I find that it has gotten a lot better. This is from around launch:
Don't play ranked?
I agree. I know there are a lot of good and respectable players in Brazil but, seriously, the amount of trolls and online idiots I've encountered online is incredible.
I'd say 'not minding sand in your shoe' is a pre-requisite to going to the beach...It's not a pre-requisite, it's par for the course. Complaining about trash talk in competitive multiplayer games is like complaining about getting sand in your shoe at the beach.
Natural has nothing to do with it. If a man walks into hostile territory, he should not be surprised by hostile response. Now, If he were forced into that territory, there would be an argument to be had. But if the option to omit yourself from the scenario exists and you still choose to partake, you forfeit any right to complain.
That's just me though.
I'd say 'not minding sand in your shoe' is a pre-requisite to going to the beach...
The point is there's no reason gaming has to be such a pathetic shitshow.
See, you're simply accepting gaming as an awful place to be.
Your solution? Tell people not to play. As a dev, it's totally acceptable for me to think some people won't play my games because the mechanics are too hard or just not to their taste or whatever -- to think people won't play my games because the other people playing the games are acting like stupid little shits? Not okay.
sorry that so many people seem to not really give a shit about your issue, salsa.
^ This guy randomly raged at me last night because I misread an article and he's in this thread preaching now.
This is actually a good idea. People hate kWhenever someone goes on a rant (teammate or opponent) I tend to just brush it off and reply with 'k' to everything they say. Quite a lot of the time, this just makes them rage even more and hilarity ensues. No skin off my nose, but some of the stuff I've seen thrown around is pretty bad, and it could definitely put a lot of people off which is a shame.
Everyone makes mistakes, and the ragers seem to go mysteriously quiet when they screw up after berating you for something. Except the ones who think that their mess-up is your fault too, because you weren't there to save them, obviously. I'm well aware when I've played a bad game, and I'll hold my hand up and apologise for screw-ups.
On the other hand, the "1 goal down with 4 minutes to go" quitters on my team in competitive 2v2 are irritating as hell. Sets me up for a good way to challenge myself, anyway - it's normally a loss, but it helps me try things out!
So how do you manage to see the line online, that must be quite the terrific skill you're sporting?I love doing that and I crack up when others troll me too. One of the (many) things I actually enjoy about RL. Shit talk (when not crossing the line) is fun.
Did you hook up his number for telemarketing?Had one guy do this the other day, told him to relax, he sent me a party chat to talk more shit, I refused, so he sent me a phone number lol.
Incorrect. What I am saying is that it is pointless to complain about it. Either play and accept, or act to change it. But to play and complain is the most unproductive outcome in this scenario.
I agree that it shouldn't be this way. But it is and it doesn't bother me enough to campaign for change.
Reading this thread makes me think splatoon may have been in the right.
To echo the statements of others in this thread I love games with a bunch of shit talking rando's. Totally adds to the fun and competitive nature of the game. It's still completely reasonable for you to be turned off by that aspect but games like this will always exist because it's really just mirroring the real world. You don't get the option to mute people when you're playing pick up basketball.
it's the same thing
you'd play with a guy and he'll go "Wow!" "What a Save!" when you miss and then when he fucks up either keep silent or ragequit
I don't get antagonizing team mates. Who does that help?
I'm always kind of blown away by the level of toxicity in WoW. People get so angry and are vocal about it too. If a tank or healer isn't doing a great job they get absolutely eviscerated.