Well bought a few retro related items for the first time since my RGB cables last year. And the flavor is old school
1) Outrun Sega Saturn - Imported this one from a Japanese storefront. One of THE games that marked me as a video games enthusiast for life, I'm happy to have a console definitive version of this classic at long last! Already ripped and listening to the '96 arranged tunes as I type this!
I DID note after buying that there was two versions of this, one unable to play on 2nd model Saturns. And owning a 2nd model Saturn, I was a bit dreadful of a possible bittersweet outcome. But I hooked up the system yesterday and everything ran fine! WHEW!
2) Streets of Rage - This is one Sega classic I HAVEN'T had the pleasure of playing before. Not even in emulated form even, which is weird. Saw it at a local retro shop and figured it a no brainer to add to my "paltry" (+ Panorama Cotton) Genesis/Mega Drive collection. Can't wait to maybe fire it up during the weekend! Only ever played and owned Streets of Rage 2 and rented SoR3 a couple times, so I'm going in knowing the first game is it's own beast so to speak.
3) Official 6-button Genesis Pad - Figured I'd get this at the same retro place I got SoR, since I only have one other 6 button controller, the
SG PROPAD 6, that while great with neat features (map button combos to one of the two top trigger buttons, turbo, start spa...erm..slow motion), it's D-pad, while serviceable, can't beat the feel of the genuine article. Stop gap though, I'm aiming for them wireless 6-button controllers next!