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Ron Johnson resigns at Riot Games following social media post about George Floyd


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. These "cancelled" mobs will never win over reasonable people by always finding an axe to grind with anyone having a different opinion.

The twitter mob and those they represent need to be able to self reflect and not act on sheer emotions/feeling/rage. What this man said has truth, and you will not win over people like him by supressing truth. The truth is racial discrimination(an act) exists, but you cannot solve it by trying to ban bias(a belief).




No arrests in 13 years is also not mentioned. The people arguing that it was the truth and cancel culture blah are missing the fucking point. He being on meth is bullshit.

It doesn't matter what he did before, it's what he was doing now, which was trying to buy groceries and had the cops called on him for being suspected or using a counterfeit 20 dollar bill. Nothing justifies killing a guy that wasn't resisting arrest. period.


If one assumes that incarceration is a deterrent or a rehabilitation, it’s fair to Say that once a person has paid the price for their crime they aren’t to be automatically assumed a criminal for the rest of their lives.
I really don't get either of these. The main point of incarceration should be to make sure a criminal does not harm anyone else. If a criminal is in prison, he can't run around robbing people. So just never let them out again. Depending on the crime, giving someone a single second chance might be prudent.
If there is no danger of someone bringing more harm to people, there is no need for prison. it's better to let them work and pay compensation.


I really don't get either of these. The main point of incarceration should be to make sure a criminal does not harm anyone else. If a criminal is in prison, he can't run around robbing people. So just never let them out again. Depending on the crime, giving someone a single second chance might be prudent.
If there is no danger of someone bringing more harm to people, there is no need for prison. it's better to let them work and pay compensation.

Really. So you think one crime means being locked away for good?

Why not just go straight to the death sentence and save some money!

Next time you’re caught speeding you just get executed so you won’t hurt anyone. How about jaywalking? How about littering?

That argument is ridiculous.


Yea.... last conviction was 13 years ago. What a "fuckin thug". Surveillance didn't show him resisting either.

Regardless of which way you put it, there's no justifying in his murder. Its pathetic we're in a time where everything is offensive. Can't be transphobic, homophobic, or anti anything basically but its still perfectly ok to be a racist pos.
The fact that you equate being a thug with being black says more about you tbh.
Murder is murder, color is irrelevant to me. Stop projecting.

Its like if I countered your ignorance with more ignorance like "ohhh you're not complaining cuz he was black".
You're the one projecting here.

Handy Fake

I think it misses the point of the uproar completely and tries to deflect somewhat at a time where it's certainly not appropriate to do so.
And with that said, I bid you adieu.


Really. So you think one crime means being locked away for good?
Depending on the crime and details, yes. If you do armed robbery or similar stuff, you are not fit to live in a civilized society and you don't deserve a second chance. That's not something that just happens because you are unlucky or take risk. You have to actively decide to bring bodily harm to someone. So what if you could get better and learn from your mistakes? As if you didn't know it was wrong before you did it.
Why take the risk? Recidivism rates are high.

Next time you’re caught speeding you just get executed so you won’t hurt anyone. How about jaywalking? How about littering?
That falls under "no need for prison sentence". If there is damage, it's better for society if you get to work and pay up.
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It's clear some of you shouldn't even be involved in a discussion about this kind of topic. It's definitely one of the reasons why I don't talk about this here. To each their own, but some of the reactions and opinions I've seen here are a bit much to say the least. All I will say is, while Floyd may seem like a "nobody" to some, he was the latest target of police brutality. Which made him much more than a nobody in the eyes of many. A man that lost his life over something that was so incredibly petty, also at the hands of law enforcement. It's absurd, and it's disgusting.

All in all there's a time and a place for stuff like this. Opinions as well. That being said, I'm glad that Ron was removed. Also, screw Riot Games, lmao.
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When did i equate that? Lol you guys are hilarious at trying to bait. Run along now.
What does being a thug have to do with racism? For whatever reason you decided to make it about race, and accused people of being "racist pos"
Last time I check, criminality is about actions & character, not race.
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What does his background has to do with him being murdered 🤔

He was being arrested for a reason. The cop didn't just say, "oh look - it's one of them African Americans, let's get him!".

If he was really high, there is reason to believe there was a struggle between him and the officer and I'm sure the guy is fairly strong.

Obviously, the way the cop handled it after that was cruel, stupid and worthy of the term manslaughter. But, if we are going to tell the story, the whole story should be told.


I really don't get either of these. The main point of incarceration should be to make sure a criminal does not harm anyone else. If a criminal is in prison, he can't run around robbing people. So just never let them out again. Depending on the crime, giving someone a single second chance might be prudent.
If there is no danger of someone bringing more harm to people, there is no need for prison. it's better to let them work and pay compensation.

That's not how the US criminal justice system work. Are you from europe if I may ask?

In the US, once a criminal has committed a serious crime, he will be logged into a national database which will brand him as a criminal forever. This registry serves two purpose: deterrence and warning. It will send a message that crime does not pay while also warning law abiding citizens about this criminal. The criminal record will stick with the criminal whenever he applies for a job, rent housing, fly on a plane, get pulled over by the police, apply for government benefits or any other activities citizens have access to.

This George Floyd character have a long history of criminality and is a repeat offender. The cops most definitely saw his criminal history when they arrested him so they knew who they were dealing with. They knew they were not dealing with a college professor or doctor. Judging from the hard drugs in his system(meth) and the fact that he was passing fake money, it would not be far fetch to say he was involved in drug tarfficing.

These are the facts that will be heard by the jury, and no twitter mob will be able to suppress the truth.


What does being a thug have to do with racism? For whatever reason you decided to make it about race, and accused people of being "racist pos"
Last time I check, criminality is about actions & character, not race.

Nice try. You must have not seen the blm protests and people calling him a thug. Terrible attempts at baiting. But i guess you sony kids have to try baiting however you can lol bye.


He was being arrested for a reason. The cop didn't just say, "oh look - it's one of them African Americans, let's get him!".

If he was really high, there is reason to believe there was a struggle between him and the officer and I'm sure the guy is fairly strong.

Obviously, the way the cop handled it after that was cruel, stupid and worthy of the term manslaughter. But, if we are going to tell the story, the whole story should be told.
That's what the world at large and mainstream media in particular needs (and has been in need of since... forever?) more than anything. Instead, the important details of such stories are usually omitted from public view and then we wonder "damn, what is wrong with this world/country". Lack of mainstream sources that willingly spread factually correct information without omitting crucial details to ensure everyone is up to speed with the latest happenings is what's wrong with this world. But hey, I guess it's harder to make money that way.
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People are upset about the way he was killed; not saying he was an angel. Why is that hard to understand? Pointing out his troubled history with drugs is disrespectful to his family at this time, and also deflects from the real issue and attempts to belittle the horrible actions of the police... but let me guess his family doesn't deserve respect because reasons?

His death was inhumane, look how people cried about how that one Karen held her dog by the collar.


Depending on the crime and details, yes. If you do armed robbery or similar stuff, you are not fit to live in a civilized society and you don't deserve a second chance. That's not something that just happens because you are unlucky or take risk. You have to actively decide to bring bodily harm to someone. So what if you could get better and learn from your mistakes? As if you didn't know it was wrong before you did it.
Why take the risk? Recidivism rates are high.

That falls under "no need for prison sentence". If there is damage, it's better for society if you get to work and pay up.

Well fortunately I don’t live in a society you espouse.

You’re saying Floyd deserved to die for his past crimes.

The same as the person in the OP.

When punishment no longer fits the crime - the country is no longer just.
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Funny how when things like this happen and someone has a criminal record and it is brought to everyone’s attention the left is like ”What does that have to do with anything!!??”

But then you have someone in a successful career and they will cancel them because of a harmless tweet that was made when that person was in high school 15 years ago. (Yes I know this it not relevant to Johnson)

Clown world indeed.



The man was murdered for $20 hell yeah he is fucking wrong . He had a family.....
that he abandoned, also was a about to drive on meth and high on pot, think about that for a second, how many people die due to someone else driving while intoxicated?
not to mention the guy had 4x a lethal dose of fentanyl in his blood, plus codeine (which in and of itself is a non-issue, when combined with everything else is dangerous)
clearly the guy had no regard for his own or anyone else's life, he wasn't murdered, he self destructed
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No arrests in 13 years is also not mentioned. The people arguing that it was the truth and cancel culture blah are missing the fucking point. He being on meth is bullshit.

It doesn't matter what he did before, it's what he was doing now, which was trying to buy groceries and had the cops called on him for being suspected or using a counterfeit 20 dollar bill. Nothing justifies killing a guy that wasn't resisting arrest. period.

He drove high on drugs before going to the store.
He was about to drive high on drugs too before cops came.

No problem there?


Tell the truth about their martyr, get cancelled. Everyday I hate this world more and more.
Not ruining people's lives for telling the truth.

LOL, you all need to explain to me what exactly the point of pointing out someone's record has to do with the fact they were murdered unnecessarily by a people of authority? It's like when the guy got his ass kicked by security on the United Flight and people dug up (false) information on him to smear who he was, as if it had any bearing on the fact that police beat him for no reason.

It's really sick that people attack those who are victims of police violence, as if they deserve it and are saying the worlds better off without them and it shouldn't be an issue. 4 people shouldn't have been on him, the man's death was avoidable and unnecessary and no amount of pointing out his record will change that fact.

It's funny that we need to smear people like this but somehow
Except for the fact that he had preexisting heart conditions, was on fentanyl, and died from a heart attack. He would have died from running up a flight of stairs.

Except even the autopsy, from 2 different sources, clearly show he died as a direct result of the police. I personally have to wonder what's up with western cultures defense of authority all the time; it's why when Daniel Shaver was murdered in a horrific fashion no one gave a shit because people still found a reason to defend the cops over what was obviously 1st degree murder, that cop went in with the intent to kill and didn't give a shit that he was unarmed and SCREAMING for his life while the cop was at a distance unloaded in him. But who cares, Daniel shouldn't have been in that hotel and stayed at home, if he never went on that business trip this would've never happened!

What does the colour of his skin have to do with a murder from cop?

Black Pigeon Speaks on Bitchute has an amazing video on this whole situation, he leans extremely right but I've always appreciate his opinions. It's not his skin color but a cultures historical interactions with authority that he goes over.
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Should have posted that social media stuff here, so anyone could see what he wrote or said .

edit found it [he was spot on]:


Imagine being fired for making the correct comment about a drug addict robber. What a crazy m'd up world we live in.
So it's correct to wish death on people ? And it's correct that he got killed ? The police aren't judges man, you're the crazy one, not the world.
So it's correct to wish death on people ? And it's correct that he got killed ? The police aren't judges man, you're the crazy one, not the world.
If I'm crazy for agreeing that choosing an addict robber as your hero is not the right way, than so be it.

and read the whole thread before trying to put words in someones mouth.


If I'm crazy for agreeing that choosing an addict robber as your hero is not the right way, than so be it.

and read the whole thread before trying to put words in someones mouth.
Nobody is saying Floyd is a hero. They're saying he died because he's black as cop abuse on blacks are more frequent than on others. That's why they're protesting. Not because of Floyd himself, nobody besides his family cares about him personally.
And use your grey matter before trying to sound or look smart.

I don’t think he’s saying that, unless you’re referring to a different post.
Imagine being fired for making the correct comment about a drug addict robber
And the pic :
Too bad the pregnant woman didn't have a gun
Can you do 1+1 ?
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Nobody is saying Floyd is a hero. They're saying he died because he's black as cop abuse on blacks are more frequent than on others. That's why they're protesting. Not because of Floyd himself, nobody besides his family cares about him personally.
And use your grey matter before trying to sound or look smart.

And the pic :
Can you do 1+1 ?
He’s talking about cancel culture and how you can’t discuss anything non pc. He’s not condoning the killing of a man. Get a grip of yourself.


He’s talking about cancel culture and how you can’t discuss anything non pc. He’s not condoning the killing of a man. Get a grip of yourself.
Did you see the pic ? Or are you just choosing to ignore it because it doesn't fit your narrative ?
Nobody is saying Floyd is a hero. They're saying he died because he's black as cop abuse on blacks are more frequent than on others. That's why they're protesting. Not because of Floyd himself, nobody besides his family cares about him personally.
And use your grey matter before trying to sound or look smart.

Do some research before posting stuff you heard on cnn. There are open public statistics that the likes of you loves to ignore.


If he posted that image, then I'd say that last line is the only real problem there.

Pointing out the guy was a habitual criminal and should not be made into a saintly figure is one thing, but wishing he'd died sooner is crossing a line that instantly undermines the point he was trying to make.

He didn't have any criminal history for 13 years. Is there no such thing as redemption and being a stupid dumb fuck youth? And he had meth in his system. Literally no report said he was high on meth. There is a big difference there.



You won't be missed, Ron Johnson.

Nobody is saying Floyd is a hero. They're saying he died because he's black as cop abuse on blacks are more frequent than on others. That's why they're protesting. Not because of Floyd himself, nobody besides his family cares about him personally.
And use your grey matter before trying to sound or look smart.

Too many people don't understand this because this is 100% what it is about, not Floyd specifically. It doesn't matter what he did or didn't do, it matters what was done to him and many others like him.
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That's not how the US criminal justice system work. Are you from europe if I may ask?
Yes.. and it doesn't work like that in europe either. It's just that instead of looking for revenge/punishment/rehab I would prefer it if the goal was to reduce further victims. If someone is dangerous, keep him locked up, if he isn't dangerous, why lock him up at all?

You’re saying Floyd deserved to die for his past crimes.
Not at all. I'm saying he shouldn't have been allowed another chance to hurt people. But really, I was talking generally and not specifically about him.
Since criminals still have family that might want to visit and prison life is still life, it's not equal to a death sentence.

Since society decided to give him another chance, even if I personally don't think he deserved one (a chance to be out on the street, mind you, not a chance to live), it doesn't make what happened to him ok. Now whether that officer killed him or it was the drugs or both or whatever, I leave that to the courts.
..and I do support better training for the police. There is no downside (except that you might have to increase monetary support to achieve that, definitively no "defunding".)
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Did you see the pic ? Or are you just choosing to ignore it because it doesn't fit your narrative ?
Maybe if you realise the guy wasn’t such a saint, you won’t need to lose as much sleep for his passing. What the cop did, also a crim who will get his dues. Poetic justice.

No ones asking for anyone’s death. You just aren’t able to get conversational nauance, maybe it’s an age thing in your case, no big deal.
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