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RGG Studio teases the next Like a Dragon game: "We can’t tell you what kind of game it is, but I will tell you, you’ll be surprised."

Good thing for you the creator of Yakuza left a few years back, taking all the key founding members to start a new studio and make something new but similar. Should be revealed anytime now.
I'm glad the arrogant sod that is Nagoshi-san is gone from SEGA . The only sad part is Hosokawa-san left with him


I remember buying this online only because it was kinda cheap. Ended up being one of my favorite Yakuza games ever.
open-world crazy taxi x Like a Dragon

Basically GTA style but funnier and with more heart and better minigames and better controls
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Whatever it is, I will be looking forward to it. RGG Studio are fucking dope. But, man. They need to stop hiring Youtubers to do voice acting for their English dub. Kiriyu sounded so out of place compared to the rest that I had to switch it to Japanese.


Give me the follow up to Infinite Wealth!

I wonder if they will switch to UE5 or wait a bit longer as they only just moved to UE4 for the series.
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I'm glad the arrogant sod that is Nagoshi-san is gone from SEGA . The only sad part is Hosokawa-san left with him
Arrogant or not, we wouldn't have gotten Yakuza, Judgement, or Binary Domain without him. As to how much of his leadership of the studio and initial concepts factored into the final products being great, it's hard to say. I do enjoy the Yakuza games a lot more before they became Like a Dragon (around when he left). The old ones felt like Japanese crime films with a bit of that wacky Takashi Miike edge but the new ones feel like comedy anime.

We'll see if Nagoshi manages to pull a Kojima with his old pals or turns out to just be another Tomonobu Itagaki or Yu Suzuki without a well oiled team. And we'll see if RGG has any good concepts for new games that are not LAD.
Arrogant or not, we wouldn't have gotten Yakuza, Judgement, or Binary Domain without him. As to how much of his leadership of the studio and initial concepts factored into the final products being great, it's hard to say. I do enjoy the Yakuza games a lot more before they became Like a Dragon (around when he left). The old ones felt like Japanese crime films with a bit of that wacky Takashi Miike edge but the new ones feel like comedy anime.

We'll see if Nagoshi manages to pull a Kojima with his old pals or turns out to just be another Tomonobu Itagaki or Yu Suzuki without a well oiled team. And we'll see if RGG has any good concepts for new games that are not LAD.
We would have got a Yakuza style game from SEGA and if one wants to talk Yakuza the most important man for that was Kikuchi-san IMO, but Yes I guess one must give credit to Nagoshi-san for wanting to take a Shenmue style game into the underworld
and I will give full credit to Nagoshi-san for Spikeout and Monkeyball, Spikeout was such a gutsy call in the Arcades. The trouble was he was arrogant and blocked so many games other than Yakuza and I'm glad to see the back of him from SEGA. Not that I wish him evil or for his studio to sink, just glad he's not at SEGA anymore


Many of the minigames from Yakuza's/LaD could very well be turned into full products. I know I'd definitely like an even more complex cabaret club management strategy game.

I also hope they will greenlit Yakuza 0 Part 2 at some point.
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