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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Junior Member
What if the controller is better than a GC controller for fighters? Why do we have to cling to a 15 year old controller?


I have no idea why that potshot was taken against me. I'm just a messenger, who actually did investigating, checked with multiple sources from within the industry, ranging from devs to journalists, PM'd two mods the info, was told by Nirolak it was ok to post, and I posted it as a rumor. If that makes me unverified, so be it. I'm just trying to create fun discussion with legitimate information, I'm a messenger, not an insider, and I'm not doing it for the fifteen minutes of fame. Maybe some mods hadn't seen that Nirolak was informed and assumed I was fake. It's not like I said I knew Miyamoto and had the NX spec sheet with me.

Just for the record, I definitely don't think you aren't legit dude. You've been as transparent as you can be and Emily is backing you up as well.

I'm just a bit confused by those moderator comments. I mean if you weren't honest about getting the ok from Nirolak I'd assume you'd be banned by now.


Junior Member
First Smash NX deets here, according to my Uncle Jimtendo:

- Game supports cross-platform pool with WiiU players, as well as NX-only pool for those using expanded roster; the salt will be real, but this is Nintendo's way of forcing you to upgrade!

- New online mode allows the use of custom moves and Mii Fighters. The Miis appear as generics to players that aren't on your Friends list, but Mii Fighter outfits will still show!

- NX roster includes all characters from base game + all DLC including Mii Fighter outfits, as well as Splatoon newcomers — Inklings (Male and Female, using Splattershots), Callie (using Rollers), and Marie (using Chargers) — and several returning veterans: Ice Climbers, Wolf and Snake (Konami be praised)!

- NX version will be marketed with the headline "Smash x Splatoon," targeting Japan where Splatoon is a phenomenon

- NX version will include all 3DS stages, enhanced in HD, along with all WiiU stages, the return of Summit and Shadow Moses Island, and two all-new Splatoon stages!

- NX version will also feature a deluxe version of Smash Run, alongside all WiiU modes!

- A new stage hazard and boss hazard toggle has been added — reduce or increase the frequency of hazards and bosses, or switch them off altogether!

- A new mode allows you to choose one character per stock. A variant of this mode allows you to switch freely between the characters in your team. And in multiplayer, players can play on teams and tag each other in/out!

- A treasure trove of new trophies and music tracks to collect!

- Dramatically expanded options and assets in Stage Builder, taking inspiration from the robust level editor in Mario Maker!

Thank you. I'll do my best to continue to be me!

*brisk salute*
If a miracle happens & we get more characters, getting the Inklings, Callie, & Marie would be kinda overkill. If anything, the mystery Rhythm Heaven rep is more likely. And I'm sure we would have gotten Snake back in Smash 4 if Sakurai could.


What if the controller is better than a GC controller for fighters? Why do we have to cling to a 15 year old controller?

Muscle memory. Relearning a new controller for a game that controls the same is no easy feat. Especially if it's the same game just ported over to the new console. Would make zero sense to not support the adapter.
Apparently, some dev's are having no trouble porting current gen games over. It's a quick process and dev's seem to be happy about it.

How can this possibly be? I was told numerous times on NeoGaf and by devs that supporting another platform would be a "Gigantic Pain in the Ass". Surely supporting an entirely different API and base hardware would be harder than supporting a .5 increase to an existing platform.

We don't need yet another console that will partition the market.

Xiao Hu

Shoot, I'll even say a prayer for you bro. What games will make you budge?

Haha thanks. Based on our information about the ports it's Zelda that makes me unfaithful to my creed. But if Nintendo announce around two games that scrath my itch for mature themed gaming on Nintendo systems it will be a tough fight against a reflex purchase during the holidays.


As in "Heathcliff"
If the only smash on NX was a port the console would instantly become a failure to me.

Hyperbole, but damn I would be salty

I don't think anyone needs to be worried about whether or not there will be sequels. The launch lineup obviously isn't going to be 2 games with another 2 games being "50%". The ports are just some nice cash and make the library a little stronger, especially for ll the people who skipped the Wii U.

Nintendo just needs to have the ports keep people sated and keep the rhythm going afterward with new games.

Do you meant straight port for Smash 4? I meant would you be okay if we are going to get new contents for the port?

Sounds cool to me. Zelda is expected, Smash will fill in the inevitable gap for the next game, and Mario Maker/Splatoon will get more exposure.

Really wondering what they'll do for Smash in particular. Having it be a complete edition is obvious, but will there be...

-Graphic improvements? (Onett could be freshened up)
-3DS stages? (Getting all of them is highly unlikely, but awesome stuff like Magicant, Mute City, GB Dream Land and Balloon Fight would be appreciated)
-Fixing of nitpicks people have (like, say, reset button in Events?)
-Any of my personally super unlikely wishes like Smash Run and custom music via SD card? (Sakurai designed the former around a handheld which is fine, but I love the idea of the latter: "Your favorite song didn't make it in? Put it in yourself!")

2 and 4 would be godly, even if by themselves.

I just realized that it would be a great opportunity for them to add more event matches (for DLC characters)


If a miracle happens & we get more characters, getting the Inklings, Callie, & Marie would be kinda overkill. If anything, the mystery Rhythm Heaven rep is more likely.
Not overkill. It's motherfucking Splatoon! The whole marketing angle would be "Smash feat. Splatoon," so I could see them triple repping.



Guys, the 30% thing was just using LCGeeks metric. It's a metric to help give you something to understand. You should focus on "by a noticeable amount". What the threshold for noticeable is in percentage form, I have no idea. Do you find the difference in PS4 and XB1 ports noticeable? It'll probably be like that, where it'll run on par or maybe a bit better than PS4 versions of games.


2013 was a bad year, a really bad year to be a fan of Nintendo consoles. Jesus the amount of disappointment I went through in wanting a system like this in the OP from Nintendo. The Wii U stung like a bitch for Nintendo fans that also like a lot of the 3rd party offerings, but I'm glad Nintendo got too cocky so reality would kick their asses into shape. If The OP is true I'm going all out on the NX when it releases, maybe I haven't learned my lesson cuz I went all out for the Wii U but man I can't resist something like this.


Oh joy. NX being a port machine really gets me excited... :/

It's LAUNCH. PS4/3 got a plethora of ports/ HD remakes. It's to have some shit early on and build up a userbase with great games. Many people also skipped out on Wii U. This is a chance to get those people swayed, if true. Relax


I hope to god this is true. I also hope PORTS. PORTS EVERYWHERE.
I would take a port of every Wii U game to the NX, 1080p60 with good texture filtering for the likes of Pikmin 3, Nintendo Land,Bayonetta 1&2,TW101,etc .

on one hand, I'd really prefer it if the launch lineup for a brand new system wasn't just a greatest hits collection of games I already own. on the other, there are a lot of people who never played those games, which is why we're getting the new system in the first place.
This has been the first generation where I haven't bought a console because the PC has replaced them.

I have never, ever bought Nintendo consoles but I think I will with the NX - purely because it is the only console that will likely offer something you cannot get on a PC.

Like console exclusives since like forever?


As in "Heathcliff"
Not overkill. It's motherfucking Splatoon! The whole marketing angle would be "Smash feat. Splatoon," so I could see them triple repping.

Splatoon is pretty amazing new IP from Nintendo. I wasn't surprised that we didn't get Inkling because of limitations, so I hope that we are going to get Inkling in Smash 4 NX.
I can't believe people are complaining about possible launch day ports.

Ports are better than JUST 1 or 2 new games.

And in no way is this indicitve of the NX being a "port machine" lol what kind of logic is that

The NX will develop it's library in time. We're talking about launch right now.

If its launch is nothing but ports on the 1st party front and maybe some NintendoLand-like new game, that's actually going to hurt the system VERY BADLY right out of the gate.

It's not releasing in a vacuum; it'll be going up against PS4's holiday lineup and XBO's holiday lineup as well, and they're going to be coming strong. Nintendo needs at least one big release that's going to make people sit up and take notice, and give this machine a real shot in the long-term arm, and a bunch of ports are simply NOT going to do that, regardless of the quality of the games themselves.

Out of those four games I can see Smash being there on Day 1, but they'll likely space the others out. For example Zelda NX will be spaced out to give the Wii U version some more time to capitalize on its own sales before cutting them short w/ an NX port. A Splatoon port would make better sense in 2017 to coincide closer w/ the sequel if that does come out then. Mario Maker could come out then too but retooled in some significant ways.

Also I am surprised there is no mention of a Mario Kart 8 port; I figure that could also come about around launch, but they'd be smart to limit the immediate ports to just that and Smash 4. Try to balance that out with two new 1st party exclusives (preferably one of those being a new IP, the other possibly a sequel), and some great 3rd party support, and at least for the first year NX should hold up very well.


Just taking this all in. Amy new info in this thread itself beyond the OP?

1) where's this May 9 date coming from?

2) can someone explain about the HH and exclusives and downporting part at the end and what's meant by all that?

Thank you 10k!!!


Junior Member
What if the controller is better than a GC controller for fighters? Why do we have to cling to a 15 year old controller?
If it's not wired, then your point is moot. The reason why we cling to the GameCube Controller is because it's the only true wired controller that works in Smash 4 (the Pokkén Pro Pad was introduced too late).
I genuinely don't believe nintendo can compete in the same space as PS4. I think they should have gone with a differentiation strategy (except differentiating in a way people actually want).

Guess we'll see. I rarely play my wii u but I hope NX sells iron man numbers. I just don't see it.
yea, my thoughts. It's why I have no intention of getting an X1 even when it's like $100. Just way too similar an experience with these platforms. This sounds like GameCube 2. Which is good for fans I guess, not doing much to get me excited though.


What if the controller is better than a GC controller for fighters? Why do we have to cling to a 15 year old controller?

the Wii U Pro Controller would have crushed it if it had the ability to become a wired pad over USB but nintendo fucked up that important bit.
it's the only reason the GC pad has an advantage over it competitively.

the NX controller needs to have the ability to become wired when you plug it to the console. if it means buying new controllers, so be it but the main controller needs that.


Is it really that hard to believe? The PS4 and Xbox One were not exactly state of the art when they launched, and now we are 3 years into their release. Nintendo could release something of comparable power much in the way the Wii U was comparable to the Xbox360. Not sure how much good it will do them though, but at this point, I don't think having a fairly powerful chipset (well as powerful as "comparable to PS4" can be considered) is going to eat into their cost.

I'm not saying it's impossible. Heck it might even be the most probable option. I just can't wrap my head around it given where the Wii and Wii U landed.


the features i hope to get:
doesn't come with region lock. doubtful, as much as it pains me to say
ability to upgrade internal HDD they'll cheap out on internal storage again and still make it external storage only
(up to 8TB and it's 3.5").
not another tablet controller. I doubt we'll get another tablet controller, way too expensive, added about what, $50-100 to the console price? would be nuts if they try it again
able to download and play digital they can do this now can't they?
download games at 2 consoles. like one to your handheld and one to your home? or to 2 home consoles? Because I feel like they'll limit how many consoles are active at once
able to buy, download and play they can do this now can't they?
digital download from different
region. doubtful

my guesses in bold


Muscle memory. Relearning a new controller for a game that controls the same is no easy feat. Especially if it's the same game just ported over to the new console. Would make zero sense to not support the adapter.

I think the adapter is an easy shoe-in for the next console. How are the 8-player stages gonna be played? Wii U allowed for 5 players on games. Most consoles only allow 4 at most with native controllers. The adapter allowed for 8 player matches.

Also, I really hope Nintendo wouldn't force people to buy 8 damn controllers for one game lol.


If they're doing a port of Smash 4 for NX, there's no way there's going to be new characters guys. Lol, people get so carried away with this shit, I swear. New characters are going to be saved for Smash 5.
There is so little to talk about in this rumor.

Its going to be more powerful than the PS4 and it will have ports? I liked the old thread better.


I'm liking the sound of this more and more. If Mario Maker and Splatoon are coming over, as well, that is going to be so cool, I never got to play them and having them as hopefully launch or launch window titles would be incredible!

Let's go, NX!


Sounds good to me. I wouldn't mind a second console to my PS4 if it offered something different. The Xbox One doesn't really offer enough differentiation to me to make it remotely worth the investment. A Nintendo console that gives modern visuals to Nintendo's best games... Sure.

Nintendo have a ton of work to do to make this a success, mostly getting all the ancillary stuff working like good streaming services, good online etc. Mainly though it's sorting out their dealings with third parties. Not making one or two one game deals that could easily go tits up,but a true broad approach to try and get every single multi-plat game to come to the console. Indies too of course. If the architecture is as reported then Nintendo will only have themselves to blame if they cannot get the games to the system.


With Wii U remasters, guess they're finally leaving the GC architecture behind. Carried them through 3 systems. Should pave the way for GC VC, though.


2013 was a bad year, a really bad year to be a fan of Nintendo consoles. Jesus the amount of disappointment I went through in wanting a system like this in the OP from Nintendo. The Wii U stung like a bitch for Nintendo fans that also like a lot of the 3rd party offerings, but I'm glad Nintendo got too cocky so reality would kick their asses into shape. If The OP is true I'm going all out on the NX when it releases, maybe I haven't learned my lesson cuz I went all out for the Wii U but man I can't resist something like this.
I hear ya, I'll no doubt be double dipping again at launch... If only we could get a little more info on who's supporting NX and with what.


Get Callie and Marie in there.
Or all three: Callie, Marie, and Inklings with male and female variants.

*Cue the trademark Sakurai-style screenshot with Callie, Marie, Fem Inkling and Male Inkling reaching for a Smash Ball*

*Cue Japan losing their collective minds over so much Splatoon goodness in Smash*

*Cue wallets opening and yen spilling out into Nintendo's coffers as NX flies off shelves*


For reference... the rumored PS4K specs are twice the GPU performance, but likely the same CPU/RAM?

In which case, the question needs to be asked, would you rather have a +/- 30% increase (or 130%) in performance across the board, or a 100% increase for the GPU (or 200%)?

I mean come on wouldn't we expect the newest Nintendo to be more powerful then the nearly 3 year old PS4 and Xbox one?

WiiU was released 7 years later than PS360 and it wasn't really more powerful.


If its launch is nothing but ports on the 1st party front and maybe some NintendoLand-like new game, that's actually going to hurt the system VERY BADLY right out of the gate.

It's not releasing in a vacuum; it'll be going up against PS4's holiday lineup and XBO's holiday lineup as well, and they're going to be coming strong. Nintendo needs at least one big release that's going to make people sit up and take notice, and give this machine a real shot in the long-term arm, and a bunch of ports are simply NOT going to do that, regardless of the quality of the games themselves.

Out of those four games I can see Smash being there on Day 1, but they'll likely space the others out. For example Zelda NX will be spaced out to give the Wii U version some more time to capitalize on its own sales before cutting them short w/ an NX port. A Splatoon port would make better sense in 2017 to coincide closer w/ the sequel if that does come out then. Mario Maker could come out then too but retooled in some significant ways.

Also I am surprised there is no mention of a Mario Kart 8 port; I figure that could also come about around launch, but they'd be smart to limit the immediate ports to just that and Smash 4. Try to balance that out with two new 1st party exclusives (preferably one of those being a new IP, the other possibly a sequel), and some great 3rd party support, and at least for the first year NX should hold up very well.

wrong on the Zelda bit.

TP was made on GC first but debuted on Wii first. they didn't mind killing the GC version's sales to put the Wii one in the spotlight.

i don't doubt they'll send the Wii U version to die if it means making the NX port the main spotlight and the NX's launch game. the Wii U version at this point only exists to not piss off those that have a Wii U but won't buy an NX at launch, exactly how the GC version only existed to not piss off the remaining GC userbase that didn't want to buy a Wii.
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