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Rise of Nations Rox again!

Hearing Doug talk about it made me fire it up last night. Didnt even get to nukes in my game, it was a crazy musket battle for a good 30 minutes, lines of idiot rifle guys shooting at each other. Then the bastard brought out his gun samurai so I pumped all I had into advancement and while I lost two towns I go them back when I used machine guns and light tanks against the gun samurai. It was cool, like in the movie, except at the end where the emperor says something in shitty english while tom cruise makes that 'im taking a dump face'.

It seems to me the AI totally falls for the infantry bait + Mounted Units flank constantly, which sucks cause thats about as in depth strat as the game gets. Kohan is just a much better field tactics game. Sigh. Even so, Turks win!


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Yeah it's a great game! Sometimes I just wish it wouldn't end though... stupid World Wonder victories :mad:. I demand a game that will let me play through for 3-4 hours + and achieve total victory... 100% of the map conquered (and not have to worry about some stupid rules like the 12 World Wonders and such). Hell maybe you can turn that off, I haven't played Rise of Nations that much yet.
Yeah I ended up with a territory victory, cause this guy was just pulling gun samurai outta his ass and their numbers were overwhelming even my tanks, but once I had bi-planes making runs against the samurai infantry (which looked fucking awesome) it was pretty much over.


Finally someone else who has it! Wanna play a game anytime? Do you have the expansion pack? I NEED TO CHALLANGE GAFFERS!


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I can't for a while because my ISP is upgrading my service so I'm without a connection on the computer I use to play the game :( .


Damn, well I'll wait for you guys to get your connections. Thats if your gonna get your connections. If Drinky plays too we can set up a 2 vs 2.
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