Um, according to Sean Murray, the delay is simply to add-in more features and polish the game:
"Every hour of every day between now and then allows us to add more features, polish and diversity to our universe. Some of those features are things we haven’t shown anyone yet, but are our most requested." LINK
This needs to be addressed as soon as possible. If the reason for the delay is in fact the rumor - then Hello Games needs to communicate this to it's many patiently waiting fans.
If it's all bollocks, then they should let us know that too.
It's been obvious from day one that this game is going to be a disappointment.
It's been obvious from day one that this game is going to be a disappointment.
2). Miyamoto said it best:
Wait, what?!?
How could an 8-core, 64-bit CPU on a system with 8 gigabytes of GDDR5 RAM have trouble running most anything nowadays?
Now, with Sony's backing, Hello Games has the opportunity to add-in all those features for release day that would have been DLC/update content much later on. That and polish the shit out of the game code, so that it runs like hot butter on PS4 and PC.
I'm all for the delay.
1). It's only 7 months.
2). Miyamoto said it best:
Did people forget the team got hit by a flood earlier this year already? Of course it would be delayed, their office got wrecked. This surely slowed down the development process.
My thoughts exactlyRumor: Video Game In Development Is In Development
Rumor: Video Game In Development Is In Development
I can't believe people are actually commenting on a post that articulates an unsubstantiated and suppossed rumor made on a podcast by 3 gaming "journalists". Laura Buzz isn't really well known for her gaming news. I would put little to no faith on this rumor.
Let's just move on folks!
Unfortunately, a few places have reported on it. All citing this thread with the Soundcloud link, I messaged Sean but he's not very active on Twitter but I suspect if there's mainstream sites publishing the same silly rumour he might be more inclined to comment.
[GearNuke] - No Mans Sky development may be in trouble, PS4 version facing considerable issues
[GamingBolt] - No Mans Sky On PS4 And PC Rumored To Be Having Pretty Severe Technical Issues
[PlayStation Lifestyle] - Rumor: No Mans Sky Might Be Undergoing Technical Complications
[GamePur] - No Man's Sky Being Continuously Delayed Due To Technical Issues, E3 2015 Demo Was Showcased On PC
I don't know what I'm talking about, but now that there's a dog pile, feel free to call me Nostradamus.
Because no game this gen has ever been delayed.
While I'm pretty sure that the poster was being sarcastic, I expect that due to the way No Man's Sky generates the environments, it will probably benefit greatly from having 8 cores. I think it might have been in the IGN First videos, where they showed the debug output of the generation/LODing system, and I seem to remember it looking like there was some heavy multithreading going on there.I hope you're being sarcastic, but in case not:
The number of cores a CPU possesses (and how many threads can be processed simultaneously at any given point) is a measurement of the degree of parallelization that can be achieved. An "x"-bit CPU, where x is a number such as 64, is a measurement of memory bandwidth available to the CPU. GDDR5 RAM is a type of memory with a high bandwidth available, which is beneficial for the PS4 since it serves the purpose of system RAM, as opposed to being merely available for the GPU, as it is on PCs.
I hate that image because it oversimplifies the reality of budgets and game development. It also ignores whether the game is actually good. Of course a delayed game can be good when you start over until it's eventually fun.
To my knowledge, the extent of Sony backing NMS has never been made public. Beyond speculating on message boards, there's no definitive answer.
Holy shit, this is just a normal thread filled with jump-to-conclusions posts about No Man's Sky. Consistency is key, I guess.
Way to miss the point just so you could be the snarky, edgy guy on the forum. Yes, games get delayed, but you generally don't announce a release while vacationing in development hell.
Wait, what?!?
How could an 8-core, 64-bit CPU on a system with 8 gigabytes of GDDR5 RAM have trouble running most anything nowadays?
It's been obvious from day one that some people have raging hate boners for this game.It's been obvious from day one that this game is going to be a disappointment.
While I'm pretty sure that the poster was being sarcastic, I expect that due to the way No Man's Sky generates the environments, it will probably benefit greatly from having 8 cores. I think it might have been in the IGN First videos, where they showed the debug output of the generation/LODing system, and I seem to remember it looking like there was some heavy multithreading going on there.
Regardless, this barely sounds like a rumor. More like a logical guess. Games go through a large amount of bug fixing and optimization in their last few months. That's just common sense.
It's also not what he said, he said that a delayed game is only delayed until it is out.
2). Miyamoto said it best:
Of course then Bish will ask me for proof and I'll be stuck talking about video games on Outpost Gallifrey for 6 months
what is this shitty anonymous "picture" quote ?
I can't believe people are actually commenting on a post that articulates an unsubstantiated and suppossed rumor made on a podcast by 3 gaming "journalists". Laura Buzz isn't really well known for her gaming news. I would put little to no faith on this rumor.
Let's just move on folks!
She's generally pretty spot on from what I've seen, I'm pretty sure she revealed Rush Of Blood a week or so before its Paris Games Week announcement.
Maybe you should write some articles on how the differing methods of project management work? I'm sure articles on Agile would be devoured by enthisiasts keen to know more about their hobby.
Rumor: Video Game In Development Is In Development
Unfortunately, a few places have reported on it. All citing this thread with the Soundcloud link, I messaged Sean but he's not very active on Twitter but I suspect if there's mainstream sites publishing the same silly rumour he might be more inclined to comment.
[GearNuke] - No Mans Sky development may be in trouble, PS4 version facing considerable issues
[GamingBolt] - No Mans Sky On PS4 And PC Rumored To Be Having Pretty Severe Technical Issues
[PlayStation Lifestyle] - Rumor: No Mans Sky Might Be Undergoing Technical Complications
[GamePur] - No Man's Sky Being Continuously Delayed Due To Technical Issues, E3 2015 Demo Was Showcased On PC