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Rumor: Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster in development as well as Multiplayer Project based on Horizon


Snake Oil Salesman
What the actual f . Now we do remasters of games released 4-5years ago?

Who does it hurt?

Putting a small C team on this for a short amount of time, while the big budget A team gets their next project off the ground, is as good a use of resources as any.

People in this thread acting like Guerilla has halted production on a AAA game to work on this the next 4 years.

Master Chief Collection
Horizon Trilogy

It's just a smart use of resources.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
By 2002 the ps2 had
Ratchet and clank (a better ratchet at that)
Jak and Daxter
Auto modellista
Kingdom hearts
Silent hill 2

By 2002 the Xbox had
Halo CE
Sega GT 2002
Splinter Cell
Auto modellista
Dead or alive 3
Project Gotham racing

By 2022 both the series X and ps5 have
Ratchet and clank rift apart
Demons souls (a remake of a ps3 game btw)
Astros playroom
And 0 next gen exclusive third parties from what I know. This pandemic excuse has gone on long enough. Kill 8th gen already
yep. I have always been a PS fan, but it was actually the PS3 gen when I truly started to appreciate their first party studios. It was a time when first person shooters were everywhere and games like Bioshock, CoD and Battlefield just didnt click with me. But Sony wasnt just making shooters, they were focusing on pushing narrative in video games, they were pushing next gen tech, and every game felt different and unique compared to the third party formulaic entries.

PS3 used to have people saying it has no games, and it didnt... for about a 4 month period between Motorstorm in March 2007 to Heavenly Sword in August. Overall, that first year they had:
  1. Resistance
  2. Motorstorm
  3. Heavenly Sword
  4. Warhawk
  5. Ratchet
  6. Uncharted

6 games in ONE year. Then the next year they had:
  1. MGS4
  2. LBP
  3. Resistance 2
  4. Socom Confrontation
  5. Motorsotrm Pacific Rit.

11 next gen exclusives. And here we are, 2 years later and im being told to look at the positives of Ratchet, Returnal and a pack-in mini game released almost 2 years ago.

Even the first two years of PS4 which was barebones compared to the PS3 era but looking back its chalk full of next gen showcases.

  1. KZSF
  2. Infamous Second Son
  3. DriveClub
  4. The Order
  5. Bloodborne
  6. Until Dawn

6 games vs 2 plus a pack-in. I dont know why people are PS fans. I like PS because of their first part games. Not because PS turns me on. I dont have brand loyalty. I have game loyalty. I will never understand fans of both MS and Sony defend the complete lack of games, and then accuse people pointing out facts of whining.


I mean if you have to bring up games they released 1.5-2 years ago then you're proving my point.

TBH, I cant believe that after this forum spent two years shitting on Phil's spencer's cross gen stance, and Xbox's dire first party support since 2020 for Xbox Series consoles, the same people will give Sony a pass for not releasing any next gen games since Ratchet back in June 2021, and have ZERO games slated until Spiderman 2 launches a good 2.5 years after Ratchet. Thats pretty much the same time span Xbox wouldve gone between launch and Starfield's release. Both are comparable in the time they have spent jerking around their consumer base that went out and bought $500 consoles on day one. PS5 had a decent start but its been just as bad as Xbox since Ratchet.
I think because the chip shortages that hit near launch changed some plans too in favour of cross gen this year. Games like GT7.

Most people don't exclude games as games for arbitrary reasons though.
if you wanted specifically just next gen only games you still had TLOU Pt 1, Ghostwire Tokyo, Deathloop, etc.

you are being very specfic about what games you are happy with.
Must be first party, must not be a remake, must not exist on PS4, must have released <1.5 yrs inbetween. Other people dont care for that stuff. To be honest I haven't seen anyone lambasting Phil recently when there has been literally nothing in terms of next gen only games with a criteria like that. I've seen people lambasting Jim for his generations quote more.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I think because the chip shortages that hit near launch changed some plans too in favour of cross gen this year. Games like GT7.

Most people don't exclude games as games for arbitrary reasons though.
if you wanted specifically just next gen only games you still had TLOU Pt 1, Ghostwire Tokyo, Deathloop, etc.

you are being very specfic about what games you are happy with.
Must be first party, must not be a remake, must not exist on PS4, must have released <1.5 yrs inbetween. Other people dont care for that stuff. To be honest I haven't seen anyone lambasting Phil recently when there has been literally nothing in terms of next gen only games with a criteria like that. I've seen people lambasting Jim for his generations quote more.
Nah its pretty simple. I like their first party games. Thats it. I dont care for Arkhane and other PC centric developers who make B games with no real effort put into production values and storytelling. Sony first party always makes top of the line games that have set next gen standards. And yes, I expect them every year. Just like how expect MS first party to have games lined up every year.


Nah its pretty simple. I like their first party games. Thats it. I dont care for Arkhane and other PC centric developers who make B games with no real effort put into production values and storytelling. Sony first party always makes top of the line games that have set next gen standards. And yes, I expect them every year. Just like how expect MS first party to have games lined up every year.

But GT7, HFW and God of War Ragnarok still look top of the line and that's this year alone. They are cross gen though for better or worse but they still look great.

It's a bit of a double edged sword, with top of the line you are looking at big budget games and with a big budget you need to sell more copies. With the chip/supply shortages that hit it meant releasing GT7 cross gen since it had time to do it. I think with HFW and Ragnarok budget it was always going to be cross gen until the PS5 install base is large enough to support AAA new releases on a single platform. What you need to hope for is increased PS5 sales and that seems to be happening now with better supply. The rest will come.
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I just want Sony to Remaster/Remake the Resistsnce Trilogy and Killzone initial trilogy…
Two amazing sets of games just ignored.

Also Wipeout series and Driveclub definitely need love as well.

Horizon ZD does not need resources put on it at all.
Except those games weren't playable on the PS3, unless you had one of the earliest models.
expect Sony to release PS5 updated director cuts of all the games they making shows of.

Twisted Metal.
The Last of Us.
God of War.

Since they are probably being co-financed by their respective streaming platforms, therefore less share of the revenue, they might be using them more as a brand awareness tool.

They want these new customers to get a crisp updated version of these games with more accessible game modes.

I do think Sony needs to build a studio that makes sloppy fast ports of PS3 games ASAP. And fill their “gamepass” with them.


Writes a lot, says very little
I just want Sony to Remaster/Remake the Resistsnce Trilogy and Killzone initial trilogy…
Two amazing sets of games just ignored.

Also Wipeout series and Driveclub definitely need love as well.

Horizon ZD does not need resources put on it at all.

Maybe with the whole Activision drama they'll remake Killzone 1 to fill in any FPS gaps, but imho I think they are doing just fine without those games being remade, but would not say no to a remake.

I'd also rather see Motorstorm get some huge open world rally type thing with a random weather system.

And Horizon 100% needs resources put in it. It would be fucking stupid of Sony not to remaster a game that just moved 20 million units. I don't even believe the entire Killzone Series or Resistance series COMBINED has sold that much to really leave money on the table on such a surging IP.

So yes to Killzone 1 remake using Decima.
Yes to Resistance Fall Of Man remake.
Yes to Motorstorm remake or Driveclub remaster with PS5 features
Yes to Horizon Zero Dawn remaster....consider that fucking remaster alone might pay for the entire above ^

This isn't a sprint, its a marathon and we are all on the same team with this one. HZD winning means Sony wins, means those games you want can more then likely exist. I can never subscribe to the idea of removing resources from a surging IP, to pour it into 2 series that literally failed. It makes zero sense and even I'm routing for a remake of those games, I'm also a businessman lol I love Killzone and Resistance man, I also understand they failed for a reason and a remake is a deep want, Sony will do just fine if they never exist mind you.

Now The Getaway reboot lol, a conversation for a different day.

Nickolaidas Nickolaidas lol that has zero relevance to games getting ported and I don't really know why people love reaching for that shit.

Resident Evil 1, 2, 3
Dino Crisis 1 and 2
Metal Gear Solid 1

and many more all ported to PSN on PS3, yet all PS3's are BC to PS1. So.....IF you can fucking play it is irrelevant to Square, Capcom, Konami and yes even Sony. Their goal is to sell as many games as they can, regardless if you can play it or not, own the original or not etc.

So...again for those in the back, the remasters we saw from Sony, Square, Capcom, Konami etc have NOTHING to do with BC, it has everything to do with pure business. They make them to make money, you didn't get the shit for free, it wasn't a charity to apologize for no BC, it wasn't some free upgrade or BC replacement or anything weird like that.

Ghost Of Tsushima was fucking ported to PS5.

PS5 is BC to PS4....

Sir... i think you need to look deeper on why its being ported and see it from the publishers perspective. They are not your friend and they are not porting based on you ability or inability to play the original game. I said this shit YEARS ago on here and was not shocked in the slightest to see them porting remasters and other publishers making remasters too, as I understood WHY they were doing it before, it just seems many of you think of this too personally and feel its happening based on YOU and if YOU can or can't play it. They are doing it for sales. Its really that basic.

Owning a PS5 now, doesn't mean you owned a PS4 before and an opportunity exist to sell you a remaster with better features, just cause PS5 can play PS4 doesn't mean the user wants a dated game, they might want a remaster to use the new features, thus a market exist regardless of BC. Some of you should have realized that when you literally saw remasters on systems with BC lol I've never even heard Sony ever say anything about doing a remaster or remake based on the inability for someone to play a version or something lol

nial nial lol THIS. I have no clue why people don't actually know this. It wasn't a secret or something. We saw a remaster of Ghost Of Tsushima literally 1 year after release.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Would rather they focus on bringing FW to PC.

They likely have a separate team doing all that as its more likely they are doing both.

1 team to remaster
1 team to port over FW to PC (could likely be 1 team doing both mind you as the processes isn't really a 1000 man studio type thing anyway lol)


Maybe with the whole Activision drama they'll remake Killzone 1 to fill in any FPS gaps, but imho I think they are doing just fine without those games being remade, but would not say no to a remake.

I'd also rather see Motorstorm get some huge open world rally type thing with a random weather system.

And Horizon 100% needs resources put in it. It would be fucking stupid of Sony not to remaster a game that just moved 20 million units. I don't even believe the entire Killzone Series or Resistance series COMBINED has sold that much to really leave money on the table on such a surging IP.

So yes to Killzone 1 remake using Decima.
Yes to Resistance Fall Of Man remake.
Yes to Motorstorm remake or Driveclub remaster with PS5 features
Yes to Horizon Zero Dawn remaster....consider that fucking remaster alone might pay for the entire above ^

This isn't a sprint, its a marathon and we are all on the same team with this one. HZD winning means Sony wins, means those games you want can more then likely exist. I can never subscribe to the idea of removing resources from a surging IP, to pour it into 2 series that literally failed. It makes zero sense and even I'm routing for a remake of those games, I'm also a businessman lol I love Killzone and Resistance man, I also understand they failed for a reason and a remake is a deep want, Sony will do just fine if they never exist mind you.

Now The Getaway reboot lol, a conversation for a different day.

Nickolaidas Nickolaidas lol that has zero relevance to games getting ported and I don't really know why people love reaching for that shit.

Resident Evil 1, 2, 3
Dino Crisis 1 and 2
Metal Gear Solid 1

and many more all ported to PSN on PS3, yet all PS3's are BC to PS1. So.....IF you can fucking play it is irrelevant to Square, Capcom, Konami and yes even Sony. Their goal is to sell as many games as they can, regardless if you can play it or not, own the original or not etc.

So...again for those in the back, the remasters we saw from Sony, Square, Capcom, Konami etc have NOTHING to do with BC, it has everything to do with pure business. They make them to make money, you didn't get the shit for free, it wasn't a charity to apologize for no BC, it wasn't some free upgrade or BC replacement or anything weird like that.

Ghost Of Tsushima was fucking ported to PS5.

PS5 is BC to PS4....

Sir... i think you need to look deeper on why its being ported and see it from the publishers perspective. They are not your friend and they are not porting based on you ability or inability to play the original game. I said this shit YEARS ago on here and was not shocked in the slightest to see them porting remasters and other publishers making remasters too, as I understood WHY they were doing it before, it just seems many of you think of this too personally and feel its happening based on YOU and if YOU can or can't play it. They are doing it for sales. Its really that basic.

Owning a PS5 now, doesn't mean you owned a PS4 before and an opportunity exist to sell you a remaster with better features, just cause PS5 can play PS4 doesn't mean the user wants a dated game, they might want a remaster to use the new features, thus a market exist regardless of BC. Some of you should have realized that when you literally saw remasters on systems with BC lol I've never even heard Sony ever say anything about doing a remaster or remake based on the inability for someone to play a version or something lol

nial nial lol THIS. I have no clue why people don't actually know this. It wasn't a secret or something. We saw a remaster of Ghost Of Tsushima literally 1 year after release.
All I said is that Horizon getting a remaster for PS5 is less needed than GoW1-2 getting a remaster for PS3, since the PS5 can play the 'vanilla' Horizon, while the PS3 could not play the vanilla PS2 discs of GoW. I personally don't care whether they'll make a Horizon remaster or not. I literally couldn't give any less of a fuck. I don't even play on consoles anymore.


Gold Member
All I said is that Horizon getting a remaster for PS5 is less needed than GoW1-2 getting a remaster for PS3, since the PS5 can play the 'vanilla' Horizon, while the PS3 could not play the vanilla PS2 discs of GoW. I personally don't care whether they'll make a Horizon remaster or not. I literally couldn't give any less of a fuck. I don't even play on consoles anymore.
And add to that the fact that Zero Dawn already got a patch to run at 60fps on PS5 with that 4K checkboard solution. It’s the most idiotic re-releases but Sony has been obsessed with re-releasing their evergreens. They’re so afraid to invest in new AAA IPs that we ended up here.

I still have hope that it’s just a rumour.
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Writes a lot, says very little
All I said is that Horizon getting a remaster for PS5 is less needed than GoW1-2 getting a remaster for PS3, since the PS5 can play the 'vanilla' Horizon, while the PS3 could not play the vanilla PS2 discs of GoW. I personally don't care whether they'll make a Horizon remaster or not. I literally couldn't give any less of a fuck. I don't even play on consoles anymore.

And add to that the fact that Zero Dawn already got a patch to run at 60fps on PS5 with that 4K checkboard solution. It’s the most idiotic re-releases but Sony has been obsessed with re-releasing their evergreens. They’re so afraid to invest in new AAA IPs that we ended up here.

I still have hope that it’s just a rumour.

yea...I don't think either of you get it.

Cause you can play the normal version on PS5 is irrelevant to that remaster existing...you simply don't get.

Nothing is "idiotic" about such a re-release or remaster as this is business and Sony is a business, not a charity.

I think this is simply too over your heads and hard for you to grasp. So I'm not trying to come across mean, simply that I don't think either of you really understand why businesses do that.

I also see no evidence that Sony is afraid of new IP, they have several already in development and even back during the PS3 days with those remasters, you still saw new IP....so I don't see what that has to do with anything considering those port teams don't make new IP lol They have no relevance to each other.

its like crying over a re-run or a bluray version of a film or something when that has nothing to do with the NEW film being made....ironically its that re-run or bluray version that will fund a new film.

As I've said many times before, I don't really think most gamers or people in general actually understand those ideas or concepts, not everyone here is a business owner so I get it, but I still remind folks to look at it thru the lens of the publisher to better understand why it exist.

What would they benefit with zero remaster with so many new PS5 owners?
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Except those games weren't playable on the PS3, unless you had one of the earliest models.
First of all, nothing to do with what was said. And second, yes, they were playable on most PS3 models sold when they came out, so...
And no, I'm not defending the Horizon remaster or something.
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This trend lately of PS pivoting to acquiring all of these F2P/ live service studios and putting their best AAA studios on multiplayer games is incredibly disappointing and boring to me. The last thing I want to experience with any of these series are live service offerings. It's an immediate hard pass, and I am sure I'm not alone. It's a mistake to take their primary focus away from what they do best, which is giving their studios as much time as needed to make engrossing, state-of-the-art single player experiences.
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You guys all went out and bought the TLoU 1 remake at full price, what makes you think Sony wouldn't continue to fleece your wallets with something that takes even less effort?

The money listens, and this is going to keep happening so long as the money flows.


You guys all went out and bought the TLoU 1 remake at full price, what makes you think Sony wouldn't continue to fleece your wallets with something that takes even less effort?

The money listens, and this is going to keep happening so long as the money flows.
Eh, TLOU pt1 isn't exactly lighting the world on fire. You re-release anything of that level and there we be folks who just buy it initially. Nothing us folks crying about it can do but watch. Sony can improve it again and re-release, charge and people will be pissed but some folks will buy it enough to show pretty far up on a chart for the first month depending on releases for that month.
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Boss Man

I like Horizon, but even Forbidden West felt like over saturation. I hope Guerilla focuses on something else for a little while.


yea...I don't think either of you get it.

Cause you can play the normal version on PS5 is irrelevant to that remaster existing...you simply don't get.

Nothing is "idiotic" about such a re-release or remaster as this is business and Sony is a business, not a charity.

I think this is simply too over your heads and hard for you to grasp. So I'm not trying to come across mean, simply that I don't think either of you really understand why businesses do that.

I also see no evidence that Sony is afraid of new IP, they have several already in development and even back during the PS3 days with those remasters, you still saw new IP....so I don't see what that has to do with anything considering those port teams don't make new IP lol They have no relevance to each other.

its like crying over a re-run or a bluray version of a film or something when that has nothing to do with the NEW film being made....ironically its that re-run or bluray version that will fund a new film.

As I've said many times before, I don't really think most gamers or people in general actually understand those ideas or concepts, not everyone here is a business owner so I get it, but I still remind folks to look at it thru the lens of the publisher to better understand why it exist.

What would they benefit with zero remaster with so many new PS5 owners?
Dude, seriously. I don't care about this remaster at all. I neither approve or disapprove of its existence. There's nothing for me to 'get'. No point you can make in my case, there's no 'gatcha'. I'm not crying, I'm not complaining.

I literally have no idea why you keep quoting me.


You guys all went out and bought the TLoU 1 remake at full price, what makes you think Sony wouldn't continue to fleece your wallets with something that takes even less effort?

The money listens, and this is going to keep happening so long as the money flows.
gonna cry tobey maguire GIF


GAF's Pleasant Genius
You guys all went out and bought the TLoU 1 remake at full price, what makes you think Sony wouldn't continue to fleece your wallets with something that takes even less effort?

The money listens, and this is going to keep happening so long as the money flows.
Even less effort… you are full of it and you know it come on, it has been shown the copious amount of work that went into Part I but somehow the success after success that TLoU and Druckman keep having (see TV series too, another hit) just tickles some people the wrong way I guess? …


Every concern of mine has come true. Turns out, the only trolls were Jim Ryan and Herman Hurst who have trolled every single ps5 buyer with last gen games and remakes.

Someone brought up silicon valley and I attribute this to PlayStation moving their headquarters to San Mateo right next to Silicon Valley. Sony has turned into a soulless money first corporation like American corps like EA, Activision and Microsoft. Their Japanese developer friendly roots are long gone. Jim and Herman are no different than kotick and bezos.
Yup. The writing was on the wall as soon as they moved hq to the west. The PS fanchilds just stood in denial.


Gold Journalism
Apparently that looked like valuable contribution that has not been said before in a thread talking about a game remaster… 🤷‍♂️
Yep. And as per leaked information, this PS5 port is being handled by another third-party studio -- unlike TLOU P1 that Naughty Dog did.

So there is literally no reason for it to have any impact on PlayStation Studios or Guerrilla's next game. It's just a project for profitability.

Revenue from HZD PS5 sales - cost of hiring an external studio for the PS5 port = $
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I love the environments so much in this game. Isn't there already a ps5 port though
They did enhance the game up for the PS5 which has better resolution and framerate if I remember correctly. I don’t remember if the texture ms are better. They never did a native PS5 version though.


Gold Journalism
Oh ok I saw videos of folk playing it on 5 so thought it was a port but no that is possible because 5 can play most PS4 games I see
Yep. It's in Backward Compatibility mode with a 60 FPS free patch update.

So same resolution, image quality, and visual settings as PS4 Pro. Also no PS5 specific features such as 3D audio, haptic feedback, adaptive triggers etc. A PS5 port could have all that.


Yep. It's in Backward Compatibility mode with a 60 FPS free patch update.

So same resolution, image quality, and visual settings as PS4 Pro. Also no PS5 specific features such as 3D audio, haptic feedback, adaptive triggers etc. A PS5 port could have all that.
I redownloaded it last night and it still looks great. Not as good as the sequel of course but really good.

They really did a great job with this series.

That being said, unless they make some major changes to content, I’ll pass till at least a major sale comes
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