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Ron Johnson resigns at Riot Games following social media post about George Floyd

Jon Neu

Bingo. Got a opinion that may be construed as shitty, especially in our current political climate? Maaaaayyyybe don't post that on a global platform right now.

The company already stated an opinion that is far more shitty than the one stated by Ron.

But the one fired has been Ron, because the woke side is utterly dictatorial and doesn’t tolerate free speech that goes outside their imposed ideals.

The fact that you advocate for discrimination against people on the basis of their free speech it’s precisely why the authoritarians can win and inflict fear and shame into people just for not being extreme far leftists.

Jon Neu

You have the freedom to say whatever you want even if you're unemployed.

Let me simplify it for you.

If you're on a street corner and you run up to a dude and start yelling racist things at him and he hauls off an punches you square in the jaw, that's your fault. You had the freedom to say what you want, but you can't be mad at him getting angry and retaliating.

So we are allowed to beat anyone of Riot games as long as we perceive they are doing anything sinful according to our own subjective bias.

Sounds literally like the inquisition.


NOLA_Gaffer said:
You have the freedom to say whatever you want even if you're unemployed.

Let me simplify it for you.

If you're on a street corner and you run up to a dude and start yelling racist things at him and he hauls off an punches you square in the jaw, that's your fault. You had the freedom to say what you want, but you can't be mad at him getting angry and retaliating.

Bruh that is literally assault and against the law. You're not allowed to attack people, yelling or not.


I still don't see why we need any police at all. All they do is slaughter black people.
Statistically false.
Just take point three and apply it to the Derek Chavin. Look back at what he has done as a police officer. Hell, forget about him killing George Floyd. Is that the type of person you want to invest in to police your community? Then zoom out and ask why he wasn't removed from his duties much, much sooner. That's why we should treat George Floyd as an isolated incident or we are going to be re-hashing the same conversation again in a few months.
I'm not having any issue with that at all. I agree. Most reasonable people agree with this.
The problem is the response has largely shifted from police brutality and reasonable police reform.

Anyone being honest in their assessment (which includes judging George Floyd's actions and criminal history) gets burned by cancel culture and outrage mobs.
It's unacceptable and counterproductive. Nothing will be solved that way, because it dissuades honest and productive dialogue.

If this is about police brutality and police reform, then this isn't a black live matter issue. There should be no reason to racialize the issue, that just leads to tribalism.
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The company already stated an opinion that is far more shitty than the one stated by Ron.

But the one fired has been Ron, because the woke side is utterly dictatorial and doesn’t tolerate free speech that goes outside their imposed ideals.

The fact that you advocate for discrimination against people on the basis of their free speech it’s precisely why the authoritarians can win and inflict fear and shame into people just for not being extreme far leftists.

Okay, so what’s the alternative? People should just be allowed to say whatever fucked up shit they want and not get judged for it?


Okay, so what’s the alternative? People should just be allowed to say whatever fucked up shit they want and not get judged for it?
I had a notification that you replied to me but it's not here, so I guess I'll reply to this post that caught my eye.

Riot Games can do whatever they want. But those of us in the peanut gallery can go, "Eh, that was kind of weak." Riot Games is still going to do whatever they want and you'll get your wish.

The bar is certainly getting lower when it comes to what people are getting fired over. I wonder if regular people are going to get fired just got saying they disagree with the stated policy positions of BLM.
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It's just insane, can't believe that it's considered only "somewhat" extreme. Guy got fired for his opinion and basically stating the facts. Looks like US free speech will go the way of Dodo. People in US already can't say what they think if it goes against sjw narrative. Pure insanity.


A good philosophy in life is to share your opinions on such matters with family and friends, not millions of miscellaneous people around the globe.


I had a notification that you replied to me but it's not here, so I guess I'll reply to this post that caught my eye.

Riot Games can do whatever they want. But those of us in the peanut gallery can go, "Eh, that was kind of weak." Riot Games is still going to do whatever they want and you'll get your wish.

The bar is certainly getting lower when it comes to what people are getting fired over.

Let’s say you own a business. An employee starts spouting off really hardcore racist shit on Twitter and your customers start to complain and say that if you don’t get the employee in line you’ll lose their business.

Do you reprimand the employee in some manner or just let your business go under because you happen to have a racist shitlord on staff?
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Nobody is saying Floyd is a hero. They're saying he died because he's black as cop abuse on blacks are more frequent than on others. That's why they're protesting. Not because of Floyd himself, nobody besides his family cares about him personally.
And use your grey matter before trying to sound or look smart.

And the pic :
Can you do 1+1 ?
This is bullshit.
doesn't matter what he did. He could have raped your daughter in front of your white racist ass - the important thing is that white cops killed him and he was black

if you say anything bad about that martyr, you can lose your job.

And these commies don't understand why people elect fascists to combat fire with smoke...


So basically stfu or else. Nice.

Neah, one just needs to ask what they have to gain or if it is worth it by posting on shit-shows like Facebook and Twitter. Free speech is in regards to the government, not the company you work for. I hate cancel culture, but the only way that changes is a civil war.
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Let’s say you own a business. An employee starts spouting off really hardcore racist shit on Twitter and your customers start to complain and say that if you don’t get the employee in line you’ll lose their business.
If the person at the center of this controversy spouted some really hardcore racist shit online, I might have addressed this argument. But it has nothing to do with what we are talking about here.
Pretty much. I mean how are people interpreting "he's no saint" as "he deserved to die"?
Well tone I got from Johnson's post/image was "he got what was coming to him for all the things he's done/karmic justice". It could be read as a more mild "this man should not be celebrated", but it a time like this it's hard to tell.
I neither agree nor disagree with his beliefs, but people getting canned or pressured into leaving their job over shit they say on their personal social media accounts is such a load of shit. How we got to this point is beyond me (eh, who am I kidding). The rate we're going, I fully expect to be made destitute in another twenty years because of some random post made on gaf ten years ago.


We need community responders trained and vetted to deescalate situations in communities all over the country. Only call cops if pure life is in danger. If cops are found over policing or killing an individual needlessly, they should be convicted just as a civilian would. No protection from Unions. As it stands now, police ultimately have a license to kill with impunity. Thats beyond ridiculous.

Neigbourhood watch programs are certainly possible AFAIK.


LOL, you all need to explain to me what exactly the point of pointing out someone's record has to do with the fact they were murdered unnecessarily by a people of authority? It's like when the guy got his ass kicked by security on the United Flight and people dug up (false) information on him to smear who he was, as if it had any bearing on the fact that police beat him for no reason.

Police aren't systematically targeting black males. The simple fact is, they're committing crimes at a disproportionate rate to the population. The media spin of this entire ordeal is just a huge fat lie. There's nothing remotely true about it.

Poor George Floyd constantly found himself in trouble and I'm sure it always purely coincidental (wrong time, wrong place) as he pointed a gun at a pregnant woman's stomach and robbed her house.

The simple matter is, he would still be alive if he didn't try to pass off fake 20 dollar bills, wasn't intoxicated, high on drugs (Fentanyl) and resisting arrest. Fentanyl isn't some kiddie drug, it alters your state of reality and pain and is insanely dangerous. I had a high school friend and his father who died from it. Police officers can OD and die from just touching trace amounts of that drug. So I say again, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Except even the autopsy, from 2 different sources, clearly show he died as a direct result of the police. I personally have to wonder what's up with western cultures defense of authority all the time; it's why when Daniel Shaver was murdered in a horrific fashion no one gave a shit because people still found a reason to defend the cops over what was obviously 1st degree murder, that cop went in with the intent to kill and didn't give a shit that he was unarmed and SCREAMING for his life while the cop was at a distance unloaded in him. But who cares, Daniel shouldn't have been in that hotel and stayed at home, if he never went on that business trip this would've never happened!
One autopsy was a shady and funded by the family. Look into it, I won't do your research for you. The other independent autopsy concludes he did have a heart attack.

No one gave a shit about Daniel Shaver because he was white. Not an interesting story to these people.
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This is inaccurate AF. Just sayin..
Right...perhaps look up what happen in 2016 by the police to a Caucasian male and no one did shit.
Bandwagon, media circus, idiots using a dead person's name to justify their idiotic actions and PR.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Neigbourhood watch programs are certainly possible AFAIK.
More than that. We need the people who are recognized by law enforcement but perhaps as a phase I who can still make arrests and recognized by the community as officers of the law hidden in plain sight. Thats just a beginning. There's a shit load more that can be done too.



Police aren't systematically targeting black males. The simple fact is, they're committing crimes at a disproportionate rate to the population. The media spin of this entire ordeal is just a huge fat lie. There's nothing remotely true about it.

Poor George Floyd constantly found himself in trouble and I'm sure it always purely coincidental (wrong time, wrong place) as he pointed a gun at a pregnant woman's stomach and robbed her house.

The simple matter is, he would still be alive if he didn't try to pass off fake 20 dollar bills, wasn't intoxicated, high on drugs (Fentanyl) and resisting arrest. Fentanyl isn't some kiddie drug, it alters your state of reality and pain and is insanely dangerous. I had a high school friend and his father who died from it. Police officers can OD and die from just touching trace amounts of that drug. So I say again, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

One autopsy was a shady and funded by the family. Look into it, I won't do your research for you. The other independent autopsy concludes he did have a heart attack.

No one gave a shit about Daniel Shaver because he was white. Not an interesting story to these people.
You don't seem to understand the consequences of racial segregation, social marginalization, socioeconomic inequalities, racial health disparities, barriers in accessing education, unequal income distribution, lack of employment opportunities, housing discrimination and other factors contributing to institutionalized racism. Ever since the US's First Continental Congress in 1774, over 12,000 members have served in Congress and less than 3% of those individuals have been women or people of color. And within this 200-plus year period, about a third of those individuals are currently serving today. I wonder if anyone even remembers that with the support of his southern cabinet, former President Woodrow Wilson authorized the racial segregation of workplaces in the federal government. Or how about the fact that after WWII, the GI Bill benefited predominantly white soldiers and their families? Despite some black soldiers being offered an education, they had nowhere to go with their degrees. Is it difficult to fathom the repercussions of the systemic racism inherently built into the structures of American society? Criminal behaviors have been often associated with the aforementioned consequences and desperation can lead to all sorts of unprecedented series of events resulting from terrible choices. I don't think George Floyd is a hero and I understand that he committed crimes in his past which many people such as yourself would condemn as egregious. However, given the fact that his last conviction was 13 years ago, you don't agree that it was antagonistic and unprofessional of Ron Johnson to post what he did publicly on one of the largest social media platforms in the world, especially within the current political climate? I'm not sure if you're just insanely delusional and extremely eager to continue supporting your own narrative, but have you never heard N.W.A's "Fuck the Police"? Do you remember Rodney King? Police as an institution is corrupt and there needs to be a reform in order to prevent unwarranted and unnecessary deaths due to excessive brutality carried out by overzealous police officers. Judging by the video of the officer applying pressure on Floyd's neck, it looked like Floyd's carotid artery was constricted and therefore lead to hypoxia, cardiac arrhythmia, and cerebrovascular ischemia. But despite whatever a legitimate autopsy may conclude, Floyd exclaimed that he was unable to breathe and clearly was not resisting arrest. There are laws and rules to abide by even when an individual is afforded a level of authority. There is a thing called due process. With similar sentiments as expressed throughout this thread, why don't people just go out and hunt registered sex offenders? I mean... why not? How about child molesters and parents who mistreat their children? There are plenty of online resources to access public criminal records and residential information. Oh wait... that'd be called vigilantism.

I feel as though the people in this thread expressing criticisms towards "cancel culture" and wanting to support Johnson for his simple declaration of "stating facts" perhaps want to validate the death of Floyd but are unwilling to admit this agenda. If Johnson was not making an attempt to subtly justify the death of Floyd, why did he submit a Twitter post that came off as antagonizing and frankly petty? Yes, I understand how the First Amendment works but because Twitter is not owned nor operated by the government (and neither is Riot Games), then I believe it was appropriate for Johnson to be let go by his former employer. Riot Games is a business and smart businesses do not want controversy associated with their company image and product(s). I do not think George Floyd was a model citizen but I do think his death illustrates the ongoing abuse of authority by police officers. Sure, Floyd committed some heinous crimes... but there are correct procedures to follow when restraining a suspect. Don't make excuses for the police officer who intentionally and excessively suffocated Floyd just because his criminal record was revealed, leading you to perform various mental gymnastics and maneuvers in order to justify your contempt towards Floyd by using the act of simple disclosure of factual information.
Can we just end this pointless debate about what the man was before? Yea, we get it now, he was a career criminal but the cops do not have the right to decide who lives and dies. To serve and protect means to serve and protect the community and the justice system. Last time I checked, cops are not supposed to be Judge Dread.


You don't seem to understand the consequences of racial segregation, social marginalization, socioeconomic inequalities, racial health disparities, barriers in accessing education, unequal income distribution, lack of employment opportunities, housing discrimination and other factors contributing to institutionalized racism. Ever since the US's First Continental Congress in 1774, over 12,000 members have served in Congress and less than 3% of those individuals have been women or people of color. And within this 200-plus year period, about a third of those individuals are currently serving today. I wonder if anyone even remembers that with the support of his southern cabinet, former President Woodrow Wilson authorized the racial segregation of workplaces in the federal government. Or how about the fact that after WWII, the GI Bill benefited predominantly white soldiers and their families? Despite some black soldiers being offered an education, they had nowhere to go with their degrees. Is it difficult to fathom the repercussions of the systemic racism inherently built into the structures of American society? Criminal behaviors have been often associated with the aforementioned consequences and desperation can lead to all sorts of unprecedented series of events resulting from terrible choices. I don't think George Floyd is a hero and I understand that he committed crimes in his past which many people such as yourself would condemn as egregious. However, given the fact that his last conviction was 13 years ago, you don't agree that it was antagonistic and unprofessional of Ron Johnson to post what he did publicly on one of the largest social media platforms in the world, especially within the current political climate? I'm not sure if you're just insanely delusional and extremely eager to continue supporting your own narrative, but have you never heard N.W.A's "Fuck the Police"? Do you remember Rodney King? Police as an institution is corrupt and there needs to be a reform in order to prevent unwarranted and unnecessary deaths due to excessive brutality carried out by overzealous police officers. Judging by the video of the officer applying pressure on Floyd's neck, it looked like Floyd's carotid artery was constricted and therefore lead to hypoxia, cardiac arrhythmia, and cerebrovascular ischemia. But despite whatever a legitimate autopsy may conclude, Floyd exclaimed that he was unable to breathe and clearly was not resisting arrest. There are laws and rules to abide by even when an individual is afforded a level of authority. There is a thing called due process. With similar sentiments as expressed throughout this thread, why don't people just go out and hunt registered sex offenders? I mean... why not? How about child molesters and parents who mistreat their children? There are plenty of online resources to access public criminal records and residential information. Oh wait... that'd be called vigilantism.

I feel as though the people in this thread expressing criticisms towards "cancel culture" and wanting to support Johnson for his simple declaration of "stating facts" perhaps want to validate the death of Floyd but are unwilling to admit this agenda. If Johnson was not making an attempt to subtly justify the death of Floyd, why did he submit a Twitter post that came off as antagonizing and frankly petty? Yes, I understand how the First Amendment works but because Twitter is not owned nor operated by the government (and neither is Riot Games), then I believe it was appropriate for Johnson to be let go by his former employer. Riot Games is a business and smart businesses do not want controversy associated with their company image and product(s). I do not think George Floyd was a model citizen but I do think his death illustrates the ongoing abuse of authority by police officers. Sure, Floyd committed some heinous crimes... but there are correct procedures to follow when restraining a suspect. Don't make excuses for the police officer who intentionally and excessively suffocated Floyd just because his criminal record was revealed, leading you to perform various mental gymnastics and maneuvers in order to justify your contempt towards Floyd by using the act of simple disclosure of factual information.

My god what a refreshing post. Bravo.

I still don't see why we need any police at all. All they do is slaughter black people.

Nah, they slaughter and oppress all races, but black citizens are disproportionately on the receiving end.
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Just take point three and apply it to the Derek Chavin. Look back at what he has done as a police officer. Hell, forget about him killing George Floyd. Is that the type of person you want to invest in to police your community? Then zoom out and ask why he wasn't removed from his duties much, much sooner. That's why we should not treat George Floyd as an isolated incident or we are going to be re-hashing the same conversation again in a few months.

You know, that’s an excellent point. I keep reading about how George Floyd “was no angel” but nobody seems to want to talk about Derek Chauvin’s long list of complaints in his time working as a police officer. He ain’t an angel either, and arguably shouldn’t have been a officer after so many issues over the years.



Maybe if you realise the guy wasn’t such a saint, you won’t need to lose as much sleep for his passing. What the cop did, also a crim who will get his dues. Poetic justice.

No ones asking for anyone’s death. You just aren’t able to get conversational nauance, maybe it’s an age thing in your case, no big deal.
I'm 37 /shrug. Again, no one cares about Floyd. People care about the way cops abuse their powers, specifically on black people because they do it more against them but also against others. People are protesting because they want a reform of the police and a change in their ways. Not because the hero Flyod that you created in your non-functional brain died.

Sadly, your inability to use logic and think rationally isn't an age thing, it's only going to get worse.
Cancel culture is poison.
Yes but i don't think that's what it is here. It's PR, as usual with game companies. They're trying not to lose sales over that. And i can totally understand that, especially if the CEO and shareholders don't share the guy's views. We must not make this bigger than it is, he was only working there since December, not like he was a founding guy either.
Johnson only started at Riot Games in December 2019 according to his LinkedIn page.

So...yeah. Why do we care about this guy in the first place ? I swear everything is either SJW or anti-SJW nowadays xD
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Yes but i don't think that's what it is here. It's PR, as usual with game companies. They're trying not to lose sales over that. And i can totally understand that, especially if the CEO and shareholders don't share the guy's views. We must not make this bigger than it is, he was only working there since December, not like he was a founding guy either.

It is and it isn't. The fear of cancel mob retaliation is the root cause here, and yes, the company has a right to protect its interests. Political social media posts are a dangerous game to play in 2020...unless they're "correct." It's easy to be confused by what you can and can't post on social media when everyone around you is speaking politically.


It is and it isn't. The fear of cancel mob retaliation is the root cause here, and yes, the company has a right to protect its interests. Political social media posts are a dangerous game to play in 2020...unless they're "correct." It's easy to be confused by what you can and can't post on social media when everyone around you is speaking politically.
Yeah but whay can be done ? The only way is not expressing yourself sadly. As a gamedev i'm kind of on the same boat. Can't risk alienating potential customers...
I used to run an internet cafe back in ther day and i had to smile and listen to w/e BS the clients were saying, customer is king...Same principle.
The guy should have just stayed away from social media. If you hurt your company's image, you're going to get fired, it was always the case.
The real issue, imo, is everything is recorded now and can come back later to bite you in the ass.

Only te way twitter works makes this possible tbh. "Social" networks are at the core of this problem.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Yeah but whay can be done ? The only way is not expressing yourself sadly. As a gamedev i'm kind of on the same boat. Can't risk alienating potential customers...
I used to run an internet cafe back in ther day and i had to smile and listen to w/e BS the clients were saying, customer is king...Same principle.
The guy should have just stayed away from social media. If you hurt your company's image, you're going to get fired, it was always the case.
The real issue, imo, is everything is recorded now and can come back later to bite you in the ass.

Only te way twitter works makes this possible tbh. "Social" networks are at the core of this problem.

Agreed. Companies should have a consistent, clearly defined policy employees understand regarding social media posting, at least. Maybe Riot does, but game dev can often be amateur hour when it comes to HR issues.


Can’t believe the racist tones and comments I’ve been reading on GAF as most of you would never spout these words or sentiments about George Floyd in person at all!

with that being said, this is a really big issue regardless of what his “criminal past” has been! The man was killed while begging for air to breathe!

it seems like everytime an unarmed black man is killed it’s literally justified due to his past in which most cases the officer had no idea of until afterwards!

oh and did anyone prove whatever he allegedly did was true that lead to his death? Was the $20 real or fake?

but yeah, y’all thinks it’s bad now and talk all this big shit about a man who none of us in the black community is calling a martyr or a hero at all becasue that doesn’t fit the definition and never has. It’s just words meant to trigger the reactions and responses I’ve been reading here and other places as of late!

what’s sad is GAF, that this site is contributing to the downfall of our society when people are actually jumping on his criminal past as a reason for a man not living anymore over the fact of how he was murdered by an officer who appeared to not give a fuck while he was handcuffed and now a danger to anyone at all at that time!

but yeah, let’s focus on his criminal history as we blacks and whites that are tired of this shit start nitpicking the pasts of people who this country have looked up to and start tearing them down as well!

most are already mad that statues and shit are being ripped apart, but it’s cool to rip apart a man who was supposed to have been innocent until proven guilty tho but murdered instead!


Ron Johnson resigns at Riot Games following social media post about George Floyd

A Riot Games executive who had been under internal investigation after sharing a Facebook image downplaying the death of George Floyd has resigned, the company confirmed to ESPN on Thursday.

Ron Johnson, who served as Riot's global head of consumer products since December, was placed on leave Wednesday after he made a post that questioned motives behind media and public attention on Floyd's death. The post also outlined Floyd's criminal record and alleged that he used methamphetamine and was a danger to others prior to his death.

"The sentiment expressed in the image in question is abhorrent and runs directly counter to our values and our belief that addressing systemic racism requires immediate societal change, something that we're committed to working toward," a Riot spokesperson told ESPN. "As we shared last week, Riot is taking thoughtful and deliberate action to help combat racism and injustice in the communities where we work and live.

"To start, we're committing $1 million to areas where we know we can make an impact, including justice reform, long-term solutions to address racial bias, and support for local Black-owned businesses. We're also striving to change the face of our industry and create opportunities, including by investing $10 million in founders underrepresented in the games industry and helping create a future pipeline of underrepresented talent for the gaming and tech world. We know there is much work to be done, and we vow to do our part."

Riot Games CEO Nicolo Laurent sent out an internal note to employees announcing Johnson's resignation Thursday night, a copy which was obtained by ESPN. Laurent declined to inform employees of measures taken within the investigation, but said they would take to regroup in a regularly scheduled, all-hands meeting soon.

"I won't comment on Ron's intentions in posting that particular message, or on any of his political opinions that have been shared in the media or otherwise," Laurent wrote to his staff. "We must respect that everyone is entitled to their own political views.

"However, I have to be honest with you. I believe Ron exercised really poor judgment here. It resulted in a post that was harmful to many of us and our broader community. It was insensitive and in this moment, it undermines the commitment we've made to stand against all acts of injustice, racism, prejudice, and hate. It also hinders our ability to create an inclusive environment for our entire community: Rioters, players, and partners alike.

"Ron understands this and recognizes that he will be ineffective as a leader at Riot going forward. As a result, he has resigned, effective today."

Floyd, a black man, was killed in Minneapolis on May 25 after police officer Derek Chauvin, who is white, kneeled on Floyd's neck for more than eight minutes. Video of what happened showed Floyd handcuffed on the ground, pleading for his life and saying, "I can't breathe." He became unresponsive and was pronounced dead a short time later.

Chauvin and three officers at the scene were fired by the Minneapolis Police Department the following day. A third-degree murder charge against Chauvin has since been upgraded to second-degree murder on June 3, while aiding and abetting charges for both second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter were brought against the other offices.

Floyd's death has led to increased conversation about racial injustice and police brutality in the United States and has sparked protests in more than 750 U.S. cities and others across the globe.

Source: ESPN

He was correct in what he was saying but that image man.. yes the facts were true but the last paragraph just comes off as scare mongering.

"Getting ready to drive a car and kill you kid".. cmon now people are gonna roll their eyes at that. It's very American style scare tactics.

I agree with what he said but it's half of the text on the image I have an issue with.


He was correct in what he was saying but that image man.. yes the facts were true but the last paragraph just comes off as scare mongering.

"Getting ready to drive a car and kill you kid".. cmon now people are gonna roll their eyes at that. It's very American style scare tactics.

I agree with what he said but it's half of the text on the image I have an issue with.

I thought the same. People don't think enough when they speak on social media, but that's a necessary part and it wouldn't be half as popular if people felt they had to write a 1,000 word essay to express their points. I suppose that's the /real/ problem because when you put out hot takes (and this kinda is) then you really ought to have a more nuanced way of expressing it, not relying on a meme image.

Sometimes I think the problem in modern society is that people are ultimately just quite lazy. Social media - and the entire attention economy - causes people to forget their unique ability to express themselves. We've begun to think in terms of quantity, not quality. It's a lot like we've reverted back to being children and have been given a set of crayons and a scrap of paper; told to go nuts.

This is why I avoid public forms of Social Media unless I'm trying to show off my work (edit: or actually at work).
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Can’t believe the racist tones and comments I’ve been reading on GAF as most of you would never spout these words or sentiments about George Floyd in person at all!

with that being said, this is a really big issue regardless of what his “criminal past” has been! The man was killed while begging for air to breathe!

it seems like everytime an unarmed black man is killed it’s literally justified due to his past in which most cases the officer had no idea of until afterwards!

oh and did anyone prove whatever he allegedly did was true that lead to his death? Was the $20 real or fake?

but yeah, y’all thinks it’s bad now and talk all this big shit about a man who none of us in the black community is calling a martyr or a hero at all becasue that doesn’t fit the definition and never has. It’s just words meant to trigger the reactions and responses I’ve been reading here and other places as of late!

what’s sad is GAF, that this site is contributing to the downfall of our society when people are actually jumping on his criminal past as a reason for a man not living anymore over the fact of how he was murdered by an officer who appeared to not give a fuck while he was handcuffed and now a danger to anyone at all at that time!

but yeah, let’s focus on his criminal history as we blacks and whites that are tired of this shit start nitpicking the pasts of people who this country have looked up to and start tearing them down as well!

most are already mad that statues and shit are being ripped apart, but it’s cool to rip apart a man who was supposed to have been innocent until proven guilty tho but murdered instead!

Do you only consume fake news and are unable to think for yourself? Most of what you wrote is just laughable, and it's filled with so many distortions,falsehoods and rage.

You are accusing posters here of "racist tone" but can you point out who or what was said that was racist? Did someone say one race is inferior to another, or implied that whites are the superior race? Because that's the textbook definition of racism but you don't seem to understand it. You can't just throw out words if you don't even understand what they mean.

Statistics show that black males make up a small percentage of the general population but they commit a significant portion of violent crimes while also making up a significant portion of the prison population. If these sort of facts have "racist tones", then I am afraid you are not equipped with the tools to begin talking about racism or finding solutions.

Since none of the "protesters" are calling Floyd a martyr, then why is his face being used in signs, shirts, flyer's, gofundme, praised by all the celebrities and etc.? If you don't know what martyr means, let me copy and paste what the dictionary says, "a person who displays or exaggerates their discomfort or distress in order to obtain sympathy or admiration." Since this man is a textbook definition of a martyr, it is only fair we are allowed to discuss his whole background and not just the sanitized version don't you think?

Many people are wary of these BLM protests and their agenda because BLM have a history of mob mentality/riots which the legal process later found to favor the defendant. Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown are just some of the cases were the legal system found no fault on the cop/shooter.

It's pretty easy to tell a fake bill. Stores have counterfeit markers, UV light, and just holding it up to the light. Have you ever handled money before?
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Can’t believe the racist tones and comments I’ve been reading on GAF as most of you would never spout these words or sentiments about George Floyd in person at all!

with that being said, this is a really big issue regardless of what his “criminal past” has been! The man was killed while begging for air to breathe!

it seems like everytime an unarmed black man is killed it’s literally justified due to his past in which most cases the officer had no idea of until afterwards!

oh and did anyone prove whatever he allegedly did was true that lead to his death? Was the $20 real or fake?

but yeah, y’all thinks it’s bad now and talk all this big shit about a man who none of us in the black community is calling a martyr or a hero at all becasue that doesn’t fit the definition and never has. It’s just words meant to trigger the reactions and responses I’ve been reading here and other places as of late!

what’s sad is GAF, that this site is contributing to the downfall of our society when people are actually jumping on his criminal past as a reason for a man not living anymore over the fact of how he was murdered by an officer who appeared to not give a fuck while he was handcuffed and now a danger to anyone at all at that time!

but yeah, let’s focus on his criminal history as we blacks and whites that are tired of this shit start nitpicking the pasts of people who this country have looked up to and start tearing them down as well!

most are already mad that statues and shit are being ripped apart, but it’s cool to rip apart a man who was supposed to have been innocent until proven guilty tho but murdered instead!

Man, there's some gold in this post:

1. GAF itself is racist
2. No black person, anywhere, ever, is treating the guy like a hero or martyr
3. GAF is contributing to the downfall of 'our' society

Okay, so what’s the alternative? People should just be allowed to say whatever fucked up shit they want and not get judged for it?
Saying mean and annoying things does not warrant someone being punched or killed... you reply as you can, and well, if you go around punching everyone you disagree with, especially given how wide the definition of racism has become (if you are white you are racist because supposed institutional power).

I assume speech should be responded with other speech... violence (actual violence, not bad opinions) should be controlled with the necessary physical force, otherwise people would just go around punching everyone all day.


I blame the CEO. Dude's been in the business long enough to know you can think it but you can't say it if you want to stay in the entertainment industry.


Yea.... last conviction was 13 years ago. What a "fuckin thug". Surveillance didn't show him resisting either.

Regardless of which way you put it, there's no justifying in his murder. Its pathetic we're in a time where everything is offensive. Can't be transphobic, homophobic, or anti anything basically but its still perfectly ok to be a racist pos.

Anyone who holds a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman is scum, the lowest of the low, dont care who they are. What sort of person would do that ....?

That has nothing to do with his unlawful killing which should be prosecuted.
That's the overly reseterian society we have to live with nowadays. The police officer treatment is unjustified and he deserves to be punished, but make Floyd a martyr is a typical brainless attitude from the sjw generation that sees racism in everything.


Can we just end this pointless debate about what the man was before? Yea, we get it now, he was a career criminal but the cops do not have the right to decide who lives and dies. To serve and protect means to serve and protect the community and the justice system. Last time I checked, cops are not supposed to be Judge Dread.

People aren't arguing he deserved to die.

People are arguing against his newfound sainthood and whether it's really deserved.
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