The second installment in the wildly successful Avengers series, while it made a lot of money, most people were let down by the movie.
Watching it again, it's pretty obvious that the movie is attempting too many things at the same time, it tries to be a fairly-straightfaced character study of the Avengers and Ultron and how they fit in the world which shows up most in the tanker scene when they're all whammied by Scarlet Witch and all their insecurities are laid bare and the scene at Hawkeye's Farm where the fact they can't have a normal life is beat into them.
It tries to be a goofy action comedy, with constant quips throughout the movie, and a few comedic situations, several of the quips fall flat in delivery, it does manage to have some good comedic moments like the Avengers playing with Thor's hammer at the party, or everyone's shocked reaction when Vision casually hands Thor his hammer.
It tries to be the Avengers: redux as well, repeating several elements from the first movie to varying success, Loki's staff? check. Shots of all the Avengers? Check. Hulk fighting another Avenger with lives at stake? Check. Fighting against a giant CGI army for the fate of the world? Check.
When the movie gives attention to each of these elements it's often pretty great, stuff like the Scene at Clint's Farm has some good drama and gives us more insight to Hawkeye's and Black Widow's personality, a lot of people love the humor of when all the Avengers are trying to lift Thor's hammer, The scenes with the long takes of all the Avengers fighting together are has enjoyable as they were in the first movie,
The scene with them defending the death switch from Ultron is like a comicbook come to life
But the movie can't focus one element for too long which often undermines the effectiveness of previous scenes, where one aspect drowns out another, like the tanker scene which goes from Action scene with some comedy to a fairly serious look at the doubts of Captain America and Black Widow, all while Thor just gets exposition and a preview for Thor Ragnarok that looks nothing like Thor Ragnarok. which is another thing the brings the movie down, ads for future MCU, we get build-up for Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, Infinity War and Civil War. While I think the scene with Klaw was pretty good way to set up a future movie and still use it for the purpose of the movie's narrative, the tease for Thor Ragnarok and Infinity War is rather out of place and doesn't serve much purpose outside of a dues ex machina
It's a fun movie, not anywhere near has bad as some people say, it's just a movie that seems to at war with itself and what it wants to be while it suffers a case of sequel-itis
Watching it again, it's pretty obvious that the movie is attempting too many things at the same time, it tries to be a fairly-straightfaced character study of the Avengers and Ultron and how they fit in the world which shows up most in the tanker scene when they're all whammied by Scarlet Witch and all their insecurities are laid bare and the scene at Hawkeye's Farm where the fact they can't have a normal life is beat into them.
It tries to be a goofy action comedy, with constant quips throughout the movie, and a few comedic situations, several of the quips fall flat in delivery, it does manage to have some good comedic moments like the Avengers playing with Thor's hammer at the party, or everyone's shocked reaction when Vision casually hands Thor his hammer.
It tries to be the Avengers: redux as well, repeating several elements from the first movie to varying success, Loki's staff? check. Shots of all the Avengers? Check. Hulk fighting another Avenger with lives at stake? Check. Fighting against a giant CGI army for the fate of the world? Check.
When the movie gives attention to each of these elements it's often pretty great, stuff like the Scene at Clint's Farm has some good drama and gives us more insight to Hawkeye's and Black Widow's personality, a lot of people love the humor of when all the Avengers are trying to lift Thor's hammer, The scenes with the long takes of all the Avengers fighting together are has enjoyable as they were in the first movie,
The scene with them defending the death switch from Ultron is like a comicbook come to life
But the movie can't focus one element for too long which often undermines the effectiveness of previous scenes, where one aspect drowns out another, like the tanker scene which goes from Action scene with some comedy to a fairly serious look at the doubts of Captain America and Black Widow, all while Thor just gets exposition and a preview for Thor Ragnarok that looks nothing like Thor Ragnarok. which is another thing the brings the movie down, ads for future MCU, we get build-up for Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, Infinity War and Civil War. While I think the scene with Klaw was pretty good way to set up a future movie and still use it for the purpose of the movie's narrative, the tease for Thor Ragnarok and Infinity War is rather out of place and doesn't serve much purpose outside of a dues ex machina
It's a fun movie, not anywhere near has bad as some people say, it's just a movie that seems to at war with itself and what it wants to be while it suffers a case of sequel-itis