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Rise of the Tomb Raider OT | Feat. 20% more tombs and 75% more chastising OP's title

Wasn't planning on buying this but had to pick a free game when I did an xbox swap at gamestop last week, really enjoying it a lot so far. Even more than Uncharted Collection, which I would not have thought of saying a month ago.

I am really glad there is a map of all the collectibles you can find every level (so far anyways), when I heard about all the microtransaction stuff I thought that would be locked away behind that ala Ubisoft but so far the MTX stuff is invisible as far as I am concerned.


I know how to remove them but is my item progress being saved? The region summary doesn't show up in Expedition mode.

No. You can't collect stuff in expedition mode and have it count towards your percentage. Why would you want to do that this way anyway? The whole world is accessible after you completed the game and you can get any collectible or challenge you missed.
No. You can't collect stuff in expedition mode and have it count towards your percentage. Why would you want to do that this way anyway? The whole world is accessible after you completed the game and you can get any collectible or challenge you missed.

I missed a relic in Syria. Is there a way to go back to that level later on?

leng jai

I'm actually surprised the frame rate isn't even worse than what we got. The game looks crazy good at times, and pretty much excellent through aside from IQ.


I missed a relic in Syria. Is there a way to go back to that level later on?
Yes once you have completed the story 3 base camps will be available in Syria. It resets some other stuff in other parts of the world as well so you can still complete everything. Kinda like Mad Max did it. Smart design choice.

Obviously for story purposes Syria is currently flooded so you can't go back.
Yes once you have completed the story 3 base camps will be available in Syria. It resets some other stuff in other parts of the world as well so you can still complete everything. Kinda like Mad Max did it. Smart design choice.

Obviously for story purposes Syria is currently flooded so you can't go back.

Oh ok, thanks. I was confused cuz I thought you used Expedition mode to do that. I should have known it was gonna follow the same formula from the first game.


Oh ok, thanks. I was confused cuz I thought you used Expedition mode to do that. I should have known it was gonna follow the same formula from the first game.

The regular chapter replay is kinda useless tbh. I see the appeal of chapter replay elite as it is kinda like NG+ so you can complete the story fights again with a fully upgraded Arsenal. Score attack adds replay ability too and is the main mode where you would use these cards giving you buffs and debuffs etc.


Wow. So impressed with this game. Was hard to stop playing for the night. The
Geothermal Valley
hub is so fantastic. It is a blast to explore. I explored it. Went on with the story and then came back with some new equipment and explored it some more. And some of the new equipment you get is really clever and makes for some fun platforming. Heck I even dug one of the setpieces and I wasn't a big fan of them in the last game. Loving this so far.


One thing I don't love is it's easy to start an assassination and get locked into the animation. Before I opened up different animations, I was killed numerous times wrapping my now around necks.
Oh man, just started this game and it feels it's gonna be more epic than the previous.

The fact that you can hide the survival instinct is a good thing since now I won't have the urge to use it

I'm diggin this whole language leveling system. Is this a recurrent thing or not? I just arrived to Syria


11 hours and I finished it on Survivor difficulty, would've liked if it was a bit harder, but so good. Hopefully CD makes a few more sequels. Absolutely love this series.
Just got this. Going to try and burn through it on the weekend. Good to hear the excellent impressions across the board from people that have actually played it.



The ice in this game is fantastic.


At first I wasn't a fan of the new face for Lara, I missed the 2013 one, but the more I see of this one the more it grows on me.

Rad Agast

Still at the beginning of the game. Enjoying it so far but I'm not sure if I like the ammo crafting idea. We'll see how it goes.

Anyone with the season pass have an issue where it doesn't show in the games menu? I have the digital deluxe edition which is supposed to come with it.
What's the trick to diving into the well? Damn thing never works.

Where's the best seat in the house and the funeral?

Unless I'm wrong, it is a narrative spoiler. I haven't found it myself, but I'm guessing that it's end-game content. After the credits roll there is a post-credit sequence.
Given that both Ana and Jacob are dead, I'm assuming that the funeral achievement comes from finding one of their graves in the post-game runaround.
Could be totally wrong though.

Bring up the broadcast overlay in the options menu. It'll show in the lower right hand corner of the screen.

It's not a spoiler at all. For the funeral achievement, you have to play through the part where you get the
asks you to meet him so you can talk about it. As you're coming back there's a fight with
. After the fight, your next task is to meet
, and as you're making your way up to him, just before the next campsite (which is right before
), there's a funeral service on the right. Go up to it for the achievement. There's a cache next to the people as well.

Diving is hit or miss, can't help you there. Not sure about best seat in the house but I'm not done with the game yet.

For the bolded, can you explain how to do this? I see three options for broadcasting in the Options menu, but it's just On/Off toggles. I'm not familiar with the Xbone OS so if this is an OS function, can you explain it? I'm at the end of the game and I've done an assload of side crap so I"m curious just how much I've played lol.

Something about the aiming feels very off to me. Maybe it's the input lag, or the lack of aim assist, but it's just very janky.

Yep, I talked about this in my initial thoughts yesterday. Even when you upgrade weapons, the loose aiming stays. I haven't tried reducing the sensitivity, and I'm almost done with the game so there's no point now, but that might help a little. But it's definitely unlike anything I've ever played and different from Tomb Raider too. Not really a fan. I also don't like that you can't blindfire.

Am I the only one who -- despite thinking this is really good -- prefers the reboot?

I'll probably join you in this camp. I really like this game, but there's too much side stuff and the aiming bothers me just enough that right now I would rate Tomb Raider ahead of this. The side stuff is, of course, optional, but in this game it's almost required to get a proper story because the main story and characters are told so poorly.

Story spoiler:
I just saw the cutscene where Jonah gets shot by Trinity and he said one cliché line ("You have to stop blaming yourself.") and then "died". I actually laughed during this scene. So freaking bad. It reminded me of Alex's death in Tomb Raider when Lara kissed him. Good god, whoever wrote and directed this is just not qualified to do the job.

Can someone explain the card system to me? At a loss.

The cards are used to modify the campaign (in Expedition mode, I believe, not sure since I haven't played it and won't). The ones that have a green percentage help you in the game and make it easier, and the ones that have a red percentage hurt you, or make the game tougher. It's like Halo's skulls.

So I picked this up but haven't opened it yet. I had a few questions:

- I loved Uncharted 2 (1 was okay, 3 not so much). I liked it because of the story and exploration / survival vibe it had. Is this similar?

- I like exploration, etc. in these types of games, not so much combat. Can anyone who is pretty far in the game comment on the amount of exploration vs combat?

I'm excited to play it but worry it won't be what I'm expecting and hoping it is which would be a 70% exploration 30% combat experience with at least a pretty good story.

Uncharted and Tomb Raider are completely different games, but it's possible to enjoy both--I'm proof of this. I'm much more of an Uncharted fan than I am a Tomb Raider fan because I care way more about story than actually being a treasure hunter. Lara is more like an Assassin's Creed in these games because there's hundreds of collectibles, side quests, tombs, and upgrades. It's overwhelming for me, but it sounds like you prefer this so you will definitely like it.

As for the exploration/combat breakdown, it's probably 75%/25%. The one thing I love about Tomb Raider compared to Uncharted is there's significantly less enemies and waves of enemies that you fight. This keeps the fights short and sweet, which allows you to keep exploring.

Christ those gifs. I really don't even give a shit about the game itself at this point, I just want to get it for the eye candy alone.

Either way, does this consensus on this seem to be that's an Uncharted 1 -> 2 quality leap?

Not really. They're basically the same game. The aiming is actually worse in this game, but aside from that, it's the same. Graphics are obviously greatly improved though, but that's to be expected.

Wow, right near the end too :(. Sorry to hear that.

That's not near the end, unless there's two instances of that scene happening...

Complaint about collectibles and aiming.

Are you me? Lol, I feel the same way, but overall I'm glad I played it. It's basically impossible to ignore the collectibles because they are actually needed to have a decent experience. I can't stand how the story is tucked away behind audio recordings and Lara reading descriptions of the trinkets. Just horrible design.

Have you seen what they did to Jonah? They turned him from a darker skinned Hawaiin dude with a Mohawk into a straight up black dude with a light fro. Shit is ridiculous.

HAHA I didn't even remember that he was in the first game! That's how poor the characters are in this series. Oh my god, now I remember him, and that's freaking hilarious!

Unfortunately I've encountered a bug that doesn't allow me to finish Challenge Tomb:
Voice of God
. Other people are reporting this bug on the official forum. I captured a video and uploaded it to Youtube so they could see it. Hopefully it gets fixed, because not being able to finish one of the first Challenges is pissing me off.

I'm not sure if that's a bug. You need to position the bucket so it's in the path of the wind, then cut it so it blows into the nestled anchor. This took me like 15 minutes to figure out lol.


ehh...I don't see how anyone can say this is 'the same' as the last game. It's a very solid evolution of it.
The different ammo types and crafting is a pretty solid addition, instead of just having infinite arrows from retrieval in the first game, the platforming is significantly more involved and less hand-holdy even though THAT part is largely the same in terms of what you can do. Combat is very different with the huge emphasis on crafted/thrown items and more verticality in the areas for heavy stealth or ambush kills, also survival instincts showing you who is 'isolated' in packs of enemies may feel cheesy but it's absolutely necessary to try and ghost a game like this where it feels frustrating and random when you're seen otherwise, so that's a solid touch.

Also, as much as everyone tried to claim hitting X to grab with your pick is a QTE in the 'first 45 minutes of gameplay' last month - I have yet to encounter a single QTE, and I'm about halfway through the game. X to grab onto shit is the closest you get, and that's a legit mechanic in these games anyway (Seeing as you can force it even in unintended areas just by making a poor jump, for example). Significantly less holding up and sometimes jumping, significantly less falling/sliding (twice for the former thusfar, and once for the latter, after 10 hours of gameplay).

More importantly than what is actually CHANGED in terms of mechanics, which is more than you would expect but no, not a ton, the design mentality of this game is shifted so much farther from uncharted style and more towards the parts of the first game that were different, which is awesome. This is so much more about exploration and just playing around in the wide open spaces, the first game HAD that, but it all just led to more salvage or whatever other bullshit you may or may not have cared about - it was just there for completion's sake. Now you get outfits, guns, resources, whatever. All of these things feel valuable, which is a huge difference.

I think all told the first game had pretty significant things that set it apart from Uncharted, but it didn't encourage you to engage with those aspects of the game other than getting a higher percentage on the file select screen, so it led to all of those comparisons. This one just ramps up all of those things - the open aspects of the game, and has significantly less of the 'go go go shoot everything and run away from explosions' kind of bombast that people try to shit talk the game for.
Yeah I like it now too, though it is weird they keep changing it.
Hopefully this will be the last time they change it. They don't really have an excuse anymore... TR2013 was originally quite tech limited and then TRDE changed it to make it look more next-gen but now that they've made a fully next-gen iteration I doubt they'll change it substantially. That said, Nathan Drake changed faces every game so... we'll see. :p
I thought this was nice. Posted by Crystal D Game Director. :p


Awww :p
So i was checking out that Digital Foundry (what works and what doesn't) video and they mentioned the film grain filter thing. So they added that intentionally, i thought something was off with my TV for a second. It doesn't seem to be everywhere though, i see it in the nighttime snow part now, but i didn't in Syria...i think.
The impressions in here have me excited for the PC release. Sounds like a great improvement overall. The platforming stuff really sounds awesome!


Are any of you able to suspend the game without it saying you logged out?
What I mean is if you are on a level and you turn your xbox off (Instant On Mode), when you turn it back on are you right where you left off or does it take you back to the main menu saying the status changed?

Dr Dogg

So I ducked in home quickly at lunch to see if my copy had turned up a day early and success! Only had a brief muck about before heading back to work but can definitely see it's a step up visually over TR13. But holy film grain Batman did someone lean on that effect a little too much.


Unfortunately I don't have an Xbox but I heard a glowing review of this game on a podcast earlier, does it live up to the first game which was awesome?


What are everyone else's thoughts on the tombs. Both the main story and optional are a large improvement. Just did the Baths of Kitezh and that one has a really clever solution. The Flooded Archive was also classic Tomb Raider in terms of level design though you could ignore most of the area if you wanted I think and just do the puzzle. The puzzle there was actually fun. The only tomb in the Reboot that was even remotely as involved as some of these (in terms of the path to the tomb and the puzzle) was the Flooded vault.

Zeta Oni

Unfortunately I don't have an Xbox but I heard a glowing review of this game on a podcast earlier, does it live up to the first game which was awesome?

It's everything the first game was and more.

Puzzles are actually more than a dimly lit cave and 10 seconds of thought.

Graphics are beautiful.

Lara controls fluidly and her animations are fantastic. Plus she's got a whole "I'm not exactly new to this type of shit" attitude throughout the game that's really refreshing after the innocent bunny turned rambo we got last game.


Only complaint. I would get rid of the survival caches and coin caches. Those are the only things I hat collecting and they seem pointless. I can get resources in other ways and I have yet to purchase anything because I don't know what you get in the main story and what you don't.


Last tomb was a bit disappointingly small, short and easy after the baths of kitezh and pits of judgement. Oh well the reward was nice at least. The puzzle to open the gates that involved the trebuchets was nice as well.

Dr Dogg

Well that was certainly a better start than TR13. Nice set up with some traversal mechanics and a set piece then bam! Straight into tomb raiding. The language mechanic is a nice touch, although it probably does amount to just more busy work but at least it's kind of fitting in context. And certainly not a bad looking game either (love the per object motion blur implementation in this already).
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