Epic Games PR Manager
Is the music store within the game any quicker than in Rock Band 3? I enjoy trying to find new songs but the process of waiting for everything to load up and then fifteen seconds for a preview to start playing kills a lot of enthusiasm for trying to dig through unknown music for something I'll enjoy.
I own hundreds of songs already, so it's not like I don't deal with the store, but I'd love to see that get an update where things load more speedily.
Edit: And since there's the Harmonix person in the thread I have to add to the majority opinion that having consumable power-ups sounds absolutely terrible. I can understand giving out powers over time and replaying songs with more time and skill but how does that come into play five hours into the game and you're out of coins so you know that playing songs aren't going to give you a chance on the leaderboards. If the point of the game was to just "have fun" and not work on high scores why even have us see a score at all? The real reason people play the games so much is to improve and play better and the score is what we have to show for that.
Duly noted there's been some bummer town feedback on the "grinding" of having to earn the use of Power-ups. I hope that the majority of players will not find this to be a burden, and so far that has been the case (at least of the handful of folks who have played the game). But, sure, it's a valid concern; hope it doesn't ruin the entire experience for you.
As for the speed of the Music Store, we're absolutely aware that it could be faster. We're looking into making that experience speedier in the future, but that's not as straightforward as it might seem!