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Riverdale |OT| Teen Peaks (or: Archie's Weirder Mysteries) - Thursday, 9/8c on The CW


I absolutely did not expect Cliff Blossom to be the killer, as creepy and crazy as that family is I didn't think Riverdale would go there so kudos to the show, I rarely watch something like this unspoiled and had to force myself to not peak at this thread or anything Riverdale related but it was worth it.
And the Blossom maple sirup business is just a front for dealing drugs, makes sense in retrospect, building a financial empire on maple sirup always sounded a bit silly and great grandfather Blossom killing great grandfather Cooper also makes more sense when it comes to organized crime as opposed to a fight over maple sirup.

The only thing I didn't like was acting like Jason and Polly having a relationship was somehow wrong. If they're third cousins that's not incest, that's "so fucking what". They're barely related, every person had EIGHT sets of great great grandparents only one of which Jason and Polly shared. In a town the size of Riverdale I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of characters are third cousins, it's inevitable. The Andrews, Coopers, Blossoms, Kellers, Masons, Doileys etc. are probably all branches of the same family tree if you go back far enough.

Josie continues to be irrelevant. They must have had plans for her during development for the show because otherwise there'd be no point in making her a regular character. She could just as well live with Reggie, Moose, Ethel, Dilton etc. in occasional guest star land, I'd like,to know what her place on the show was supposed to be. Did they maybe plan to do more with Archie's music and she was supposed to tie into that plot? Or was Archie supposed to date her and they only switched it to Valerie after they realized they made Josie a bit too antagonistic?

This show is fun but I'll be kinda disappointed if it doesn't take a batshit insane turn into the supernatural
Same! How were the Blossoms able to hide their drug business for so long, why did nobody in town question how they were able to make that much money on maple sirup? Magic, that's why?

MC Safety

I'd like the next episode to address why Mustang got the bag of money, why Mustang didn't throw the bag away, and why Mustang didn't spend some of that dough on better accommodations.

If the money was planted, (which might explain some things) why bother to frame Mustang?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'd like the next episode to address why Mustang got the bag of money, why Mustang didn't throw the bag away, and why Mustang didn't spend some of that dough on better accommodations.

If the money was planted, (which might explain some things) why bother to frame Mustang?

I'm laying that on Jacquin. He lead them to Mustang's place, then jetted and left town. As far as the police know, he's not involved because Archie & Co made the call and didn't tell them how they found Mustang. And they probably won't investigate it that throughly since it looks like an overdose.


I Josie continues to be irrelevant. They must have had plans for her during development for the show because otherwise there'd be no point in making her a regular character. She could just as well live with Reggie, Moose, Ethel, Dilton etc. in occasional guest star land, I'd like,to know what her place on the show was supposed to be. Did they maybe plan to do more with Archie's music and she was supposed to tie into that plot? Or was Archie supposed to date her and they only switched it to Valerie after they realized they made Josie a bit too antagonistic?

Black character in the main cast and "we'll figure out what to do with her later".

Sean C

Josie continues to be irrelevant. They must have had plans for her during development for the show because otherwise there'd be no point in making her a regular character. She could just as well live with Reggie, Moose, Ethel, Dilton etc. in occasional guest star land, I'd like,to know what her place on the show was supposed to be. Did they maybe plan to do more with Archie's music and she was supposed to tie into that plot? Or was Archie supposed to date her and they only switched it to Valerie after they realized they made Josie a bit too antagonistic?
I tend to think that the writers originally conceived of a first season that was a regular 22 episodes, and then had to cut it down when they got only a midseason order. As a result, aspects of the show unrelated to the main plot got cut down considerably (or even, in some cases, related to the main plot, such as Kevin and Joaquin's relationship).


Clifford Blossom?! Really? He's the most obvious possible killer. I wish it was someone closer to the heroes, someone who seemed like a decent person deep down. Clifford, a guy we already knew to be a creepy sociopath, being the killer is the most who-gives-a-shit reveal they could have done.

Should have been Hermione Lodge! I mean, it was a good episode until the reveal, but the actual killer's identity was weak.
I can't help but feel like Fake Grundy will rear her head next week. Last night's episode tied up a lot of loose ends, but unless Grundy was just a titillating hook to attract viewers (and she very well could have been), she's still a potential loose end.

Or I could be totally off base. I did have Polly pegged as the killer, after all


Black character in the main cast and "we'll figure out what to do with her later".

Apparently the actress was busy filming a movie at the same time so her role was greatly reduced from what was planned. She's in most of the promo posters.

Same with Reggie's actor. Rumor is the Chuck storytline was originally meant for Reggie.
I'd like the next episode to address why Mustang got the bag of money, why Mustang didn't throw the bag away, and why Mustang didn't spend some of that dough on better accommodations.

If the money was planted, (which might explain some things) why bother to frame Mustang?

It wasn't to frame Mustang. It was supposed to be evidence FP killed Jason on Hiram's order.

I wouldn't be surprised if Mustang had died much earlier and his body was planted. Clifford was the drug kingpin, and his heroin use was probably known. Clifford could have supplied with a much purer strain of heroin causing him to overdose. Joaquin was probably cleanup crew again. He likely jetted because Clifford killed another and feared he'd be next.

PK Gaming

90% of the episode was superb. Like, some of the best tension building I've ever experienced.

But the payoff... it makes sense, but it wasn't very exciting. I read that they wanted to stack taboo after taboo, but Clifford Blossom was such an unlikeable, pathetic dickhead dad, it made it impossible to see him as nothing but an obvious suspect. I think making him the charismatic would have made twist a lot more effective.

Still great though. Loved seeing the main cast act as the Scooby gang.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Excellent episode. I just want to hug poor Juggie. And kiss him. Cole did great with his emotional scenes.

They went all out with the Blossoms, haha. Looking forward to the finale. Love this show, this season has been a ride and I'm glad it was renewed. Hope we eventually hear something about how it did on Netflix.


Clifford Blossom?! Really? He's the most obvious possible killer. I wish it was someone closer to the heroes, someone who seemed like a decent person deep down. Clifford, a guy we already knew to be a creepy sociopath, being the killer is the most who-gives-a-shit reveal they could have done.

Should have been Hermione Lodge! I mean, it was a good episode until the reveal, but the actual killer's identity was weak.
The ramifications of it are great, though.


Whew I had to applaud after that ep.

When they did the Blossom Cooper reveal I was expecting that to be the end of the show and it was like 20 mins in.
Great episode. Clifford was my initial guess, and after the wig reveal I was pretty set on him. I am wondering now if rather he, Jason, or perhaps both aren't actually Blossoms.


I can't believe incest actually happened.

And while Clifford being the killer was predictable, I can't be mad. I vastly prefer him than someone coming outta nowhere like Ethel. I suppose the meat of this reveal isn't really on who was culprit, but rather everything that comes after. We still need to know the extent of Hiram's involvement on Riverdale after all, something tells me there's more to him, maybe more drugs are somehow involved?

Let's go
, she's the only reason why I even bothered watching this show.
Great episode. Clifford was my initial guess, and after the wig reveal I was pretty set on him. I am wondering now if rather he, Jason, or perhaps both aren't actually Blossoms.

Sort of curious how that family operates. Did one of them marry into the family, or were they both already both Blossoms by blood. Is that entire family inbred? So many questions.


This show is way better than I thought it would be. So glad that it's getting a second season. I'm not sure I know how I feel about Cheryl from episode to episode. She's slowly winning me over, though.
Sort of curious how that family operates. Did one of them marry into the family, or were they both already both Blossoms by blood. Is that entire family inbred? So many questions.
I think part of the reason Clifford and Penelope are so awful to Cheryl is that she might not actually be their daughter. Or maybe she's Penelope's daughter with another man, perhaps an actual Blossom. Then Jason is Clifford and Penelope's biological son, but if Clifford isn't a bio Blossom, neither is he.
As for the killer, my guess is still Jason's Father. There was a little foreshadowing of it in the last episode with the whole "Jason had an argument with his Father and threw Polly's ring at him". I could be completely off-base and I'm half-expecting something out of left-field but this is the prediction I'm sticking with.

Look who guessed right! Shocked I was on the mark, though that foreshadowing in the previous episode was obvious. Fantastic episode. Could have easily ended the season, so glad we're getting somewhat of an epilogue next week. The promo makes it look intense so it looks like the fun's not over just yet.

Thank you GAF for yet another amazing show recommendation. Happy it got renewed.


It didn't, third cousins doing it is legal and not incestous.

I mean, it's not actual incest, it just happen to be just as shocking, but I do find it highly amusing that they somehow managed to include it in the show without including Cheryl in it.


I mean, it's not actual incest, it just happen to be just as shocking, ...
I just don't think it's shocking. Two families who have lived in the same small town for a long time are distantly related, so what?

I have a bunch of second cousins, I've only ever met two of them in person, I couldn't even name a single third cousin, I don't consider them family, they're just random people.


Betty's look of disgust when finding out she was a Blossom was great. I was sure that Clifford was the murderer for a long time, and I am glad he was because Twin Peaks parallels, but I really have no idea where this show is going next.


That was great! Don't remember the last time my heart was beating so fast in suspense thought out a whole episode of tv. The reveal of them being third cousins dating doesn't seem like as big as a deal as they made it. I like the fact that they give it a bit more of a grounded feel and even though your rooting for him to do good jugs dad doesn't get out of jail as soon as the real killer is revealed considering he did help cover up the crime .


So, do you guys think that the rest of the Blossom family know about the real bussiness of the company? It would actually make more sense now that they tried to take control after the death of Jason.
And yeah the incest joke was good but seriously it is not close family!! Like that type of relationships are normal in small towns.
That was a good ass episode. Them blossom females cold af pointing to the barn

The "what is wrong with you " when mother blossom said the babies would be pure blossom made me laugh hard

Permanently A

Junior Member
Something about Clifford killing his son doesn't seem realistic to me, in terms of his character. He seemed to value the Blossom name more than anything... it just feels so out of left field for his character, and not in a good way.


So glad/relived/overjoyed you guys liked our penultimate episode. Our finale will knock your gd socks off.



What if it wasn't suicide?

When is season 2 coming out, same time as this one ?
We might see a first hint at timing at the upfronts next week. Schedule will be somewhere in the summer and then we will know if it is again a mid-season show.
What if it wasn't suicide?

We might see a first hint at timing at the upfronts next week. Schedule will be somewhere in the summer and then we will know if it is again a mid-season show.

i actually thought the possibility of him shooting himself but him shooting himself is that fun for a story plot to be able to drag. so got to give it to daddy. also i love the way cheryl came into the dining room and said daddy. it was so creepy.
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