Subete no aware
I guess that implies these people think his children are lying, and then they have to see in their own minds whether or not they're victim blaming.What if you think Allen is genuinely innocent, as many do?
I guess that implies these people think his children are lying, and then they have to see in their own minds whether or not they're victim blaming.What if you think Allen is genuinely innocent, as many do?
Many people don't think the children are lying. Many people believe that since the investigators and doctors who gave testimonies at court who believed that Farrow's kid had been coached, that the kids believe it absolutely since it's the only truth they've ever had drummed into them.I guess that implies these people think his children are lying, and then they have to see in their own minds whether or not they're victim blaming.
How many others has Polanski raped? I imagine it must be quite a lot by now.
Same logic that the non racist voting for Trump
Oh man. This is going to turn into that same thread about the SS officer that people felt should be pardoned from jail because he evaded justice for decades.Polanskis crime was committed over 40 years ago. Trump does bad things every day.
Oh man. This is going to turn into that same thread about the SS officer that people felt should be pardoned from jail because he evaded justice for decades.
Polanski's crime was committed over 40 years ago. Trump does bad things every day. Women like Argento who signed that presumably think he's a changed man now, and that prison would be a pointless punishment rather than rehabilitation.
Why?Adrien Brody
Jodie Foster
Kate Winslet
John C Reily
Ewan McGregor
Pierce Brosnan
All on the shit list
Polanskis crime was committed over 40 years ago. Trump does bad things every day. Women like Argento who signed that presumably think hes a changed man now, and that prison would be a pointless punishment rather than rehabilitation.
Same logic that the non racist voting for Trump
It's super weird to see the whole "sexual predators like Weinstein must be punished" statements coming from Hollywood folks while at the same breath Polanski, a fucking rapist escapee, is a figure they clapped on and gave awards to.
Bunch of hypocrites.
what are you implying?
Use your head.
Because this thread has stopped being about Rose McGowan or Ben Affleck or even Harvey Weinstein, and is now about Roman Polanski.
My line of questioning is trying to find out what makes this case different from the others and what lines these people, or at least the amorphous entity known as "Hollywood", seem to have.I think if you're going to call people hypocrites for alleged inconsistencies in how they treat rapists, you should probably clarify whether you're trying to make the argument that rapists are bad (in which case, it's a bit bizarre you're yelling at people for trying to sanction one) or the argument that rapists are good (in which case, it totally makes sense that you don't understand why good guy Harvey Weinstein is being punished while other good guys like Roman Polanski aren't, but I would strongly advice you against committing to that line of argument. Calling someone a hypocrite is a boring process argument that says absolutely nothing about what you want to see happen or what kinds of changes you'd make in society.
She signed that petition back when Polanski was arrested in Switzerland when he deliberately and knowingly flew there to escape his trials for underage rape. By signing that petition, she clearly stated that she disagreed with his arrest and that he should be released, that underage rape be damned.
Besides, you don't get to claim "rehabilitation" when that person tried his darnest to escape repercussions of what he's done. Say that after he answered to his crimes.
So far, it seems he has legit learned his lesson.
Oh good, Polanski learned that drugging and raping a child is wrong and something he should not do. That's wonderful.
If you can work for a famous child rapist, you are devoid of any morals.Shes not validating him. Neither are the dozens of crew people working under him. Its called a job.
Here's the problem, he escaped when the judge in the case let slip that he was going to throw out the plea agreement and sentence him to 50 years in prison. His victim didn't even agree with what happened, going so far as to say that the fallout from what the judge did was worse than anything Polanski had ever done. This was after he had satisfied the terms of the plea agreement.
So it's with that, and that it seems to be an isolated incident that even his victim is finished dealing with, that people have worked with him. It's not unreasonable for someone to come to the conclusion that the further pursuit of justice would do more harm than good.
So far, it seems he has legit learned his lesson. His victim believes that as well, what is to be gained by tossing him in prison? Weinstein would have still been a bag of shit.
Personally, after 40 years with seemingly no other victims, I have a hard time buying he's a predator like Weinstein.
I honestly do not understand what possible purpose anyone could have for wanting to bring up the hypocrisy angle like some sort of gotcha game except if it's to ultimately make the argument (even if only implicitly) that some rape and sexual assault victims are not deserving of sympathy or protection because they don't pass your test.
And let me tell you, in 20-fucking-17 if you want to claim to be an ally for progressive causes that's literally the polar opposite direction you should want to be going in. Lke, you could not do a worse job if you tried. So maybe if your first inclination when hearing a woman come forward about being raped is to publicly question whether she's "deserving" of your sympathy you might want to consider what you're actually arguing in favor of and what social ideology also tends to view women through the prism of whether women pass "purity" tests.
If you can work for a famous child rapist, you are devoid of any morals.
We can both feel sympathy for Eva on the one side and condemn her decision to work with Polanski. One did not lead to the other. No choices she made then or now led her to be assaulted. She did not choose to be a victim. She did choose to work with Polanski. If you're choosing to let Asia or Eva's choice define something about their assaults or vice versa... Stop that now. They have nothing to do with each other.
No. I stated quite clearly that she has my sympathy for her assault. You seem to be under some assumption that because someone is a victim they are immune to criticism. That's not the way the world works.If they have nothing to do with eachother, why are you actively trying to diminish them by harping on their "support" of Polanski (which in itself is a dubious claim at best)? Your first instinct after reading Eva Green's story was "oh that's too bad, but she's still on my shit list".
I honestly do not understand what possible purpose anyone could have for wanting to bring up the hypocrisy angle like some sort of gotcha game except if it's to ultimately make the argument (even if only implicitly) that some rape and sexual assault victims are not deserving of sympathy or protection because they don't pass your test.
And let me tell you, in 20-fucking-17 if you want to claim to be an ally for progressive causes that's literally the polar opposite direction you should want to be going in. Lke, you could not do a worse job if you tried. So maybe if your first inclination when hearing a woman come forward about being raped is to publicly question whether she's "deserving" of your sympathy you might want to consider what you're actually arguing in favor of and what social ideology also tends to view women through the prism of whether women pass "purity" tests.
No. I stated quite clearly that she has my sympathy for her assault. You seem to be under some assumption that because someone is a victim they are immune to criticism. That's not the way the world works.
Why are you"quoting" support? She is supporting Roman Polanski. She isn't supporting his assault. But she is supporting him as a filmmaker and person.
Motherfuck. I'm not gonna play this game of yours. Victims do deserve every bit of empathy and sympathy. But I'm not gonna sit here and pretend Eva Green and Asia Argento didn't decide to work with a child rapist. Because the art is good. Or because they needed the work. Both Asia and Eva could have done any number of movies. But because the culture in Hollywood diminishes the sympathy of the victims in favor of the art a person like Polanski can still get funding and name stars. This is the sort of mental gymnastics that leads to the endemic nature of abuse. Weinstein can be in thr damn Academy until now because of the art. I have sympathy for them. I can condemn their choice. End of story.She is acting in his film. That's what she's doing. You're using that in direct response to her coming forward about Weinstein to undercut how much empathy we should all have towards her. This "we can do both at the same time" bullshit is just a backpedal. We even have some people here who've gone further and said her and others like her have no morals whatsoever, which is another statement trying to strip empathy from her and Argento.
Eva Green deserves empathy. Asia Argento deserves empathy. End of story.
I guess that implies these people think his children are lying, and then they have to see in their own minds whether or not they're victim blaming.
Can we not feel sorry about a woman being assaulted by Weinstein while at the same time regretting her giving support to a person like Polanski?
My question is why you would be inclined to bring it up in the wake of this story of all stories. Unless you intend to have the exact same indignant Pavlovian response every single time you see Asia Argento's name brought up for any reason for the rest of your life -- and if that's the case I would suggest you're looking at the issue a bit too simplistically and misdirecting your ire -- then bringing it up as a response to her coming forward to being sexually assaulted suggests you think there's a connection to draw between the events where one shapes your opinion of the other.
Here's the problem, he escaped when the judge in the case let slip that he was going to throw out the plea agreement and sentence him to 50 years in prison. His victim didn't even agree with what happened, going so far as to say that the fallout from what the judge did was worse than anything Polanski had ever done. This was after he had satisfied the terms of the plea agreement.
So it's with that, and that it seems to be an isolated incident that even his victim is finished dealing with, that people have worked with him. It's not unreasonable for someone to come to the conclusion that the further pursuit of justice would do more harm than good.
So far, it seems he has legit learned his lesson. His victim believes that as well, what is to be gained by tossing him in prison? Weinstein would have still been a bag of shit.
Personally, after 40 years with seemingly no other victims, I have a hard time buying he's a predator like Weinstein.
FWIW, I think that for some of the people that signed the Polanski support list at the time of his arrest, the influence of the documentary of the trial that was out at the time (and being promoted heavily by The Weinstein Company, as it so happened) is hard to miss, as the big takeaway from it was that while Polanski did commit the crime, the judge was as big an asshole for trying to turn it into a media circus and didn't play fair with the sentencing. It wasn't until a little while after that when the official court documents came out that refuted at least one of those major points (Polanski was aware that the psychological screening period was not his actual sentence to be carried out) that we got a much better idea of what took place, but the damage had already been done.
That being said, failing and actor or an actress on a purity test in the face of their own abuse because they worked with someone like Polanski strikes me as being quite disturbing.
It's super weird to see the whole "sexual predators like Weinstein must be punished" statements coming from Hollywood folks while at the same breath Polanski, a fucking rapist escapee, is a figure they clapped on and gave awards to.
Bunch of hypocrites.
And gaffers defending people who support him in a thread about sexual assault. Smdh
That's fine, and I'll admit that I may be too optimistic on this particular point of the matter, but I think when the only readily available resource at the time had a clear agenda to drag someone else through the mud while Polanski was wallowing in it himself, there is at least a small space for some doubt that it had some influence, especially when its distributor crowed loud about the film's importance and even dared to suggest that Polanski's crime was merely an "alleged" one.For what it's worth? It ain't worth shit. I'll make it as simple as it needs to be: they knew he drugged and raped a child and still signed.
That's fine, and I'll admit that I may be too optimistic on this particular point of the matter, but I think when the only readily available resource at the time had a clear agenda to drag someone else through the mud while Polanski was wallowing in it himself, there is at least a small space for some doubt that it had some influence, especially when its distributor crowed loud about the film's importance and even dared to suggest that Polanski's crime was merely an "alleged" one.
My question is why you would be inclined to bring it up in the wake of this story of all stories. Unless you intend to have the exact same indignant Pavlovian response every single time you see Asia Argento's name brought up for any reason for the rest of your life -- and if that's the case I would suggest you're looking at the issue a bit too simplistically and misdirecting your ire -- then bringing it up as a response to her coming forward to being sexually assaulted suggests you think there's a connection to draw between the events where one shapes your opinion of the other. And if that's the case, again, you might want to reconsider what you're actually accomplishing and what message you're sending to other women who are unsure of coming forward with their accounts of being assaulted.
The connection is they are actively complicit in the system that is in turn abusing, exploiting, or assaulting them and others. They are the ones who are saying there are good rapists and bad ones, because there are ones that are apparently wrong to work for (Weinstein) and fine to work for (Polanski, Salva.) That doesn't mean they're deserving of being sexually assaulted for their hypocrisy, but it does mean they're part of the problem too. And if you want to figure out how you're going to address these problems in Hollywood, they have work to do as well.
Hollywood is filled with two-faced assholes. Everybody knew about Weinstein.
Therefore what? If she's "complicit," however you wish to define it, what should that mean about her coming forward? What should it mean about the way we as a society treat what happened to her? Be specific. Does it mean she shouldn't have come forward at all? Does it mean she should only have come forward sometime later at a point you deem more appropriate? Does it mean she should have come forward but couched her story in a denunciation of Polanski as well even though that would only serve to distract from the focus of her story? Explain exactly how her complicity affects the way we should respond to her story and how that differs from the way we should respond to those who are not complicit in your view. (Or, put another way, have a go at the question Stump put forth about this line of questioning.) Because if you're not able to detail exactly why you're bringing it up and what you think it will accomplish, all I see is exactly the same purity tests people in power love to use to deflect away from endemic sexual assault.The connection is they are actively complicit in the system that is in turn abusing, exploiting, or assaulting them and others. They are the ones who are saying there are good rapists and bad ones, because there are ones that are apparently wrong to work for (Weinstein) and fine to work for (Polanski, Salva.)
What work? What does that even mean? She bravely chose to come forward against one of the most powerful men in Hollywood in a society that tends to pillory women who make such claims (case in point: what you're doing) and yet that's not enough work for you? It's rather easy to stake out a position from on high of blithely telling women when they should or shouldn't do with regard to fighting back against sexual assault, but if you're actually going to be so craven as to draw a spectrum of victimhood and declare, from your convenient position, that her account is actually less credible/noteworthy/important/sympathetic/whatever the fuck you're arguing makes her account different in some fashion, it might be helpful if you spelled out in detail what you expect of her in order to meet your standard of having a worthy claim.That doesn't mean they're deserving of being sexually assaulted for their hypocrisy, but it does mean they're part of the problem too. And if you want to figure out how you're going to address these problems in Hollywood, they have work to do as well.
If you can work for a famous child rapist, you are devoid of any morals.
I honestly do not understand what possible purpose anyone could have for wanting to bring up the hypocrisy angle like some sort of gotcha game except if it's to ultimately make the argument (even if only implicitly) that some rape and sexual assault victims are not deserving of sympathy or protection because they don't pass your test.
And let me tell you, in 20-fucking-17 if you want to claim to be an ally for progressive causes that's literally the polar opposite direction you should want to be going in. Lke, you could not do a worse job if you tried. So maybe if your first inclination when hearing a woman come forward about being raped is to publicly question whether she's "deserving" of your sympathy you might want to consider what you're actually arguing in favor of and what social ideology also tends to view women through the prism of whether women pass "purity" tests.
Can we not feel sorry about a woman being assaulted by Weinstein while at the same time regretting her giving support to a person like Polanski? Especially considering that she should understand the best just how predatory people such as Weinstein and similar men like him (like Polanski) are?
I mean, by the same token, if we say that it's ok to support people like Polanski, isn't that basically the same as saying that the victims of Polanski does not deserve any sympathy at all?
My question is why you would be inclined to bring it up in the wake of this story of all stories. Unless you intend to have the exact same indignant Pavlovian response every single time you see Asia Argento's name brought up for any reason for the rest of your life -- and if that's the case I would suggest you're looking at the issue a bit too simplistically and misdirecting your ire -- then bringing it up as a response to her coming forward to being sexually assaulted suggests you think there's a connection to draw between the events where one shapes your opinion of the other. And if that's the case, again, you might want to reconsider what you're actually accomplishing and what message you're sending to other women who are unsure of coming forward with their accounts of being assaulted.
Motherfuck. I'm not gonna play this game of yours. Victims do deserve every bit of empathy and sympathy. But I'm not gonna sit here and pretend Eva Green and Asia Argento didn't decide to work with a child rapist. Because the art is good. Or because they needed the work. Both Asia and Eva could have done any number of movies. But because the culture in Hollywood diminishes the sympathy of the victims in favor of the art a person like Polanski can still get funding and name stars. This is the sort of mental gymnastics that leads to the endemic nature of abuse. Weinstein can be in thr damn Academy until now because of the art. I have sympathy for them. I can condemn their choice. End of story.
I do think the Polanski thing is relevant to bring up not to try and point out victims possibly hypocrisy but to show how seedy the entire system has been in Hollywood and that even some of the victims of abuse have participated in the abusive system. Basically the whole thing is unfortunate. I don't think shaming the people who went along with Polanski does much but I do think it's relevant because if we ignore it it leaves out a chunk of the story.
The connection is they are actively complicit in the system that is in turn abusing, exploiting, or assaulting them and others. They are the ones who are saying there are good rapists and bad ones, because there are ones that are apparently wrong to work for (Weinstein) and fine to work for (Polanski, Salva.) That doesn't mean they're deserving of being sexually assaulted for their hypocrisy, but it does mean they're part of the problem too. And if you want to figure out how you're going to address these problems in Hollywood, they have work to do as well.
Can one even argue that Asia is hypocritical? She worked with Polanski... and she also continued to work with Harvey and even had consensual sex with him on multiple occasions. That's consistent not hypocritical behavior. That still does not erase or excuse that Asia was raped by Harvey. It doesn't matter if Asia or Eva have no morals; that's not relevant to their accusations of rape and sexual harassment.Thinking Polanski is somehow pertinent is part of Rape Culture. To put in the starkest terms: it is the same type of thinking that enables people to tolerate Prison Rape and laugh at jokes about it because the victims might be bad people. I'd expect GAF to be more enlightened than that