This post is going to have a lot of spoilered unlocks, just to let people know.
I really can't do anything with the Enforcer, feels like a character that needs a team backing him up to really do anything significant, his short range and slow walk speed sort of kill me when I'm up against the Lava Worm or the Jellyfish. He mauls the Colossus though.
Enforcer takes some work. I'd say much of his viability comes from having a good place to set up your shield against a boss as well as knowing when to shield, as it's not always best to do so (example, Guardian Jellyfish. He is a kiter, do not drop shield on him). That said, don't be afraid to shield to take care of normal mobs as his attack speed increase is well worth it. Drop shield, fire til they're near you then shield slam to knock them just far enough away that a rocket stun will always hit them and keep firing. Ad nauseaum. Two items that help TREMENDOUSLY for him are the Warbanner and Green Carpet Thingy That Heals When You Stand Still For Two Seconds (...forgot the name). Both work exceptionally well, as normally during boss rushes you'll level and the increase in health regen and attack speed is not to be underestimated. I regularly reach Level 3 with Enforcer, though bad items or luck can fuck you later on.
Tried Engineer and I just got slayed. Multiple times. Am I just not getting lucky drops? What's the difference between the drones engineer gets rather than what other classes get? Dude sucks so far for me.
Engineer Pro Guide!
Engineer is easily super OP. He just takes a little work. His three bomb normal attack does decent enough damage, though you'll mostly just be spamming it in between cooldowns of other abilities. I'd hesitate to use his turrets on normal mobs since they are super helpful during bosses to 1. deal damage and 2. draw aggro so save those puppies for the boss rush. The real trick and bread and butter of his game are mines. Mines mines mines. Use them all the time. Slam on that 2 key until it breaks your keyboard/gamepad. When facing normal mobs, just lay them behind you and watch as stuff tries to follow you and blows up, then clean them up or hit them occasionally with your 3 bomb normal. If enemies are fast enough to catch up to you just jump to dodge past them and head back the other way to lure them back into your mines. For bosses, do not do set up before they show as you may drop all your mines and turrets in an area they do not spawn. Wait for them to spawn and then drop both turrets either 1. on either side of the boss or 2. on the same floor but far apart from each other so enemy attacks don't hit both and so you can comfortable run back and forth between them to avoid monster attacks. This range is important because bosses and the boss rush are won by laying down mines and running back and forth across the area you dropped them, WHILE NEVER STOPPING THE DROP OF MINES. Dead serious, pound that key. Jumping a lot helps as a lot of time the hit box for an attack may not actually be above the ground where it hits. Whenever you're mines are on cooldown just shoot out a normal attack. Each boss sorta has a range this strat works best at and little variations. Magma Worm don't be standing where he comes out but try and get him to come down on mines, Colossus just lay bombs and wait as he walks onto them slowly, fight Guardian Jelly on a long open space so he stays on the same line as you and eats any mines you drop, Wisp is cake, Toxic Beast will gladly eat said mines, etc. Just mine mine mine all of the time. The cooldown is low enough that you should be dropping one every 2 or 3 seconds.
Now, his missile attack is something tricky. This ability is REALLY GODDAM GOOD but really dangerous. First, it does a ton of damage. Second, it homes in on targets. ANYWHERE. This is the great part. On a high level and see an enemy below you? Missile out of his range and kill him safely. It has an...okay cooldown so it shouldn't waste too much time. The fact that you stand still when you use it seems like it wouldn't be viable during boss rush or near monsters, especially if you use the strategy I outlined above. YOU WOULD BE WRONG. The damage for it is worth it to use and you can make effective use of it by strategizing a bit. A real big trick to using it is that you can use it in the air and you will continue to travel meaning that the frames where you stand still will be used in the air so that there is significantly less time standing still. So the way I often use it is to jump and immediately use it, avoiding the attack or mob I was just going by as they try and attack and then land with only a few frames of stand-still and run the other way before they can attack. It takes a couple tries to get used to the timing, but the missiles are his strongest attack and well worth the effort to use.
Other than that, good item set up would be anything that increases mobility such as the Goat Hoof or Jet Packs. Since all his attacks have a chance to proc item stuff (including bombs and missiles and turrets) anything that does explosions or splash or anything like that helps control mobs tremendously. Likewise since you'll be running past mobs quite a lot, items like Barbed Wire are helpful whereas Tesla Coil is the absolute HOME WRECKER. He has an okay amount of life, but life boosting stuff is always appreciated. Avoid the stand still one, if you're playing him right you should never be standing still.
Hope that helps! It's a bit disorganized and I'm pretty sure I used the word "use" about 30 jabillion times but it's early so sue me.
Is it usually better to keep fighting the boss around a single area or drag him around to avoid the monster spawn pile-up?
Depends on class, current items and level. People with AoE stuff like Acrid or Engineer most definitely should stick to one area and just keep running back and forth amidst the mobd and boss to keep them together. It's more dangerous due to having more enemies able to hit you, but your damage output should also help you deal with them better and not make you end up fighting single enemies and wasting your abilities too fast so that the next single enemy chills around hitting you while you twiddle thumbs. Likewise if you have explosion items, mortars, sacrificial dagger, ghost mask anything that means an enemy death causes a damaging effect than it's best used near other enemies. People like Commando and Miner and such work best drawing enemies away from the boss and dealing with them separately. Huntress too, until she starts being able to out DPS heal hits. Level factors in because on early levels unless you're an Engineer or Enforcer, it's best to draw enemies or bosses away and then mess 'em up. Once you level and do more damage or have more items or faster attack speed, you can normally handle them all together, though there are still enemies I prefer dealing with separately due to either negligence (Ancient Wisp is easy...until you stop paying attention to him while fighting mobs and you don't keep track of his easy to avoid attacks) or annoyance (stupid fucking Imp is so hard to dodge with other enemies around). depends.
Some thoughts:
The game gets better once you manage to unlock some more items, and I feel that there's really no shame in playing drizzle prevalently, because I find the difficulty of the game a bit unbalanced. I finished the game just barely, 70 minutes in: I was very confused by the level's layout and the boss took ages to kill; I have no idea how a class without dodge could kill it è.é .
Even a lucky run will end prematurely on the later levels due to the fact that your character's abilities receive no real upgrade. I don't know the actual numbers but it seems to me that you just get a smal HP up and a very small damage increase on level up, am I right?
Lastly, maybe I'm just a noob but I find that some classes are simply not viable. How are you supposed to survive past level 2 with the acrid? I'd like to see that.
Acrid is devastating. The trick is to not spam his melee just hit for the DoT to stack on top of his other DoTs. He's a bit tougher since he has to get in close range, but fighting with him takes a little more patience since a lot of his strategy hinges on his acid floor ability.
Now Sniper or Miner or Robot Janitor...they're guys I'd question the viability of.
As far as the later levels difficulty goes...yeah, I'll admit the game could use some more balancing. Seems like there's less strategy for most classes late level and it simply becomes "SPAM EVERYTHING AND HOPE MY ITEMS KEEP ME ALIVE" sometimes. I'd still say it requires some level of strategy as for instance my later Huntress runs work completely different than my late Engineer or Acrid runs do.
The Final Boss is not SO bad if you don't have dodge. Just...don't be standing still. And know when to jump. What's really hard without dodge is the last phase cause of that damn shadow clone. Still managed with Acrid fine though. Worms died so fucking fast, lol. Each segment can be hit by his disease spreader and the acid floor.
After a few hours with this, I realized the more people playing the better the game got. Fantastic game but best played with a good group of folks.
;______; I've been having all this fun by myself.
I'm also going to be an enormous nerd and try and make Providence cosplay. I've already gotten a huge ass piece of cedar and sketched out his sword. I just really wanna get in touch with the makers and ask for concept sketches and enlarged pictures of him so I can get working on the costume right. would be my nerdliest dream to go to a PAX or random anime convention with a group of people cosplaying as all the characters.
Man, I think I need to step away from this game a bit more. It's starting to get obsessive.
I've also debated starting threads for this game on various other game culture boards. I love how this one took off and so many people have bought it because of it, considering I thought most of us were original Kickstarters and the game wasn't selling so hot. I want this game to do well though, I'm invested in it this time and want to see it succeed. Such is the way of Kickstarting, I suppose, since I feel like it was worth putting money on something that could've been crap but turned out to be top 5 game of the year.