Sorry for being absent the last couple hours, I was taking a bit of drinky time away with friends.
We have about 24 hours left now with the reduced day period, and so far Dr. Worm hasn't made any sort of appearance which I find worrying. They started the game being fairly active, but over the course of the game has decreased in activity more and more. I've always been worried about Zeusy, but honestly at this point I don't know if it's worth the risk to lynch them. I highly doubt that they would offer any sort of insight if pressed anyways.
In this last 24 hours I'm gonna be all about this game, if anyone wants to bounce idea or theories off of me I'll be around til the end of the day building and posting some reads.
My current thoughts though are as follows:
02. Dr. Worm [m] - Pushed heavily against me early on which was concerning but understandable considering how I was playing on day 1 and day 2, but as soon as scum started putting pressure against me, they backed off in a major way, even before I was confirmed. Maybe they didn't want to seem like scum, or maybe they were starting to make up for the fact that they had a scum read on me for so long, but their quick back down reads a bit more like self conservation than some sort of planning. They had a few weird reads and votes yesterday, but besides that they could go either way. Neutral, not worth taking the risk today imo.
07. Zeusy [m] - Very high likelyhood of being coasting scum, but the nature of the coasting scum means this is a 50/50 shot of being that or just a not very good town player/neutral. Probable scum, but again, probably not worth the risk today when we need to hit scum.
10. Kawl_USC [m] - Kawl has been up and down for me most of the game. Early on they read as scum for a few reasons; their insistence on certain standards that they just barely met themselves, like emphasizing the importance of posting long, informative reads and posts in general, but then ghosting for a few days after posting 10-11 times with a slight bit of fluff mixed in. They got back into the game and contributed more seriously on days 3/4, which has been good, but there's still the slight feeling of them laying down standards that others should follow while not quite pulling it off themselves. Leans slightly scum.
11. The Wizard [m] - This is a bit weird. The Wizard doesn't really post a whole lot, but they do try and get as much as they can into the posts they do make, which is nice. They make the effort to try and respond to others, though sometimes it's a bit infrequent to the levels in which they commit to basing claims against others. I can see where they are currently going with their push on Penguin to a point, but it did seem like a fairly base-level move. Though, this doesn't quite read as scum play to me, it reads more like rust or maybe inexperience, which is ironic as the same kind of applies with Penguin. Slight town read.
14. Verelios [m] - Very reactive, a bit like Ouro or Faddy. Good at laying out their logic and reasoning. Ever since they entered the game they've been fairly proactive when it comes to going against others or challenging them on certain things, which has lead to some good conversations in some point, even if they haven't quite lead to scum being found. Probably my highest town read in the group of unconfirmed players.
15. Faddy [m] - I like the way Faddy plays. A bit more loose, like a Sorian-type but with a bit more cheek. Because of this I've had a fairly strong town-read on them for most of the game. They are consistent in their votes most of the time, but aren't afraid to back down when they know it won't go in their favor. But, this strong play is also something that could be a major benefit to the scum team, and could be what's kept them afloat without catching a single lynch for so long. Even though, that's just a possible gut feeling on my end, other than that I'd say they are likely town.
16. SalvaPot [m] - Salva on the other hand is a bit more of a loose cannon, not quite on a Blargonaut level but still a bit of a frustration. The way they play is a bit inconsistent and abrasive with other players, as well is their knack for not giving clear answers. This kind of low level chaos in a player can actually be helpful to town in some situations, but I'm not certain if it's been helpful this game. Insistent and assured, and a bit callus to other players experiences ahead of their own. Having this out in the open would of likely lead them to get a lot more heat in other games, but they've been able to skirt a lot of pressure because of the general lack of activity that has kinda haunted this game. All these things have me worried, because it could go either way. Playing in such an open way is dangerous for both a town and scum, and it's not quite indicative of either side, really. Neutral.
17. Nomadic Sparks [m] - There's either some cruel irony going on here or Nomadic is just unlucky, but I've gone around in my thoughts for a while at the possible allegiance of the vote blocker. I thought at first that they were neutral, but the more I mull it over the more I think our vote blocker is scum. Scum trying to angle and distract with their targets, or to try and direct town in a certain way. Vote blocking Nomadic seems like a direct correlation to their comments on the subject yesterday, so hitting them would likely give town a nudge into lynching them. But, what if Nomadic knew this would happen? There's also the possibility that Nomadic as a scum could of set this up so that the action would look so obvious that town wouldn't even bother considering them as scum. I might be overthinking this, maybe because I've been on the side of the vote block being used against me, but that mixed in with their coasting (to a degree) style of play could very well be a thing. I'm currently leaning scum.
21. Penguin [m] - Penguin has such a thick layer of inexperience surrounding them I'm honestly not sure how much of it is real or played up as a tactic. I think without a doubt it's being used as a crutch slightly, but as we get further and further into the game people start pushing such excuses to the side. They've been active, and usually get votes in early which is good, but they rarely waiver from their original vote, almost as if they had planned to get their uncontroversial vote in early and then just ride out the rest of the day while everyone else fretted by the days end. This seems like slightly high level play for a scum, but again, are they playing up their inexperience? It's really hard to say. Voting for Bronx because of pre-game talk was one of those things that could of been a smoke screen of inexperience, but it could of just been not quite understanding how these games go. Light scum feel on this one.
These are just some small things I've been mulling over, I need to take the time to read the stuff I've missed since I started boozing up last night. I'll probably end up doing a deep-dive post or two, where I go back over some players post history in the game and see if I can;t see a pattern in there, who knows.
Again, I'm gonna be around for most of this last 24 hours of the day, so if you wanna bounce stuff off of me I'll be here.