He almost didn't sign the order. Is he losing his mind? He did this once before.
What a clown.
"my two scoops of vanilla ice cream are going to melt, better hurry!"
He almost didn't sign the order. Is he losing his mind? He did this once before.
What a clown.
At least he'll now have to own the failure.
No no, see they only use that term when the black guy is president.
He almost didn't sign the order. Is he losing his mind? He did this once before.
What a clown.
He almost didn't sign the order. Is he losing his mind? He did this once before.
What a clown.
Like the majority of Trump's Executive Orders, it will do fuck all and more than likely be shot down by the courts.
He almost didn't sign the order. Is he losing his mind? He did this once before.
What a clown.
He's sundowning.
Weekend at Donalds starring the GOP.He almost didn't sign the order. Is he losing his mind? He did this once before.
What a clown.
Yeah, I think he had the same set of priorities. He cared about the attention. He got it. He forgot the "little stuff" like that paper he had to sign.Not ruling it out, but I see it more like the validation and camera wooing is all that he had on his mind(no shock). The order itself ranked preeeettttyyyy low on his thought-process. Pretty clear that he literally knows nothing about it, but just wants the attention, positive attention. Everything else gets shoved aside in his head(it didn't matter why he was there, but that he was applauded and swarmed by smiles in his direction).
Still a disease in the head either way.
He almost didn't sign the order. Is he losing his mind? He did this once before.
What a clown.
To prove this horse cant run, Im going to shoot him in the foot.
$21b is nothing. If I know anything about the stock market,...
Bit off topic, but how did the signing of EO's become such an 'event'? With crowds, audiences, prepared announcements etc? Perhaps it has always been that way, but I only notice now cos, well, I'm witness to a truly stupid motherfucker doing it.
To my mind it would still be weird - but at least understandable - to have that sort of fanfare for the most amazingly benevolent EO, mush less one like this that is far from bipartisan and even further from benevolent.
Also, fuck that stupid cunt you've got over there.
Remember, this is the guy who seemed to think that health insurance costs $12/year.
He has dementia
Republicans voted for a racist with dementia
You mean like how smaller states with small economies get numerous benefits from the large economies of bigger states?I have to agree with this. It wouldn't make any sense for them unless they get something out of it.
Interesting correlation there on the states that need it the most...The impact of this is going to be catastrophic.
The sheer number of people who depend on CSR payments is pretty staggering.
Interesting correlation there on the states that need it the most...
Interesting correlation there on the states that need it the most...
Its not that. He wants to destroy Obama's legacy so bad, but most of things Obama did helped the country so here we are.He wants to destroy this country so bad.
Its not that. He wants to destroy Obama's legacy so bad, but most of things Obama did helped the country so here we are.
I understand why insurance costs would rise for individuals but why does this also increase the deficit?
I understand why insurance costs would rise for individuals but why does this also increase the deficit?