Yes it did, kind of anyway. I bought Queen DLC for RB2 and instead of updating it with keys, I have to buy it again to get all the keyboard parts because they just re-released it instead. I have spent very little on DLC since then.
Just because you bought the Beatles albums (or any other band) originally didn't entitle you to the newer release versions, either. They had to re-license the songs to give them keys support, since the keys didn't have separated stems in the original licensing. They also at least put them all in their own Queen Enhanced Pack instead of splitting them between two packs, so you could safely ignore buying the RB3 versions if you wanted.
There was a significant enough complaining over it that they pretty much killed plans for Enhanced versions after that point, though. When you get something that has lasted as long and has the amount of the Rock Band library, there's bound to be moments where Harmonix is stuck between either giving people an upgraded version of a song or just letting the old version sit there and ignoring the requests.
And if they had just slapped keys on the existing mix, people would have bitched about the keys not actually reacting to anything.
The one thing I WILL bitch about though, is all the RB2DLC songs in the run up to Rock Band 3 that had harmonies and they weren't charted. Which was strange since the Green Day Export is RB2DLC, the Country Track Pack is RB2 DLC, both have harmonies in RB3, but they're the only RB2 DLC with harmonies support built in (Pearl Jam DLC got harmonies, but RB3 hotpatches those in). It's annoying too since it seemed the mixes were set up for close-to-RB3 RB2 for them, as A Girl Like You has both singers in the Vocals stem, where before the woman would have been put in the general band mix, and she's simply uncharted.
Just strange that they had the ability to chart Harmonies without RB1/2 throwing a fit but they didn't really use it.
edit: And I guess I don't really understand why the final couple of months of RB2 DLC had the change to all difficulties using all 5 lanes, don't know why they didn't just wait for the RB3 launch to have that be the cutoff. Just seems strange to me that if you're playing RB2, you're going to (rarely) run into a song that has notes on Blue and Orange when you're playing Medium. But this post is more about RB3 and less about Blitz, so I'll get back on topic now