as well.
So, I'm at E3, and Nintendo is clearly the only thing worth giving a shit about anymore.
I won't be able to play DB Fighterz on a Nintendo platform, so I'll disagree.
I mean, just look at that new Spidey game and it is hard to feel anything but a bit sad at what the industry has become. Thankfully there seems to be an upswing in stuff from Japanese devs.
I never set out to be a Nintendo fanboy it just seems to have happened. The fact that the switch is just so much fun to use certainly helps.
This has been my e3
Huh.. Nice power for the price but there's no games I want to play on it. I already have a gaming pc with twice the teraflops. According to xbox more teraflops is more fun right?
God of war has my interest but I'll wait for reviews and when it drops to $20
SOTC is one of the all time greats but I've already beat it a dozen times so eh
Omg Mario x rabbids actually looks great!
Omg Yoshi looks incredible!
Omg rocket league on switch? Fuck yeah!
Omg Kirby looks incredible!
Omg metroid prime 4!
Omg a new 2d metroid!
Omg mario looks incredible!
Omg xenoblade 2 looks incredible!
Omg a new mainline Pokemon confirmed for switch!
Omg Zelda dlc. I love botw!
There's a few 3rd party games that have my attention too. Mvci, dbz, Wolfenstein, Southpark but that's about it. My modern gaming interests these days is really with Nintendo and indies. I've mostly checked out of AAA gaming with a few exceptions.
Meanwhile, Noughty Dog and Sony's other studios have me hooked; MS's technological and emulation efforts have me excited; and indie/multiplats will look and perform better on the 4k consoles.
Windjammers is so damn good by the way. I played a few rounds against the CPU before work this morning. Part of it, however, feels a very half baked though.
Like the characters should have more personality and there should be more stages/environments. There should also be more than 6 characters. And the two minigames (the dog catching the disc and the bowling one) feel very out of place and have a score count despite there not being a score count in the rest of the game. Also, the entire 1 player mode is just 6 rounds against the CPU opponents with no ending or "boss" opponent. The whole affair lacks drama that most classic arcade games tend to have.
It's a good thing that the core gameplay is so darn good. Because it's a very sparse overall package. Still, I can't wait to play this game with some human opponents. It's going to be extremely addictive.
The backwards compatibility stuff is amazing. Especially given we still don't have an xbox emulator on PC. Praying against all hope that MS starts a VC-like service on W10 with their xbox and 360 emulators.Microsoft is absolutely killing it for me for the same reasons. When Microsoft is the underdog they do great work
Wow, really, I didn't know that! I pretty much get a lot of new games nowadays due to them getting cheaper overtime.My list is considerably shorter, but I hardly buy games these days:
Lately my obsession has been plants and vivaria, so that's where all my money has gone. Also been slowly going through some backlog so there's no rush.Wow, really, I didn't know that! I pretty much get a lot of new games nowadays due to them getting cheaper overtime.
Because it's a very sparse overall package. Still, I can't wait to play this game with some human opponents. It's going to be extremely addictive.
The backwards compatibility stuff is amazing. Especially given we still don't have an xbox emulator on PC. Praying against all hope that MS starts a VC-like service on W10 with their xbox and 360 emulators.
It's still a pretty impressive stroke of engineering getting an emulator for the 360 working on a console that is, by modern standards, rather weak. Especially in the CPU department. It's definitely a feat of high-level emulation even with all their documentation.Microsoft have all the documentation to get an emulator up and running, for them it just takes the will to do so, not really comparable to people trying to code an emulator on pc.
It's still a pretty impressive stroke of engineering getting an emulator for the 360 working on a console that is, by modern standards, rather weak. Especially in the CPU department. It's definitely a feat of high-level emulation even with all their documentation.
I don't see how you can make this claim when we don't know enough about the 360 or og xbox to even create comparable emulators.it was always possible though given that sony managed to do the same with ps2 emulation on ps4, and thats an even greater achievement given the complexity of that hardware.
I don't see how you can make this claim when we don't know enough about the 360 or og xbox to even create comparable emulators.
Crossposting from the PC Engine-thread:
So guys, i just got myself this beauty:
Crossposting from the PC Engine-thread:
So guys, i just got myself this beauty:
This is some of the pimpest shit I have ever seen on retro GAF.
So cool!!!Crossposting from the PC Engine-thread:
So guys, i just got myself this beauty:
Get a real copy of Dracula X instead of that fan hacked nasty one. It has the PSP intro sound shoved in.
Wow, that PC-Engine setup is pretty awesome.
Is that a better/more reliable solution, compared to the Turbo Duo, which I often see mentioned on that regard due to its tendency to fail?
This is my first time as well. Wasnt even remotely popular in Europe, and Im not sure it was even sold here in Norway.
So happy that i now get to explore a completely new (for me) 16-bit library.
Crossposting from the PC Engine-thread:
So guys, i just got myself this beauty: