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Retro-GAF unite!

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I might have to pick that up. Looks pretty rad.

I also need to buy an actual Mega Drive at some point. I've still never owned one.


Oh yeah I had that date last night

Got to mine at 10pm after a meal, didn't get to watch a film or even look at any games. She left at 2am.

I'm tired.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Lol that thread is glorious. As if "The Last of Us" is an improvement over freaking Super Mario World.

And congrats Rich, next time you show her the scanlines and this relationship should be a done deal.


Crossposting from the Saturn thread, with pics I took especially for you, sir. :D

(Dragon Ball Z Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu, Decathlete and The Story of Thor 2)

(Street Fighter: Real Battle on Film, Panzer Dragoon I & II, Rabbit and Sonic Council)

(Duke Nukem 3D)

My Saturn is getting some love!
Spine cards AND reg cards that's a thing of beauty right there. I should really take a look at Decathlete - and not just because the Olympics are on. Does it come recommended for someone who doesn't play sports games? Not the first time I've seen it mentioned.

Oh and I'll post my (smaller) haul when it arrives as well :)


Some folks won't consider this retro, but tonight I ordered Shadow Hearts 1 and 2!

Total cost was $80 so not amazing prices, but not bad either. Super excited to finally play them!

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Some folks won't consider this retro, but tonight I ordered Shadow Hearts 1 and 2!

Total cost was $80 so not amazing prices, but not bad either. Super excited to finally play them!

Those are both great games. I was surprised how good the first one was, given how lukewarm the reception was in 2001. But then, all anyone wanted to hear about back then was FFX.

I played through SH Covenant a few months ago, and it was excellent. One of those games that remind you how much better the genre used to be.


Spine cards AND reg cards that's a thing of beauty right there. I should really take a look at Decathlete - and not just because the Olympics are on. Does it come recommended for someone who doesn't play sports games? Not the first time I've seen it mentioned.

Oh and I'll post my (smaller) haul when it arrives as well :)

Please do!

And about Decathlete, I always recommend it (along with Winter Heat), especially if you can enjoy it in multiplayer. It's way less controller-crushing than your traditional 'olympic' game from that/previous eras, so it's not a stressful experience in that regard. It's so cheap, though, you can test it out by yourself without worring too much about wasting your money. And yeah, visually is still stunning, in my opinion. One of the best 3D games on the Saturn.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Ain't what I heard. Girl tried to upscale his 240p, but he had sync issues. She was all like "u lookin kinda JP21 right now, bae."
I've started up grabbing more retro Capcom games for my collection, since I don't see me buying any current gen games until December (Yakuza 6 woo!) I have enough cash to go after a couple of the rarer outstanding games I need. So far I've had the following arrive:


F1 Dream and 1943 Kai for the PC Engine


Forgotten Worlds for the Mega Drive and PC Engine
Nice! Forgotten Worlds is one of my all time favorites.

Thanks :) I'm interested to see how the console versions control since they lack the dedicated 360 aiming controls (instead mapping that function to a separate button). Also not pictured is the Master System version that I forgot I owned (must have picked it up months/years ago back when I could get MS games cheap from Gamestation!



Forgotten Worlds for the Mega Drive and PC Engine

Nice! Forgotten Worlds is one of my all time favorites.
Love for Forgotten Worlds! Yesss!

I haven't put a lot of time into the PC Engine version--probably because it took me forever to acquire a functioning 3-button pad. I think it'll work with the stock 2-button pad, but it's kinda weird having to use the Run button. I have a real soft spot for the Mega Drive/Genesis version. I actually prefer it over the arcade, since it's easier. lol



Was that a troll? That's too ridiculous. If someone says "I used to play the first Mario" or "I loved Sonic on my brother's Nintendo", 99% of the time that's just idle banter to gloss over and move on to chatting about something else. You're not supposed to drone on about the current state of the video game industry or entertain ideas of playing The Last of Us or Bloodborne through the evening. At BEST it's an opening to play 30~ minutes of a fun, light multiplayer game like Nintendoland or Mario Party.

What's wrong with people being oblivious to social cues? :(


Getting OT, but that's a common problem in the dating threads here and I think just in general. A lot of people get so excited when the see someone likes x game or y show, but liking the same entertainment means fuck-all when it comes to actually how compatible you will be.

And yeah, this is a forum where people ask stuff like how often to wash towels or how to eat sandwiches, so it doesn't shock me that there's people that are literally hitting every checkbox in the "gamer" stereotype.

Love for Forgotten Worlds! Yesss!

I haven't put a lot of time into the PC Engine version--probably because it took me forever to acquire a functioning 3-button pad. I think it'll work with the stock 2-button pad, but it's kinda weird having to use the Run button. I have a real soft spot for the Mega Drive/Genesis version. I actually prefer it over the arcade, since it's easier. lol

I love the Genesis version, but I wish it had come out later so they could have used more memory so that the levels wouldn't have been cut out.


Hit up my neighborhood Barnes & Noble the other night and came across SEGA Archive.

It's from Retro Gamer, and most (all?) of the content is compiled from the regular magazine. I'm a regular reader of Retro Gamer, but it's nice to have the SEGA stuff collected in a volume.

Just wish these things weren't so darned expensive! lol

Was that in the magazine section. I went to B&N but couldn't find it.
I've started up grabbing more retro Capcom games for my collection, since I don't see me buying any current gen games until December (Yakuza 6 woo!) I have enough cash to go after a couple of the rarer outstanding games I need. So far I've had the following arrive:


F1 Dream and 1943 Kai for the PC Engine


Forgotten Worlds for the Mega Drive and PC Engine

The PC Engine love warms the cockles of my heart.

1943 and Forgotten Worlds are both good shit on the PCE.

I recently got some PCE goodness too.



I love the Genesis version, but I wish it had come out later so they could have used more memory so that the levels wouldn't have been cut out.
Yeah, it would have been nice. I'm just amazed it was localized for the US at all. But then again, the Genesis was heavily into arcade ports, which is probably why the console ranks so high for me. Having grown up with the arcade scene, the arrival of the Genesis was a godsend. I had played my fair share of shmups on the NES, but playing Forgotten Worlds and Thunder Force II on the Genesis really cemented my love for them.
Was that in the magazine section. I went to B&N but couldn't find it.
Yup, in the magazine section.


Speaking of books, I ordered that book on the Atari 2600 hardware called Racing the Beam the other day. It's the first in the Platform Studies series of books, of which I Am Error is also included. And since I thought that one was really interesting I figured I'd pick up this one as well, even though I don't really have as much of a connection to the VCS as I do to the NES. I just find it really interesting to read about hardware limitations and the clever ways the designers had to create their games around them. Can't wait to get it!


Speaking of books, I ordered that book on the Atari 2600 hardware called Racing the Beam the other day. It's the first in the Platform Studies series of books, of which I Am Error is also included. And since I thought that one was really interesting I figured I'd pick up this one as well, even though I don't really have as much of a connection to the VCS as I do to the NES. I just find it really interesting to read about hardware limitations and the clever ways the designers had to create their games around them. Can't wait to get it!
Cool, thought about getting it, too. Be sure to share your impressions.

I just ordered Game After by Raiford Guins after hearing good things about it. And that book about code, 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10. I don't know shit about code, but it sounded so interesting. Hope I can follow it properly.

Any other book recommendations?


10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10.



Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
woodypop! long time no see m'man, how you been

both the SMS & Genny books are class, enjoy

There was a book that had SNES and Genesis stuff, and I was going to go back and buy that a few days after I saw it at B&N. By that time, it was gone. Guess I can buy it online, though.




The website has a short write-up about it. http://10print.org/
10print.org said:
This book takes a single line of code—the extremely concise BASIC program for the Commodore 64 inscribed in the title—and uses it as a lens through which to consider the phenomenon of creative computing and the way computer programs exist in culture. The authors of this collaboratively written book treat code not as merely functional but as a text—in the case of 10 PRINT, a text that appeared in many different printed sources—that yields a story about its making, its purpose, its assumptions, and more. They consider randomness and regularity in computing and art, the maze in culture, the popular BASIC programming language, and the highly influential Commodore 64 computer.
The idea to think programs from this perspective is super interesting i think. Also adding the element of chance or randomness into a text or making it basically the foundation of your text is something you almost only see in play or games. I like the idea of thinking about games as code, and if it makes sense to analyze games as code. Hope it'll give me some insight and/or ideas about it. I really know nothing about code at all. Except for that BASIC introduction I attended five or six times - but that was a long time ago, haha!

You can download the pdf of the book for free. It's written in part by the same people that wrote that Atari book Racing the Beam. The one synt4x bought.
http://nickm.com/trope_tank/10_PRINT_121114.pdf (50MB)

Finally did a write up on my Color TV Game 15.
Verdict? Probably skip this one, it's just not as cool as the 6 or the Block Breaker.
Cool, ty!


I don't think I played on a single game all of last week.

This week seems to be the same. And then likely the next. Hm


Seriously considering selling off my Super NES and Nintendo 64 stuff and putting that money back into NES and Famicom games and hardware. I don't hold nearly as much nostalgia for the SNES or N64 as much as I do the NES.

The only thing is that my library for both systems is less than a dozen games and it's all fairly common stuff so it's probably not worth much and not worth me selling.

I wish I could just 1:1 trade for the stuff I want.


Seriously considering selling off my Super NES and Nintendo 64 stuff and putting that money back into NES and Famicom games and hardware. I don't hold nearly as much nostalgia for the SNES or N64 as much as I do the NES.

The only thing is that my library for both systems is less than a dozen games and it's all fairly common stuff so it's probably not worth much and not worth me selling.

I wish I could just 1:1 trade for the stuff I want.

Let me know what you're selling for SNES. I can't do trades---just started!


You did play with your scart cable for those perfect scanlines though, or am I mistaken?

Ha, my scart cable is getting worn out with all the plugging and unplugging.

But really, I've got half the week split between my daughter and the other half split between a relationship with a girl who doesn't play games at all.

Bye bye gaming, I guess. But right now I ain't even mad. It really does put things into perspective though.


You know whats even more annoying about Konami?

Canceled games
Contra Spirits and Super Contra (Sega CD) (Canceled)
Contra Spirits 64 (Nintendo 64) (Canceled)
Originally announced in late 1998, this Nintendo 64 incarnation of the series was to be developed by Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka, but was later canceled when the development team disbanded.
Contra (Nintendo GameCube) (Nintendo GameCube) (Canceled)
Contra 3DS (Nintendo 3DS) (Canceled)

But somehow the two PS1 games made it out back in the day.


As I wrote in another thread, I have no idea if a 3DS contra was actually announced at any point or if the gaming press just had a collective hallucination.

also first time I hear of a gamecube one


I wouldnt be surprised...unless it was just a listing of possible games at an E3/TGS show for support? I still remember Gradius VI being listed for PS3.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I'm just sitting around like a dunce, waiting for the subwoofer company to get back to me with whether or not I can get free shipping. I'm telling myself that this'll be the thing that gets everything else rolling. Once I buy the sub, I have to get the speakers. And then I have to get the receiver. And what use is any of that without a fancy display? And a sofa? And a stand on which I can put this junk.

That's totally all going to happen, right?

I do this for you, retroGAF.
I'm just sitting around like a dunce, waiting for the subwoofer company to get back to me with whether or not I can get free shipping. I'm telling myself that this'll be the thing that gets everything else rolling. Once I buy the sub, I have to get the speakers. And then I have to get the receiver. And what use is any of that without a fancy display? And a sofa? And a stand on which I can put this junk.

That's totally all going to happen, right?

I do this for you, retroGAF.
Ditch the sub, get 2.0 full range speakers, retro style.


>gets neo geo cd

>system works fine for the first month but starts giving me shit: makes weird noises ,takes multiple tries to read discs, etc.

>oh christ

>my cat gets agitated and jumps on the goddamn neo geo

>this dissplace the laser lens, which somehow fixes the issue. the ngcd is back to reading discs just fine

She was probably responsible for it being defective in the first place, but um, can't complain.
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