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Rumble Roses - Gamespot Review



Rumble Roses is proof that you can make a mechanically sound game, yet still miss the mark.

If you had to compare Rumble Roses to anything at all, it would basically be the gaming equivalent to one of those naked lady novelty pens you buy at gas stations as a dumb gag gift. There are certainly ways to make a game titillating without pushing it totally over the line, but Rumble Roses doesn't seem to be aware of this. Plus, when you factor in the unlikable story mode and the fact that it will only take you a few matches to pretty much see everything the game has to offer, it becomes readily apparent that Rumble Roses simply doesn't come together as a particularly appealing product. It's a shame too, because the wrestling and graphical engines the game employs are both decent, but there are just too many aggravating things in the game to have to sift through before you can even begin to truly appreciate either the actual wrestling or the graphics. If nothing else, Rumble Roses is proof that you can make a mechanically sound game, yet still miss the mark.


Boobs do not make a game good afterall.
The fatal mistake of this review is taking any aspect of Rumble Roses seriously at all. Then again, I'm sure there were white kids in the suburbs who bought Def Jam Vendetta so they could live vicariously through their on screen avatars they try so desperately to emulate; because they were under the impression all that B.S. was "hardcore". Hey, wait a minute. That's reading too deeply into it! :D

Like I said, intentionally or untintentionally, the "story" the greatest T&A parody of every shitty fighting game cliche known to man.

Can't wait for the sequel. I just hope they add a kick button.


Sounds like points were docked because of the excessive boobage. Which is kinda stupid, people buying this know it's a T&A fest, should have scored it based on that.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
This game is a total T and A fest, but WITH a competent wrestling engine to back it up. It's just as good as the Smackdown! games, and the only reason points should be deducted is for the lack of modes (especially tag team) and the incredibly stupid move by Yuke's to let you only use a heel or face version of a character in exhibition mode at one time instead of both. This game is a lot of fun despite what its lacking in, has some really cool moves, and I don't get why it's okay for a game with half naked MEN to be okay, but with women, OH TEH NOES!!11 :p

MC Safety

Pimpbaa said:
Sounds like points were docked because of the excessive boobage. Which is kinda stupid, people buying this know it's a T&A fest, should have scored it based on that.

I was waiting for this, too.
I was waiting for this.

Yeah, but isn't this okay. You know, free license to rip on your own kind as you speak from experience.

I make the Polak jokes.

adelgary makes the gay jokes.

Bishoptl makes the Orthodox Jew jokes. :p

If anybody can do it, it's adelgary. :D
It would suck for US buyers, but hopefully the dev team uses the extra four months to add extras for the Japanese release. Even taken at face value it's well worth the price of admission if it's something you're interested in.
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