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Rick Perry, who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, is now its secretary

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Can’t stump the diablos
Hey, you still haven't answered me about how the Goldman Sachs and rich people cabinet Trump is building is great.

I'm sure you find it very comforting right now that your tax dollars will be sliding into the pockets of the evermore rich.

I never saw your question.
I don't hate rich people.

The Goldman Sachs exec advisor appointment was a disappointment. Though the man will undoubtedly have experience in economics I feel he is likely to try and exploit the position.


Payroll and a review of all current contracts (Renegotiations or cancellations included).
How does it feel to be fucking the world over? I know you only voted for that turd but how do you sleep at night ignoring how corrupt, incompetent and ignorant that monster is?

What more evidence do you need to see that?


I'm currently at the DOE and people are talking about the end of the world lol. At this point all I can do is laugh as the world burns. Secretary Moniz is awesome; from him to Peryy, hahahha.

DOE is my major customer. It's going to be interesting going from Moniz to him.

EDIT: I also used to work at NNSA. Gonna have to get in touch with the CIO and his team to see what they think
So having a bunch of people who's sole motivation is to better their own position at the cost of every single other person around them will somehow magically lead to good for everyone else?

Hey, it's bound to work one of these days, right? The rich just don't have enough money yet to start trickling it down to all the rest of us!


Can’t stump the diablos
Wouldn't focusing on the military be a much more useful way to "trim the fat" payroll in the Dept of Energy? What thousandth of a percent is that of the federal budget?

Not singling out this department.
Every department needs this same kind of review.

I hope all of Trumps appointments have the initiative and are empowered to trim the fat.


Wouldn't focusing on the military be a much more useful way to "trim the fat" payroll in the Dept of Energy? What thousandth of a percent is that of the federal budget?

You're absolutely correct. Did you see that Washington Post article recently about the Pentagon covering up an audit?


Edit: I have a hard-on for the military but shit like that is painful to see. The DoE certainly would have things that could be cut, but not like the budgets of other, larger Departments.


Can’t stump the diablos
Nice vague punt there. Which national labs are on the chopping block for you? Which National Science Foundation grants? That is what the DOE does.

If I had access to those contracts and an appropriate amount of time to review them I could answer your question.


cmon now no reason to get nasty about it. Again - not a fan of Rick b/c i truly think he's not smart but if we bring in the business dream team like Trump is doing and still not turn this ship around, I would be surprised. I think we're headed for better times. Don't believe me, check the market.

Why exactly does the ship need to be turned around? We've been posting quarterly gains in economic and job growth for the last 5+ years.

Sounds like an appointment meant to trim the fat out of the department.

I just hope it's trimmed appropriately and doesn't impede the nation's pursuit of renewable energy.

Perry is a climate denier, the new EPA head is a climate denier, and the Trump transition team was specifically looking to single out DOE employees with any ties to climate action policies (I'm guessing not to reward them for their hard work on the Paris accord). Meanwhile, Trump continues talking about ramping up oil, natural gas, and coal production while complaining about how wind turbines kill birds and ruin his golf courses.

The nation's pursuit of renewable energy over the next four years is going to fall entirely into the hands of cities and the private sector. The federal government is going to abandon all climate action and renewable energy efforts, and move hard in the opposite direction.


I really don't the modern Republican conceit.

"Starve the Beast!"

"Government is Bad"

and so on. Yet these guys work in government lol. Go into the private sector and stay there, please. But right now they're basically about making sure these services and agencies are sabotaged from within and then saying, "See, Government is bad!"

What dunderheads.


I really don't the modern Republican conceit.

"Starve the Beast!"

"Government is Bad"

and so on. Yet these guys work in government lol. Go into the private sector and stay there please.

self-fulfilling prophecy

Claim government doesn't work and that private companies are the beacon of freedom
Get elected to government positions
Ensure that the government doesn't work
One step closer to extinction.

We should start putting all of the other nations' budget toward space travel and leave this rock as soon as possible. xD
So having a bunch of people who's sole motivation is to better their own position at the cost of every single other person around them will somehow magically lead to good for everyone else?

Hey, it's bound to work one of these days, right? The rich just don't have enough money yet to start trickling it down to all the rest of us!

I wondering what exactly is going to be the moment where America as a whole finally realizes that they're putting their hand over the fire when they keep falling for this lie.
B/c money is no incentive for these guys means they are doing it to be successful which is what makes them work hard. If they're successful, America is successful. Why would you not want this?

So you actually believe in trickle down economics, the models for which were the Reagan administration and more recently, Kansas. Because if someone is already a billionaire, they couldn't possibly be interested in self-enrichment? What?


Why are people arguing with diablos?

If it isn't known by now that he is full of shit, then it is on you for actually expecting a worthwhile answer from him.


Can’t stump the diablos
Than why not want someone who is an expert in the field to know what is and is not needed?

I would want a scholar in the field for research ideas.
I would want a person with knowledge of how the private sector operates to decide the budgets and negotiate the contracts.


I would want a scholar in the field for research ideas.
I would want a person with knowledge of how the private sector operates to decide the budgets and negotiate the contracts.

So you have neither.

Because again, his only experience is in the oil industry. You at least seem superficially aware of what the Department of Energy is actually responsible for.

Rebel Leader

Why are people arguing with diablos?

If it isn't known by now that he is full of shit, then it is on you for actually expecting a worthwhile answer from him.
It's better to talk about the problem than to ignore it.

Ignoring it is not the right thing to do.
The next 4-8 years are going to be an amazing stres test for American institutions and their robustness to sheer idiocy and willful destruction.

Considering things have managed to get to this stage, their odds aren't good.
You know, I never expected this election to turn me into a states'-rights, gun-ownership kind of guy, but here we are.

I feel you. Here I am hoping that corporations will buy into renewal energy and push back against civil rights violations like they did with North Carolina.


I would want a scholar in the field for research ideas.
I would want a person with knowledge of how the private sector operates to decide the budgets and negotiate the contracts.

But none of these people have any kind of experience in these fields so how would they know what to do.

I might just have to agree with that person that you are full of shit and have no concise counter argument for your points


If shitposters are left unchallenged, then they win.

I would classify him less as a shitposter, than a troll that winds people down a disingenuous chase but never actually answering people's rebuttals or points. Happily willing to deflect to the nth degree and never admitting error. He'll happily engage with you but don't expect sincere answers.


market was a direct reaction to trump. That's not even a contested point even by the most liberal media.

Wall Street is reacting positively to Trump because he's going to gut Dodd-Frank and all the other regulations around their industry. I fail to see how that's any kind of win for the economy at large, and especially blue-collar working-class voters, given that the last time the country cultivated a hyper-deregulated market like that, it resulted in a global economic disaster -- which happened *less than a decade* ago!


I would want a scholar in the field for research ideas.
I would want a person with knowledge of how the private sector operates to decide the budgets and negotiate the contracts.

He was never an executive in the private industry, he was just a lifetime politician that got a cushy advisor position like many revolving door politicians get. He does not have business experience. That is like saying Al Gore has business experience because he sits on the board of Apple.


How about, I don't know... Putting someone in power who understands the fucking industry and science behind it?

Would you go to a plumber to diagnose heart disease?

Not just with this pick, but with almost every single position he's filled.

For these cabinet positions, I think a high work ethic, smarts, common sense and most importantly being well versed in business and the ability to make deals and be stern is very important. I think the majority of people in the gov lack many of these qualities especially work ethic and being competent in business skills and negotiations. It's exactly these types of people that I think will do us well so the fact they have no "gov" experience is a great thing. I worked in the gov during an internship and although it was limited, I can tell you it was the biggest waste (judging the full time employees and how they worked). They were just milking the system.


market was a direct reaction to trump. That's not even a contested point even by the most liberal media.

The market reacted to Trump on Nov 8 and 9, now however he is not president. He gets no credit for any economy wins that happen between now and the Jan 20th. I'd tone down the celebrations till we actually see how his policies shape up 6-8 months down the line from his inauguration.


I damn near spit my coffee all over my monitor when I got to the bolded. Careful where you're slinging them hot takes, breh.

just mentioning that I'm not someone with no experience in what I'm saying. That's all.

Also - I see I'm getting a lot of feedback likely b/c I'm not pushing the same liberal views on this as everyone else here. I'm fine with that and like good dialogue but let's keep it clean and respectful.


oh liberal gaf I love you.

yes - I am very supportive of business people who have proven themselves in the private industry to lead us to success. No question about it. No I'm not sarcastic. Private industry is as challenging as it gets. These guys are great at what they do and I want them to channel those skills and help this country be the best it can be. I'm in the private industry as well so I'm speaking from first hand knowledge.

Just b/c someone is very wealthy doesn't make them evil. B/c money is no incentive for these guys means they are doing it to be successful which is what makes them work hard. If they're successful, America is successful. Why would you not want this?

Government is not a business. Nor should it be run like one.

The purpose of a business is to maximize profit. The purpose of a government is to maximize the well-being of its citizens.

Being good at one thing is not the same as being good at the other.
my favorite pitfall people get themselves into is thinking the health of the stock market has a 1:1 correlation on how well the economy is doing and how well a country's citizens are doing.

Stock market at all time highs while the average person isnt seeing much of anything of that..
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