Tedesco! said:
You're so hopped up on arguing with me that you must not be taking time to think about what I am typing. You can infer what you want from what I said, but you are understanding it wrong. I'm telling you this, not because of a pride thing or an ego thing, but because you are wrong: You honestly have misunderstood my point. I don't know why you are getting so worked up.
You're so hopped on responding to every little thing that you must not realize what a tard you look like.
Let me get this straight...
1) border posts a quoted review
2) You bitch that it should've gone into one of the other Firefly threads.
3) border explains why he posted a new thread (there wasn't an official thread)
4) You point out other Firefly threads
5) border explains that those threads were old and/or inappropriate.
6) You go fucking mental on "OMFG! There's 7 Firefly threads! We're going to run out of space!"
7) Thread devolves from there.
So your point is that border should've posted to an old Firefly thread? Guess what, nobody cares. And as for why I'm getting worked up? Maybe it was because I wanted to see some good Firefly discussion, but ran into umpteen posts of this shit:
Guess Who? said:
You are missing my point entirely, and as long as you keep arguing with me I will continue to express my opinions. If you want to agree to disagree, fine. Keep arguing with me and I will keep responding.