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Rise of The Ronin | Review Thread

What Scores do you think Rise of the Ronin will get?

  • 60-65%

    Votes: 6 2.2%
  • 66-69%

    Votes: 7 2.6%
  • 70-75%

    Votes: 38 14.1%
  • 76-79%

    Votes: 75 27.8%
  • 80-85%

    Votes: 93 34.4%
  • 86-89%

    Votes: 44 16.3%
  • 90-95%

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • 96-100%

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters


Dashing Not So Good GIF by Paramount Network

The eye test never fails me.

Would rather go back and pick up Wo Long which I didn't manage to find time for last year.


Gold Member
People suddenly paying attention to MC scores!.In my thread everyone was too cool for school and would never let a mc score effect their purchase, what changed?.
Exclusive and another big game being released on the same day, makes people want to know which games seems more worth to buy right now.

Also, this is a KT game, KT fans like me end up buying almost everything they release, while triple A graphics fans are always ready to criticize the graphics and stuff on them.

This has happened on Nioh, on Hyrule Warriors and every other KT game. Oh... Except on Gust games... People are more focused on staring at the characters thighs than everything else.
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yeah, sigh. This is disappointing. Everything seems a bit half baked to what the game could have been if given another year. I really thought this could have been an all timer, but it is quite clear Team Ninja is hellbent on releasing games yearly, never dedicating the appropriate resources for a single big AAA developed game.

It's bizarre the animations look much more stilted than the Nioh games and even weirder how Team Ninja chose to just copy the Ubisoft formula. Other Japanese developers have been massive innovators when it comes to open world design. To copy a formula that the vast majority of gamers reject in 2024, why?

Also, I don't know why Team Ninja decided to dumb down their combat. ROTR's combat by all accounts is still very good, but that is their one staple as a studio. It's like they thought gamers don't buy their games because the combat was too complex. It was the exact opposite. It is the only reason people bought their games. If Team Ninja ever made a proper open world Nioh game, with the same combat mechanics, the game would sell amazingly well. People just don't buy linear mission souls games in droves, never really have(outside top tier Fromsoft games).

I'll surely will play it at some point later this year, but might as well wait a few months when it will surely be half off. My backlog is too long. DD2 this weekend for sure


Gold Member
At a glance the reviews make it sound like you should choose another game in this space, but what if you’ve played those other games? They are also saying the gameplay is good, but the story isn’t anything special? When does that mark a game down by 3-4 points?
Basically its a Team Ninja game that’s in a AC style world with very forgiving (still good) combat? Some other reviews say it’s fantastic. What hurts it is probably it’s price tag considering those other games are probably cheaper than this is.

27% of us were right. I'll get it on sale, that's how I enjoyed Nioh 2.
NiOh 2 was the peak of NiOh for me. That game was well worth $60. The remastered version was even better.
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Meh, I will get it later then. Sucks and don’t like the fact that it’s more like assassins creed than Nioh but at least now I don’t have to decide between this and DD2.
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Gold Member
Currently 76 rating across 80 critics. It'll be +/- a few pts by the time it's done. Wow, 80 reviews uploaded right away. That seems like a lot.

I'm close so far. I chose the 70-75 range.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Not to be too cynical, but I'd be extremely wary of any reviewer doing both this game and Dogma 2 in the same window, there aren't enough hours in the day to do justice to both. One is going to get short-shrift, and with Cowboy who's already planned to do a lot of streaming of the latter game its pretty obvious which one is getting all his focus.

SJRB said:
I don't want to sound like an asshole but for a guy who claims to have played 25 hours he is terrible at this game. Holy shit this video is pretty brutal to watch.

He also didn't finish the game. And that's a MASSIVE red flag for me given how much weight TN puts on the end-game.
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Gold Member
Not to be too cynical, but I'd be extremely wary of any reviewer doing both this game and Dogma 2 in the same window, there aren't enough hours in the day to do justice to both. One is going to get short-shrift, and with Cowboy who's already planned to do a lot of streaming of the latter game its pretty obvious which one is getting all his focus.

Who is reviewing both game? Edit: oh.....I see the video above now.
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Will definitely scoop this next year during a drought... Too many other open world games got lined up already this year. I like to suffer.
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Not to be too cynical, but I'd be extremely wary of any reviewer doing both this game and Dogma 2 in the same window, there aren't enough hours in the day to do justice to both. One is going to get short-shrift, and with Cowboy who's already planned to do a lot of streaming of the latter game its pretty obvious which one is getting all his focus.

He also didn't finish the game. And that's a MASSIVE red flag for me given how much weight TN puts on the end-game.

This is cope.

He juggles multiple big games on his channel all the time.

It's just that if something doesn't click for him he doesn't hesitate to drop it, which is what it looks like he's done here.
Not to be too cynical, but I'd be extremely wary of any reviewer doing both this game and Dogma 2 in the same window, there aren't enough hours in the day to do justice to both. One is going to get short-shrift, and with Cowboy who's already planned to do a lot of streaming of the latter game its pretty obvious which one is getting all his focus.
I'd honestly be more skeptical of his DD2 review. Only because he was a co-host for a Capcom event a week or 2 ago, which may give him bias

To be fair, Cowboy said he only put 25hrs into Ronin. Reviews went out over two weeks ago for both games. I don't think it's unreasonable to at least have strong opinions one way or another as a reviewer.

And he's a massive Team Ninja fan(loves Nioh games and SOP), but he's pretty brutally honest. Last year he was flown out by Team Ninja to test out Wo-Long and give his opinions. That didn't stop him reviewing it an 8 and calling it a step down from the Nioh games when it was released. Dude seems very objective if nothing else. I think he acts so disappointed because he loves TN games and knows what they are capable of
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Wow, that “more Ass Creed than Nioh” video looked brutal. Scores seem way better than that video. Will wait for deep sale or PS+.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
This is cope.

He juggles multiple big games on his channel all the time.

It's just that if something doesn't click for him he doesn't hesitate to drop it, which is what it looks like he's done here.

Its not cope at all. Its a statement of fact when dealing with juggling two long games.

I'm not disputing his views, I'm just saying that if you are given two games one of which is your personal GOTY, then the other isn't going to get a fair shake. Its fucking impossible for his perceptions not to be coloured by it.

Which is why we get obvious contradictions in his sum-up for Ronin where he simultaneously complains that combat is too simple but then can't be bothered to really investigate the skill-trees and stat and loot system because its too complicated!

Its kinda funny to me. I remember when the original DD came out and the hacks gave that 7's because they considered it a Skyrim copyist!
Just shows how nothing ever really changes, and that timing is everything when it comes to review scores.


Should have stuck with a more linear game while having some larger environments that feel somewhat open world, and that would have tightened up the weak parts effecting the lower scores
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I'm getting it next week. Will hopefully be finished with AITD by then.

I don't like open world but Team Ninja always excels in combat and the traversal looks great. I also like the historical aspect of it and am curious to see the world they've created.


If you're scoring a game an 8.4 you might as well bump it up by the .10, what took that percentage off the score?!
I wonder if this will be "not bad" game, in the same way that Days Gone was also "not bad".

Unrated game, Days Gone.

Well, by the critics, not by the players.
Days Gone was buggy af at launch. It deserved to be nuked by critics. Sony should have never sent it out there like lamb to the slaughter


It's a turd.

A hugely disappointing one at that.

They decided to go the route of assassin's creed and didn't even manage to make a good assassin's creed game.

The people who decided to go this route after seeing the success Elden Ring had deserve a slap.

It has alot more NPC interactions and better combat than AC.
I dont see how a historical busy setting like Japan can have a more empty mysterious world like Elden Ring or recent Zeldas
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Critic scores are always higher by 10 points than usual for all games so this is pretty much a turd as expected just like their previous one. Shame. Guess they keep copying mechanics poorly instead of making their own thing like they did with Nioh 2.
Chances this is coming to PC?

200% chance, count on it.

Sony doesn't pay for 3rd party Japanese IP exclusivity, unless the IP is from their first/second console having a massive installed based/unit sales.

This is all on Team Ninja, and they will port this over to PC and possibly Xbox and Switch 2, after releasing the DLC's, just like NioH 1&2.
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