Risk of Rain (Steam): Side-scrolling Binding of Isaac


Neo Member
I may be so diabolically awful at this that I'm yet to even finish off the second stage, but similar to Rogue Legacy, it's got me completely hooked. There's just something about those short 10-15 minute bursts of frantic oh-god-can-I-stay-alive-just-30-more-seconds action.

Loving it.


Stormy Grey
Finally beat it with a pair of pals tonight.

What. a. game.

Engineer + 2x Bandit combo tore everything that came our way to shreds. Add on the number of drones we'd picked up and we had a small army constantly gunning, tesla coils bursting at whatever got too close to the inner circle of pain.

This game man. This fucking game.


How do you unlock new classes? I've played for a few hours and I still just have the Commando.

If you go to the Score/Unlockables option on the main menu, click achievements, change page with green arrow to "Characters", you can see what you need to do to unlock them.


Finally beat it with a pair of pals tonight.

What. a. game.

Engineer + 2x Bandit combo tore everything that came our way to shreds. Add on the number of drones we'd picked up and we had a small army constantly gunning, tesla coils bursting at whatever got too close to the inner circle of pain.

This game man. This fucking game.

How long is it? Do you think it's easy to complete solo?


It probably took me around 6+ hours to complete the first time, solo. I wouldn't call it easy, but some classes are more manageable solo. The gameplay encourages multiple play-throughs.

Very fun game.
Had my best run ever. Huntress, did two cycles of the worlds. Unlocked 3 separate characters. 4 achievements and 4 new items. And in the very last battle, at 3000 life, my game froze.

I...had to step away for a while.


Stormy Grey
How long is it? Do you think it's easy to complete solo?

With my group, we average 70-75 minutes between 2 to 3 players. Depending on some factors like how well everyone works together, it could go faster. Multi introduces a bit of extra difficulty in that everyone gets their share of gold and exp but not everyone gets a lot of items. Solo, everything is yours so long as you can work hard enough to get the money to buy out everything on a stage.

I imagine it'd be a little easier solo for that fact alone, and I did manage to get through almost the whole game (on rainstorm/normal) last night after I unlocked the Huntress in 40 minutes but died on the second to the last stage.

It's a hell of an experience either solo or multi, you really can't go wrong.

Had my best run ever. Huntress, did two cycles of the worlds. Unlocked 3 separate characters. 4 achievements and 4 new items. And in the very last battle, at 3000 life, my game froze.

I...had to step away for a while.

My heart breaks for you, I was so afraid my game was going to freeze on the last stage after I had unlocked huntress and a dozen items that I was almost willing to drop the game so I could save it.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
How do you unlock new classes? I've played for a few hours and I still just have the Commando.

I got the second dude after completeing 2 levels.... I think?

whats everyones strat for this, race to the finish line or take your time? not sure I like the 'take longer, gets harder' mechanic, because by world 3 I was on 'impossible' and the bad dudes were unstopable.
I got the second dude after completeing 2 levels.... I think?

whats everyones strat for this, race to the finish line or take your time? not sure I like the 'take longer, gets harder' mechanic, because by world 3 I was on 'impossible' and the bad dudes were unstopable.

It depends how good are the items I got. I don't think it's a good idea to rush for the next level without some decent items at least.

The soundtrack is really AMAZING. I never thought I'd hear such high quality OST from it. I mean listen to this !




Tropic of Cancer is my favorite so far.
This game has my endorsement. I think the commando doesn't deal enough damage, but engineer and Acrid are both awesome for damage.

I like the Commando but he needs some damage passive items to shine, having Bleeding + Explosion every hit + Missiles is a crazy combination.

Also after playing the game the cover makes sense now:


This is ridiculously hard. I'm not sure how to even get past the first teleporter because enemies just swarm me.
From all the classes that I unlocked the Engineer is so far the best one, his skills are very useful. Since he throws the grenades I can just keep jumping and tossing grenades and spaming the Spears, if shit got too serious I lay the mines and put the turrets. One boss I killed and didn't even managed to see him. xD

I'm getting tired of every indie game using this style of art.

Every indie game using pixle art is a big exageration of your part.

This is ridiculously hard. I'm not sure how to even get past the first teleporter because enemies just swarm me.

The best advice is to keep playing, you start to know the enemies attacks what the different colors in the same enemies means and the best tatics of the class you're playing.


Unlimited Capacity
I mean that I cant start it. The dude is just walking around the planet and I actually pressed every button on the keyboard yet nothing happened.
Also, has anyone else found weird things in levels? Like, just...small odd things that may not actually have to do with anything? For example, on the 3rd stage ice level that's the real big bridge and valley, if you go all the way to the top left...there's just a random fence there with a bush or two. And in the magma core in one of the cubbies there's some weird...idol thing. Just really random, interesting stuff.
I've read that in the ice level if you go to the top left and go to some fence and bush and push up, you'll be teleported

to a boar beach, with constantly respawning toxic boars, as an homage to maple story

I haven't found the place you described yet to try


But this game is made by someone from /v/, I thought Neogaf hated /v/!

All joking aside, great game, enjoyed following it's development.


The biggest complaint I have with the game so far is how it handles difficulty, starts out well enough for the first three levels or so. But after that it's like the game runs out of ideas and starts constantly spawning bosses until you find a teleporter, making the game run terribly in the process. The latter half of the game just felt tedious since there where no new interesting challenges and no real increase in difficulty, things just took longer to kill. This was when playing two player multiplayer. I would like to give the harder difficulty a try and see what happens but completing the game once kind of soured me on it.


Love it, even better with mates but god damn character lockups to death!

Was in the commando zone last night, first hahaha difficulty run, 2minutes off breaking the 60minute mark and BAM! character locks up and doesn't move when the red imp boss spawned, I lasted 20 seconds standing still before death, it was painful to watch, so painful.

They fix the bugs and this game will be more then stellar, it's N64 levels of coop goodness. And no matter how much pain you suffer, you go back, this is like dark souls and demon souls all over again....we gamers are a sick bunch.
Love it, even better with mates but god damn character lockups to death!

Was in the commando zone last night, first hahaha difficulty run, 2minutes off breaking the 60minute mark and BAM! character locks up and doesn't move when the red imp boss spawned, I lasted 20 seconds standing still before death, it was painful to watch, so painful.

They fix the bugs and this game will be more then stellar, it's N64 levels of coop goodness. And no matter how much pain you suffer, you go back, this is like dark souls and demon souls all over again....we gamers are a sick bunch.

These lockups also occurs with enemies. Still haven't happened to my character.


Tried this out with a friend last night after watching the Giant Bomb quick look. Lots of fun and have unlocked 3 classes overall. Was hoping that there would be more synergy between the various classes, but that doesn't appear to be the case. Have stuck with the commando so far, seems to be the most balanced.

You know you're having fun with a game when you look up and realize that 3-4 hours has passed when you only meant to go for an hour.
I played with the Bandit and Acrid, the first seems pretty underwhelming and the Lights Out ability not very useful when you are being swarmed by lot of enemies.

After playing Acrid I think he/she/it is an advanced class, having to be in the melee range requires much attention, at least the others skills are medium range and they can stack for some high potential damage.
I played with the Bandit and Acrid, the first seems pretty underwhelming and the Lights Out ability not very useful when you are being swarmed by lot of enemies.

After playing Acrid I think he/she/it is an advanced class, having to be in the melee range requires much attention, at least the others skills are medium range and they can stack for some high potential damage.
Bandit is fucking amazing, attack speed upgrades and properly timed cooldown resets are soooo good.

I'm crack addicted to this game, probably my personal GOTY.

I remapped my controls to the following:

WASD - movement
Arrow Keys - abilities
Numapd 0 - use item
Delete Key - swap item
Right Shift - enter key

Made all the difference in being able to get over the learning curve
Been playing this since a day after it came out, amazing game. Played a lot of multiplayer so have almost everything unlocked, only missing a few items and one character(acrid, I rarely get the water level solo and when I do, he isn't there). The huntress is easily the best character in the game, to the point where it kinda feels like easy mode or something. Once I finally get acrid I might just retire her, maybe work on mercenary. He and the robot are actually kinda shity, but he's just fun to play... and I still need to try out the miner since I finally unlocked him. By the way... If you can, get someone who doesn't suck to take you through the game on monsoon mode as mercenary. If one of you beats the game you get a really nice item
Ancient Scepter. Improves your ultimate ability(like the DOTA 2 item)
. You could do it solo merc of course... but good luck with that.
It makes me so happy to see so many people playing and loving this game. I can't throw enough praise at it.

...cept that last game freeze >____>

That being said, I've never encountered any other bugs that people are seeing. Character's never locked up and I've never gotten massive slowdown, hell, I barely get any on higher difficulties. Concerning to hear it though, considering the amount I play.

Thanks to Mr. Owlowl I've
also found the secret level.
So thanks for that!

I'm gonna try the unlocks again to see if I can grab those characters I lost.

For those having trouble, here's how I suggest it:

I suck at Commando, but could regularly get to the second level just by rushing to find the teleport and then zooming to the second level after killing the boss. If you keep doing this as practice you'll eventually unlock
the Enforcer after killing 3 of the different boss types.
This dude has a slower and tankier style so sometimes it can fuck you over but if you front shield during certain bosses, you should be alright if you found a good area. Once you are him,
buy every drone you ever find, all the time. When you've bought 40 total, you unlock the Engineer and Engineer is EASY MODO.
Just run around spamming your second attack, in between your 4th attack drops and occasionally 3rd attack when enemies are on screen and can't easily reach you since it has homing. Also, spam your main attack. Should be fine. That's who I used before unlocking

As far as time goes, certain classes actually fare better in certain ways. Commando and
work better as rushing through levels and collecting as you go, then grabbing what's around the teleporter and leaving as soon as you can. People like
Engineer and Death Godde-er, Huntress
definitely benefit more from making sure you waste all your gold on items before the next level even if the difficulty increases. Their damage can really outpace the higher difficulties if you get a good array of items.

As far as items go, certain ones you ALWAYS want to pick up and others you find can have great synergy as well. For example, the change purse that gives you extra gold per kill and the golden gun that increases your damage with the amount of gold you make means that you should rush the teleporter, start killing and watch as you get more and more powerful until you kill the boss in a matter of seconds. Then spend your absurd amount of wealth.

Items can really make or break you in this and certain characters work better with certain items than others do. For example, if you do not have some manner of heal on hit/kill with
you're pretty much boned.

That being said, all peeps have different preferences for classes and set ups that work for them. It's fun to find those ways!


Found almost all the characters,

So far it's a fun game, the hardest run was to finish the game the first time, then it get really easier.

Most class can easily finish the game, only one so far for me suck so hard (or I suck with it)
The Janitor

Fun game!
I'm down for helping with strategies with most classes as I've beaten the game a couple times with almost all of them.

Also item strategies, even if it's randomized a bit. Just to make your run a little better when you encounter those three choice ones so you know your best bet.
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