Series S was a failure, it didn’t work, only made things complicated for devs. I doubt they’ll do that again.I think they go with an S console that's close to ps5 Pro in gpu performance and then a higher end option that's truly a leap ok gpu.
I actually welcome everyone launching in their own time frames and have their first party games that incentivise sales of that platform. If enthusiasts go ahead and buy a hard-core pc. I more than welcome that but there's millions who don't want to and we know that.
I want Microsoft and Sony to treat their consoles like Nintendo and to release games like Nintendo do. That's my dream for each manufacturer.
Microsoft used to offer excellent games that you couldn't get on PlayStation. Playstation provide their games you couldn't get anywhere else.
Nintendo are just something else.
That's what I hope for anyway.
Then, just play third party where you want.
They need to have one single powerful new console, needs to be ready to hype up before PS5 Pro is out. Needs to seem ”next gen” in the unveil trailer. And they need to have big important games ready at launch. And full backwards compatibility. Just end the generation really. Xbox 360 was out 4 years after Xbox. Xbox Series gen will be 4 years in 2024.
But they need exclusives. Drop the when everybody plays we all win slogan. Erase all doubt that their games can’t be exclusive to their ecosystem which is now PC+Xbox and eventually mobile. Their ecosystem is not tiny it’s just the Xbox bubble.