If telling bad/insensitive rape jokes are the ultimate sign of permanent condemnation/confirm that people have commited and or predisposed towards commiting sexual assault then we're going to have to purge more than half of the population.
You're absolutely right. I don't think it means he's predisposed to commit sexual assault. But I think it does show he had a more casual sense of this stuff. And that at one time he was perhaps not as respectful. Honestly, it just seems like he's a bit dim. How on earth could you not realize saying that publicly is an incredibly stupid idea?
Is there real talk about Dan Schneider being a predator or are people just talking out of their asses because the guy is fat?
It really has been a whirlwhind of fat predators hasn't it?
Some people were speculating how long till a story about Drew McWeeny comes out. Another obese film blogger. Don't know if he did anything, but it would be ridiculous that being an obese film blogger now makes you suspect.