Risk of Rain (Steam): Side-scrolling Binding of Isaac

Damn. This game is hard! Did you guys alter the control scheme as well? For commando I use WSAD for movement, space for jumping, L-shift for rolling and num 1-2-3 for the other abilities. I wish the game had full controller support but right now it just doesn't feel very good.

I must be the only person who doesn't have a problem with the defaut control scheme.

I suck at this game :(

Keep playing to unlock more itens, these things makes total difference.
You and me! How am I supposed to unlock nes characters by the way? Because if it's by beating a level I'm fucked lol

Also curious

I think in the unlockables tells what you have to do unlock the other characters. Anyway:

Enforcer: kill Magma worm, Colossus and Wandering.
Engineer: buy 40 drones, repairing drones broken drones you have also count.
Huntress: collect 15 monsters log, don't think they drop on drizzle.
Minner: rescue him in the lava caves
Acrid: defeat it in the water stage.
Bandit: beat level 3
Sniper: beat the game
Janitor: find it in the last level.
Mercenary: beat the game five times
I think in the unlockables tells what you have to do unlock the other characters. Anyway:

Enforcer: kill Magma worm, Colossus and Wandering.
Engineer: buy 40 drones, repairing drones broken drones you have also count.
Huntress: collect 15 monsters log, don't think they drop on drizzle.
Minner: rescue him in the lava caves
Acrid: defeat it in the water stage.
Bandit: beat level 3
Sniper: beat the game
Janitor: find it in the last level.
Mercenary: beat the game five times
So basically get passed the first level at least? Fuck lol
You and me! How am I supposed to unlock nes characters by the way? Because if it's by beating a level I'm fucked lol

Characters are obtained by meeting certain requirements or completing specific tasks:

The Enforcer is unlocked when you beat the Magma Worm, Wandering Vagrant and the Colossus

The Engineer by buying or repairing 40 drones (across playthroughs)

You get the Bandir by beating Stage 3, the Sniper by beating the final stage.

The Huntress after you collect 15 monster logs, and the Mercenary after beating the game 5 times.

The last 3 you have to find within the stages,

The Miner is in the Magma Barracks stage, all the way to the bottom right, you will pass through a tunnel and fight a Direseeker, this will give you the achievement

Han-D is in a black crate on the final stage, walk up and open it

Acrid is in the Sunken Tomb, all the way to the top right, unlock the cage, beat her and done.

The last 3 only have a chance to spawn so if they aren't there, just re/visit the level via the teleporter until you get em.

Also, apart from the Bandit and the Huntress (rainstorm), you can do all these on easy.


Characters are obtained by meeting certain requirements or completing specific tasks:

The Enforcer is unlocked when you beat the Magma Worm, Wandering Vagrant and the Colossus

The Engineer by buying or repairing 40 drones (across playthroughs)

You get the Bandir by beating Stage 3, the Sniper by beating the final stage.

The Huntress after you collect 15 monster logs, and the Mercenary after beating the game 5 times.

The last 3 you have to find within the stages,

The Miner is in the Magma Barracks stage, all the way to the bottom right, you will pass through a tunnel and fight a Direseeker, this will give you the achievement

Han-D is in a black crate on the final stage, walk up and open it

Acrid is in the Sunken Tomb, all the way to the top right, unlock the cage, beat her and done.

The last 3 only have a chance to spawn so if they aren't there, just re/visit the level via the teleporter until you get em.

Also, apart from the Bandit and the Huntress (rainstorm), you can do all these on easy.

This will be hard...


The final difficulty level name is the best. :lol

The default controls are ass
Controller? Disagree, they're as simple and intuitive as can be. A to jump, X to open, B to use, the 4 combat skills on the shoulders. ez pz lemon squeezy. I'm using Xpadder in addition to make the right stick control mouse and right stick click act as mouse click, so I can navigate the menus from my couch as well. ^^

The art style translates well to full screen, the pixel art landscapes look absolutely gorgeous on the 50" plasma.
Ok I beat the boss with the sniper on drizzle. i had something like 6 drones with me and the clock. It was reeeeeeal close. I could only win cause I had 3 stop-time-when-low-hp items with me, so I managed to nail him with one last snipe
This will be hard...

It's so much fun though.

There's basically a threshold you cross where you have enough items to not die unless you fuck up and you job everything in sight, nothing quite as satisfying as having 5 bosses and a couple dozen mobs on screen only to nuke em all at once.
What's the deal with these unreachable golden chests?

For some of them you need the jetpacks to get a high enough jump to reach. For the one in the last stage between two walls...I dunno. Anyways, they have guaranteed rarest class items in them.

Oh, and I started playing with the Sniper today. You guys weren't kidding when you said he was a damage machine. I've gotta practice dodging with him and where to draw enemies in each stage so I can fuck'em up with fully charged shots.




Just beat the game for the first time, after playing a bunch of co-op with friends last night and only getting to level 3. For some reason (cash, items) single player is so much easier, not having to share things out between people seems to make it much easier of a game.

So far i've got the following characters/classes unlocked: Commando, Enforcer, HAN-D and Sniper. Both HAN-D and Sniper seem weak, HAN-D (who is the robot class) is a melee class with drones he can shoot out when he kills enemies but isn't super strong. The Sniper is weak as hell, his secondary ability (super snipe power of awesome) is really strong though, I imagine he may work well in co-op, i'll find out tonight.

Need to play on the higher difficulties too to unlock the Bandit, plus hopefully getting Acrid and Miner tonight. For some reason getting the Huntress seems hard, Monster Logs don't seem to drop on "Drizzle" difficulty and they're rare as it is on normal.

But yeah - FANTASTIC game, love it!


Anyone in on a four pack? I want in.

Edit: how long is this, roughly?

60-90 minutes for 1-2 players normal play through, will be shorter if teammates are proficient, will be longer if you want to loop more levels for more loots.

But it's roguelike, full of replay value, worth spend 20-30 hours even more.


So I bought it, kept dying then I managed to reach the 3rd stage, directly found Acrid (I think?), then after a 20 min fight, managed to kill him, yay! Died shortly after >.<
Then I choose him(her?) and reached the final boss 0_o
Almost killed him, he had like 10k HP left
(final form)
, but wow, I was surprised to go this far. At least I unlocked tons of items and 2 characters.
Is Acrid overpowered or something?

And is it easier with the keyboard? I was playing with the Xbox 360 controller.
Finished the game for the second time, this run I was playing with the Huntress. She starts with low health but being able to run and shoot to the contrary direction is very useful, add this the fact that she seems to be the faster of the characters and it makes her a amazing kiting character. I was lucky to get Infunsion to drop in the first level, but I had to go through most of the stages without a proper healing item, but then I got heals on crit + heal on hit + always crit when enemy low health, so I was pretty much healing all of the time. xD

Providence was
easy, I still feels the only part of his fight that may kill you is the red worm, it's red beam is dangerous if you don't have a proper amount of health or a way to dodge/outrun it.

Have you guys read the logs?
Some the enemies sounds like they're pacific and only attack you who is an alien form in their planet. Also I don't get the introductory cutscene, Providence appears and start destroying your ship then it shows Elders Lemurians and Wisps in one a part of the ship, my doubt is Providence teletransported them or were you transporting them and he attacked to free the 'monsters'.


Finished the game for the second time, this run I was playing with the Huntress. She starts with low health but being able to run and shoot to the contrary direction is very useful, add this the fact that she seems to be the faster of the characters and it makes her a amazing kiting character. I was lucky to get Infunsion to drop in the first level, but I had to go through most of the stages without a proper healing item, but then I got heals on crit + heal on hit + always crit when enemy low health, so I was pretty much healing all of the time. xD

Providence was
easy, I still feels the only part of his fight that may kill you is the red worm, it's red beam is dangerous if you don't have a proper amount of health or a way to dodge/outrun it.

Have you guys read the logs?
Some the enemies sounds like they're pacific and only attack you who is an alien form in their planet. Also I don't get the introductory cutscene, Providence appears and start destroying your ship then it shows Elders Lemurians and Wisps in one a part of the ship, my doubt is Providence teletransported them or were you transporting them and he attacked to free the 'monsters'.

Well he is the bulwark of the weak
I've played it for about 2 hours this weekend. Got to the 4th level on the middle difficulty. I unlocked 1 class so far. Perma health per kill item is so good.
so co-op is only by directly connecting to someone? how...retro.

i'm John Rabbit on Steam if anyone wants to co-op sometime, i'm pretty bad at this game though.
Firstly, playing on Drizzle helps you practice with him cause if you try normal without knowing how to really use him...he'll just fucking eat shit.

Early on, his normal attack is an easy kill on Lemurians since it knocks them back enough to lock them into a pattern, so I'd focus on that to build your first couple levels. After that it's REALLY hard to use his normal attack with any sort of effectiveness cause he is nowhere near as hardy as other melee characters nor does he have a lot of the advantages that they have (poison damage, range, speed, ability to heal, whatever). Maybe there are decent times to use it, but I have found so few.

His absolutely most used attack and what you should be spamming relentlessly is his Jump Crush attack. Main reason is the damage it does over a decent AoE, it's ability to work as a very good avoidance maneuver to deal damage while dodging hits, it's ability to work as second jump to give you more room to reach stuff or get to better vantage points and it's retarded cooldown. It's like 2 seconds or some shit, real real low so you can spam the hell out of it.

After that the most useful is his backdash. It's limited in use by the enemies having to be behind you and your sprite having to clear them to stun them. Likewise, the stun while useful does not last very long so it's mainly good for juking to escape enemies or hitting them with a Jump Crush. Normal attacks are a no no as you'll have to get into position to do so and they'll unstun by that time. I mainly use it when enemies are behind chasing me and I'm coming to a wall or ledge where I'll have to turn around. Reach ledge, backdash, crush the opposite direction and start running. Has an okay cooldown, kinda long when you really want to keep using it on smaller areas. Wish it moved further or had a longer stun. Don't expect it to do enough damage to really matter.

His charge attack...god, I wish it was good. And I know how it was supposed to be used. Thanks to the backdash stun, you were supposed to backdash then immediately charge to give you ample time to get to a decent full before rushing them for a lot of damage. Number of problems here including the shortness of the backdash's stun and the length of the charge as well as the annoying fact that while knocking enemies back, it itself does not stun so really heavy enemies or enemies just out of your reach will just shrug and gutter stomp you. It does a really good amount of damage and knocking back a large horde of enemies can be REALLY useful but to be frank it doesn't charge fast enough, travel far enough or hit hard enough to make it worthwhile. In the time you charge and hit and wait for the cooldown you can get off like 3 or 4 Jump Crushes and outdamage it as well as allow yourself better maneuverability. Early on you can tank some damage to make it okay but later it becomes a hazard to sit still and charge that long. Really wish this attack was better because the backdash/drill charge combo should be his bread and butter. Also the cooldown is waaaay too fucking long for the damage it does. If it's going to be that long it should be fucking devastating, especially since you have to charge to make it do any good damage anyways.

Best items are speed items, as in make him run and jump better. His maneuverability is the key. After that, just grab up some damage soakers if you can and proximity damage like Tesla Coil or Barb Wire since you'll be juking enemies and always be in melee distance. Then the normal suspects and good items if you can.

Hope that helps. I'm still working on him, he's a toughie. Got to Ancient Temple a couple times but kept dying to the boss or if I went any farther. He just starts to not survive around that point.

I wonder if the devs would be willing to do updates to the game with feedback if we were to start sending it in. I'd love for more classes to be viable on solo normal.


Ended up settling on Miner and Han-D as my defaults. Miner has wonderful mobility and I don't give a fuck at all when playing as Han-D. Honestly Han-D's only flaw is his major healing skill becomes utterly useless in the final battle if you waste it all early on. Han-D with even more drones amuses me to no end.

But yeah, Han-D + Sniper makes for a true combo. The only classes I have left to unlock are the Mercenary and the Huntress. Commando's good, I don't really enjoy the Bandit, and I feel like the Engineer needs more options in terms of defense since his attacks are so slow and so is he.


Acrid is just silly. After only making it to the fourth level (on normal difficulty) a handful of times in a dozen attempts I beat the game on my first try as him without a clue of what I was doing at the start;
I even did an extra level for no reason because I didn't read the prompt on the teleporter
. The importance of not having to stand and fight in this game really can't be overstated.

To anyone who wants to see the end but can't seem to do it as other characters: Pick Acrid, buy drones, alternate pressing C and V while you run from your opponents. Proceed until credits.
I even did an extra level for no reason because I didn't read the prompt on the teleporter

Honest, the first...3 or 4 times I
kept looping back and redoing levels because I didn't see the text to advance to the final stage.
It helps for sure, kinda sorta, but still I coulda won so many times before I finally did.


Honest, the first...3 or 4 times I
kept looping back and redoing levels because I didn't see the text to advance to the final stage.
It helps for sure, kinda sorta, but still I coulda won so many times before I finally did.
The one I did I blew through in less than three minutes (teleporter time included). It made me realize a few things:

1. If you get ahead of the difficulty curve, there's not really that much the game can do to stop you. Ultimately, winning the game comes down to snowballing efficiency to stay ahead and losing comes down to snowballing inefficiency that pushes you further and further behind until you're dead. If you're in one position or the other by, say, the third level, it's probably not going to change; it's very deterministic in that you're eventually going to win or lose depending on how you're poised in that moment because the game doesn't often slip up and grant you a lot of items for free. Some characters are less item-dependent and are therefore more likely to have a round go in their favor. As well, not every character starts "behind" the curve, so to speak.

2. As a direct result of this, the game can't really be played like a conventional Roguelike that goes on forever until you die. There are a couple of other reasons why this is true, but the biggest one is simply that because there are really only two states of gameplay -- "unstoppable juggernaut" or "dead man walking" -- you would, by definition, be in the former camp if you were at the point where you would be playing past the first handful of levels. And, as I previously mentioned, there's not really much the game can do about it by then.

I still consider this to be a very solid 4/5 game that offered me a surprisingly high caliber of entertainment. If it were designed to be also played as an endless dungeon, however, I feel it would have been so much more.
Acrid is just silly. After only making it to the fourth level (on normal difficulty) a handful of times in a dozen attempts I beat the game on my first try as him without a clue of what I was doing at the start;
I even did an extra level for no reason because I didn't read the prompt on the teleporter
. The importance of not having to stand and fight in this game really can't be overstated.

To anyone who wants to see the end but can't seem to do it as other characters: Pick Acrid, buy drones, alternate pressing C and V while you run from your opponents. Proceed until credits.

This tactic works very well, almost reached the final boss following it died because there were 4 wandering vagrant and the Imp boss in the screen besides the normal enemies, it was pretty hard to dodge everything.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Based on the descriptions, is FTL maybe a better comparison than binding of isaac?

ah multiplayer though, of course.


The Cryptarch's Bane
No I was just curious, I'm sure it's not really like either because it's multiplayer which changes a lot. I didn't mean in terms of gameplay with FTL, but the roguelike "progression" or what have you.


How in the hell am I supposed to beat this game on Monsoon difficulty with the Mercenary by myself? Am I using him wrong? I get trucked by stage w.


So... I did it. I beat Mercenary on Monsoon. I chalk it up to using Photon Jetpacks with a Jar of Souls for the majority of the game.

Here's my final item inventory:
Tough Times x3
Infusion x4
Panic Mines x3
Meat Nugget x2
Photon Jetpack 2
Repulsion Armor x1
Bitter Root x2
Barbed Wire x5
Leeching Seed x2
Prison Shackles x1
Warbanner x1
Ukulele x1
Chargefield x4
56 Leaf Clover x3
Len's Maker Glasses x2
Tesla Coil x1
Energy Cell x1
Mortar Tube
Rusty Jetpack x3
Crowbar x2
Beating Embryo x1
Harvester's Scythe x1
Time Keeper's Secret x1
Monster Tooth x2
Medkit x1
Rusty Kinfe x3
Bustling Fungus x3
Snake Eyes x1
Headstomper x1
Sprouting Egg x3
Gasoline x1
Smart Shopper x2
Fire Shield x2
Mysterious Vial x1

Unstable Watch
Jar of Souls is pretty goddam OP.

It's probably the best activated item. Just let enemies amass, activate and then run back and forth dodging as the ghosts just hit everything in a pile.
Shameless double post;

This is 8 bucks on Steam and Humble Store, and it may get lucky with a bigger discount on some other day.

I highly suggest picking it up if you were waiting as it's worth like twice the price.


I personally think the best use item is the watch.

Doubled with the double effect and cooldown reduction it makes the game fairly easy mode
So I discovered the secret level and now I'm wondering if there are more secret in this game, like this gate looks suspicious

or I'm exaggerating.

Ha ha, this is the kind of stuff I was talking about before. There are no other secret levels but damn man, there are so many off to the side areas with weird stuff like that! In the magma core on the left side midway up there's a little alcove with some weird looking ruins in it. And a couple other stages have some odd stuff too. I wish there was more random shit like that, it'd be awesome.

I'm about to go drive them crazy on the forums asking them about post-support, just some balancing issues to make some of these classes a little more viable in single player above Drizzle (though I have beaten the game on normal with 6 of them and with Huntress and Engineer on the hardest). Or maybe even a tracker for online score compares! I did remember, late cause I'm an idiot, that all the stretch goals would be post content and that it's literally a two person team. So for those who want to know, here's some of the stuff coming out for the game!

$10,000 (REACHED!) - Arena Mode! Fight against incoming waves of randomized monsters, eventually leading to a slew of bosses. Items will be randomly distributed around the arena. Hitting certain rounds of the arena will also allow you to unlock a variety of content!
$15,000 (REACHED)- Game Mutators! By finding hidden mutators inside the game, you will unlock the option to customize the game as you see fit! Enable mutators like:
Double Spawn: While monsters will have 30% less health, they will now spawn twice as frequently.
Monster Affinity: Only one kind of monster can spawn, randomly chosen at the beginning of every level.
Top 1%: Every monster will spawn as an elite with elemental properties.
Shell Shock: Dropping below 50% health replaces all your items with another item from the same tier.
And many, many more!
$15,000+ At this point, we have jam-packed our game with as much content as possible. We promise to keep updating the game into the foreseeable future. Thank you very much guys; to think we ever hit $15,000!

I think it's selling pretty damn well considering...how little knowledge of it there is. It was on Best Sellers on STEAM all sale week and the Humble Bundle has it up too.
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