I strongly disagree. The takeaway I got from reporting that story wasn't "wow Bungie ripped us off we should've had so much more" -- it was "wow making video games is hard as hell even when you're a huge team with plenty of experience and resources."
In my years reporting in this field, I've learned a couple of things. One of those things is that you should never pre-order video games, which is a stance Kotaku has taken
several times. Another is that every game goes through near-insurmountable technical struggles and periods where nobody knows whether the final product will actually turn out to be fun. For some games, everything coalesces nicely at some point. For others, it... doesn't. Oftentimes even the developers of a game have no idea which result they'll get.
Of course, there could be weird shit going here that we don't know about! And I think more transparency about game development in general is a very good thing. But from what I read in the OP, this just sounds par for the course. You could be more cautious with your pre-orders if you really want, but my advice would be to not pre-order in the first place!