Risk of Rain (Steam): Side-scrolling Binding of Isaac

Its really good, my girlfriend carries me through it shes really good at it. I must of played this game for a hundred hours with her. Unlocking thr classes can be done with some text file in the game directory by changing certain trackable invisible achievements to completed, if you dont want to grind out the classes that is.

I liked the acid monster thing, forgot what its called. Powerups being stackable is great, and the action is fairly fast paced.


Is anybody on GAF still playing this and would be interested in setting up a co-op session? Timing could prove tricky, since I'm based in Japan.

I'm in Australia so it is a similar time frame. What platform? I have it on PC but am looking at getting the Vita version.


Dufter Typ taking lurking to the next level
The biggest challenge to me is balancing loot and timing, especially when chests and teleporters are very far apart from one another. Bosses themselves are managable, but the mobs that show up in the process tend to get to me.

How much time do you spend on average in one environment? I have pretty rough curves between 5 and 15 minutes.. It tends to come and bite me by the third stage.


I'm in Australia so it is a similar time frame. What platform? I have it on PC but am looking at getting the Vita version.

Sarcasm said:
I am in Taiwan and I still need to 100% this.

I play on PC and am just reading through the whole process of opening up ports and everything.


The biggest challenge to me is balancing loot and timing, especially when chests and teleporters are very far apart from one another. Bosses themselves are managable, but the mobs that show up in the process tend to get to me.

How much time do you spend on average in one environment? I have pretty rough curves between 5 and 15 minutes..


I play on PC and am just reading through the whole process of opening up ports and everything.

PC here and I have no clue, it had been ages since I played it last. I might be able to host but my free Internet I have no control over that side port wise.


Sometimes I get a really good build that lets me survive really high difficulties. I think I once got at least 3 jump upgrades so I was able to quadruple jump or something and was just able to jump around everywhere while things died around me. I was about to get to the last stage when the boss spawned in such a way (up in a corner platform) that I was only able to damage it by jumping and shooting, jumping and shooting. It had an electrical attack if I got too close so I couldn't get on the tiny platform AND it healed so I couldn't slowing wear it down.

I was really angry at the procedural generation that day.


I play on PC and am just reading through the whole process of opening up ports and everything.

Never played online. You have to open ports or something? Doesn't use Steamworks?

I think there is a balance between finishing levels quickly and trying to get upgrades. I may be doing it wrong but I always want to find good enough items on the first or second levels before moving on.


Dufter Typ taking lurking to the next level
Sometimes I get a really good build that lets me survive really high difficulties. I think I once got at least 3 jump upgrades so I was able to quadruple jump or something and was just able to jump around everywhere while things died around me. I was about to get to the last stage when the boss spawned in such a way (up in a corner platform) that I was only able to damage it by jumping and shooting, jumping and shooting. It had an electrical attack if I got too close so I couldn't get on the tiny platform AND it healed so I couldn't slowing wear it down.

I was really angry at the procedural generation that day.

I had the exact opposite happen to me when the big Imp spawned on some high platform and then just decided to jump off, taking a small part of his health and giving me some time to take care of the regular enemies that popped up. That run was actually my best so far - almost got to level 5, but I didn't survive long enough even after finishing off the Magma Dog. :(

Never played online. You have to open ports or something? Doesn't use Steamworks?

It would be my first time, aswell. The process itself doesn't sound too complicated - it's just about accessing your router and finding out your online IP address. I'm pretty sure I could host, if necessary.

I think there is a balance between finishing levels quickly and trying to get upgrades. I may be doing it wrong but I always want to find good enough items on the first or second levels before moving on.

I haven't quiet figured out the usefulness of items vs. your own level/the difficulty. Weapons like the spinning blade or the mortar are obviously important, but support items like the lamp of the teleporting gate take some time to get used to imo. The disappointment after scavenging the entire level for feel-good items and coming up with nothing sure is something.
Playing this on the vita and love it, such fun gameplay and awesome soundtrack

I used to rush between levels but tried now to tale my time and gear up
Played for 70 minutes and Felt owerpowered. Eventually boss after boss spawned and when there were multiple crawlers (or what they are called, throws rocks/magma) I died. I stopped looking for a teleporter as I thought this was the last thing to beat but perhaps I was misstanen? Should I kill all the bosses or keep looking for a teleporter/gate?

Damn wish I still had all those things Felt like I had it..
Great game bump.

Such a great game. Bought this again for cheap from PSN (under $5). I unlocked the first 2 guys but I always go back to the commando. Doing a good roll, when there's chests everywhere and you power up well? Just intense fun.


as soon as you get the command artifact it become much easier, since there are no random items anymore, you get to choose which power up is inside, making easier to build your character over your style

great game by the way
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