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Rise of the Tomb Raider OT | Feat. 20% more tombs and 75% more chastising OP's title

Am I the only one going after all items, relics, documents etc..

You're not alone, I'm 7 hours in and still haven't past the Soviet Instillation Hub.

I think I missed 2 things in Syria, I hope there's a way to fast travel back. I think it unlocks after the game has been completed, can anyone confirm this?


Am I the only one going after all items, relics, documents etc..

I am but I missed one and can't figure out how I hot the the area that the thing is. The level has now changed due to things happening in the game but I'm really hoping I can still get it as I got everything in the last one.
Yes, I've updated my controller. The bow is fine when you're in stealth and every other weapon is useless for any sort of open combat except for the shotgun.

The aiming is absolutely dreadful in this game if you're in open combat. You kind of know which way the devs are directing you.

The game is absolutely wonderful though. Top 3 for me for sure.

Interesting. Well, I have been playing as stealthily as possible so maybe that's why I feel it's fine? I'll try getting into open combat more later, especially with the score mode it should make me get a better feel to how the aiming is. In any case, hopefully they fix it soon.

leng jai

Interesting. Well, I have been playing as stealthily as possible so maybe that's why I feel it's fine? I'll try getting into open combat more later, especially with the score mode it should make me a better feel to how the aiming is. In any case, hopefully they fix it soon.

Yeah it's much harder to notice with stealth because you're mostly doing melee takedowns and slowly lining up headshots with the bow. It's when you're in a bigger fire fight and try ti play like Gears/Uncharted that the aiming really feels bad.
Interesting. Well, I have been playing as stealthily as possible so maybe that's why I feel it's fine? I'll try getting into open combat more later, especially with the score mode it should make me a better feel to how the aiming is. In any case, hopefully they fix it soon.
The input lag is still there, it's just less of an issue when going down the stealth route because the enemies aren't moving.


The controller delay is killing it for me. It's making aiming extremely hard. It's taking me multiple tries on sections that should be much easier. It's not that the AI is tough, it's this fucking lag. WHY.


The controller delay is killing it for me. It's making aiming extremely hard. It's taking me multiple tries on sections that should be much easier. It's not that the AI is tough, it's this fucking lag. WHY.

How much input lag does your tv have?

Just to understand if it's noticeable even with Low Input Lag to boot + Game Mode


How much input lag does your tv have?

Just to understand if it's noticeable even with Low Input Lag to boot + Game Mode

It;s the same lag on my Sony tv and my Dell monitor. Dunno my TV's lag, but the monitor is 6ms.

It's bad. I can't aim if it's 3 on one.
I'm overflowing in supplies, anyone know where I can get bear skin so I can get a bigger inventory? The farthest area I'm in is he Soviet Installation which I've almost completed and I see no bears.


Well, UPS Mail Innovation's mail turtle is finally arriving today with my game. I really hope it doesn't have the game breaking save game of death screen that the DE version had. I didn't even finish the first game because of that.


You're not alone, I'm 7 hours in and still haven't past the Soviet Instillation Hub.

I think I missed 2 things in Syria, I hope there's a way to fast travel back. I think it unlocks after the game has been completed, can anyone confirm this?

You can fast travel. Some (even though your map will show them) appear with a lock. Those don't unlock until later. Some areas you have to go back, like the first area. Two Relics behind a barrier because you don't have the equipment yet. But I am too going after all the items. I love doing that. It gives me a chance to explore the whole area too.
beaten the game yesterday, 93%
it was a good run, loved the exploration
my only complaints are the characters and the final section of the game, when it turns in somekind of horde mode and the game throws a shit ton of enemy in your face

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I'm still loving it, along with others taking my time exploring, finding all the things when I find a map that displays them etc. So I'm still in the Soviet installation.

Just a fantastic game, and better than the first in every way. Very strong contender for my GOTY if it keeps up until the end.


God damn it. I'm stuck at this part in the
soviet installation
where I get
stromed by several armed soldiers
. I can't pass this part normally because most of my aiming is way off thanks to this fucking lag! I play on survivor and it should be this broken.

Btw, I fired up my TR DE on my ps4, and there is minimal to no lag whatsoever.


Maybe someone has mentioned it before, but I find it kind of silly and immersion-breaking (early game spoiler)
when Lara breaks out of prison and kills a half-dozen or more guards, then sneaks up on the main bad guy and listens to him talking. Why not just put an arrow in his head right there? The same issue arises in movies, fair enough, but they could have forced you through some tight air vent or something so you had to leave the bow behind first.

The game looks amazing though, and I'm loving the creeping around stalking people while I try to stealth through.
I'm overflowing in supplies, anyone know where I can get bear skin so I can get a bigger inventory? The farthest area I'm in is he Soviet Installation which I've almost completed and I see no bears.

There's 3 or 4 bears in the game, including the story bear (lol). The rest are found in caves, usually guarding a tomb or some other treasure. How inconvenient!

Glad to hear other people mentioning the aiming issues. I didn't read any reviews--did any mention this? It's insane. Upgrades and turning aiming sensitivity all the way down helped a little, but it was still rough.


Turning down aim sensitivity all the way worked a little for me too. The lag was just as bad in the definitive edition on Xbox One but it wasn't there on the PS4 version for whatever reason. I think it is a combination of the controller and the lower framerate that is giving issues.


beaten the game yesterday, 93%
it was a good run, loved the exploration
my only complaints are the characters and the final section of the game, when it turns in somekind of horde mode and the game throws a shit ton of enemy in your face

Ugh this happened at the end of the previous game and it really annoyed me then too.

But then again this happens in every game so I can't get too annoyed.

Dr Dogg

I've kind of ditched the main objective now and just focusing on exploring, side stuff and collectables. Really this game has no fucks given telling you how you need to traverse some obstacles. 'What? You want to get the that cave entrance over there? Use survival vision and figure it out genius' which for me is a plus point.
Agree on the aiming issue. I just got to the first shooting part with guns and I was firing all over the place. It isn't as smooth as in 2013 or maybe I'm just rusty.


I'm still early in the game, and was shooting at a rabbit and swore that I missed it he moved as I was firing and the shot shouldn't have landed and even looked as if I missed but got him..


I don't get the aiming complaints, really curious what's up with that. It feels as muddy as any 30 fps game does to me - can tell there's a very slight delay but it never prevented me from head shotting or otherwise winning against lots of enemies.

Also, anyone ever having trouble against multiple targets: USE YOUR SPECIAL ARROWS. Poison can singlehandedly take out packs of wolves and soldiers, and explosive will basically decimate anything, any time I didn't think I had time to make a solid aimed shot an explosive arrow remotely near a target knocked em out late game, easy peasy.


Well I had to sadly end my bow only survivor playthrough once it hit The Lost City. You get swarmed by enemies in open confrontations with no way to stealth them. A upgraded shotgun and some of the special bullets are your friend for the last 10% of the game.


Come on, you're not only wrong but you're being condescending about it. Not all actions have a time limit or sweet spot that results in a fail state if not performed within those limits.

If you can't understand the difference between a cutscene popping up and randomly having to wiggle the stick or press Y to do a random action that is cutscene dependent, vs jumping towards a ledge, losing your grip, and hitting X to grab on (a mechanic, which happens all the time regardless of cutscenes or scripted encounters), I don't know what to say. QTE doesn't strictly mean that the game tells you which button to hit, because lots of games have mechanics that do that.

Once again, there are two points people like you keep bringing up:
X to grab ledge, a mechanic that happens CONSTANTLY inside gameplay, sometimes scripted usually not, and always in a predictable and consistent manner. Much the same as any button in any game in the world might operate.

Y to counter attack. A mechanic you have to unlock which happens almost never during cutscenes or is never forced on you and is strictly related to the player dodging out of a melee attack and the game showing you the timing window you have to execute the counter. Skills you take increase your timing window on when you can do this, so having a visual cue for it is a fair way to show the player what they're getting for their point investments.
The one instance of QTE in my mind is this happening during a cutscene near the end of the game, at this point it has never happened and it is clearly a cutscene so you have no reasonable expectation that it could happen. In the, first game you would expect it because it happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME, in this game it happens exactly once

Well I had to sadly end my bow only survivor playthrough once it hit The Lost City. You get swarmed by enemies in open confrontations with no way to stealth them. A upgraded shotgun and some of the special bullets are your friend for the last 10% of the game.
I didn't try for bow only, but explosive arrows like I mentioned above were far superior to things like the shotgun imo. The only weapon aside from the bow I ever used was the SMG to preserve ammo and for some other misc things, in terms of taking down swarms/large enemies the arrows were far more effective.


Agree on the aiming issue. I just got to the first shooting part with guns and I was firing all over the place. It isn't as smooth as in 2013 or maybe I'm just rusty.

Lowering the sensitivity all the way helped a bit with making fine adjustments. It still moves around a bit too much if you move the stick all the way in any direction though. Just need to get used to lightly moving the stick around.
So any 360 experiences so far? I'm planning to start my game later today. Can't wait.

One of the best looking games on the system. It plays great. Framerate seems like a solid 25-30fps. Cutscenes are mostly pre-rendered from the Xbox One version, which can be a BIT jarring, but nothing major. I don't have an Xbox One and wouldn't expect anyone to loan me theirs (considering Fallout 4 is out) but was able to borrow an Xbox 360 to play it. I don't feel I'm missing out on anything by not playing the Xbox One version (besides better visuals of course)
Normal difficulty is really easy up until the end when it becomes a bit more challenging. If you're good at these types of games, try a harder difficulty.

It was quite easy to just headshot practically every enemy.


Took the plunge on xbone based on earlier comments on the framerate being solid and I'm so glad I did. I could have waited but man, this game is a blast so far.

Any open area I enter I just want to hang out and hunt and explore. Such a fun experience so far!


Also, anyone ever having trouble against multiple targets: USE YOUR SPECIAL ARROWS. Poison can singlehandedly take out packs of wolves and soldiers, and explosive will basically decimate anything, any time I didn't think I had time to make a solid aimed shot an explosive arrow remotely near a target knocked em out late game, easy peasy.

From what I can tell, poison arrows work well on rando bears and
wild cats
, too.

Man oh man, there was one relic I was having a hard time figuring out how to grab in the soviet installation. It felt so great to figure out how to get to it! I'm a little surprised that I'm actually enjoying this game more than Fallout 4. edit: Oh, looks like I got to the place in a "wrong" way? whatever, still felt good, even though it probably took longer...
I'm pretty sure you have to kill the bear to advance the story. She kept saying she had to get passed the bear and you needed to craft the poison arrow for it.
Oh yeah...lol, I forgot about that.
Not sure that's the case. I had to fight the bear, but I died and when I went back to the area it was no longer in the initial cave where you lure it out. It was just gone. No bear skin for me.
I'm pretty sure you have to kill the bear to advance the story. She kept saying she had to get passed the bear and you needed to craft the poison arrow for it.

The game is great though. I love how open it feels in the first few areas.


I'm pretty sure you have to kill the bear to advance the story. She kept saying she had to get passed the bear and you needed to craft the poison arrow for it.

The game is great though. I love how open it feels in the first few areas.

You have to kill the bear but you don't necessarily have to skin it so that is what he missed.
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