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Review Score Bias? A statistical analysis of IGN, Gamespot, and 1UP.

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Since there is so much bickering about console bias. I figured I would do an analysis to try and see if there is any truth to peoples preconcieved notions. I chose IGN, Gamespot, and 1UP because thier reviews seem to be the most discussed.

Usually when comparing game review scores to assess a site bias, they only compare one score to another. I knew this was a faulty way. If there is truly a bias, you have to find and assess patterns which requires looking at more than one games score compared to another games score. So I set rules for a system, and then I compiled data.

How it works is that I've have taken the top ten games according to Gamerankings, of each system, with a minimum of fifteen reviews. I then took the score from the three sites and calculated the difference from Gamerankings mean (average). At the end, I calculated the average distance from the mean for those top 10 games.

It's not perfect, but I set it up in a way that is not preferential to any system. The reason I chose the top ten games for each system was because these are the games most talked about and discussed and also because, according to a great many reviewers, these are the sytems best games. So it's not a comparison for all the games in each consoles library, just the best games, according to Gamerankings.

I chose Gamerankings because it is one of the only sites to have a large enough compiled database of scores. Also, bias implies a deviation from others opinions, so it was necessary to use Game rankings to draw comparisons.

I chose a minimum of fifteen reviews for each game just because that seemed about right. This also means that games like Super Mario Galaxy, Zac and Wiki, Virtua Fighter 5 (Xbox 360), Mass Effect, and Uncharted won't be included. Obviously, this is because they do not yet have enough reviews.

I would also encourage people to use this as a way to find the best games for each system.

The scores from left to right read:

1) Gamerankings(GR) 2)IGN 3) IGNs difference from GR 4) Gamespot 5) Gamespots difference from GR 6) 1UP 7) 1ups difference from GR

Top 10 WII Games

Zelda: Twilight Princess

1) 94.2 2) 95 3) 0.8 4) 88 5)-6.2 6)100 7)5.8

Resident Evil: Wii Edition

1)91.2 2) 90 3) -1.2 4) 91 5) -0.2 6) 80 7) -11.2

Metroid Prime Corruption

1)90.5 2) 95 3) 4.5 4) 85 5) -5 6) 90 7) -0.5

Super Paper Mario

1) 85.3 2) 89 3) 3.7 4) 88 5) 2.7 6) 80 7) -5.3

Madden NFL 07

1) 81.8 2) 85 3) 3.2 4) 84 5) 2.2 7)65 7)-16.8

WarioWare: Smooth Moves

1)81.7 2) 82 3) 0.3 4) 91 5) 9.3 6) 80 7)-1.7

Trauma Center

1)80.5 2)80 3) -0.5 4) 80 5) -0.5 6) 65 7)-15.5

Mario Strikers Charged

1) 79.5 2) 83 3) 3.5 4) 75 5) -4.5 6) 75 7) -4.5

Madden NFL 08

1) 78.2 2) 85 3) 6.8 4) 80 5) 1.8 6) 45 7) -33.2

Mercury Meltdown Rev

1) 77.8 2) 75 3)- 2.8 4)85 5) 7.2 6) 80 7) 2.2

Average Difference from the Mean
IGN) 1.83 Gamespot) 0.63 1UP)-8.07

Top 10 Xbox 360 Games

From left to right it reads:

1) Gamerankings(GR) 2)IGN 3) IGNs difference from GR 4) Gamespot 5) Gamespots difference from GR 6) 1UP 7) 1ups difference from GR

The Orange Box
1) 96.1 2) 95 3) -1.1 4)95 5) -1.1 6) 100 7) 3.9

1) 95.3 2) 97 3) 1.7 4) 90 5) -5.3 6) 100 7) 4.7

The Elder Scrolls VI
1) 94.1 2) 93 3)-1.1 4) 96 5) 1.9 6) 91 7) -3.1

Gears of War
1) 93.8 2) 94 3) 0.2 4) 96 5) 2.2 6) 100 7) 6.2
Halo 3
1) 93.3 2) 95 3) 1.7 4) 95 5) 1.7 6) 100 7) 6.7

Guitar Hero II
1) 92.1 2) 94 3) 1.9 4) 89 5) -3.1 6) 90 7)-2.1

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon AW
1) 90.6 2) 92 3) 1.4 4) 92 5) 1.4 6) 90 7)-0.6

Call of Duty 2
1) 90 2) 90 3) 0 4) 88 5) -2 6) 90 7) 0

Forza Motorsport 2
1) 89.8 2) 89 3) -0.8 4) 92 5) 2.2 6) 85 7) -4.8

Average Difference from the Mean

IGN) 0.433333333 Gamespot) -0.233333333 1UP) 1.211111111

Top 10 PS3 Games

From left to right it reads:

1) Gamerankings(GR) 2)IGN 3) IGNs difference from GR 4) Gamespot 5) Gamespots difference from GR 6) 1UP 7) 1ups difference from GR

The Elder Scrolls VI
1) 93 2) 92 3)-1 4)95 5) 2 6) 95 7)2

Ratchet & Clank Future

1) 90.7 2) 94 3) 3.3 4) 75 5) -15.7 6) 85 7) -5.7

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon AW2

1) 87.5 2) 83 3) -4.5 4) 85 5) -2.5 6)80 7) -7.5

Resistance: Fall of Man

1) 87.3 2)91 3) 3.7 4) 86 5) -1.3 6)85 7)-2.3

Virtua Fighter 5

1) 86.9 2) 88 3)1.1 4) 81 5) -5.9 6)95 7)8.1

Ninja Gaiden Sigma
1)86.8 2)93 3)6.2 4) 90 5) 3.2 6) 90 7)3.2

1)86.4 2)88 3)1.6 4)70 5)-16.4 6)90 7)3.6

NHL 08

1)85.7 2)86 3)0.3 4)85 5)-0.7 6)No Review

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas

1)85.5 2)87 3)1.5 4)90 5)4.5 6)85 7)-0.5

NBA Street Homecourt

1)83.9 2)88 3) 4.1 4)80 5)-3.9 6) 90 7) 6.1

Average Difference from the Mean

IGN) 1.63 Gamespot) -3.67 1UP) 0.777777778

To sum it up:

[B]Top 10 WII Games[/B]
[B]Average Difference from the Mean[/B]

IGN) 1.83   Gamespot) 0.63   1UP) -8.07

[B]Top 10 Xbox 360 Games[/B]
[B]Average Difference from the Mean[/B]

IGN) 0.43   Gamespot) -0.23  1UP) 1.21

[B]Top 10 PS3 Games[/B]
[B]Average Difference from the Mean[/B]

IGN) 1.63   Gamespot) -3.67  1UP) 0.77

Eric WK

You didn't even do as well as the last guy who tried this and his thread was shut down within a few minutes.


This isn't much of an analysis. You don't even crunch the numbers to draw a conclusion and then present your findings.


We just did this a couple days ago.

It was travesty then and it's a travesty now. A least the other guy had some charts?


Fry Daddy


Wow... :/
To think that you (probably) spent ...time.. :(

And is not even finished..
There's an introduction explaining what we are going to see..
There's a list..with losts of numbers on it..
And that's it.. :/


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
So Gamespot hates 360 and PS3, loves the wii. IGN loves the PS3.. erm I give up reading those numbers.

A for effort, D for clarity.

Seems pretty even though as far as reviews goes.


IronicallyTwisted said:
Wheres the results and findings?

You don't do statistical analysis much, do you?

That's what I'm saying! My stats professors would've given me an F if I had just done this.

MC Safety

Please allow me to suggest that someone has too much time on his hands.

And he is me for posting in this eight-car pileup of a thread.

I can only imagine the sheer void that is the original poster's existence.


Speevy said:
Now that is a thread that should have stayed open longer than this one will.

It'd been an interesting discussion if the usual suspects weren't likely to trash it.


Fry Daddy
Narag said:
It'd been an interesting discussion if the usual suspects weren't likely to trash it.
No alternate accounts, fortified_concept, you have to do the whole two weeks without saying it!


Well the numbers didn't turn out like I hope. I wish I knew how to upload spreadsheets. Anybody want to help me out?


Could you maybe make it more readable? Something easy such as "the average scores are

IGN 9.5
1Up 9.3
Gamespot 7.7"

Or a graph? With nice colours.

beef3483 said:
Well the numbers didn't turn out like I hope. I wish I knew how to upload spreadsheets. Anybody want to help me out?
Maybe use the code tags. That might help.


M3wThr33 said:
Fixed it. Photobucket sucks for image resizing. I'm using the one that shall not be named and seeing if it's ok.

I wasn't WTFing the size :lol

I actually read the story with the original size. :lol
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