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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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The return of the king , The Sony evil years are done


Seriously , NX needs to be more powerfull than PS4 so developers like Rockstar and From put their games on nintendo s console

It'll involve more than just power...


Could end up being that way and becoming a service game where they add a lot more stuff over time. New hardware with better CPU also means Ice Climbers will finally be coming back.

that's fine by me if they add past stuff like Adventure mode/break the targets/board the platforms/a new mode as DLC in addition to characters.

as filled of characters as SSB4 is, the game itself still feels a bit empty to me because there's barely any new modes to use them. you have most modes from the SSBM/SSBB days but only the basics and not much to replace them.
not having an adventure mode is a big void in the game. with that roster and stage amount, they could even do some interesting teamups and scenarios.


I wonder if Smash will start becoming more of a service type game where they'll stick with a port of the U version but have the dedicated smash team keep making more additions. This could maybe free up Sakurai to do other stuff unless he seriously can't let go unless he has 100% control over new character mechanics and whatnot.


So are we talking about GDDR5X, HBM or what? If your sources don't know the memory type or even the amount, how on earth can you say its RAM will be noticeably more powerful than the PS4s?

This just comes off to me like yet another wishlist. If true though, the handheld bit kills any interest I had. The hybrid idea was the thing that caught my interest in the first place, take that away and it's just another Nintendo console: Great if you want to play Nintendo games, pointless if you want to play third party games.

Read between the lines bro... You have to be vague on the leaks otherwise they'll be able to track the leaker


If true, RIP Nintendo. I firmly believe the only way they can be competitive and continue making hardware is to go for the budget console. They'll get eaten alive if they're trying to compete as a "premium" product.

they won't. ps4k will likely shit on nx.


Who says it'll just be a port? ;)

We know nothing about it. I'd hope Nintendo is a bit smarter than thinking that a straight port is sufficient for a whole generation. If we don't get new content or even an additional round of DLC then that'd be a pretty massive missed opportunity for them. Smash is a great long-term service platform to sell amiibos, DLC, and things like that. Why not work with what they've already established?

But at any rate I don't see them hitting the reset button on the series for a long time.

I think you're just overthinking it. I'm sure that base work is being put into Smash 5 right now, even if it's not in full swing development as of now, and this port (should all this be true) will just be a definitive version of the game, and a way to extend its lifespan. There's going to be a full fledged Smash 5, just like they'll be full fledged sequels to all the Nintendo megafranchises that we get every console gen. I really see no reason to expect otherwise honestly.


Nintendo World Report is talking about what they've heard regarding Wii U ports. This might be worth mentioning in the OP.

Go to 36:36


From Neal Ronaghan:

On Smash Bros port:

"It looks like that's a thing. I just heard that's happening."

On Zelda NX port:

"That looks like that's 100% a thing"
On Splatoon and Mario Maker ports:

"There were NX ports of Splatoon and Mario Maker in development. From what I've heard, the Splatoon one is dead in the water. It looks like that's not going to happen mainly because they didn't want to split the userbase much. They didn't know how to transfer the swag and stuff that people got -- the levels they had accrued -- and bring that over to NX in a way that worked. Maybe that's because the architecture is different -- who knows. Uh and that seems to be a similar problem with Mario Maker. Although, from what I've heard, that doesn't seem to be so much a nail in the coffin."

It looks like Mario Maker port has a better survival chance than Splatoon.


I really want to know exactly how much more powerful it is than the PS4.

LCGeek (the guy that leaked the Wii and Gamecube CPUs) said this about the CPU in comparison

amd 8350 stock >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NX>>>>> X1 >>>PS4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wii U

If the RAM and GPU are both noticeably better I wonder where they could be. 12GB would be amazing and would give devs a hell of a lot more to work with in giving games awesome textures and draw distance. I'd be satisfied with 2.5 Tflops for the GPU but obviously more would be welcomed.

Now that we actually have some decently solid information that the NX wil surpass the OG PS4 I would like to hear Thraktor and Blu's opinions on what would be the most likely components of something in that area.

Thraktors post in the locked thread would give some indication:



Best case scenario:
24 GCN 1.2 CUs @ 800MHz (~2.5 Tflops)

Very good case scenario:
20 GCN 1.2 CUs @ 700MHz (~1.8 Tflops)

Middle case scenario:
14 GCN 1.2 CUs @ 650MHz (~1.2 Tflops)

Not very good case scenario:
10 GCN 1.2 CUs @ 600MHz (~800 Gflops)

Worst case scenario:
16-core Mali T760 @ 700MHz (~400 Gflops)


Best case scenario:
4GB HBM - 512 GB/s
12GB (LP)DDR4 - ~60 GB/s

Very good case scenario:
2GB HBM - 256 GB/s
8GB DDR4 - ~40 GB/s

Middle case scenario:
8GB GDDR5 - 190 GB/s
8GB LPDDR4 - 100-120 GB/s

Not very good case scenario:
32MB SRAM - 200 GB/s
8GB DDR3 - 17 GB/s

Worst case scenario:
4GB LPDDR3 - 30 GB/s


Just for the record, I definitely don't think you aren't legit dude. You've been as transparent as you can be and Emily is backing you up as well.

I'm just a bit confused by those moderator comments. I mean if you weren't honest about getting the ok from Nirolak I'd assume you'd be banned by now.
It wasn't directed at you. I was just commenting on the edit part lol. It's all good, Nirolak reassured me to keep posting.

Anyways, you all should pay attention to the supplementary computing devices patents, I'm very sure those are going to be used to extend Nx's power over its lifetime, especially as the install base grows. Rösti is the man for that.
Honestly I don't even want a Smash 5. Just give me a few more stages and some music and I'm set for probably the rest of my time playing games.


I have no idea why that potshot was taken against me. I'm just a messenger, who actually did investigating, checked with multiple sources from within the industry, ranging from devs to journalists, PM'd two mods the info, was told by Nirolak it was ok to post, and I posted it as a rumor. If that makes me unverified, so be it. I'm just trying to create fun discussion with legitimate information, I'm a messenger, not an insider, and I'm not doing it for the fifteen minutes of fame. Maybe some mods hadn't seen that Nirolak was informed and assumed I was fake. It's not like I said I knew Miyamoto and had the NX spec sheet with me.

Thanks for all your work mate.

Any chance you can at least try getting info on region locking/free?


I hear ya, I'll no doubt be double dipping again at launch... If only we could get a little more info on who's supporting NX and with what.

Well so far we know Square Enix will likely be porting Dragon Quest 11 which is a great sign for their relationship. Other things like Cloud in Smash are also a healthy sign too imo. Hoping for FFXV and Kingdom Hearts 3.

Thraktors post in the locked thread would give some indication:


Nice thanks for that :)

EDIT: I'm guessing it could likely be the "best case scenario" for the GPU since it's been stated that it's "Noticeably" better in that department. The RAM could be either the "very good case scenario" or the best for the same reason.


Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
Wait you mean to tell me that it will be more powerful than a console that will be going on 3 years old by the time it releases and was already considered outdated on arrival ? As soon as the PS5 and Xbox whatever the hell they decide to call it releases Nintendo will be right back where they started. All these rumors sound like wishful thinking from Nintendo fanboys or their wet dreams. That's it.


Honestly I don't even want a Smash 5. Just give me a few more stages and some music and I'm set for probably the rest of my time playing games.
I'd be cool with them turning Smash 4 NX into an expandable platform.

Essentially, it'd start as Smash WiiU, but with hooks for eventual DLC content that will only be released on NX.

Rather than making a Smash 5 down the road, they'll sell you $60 worth of new characters and stages (or more)!
They have no choice. The Console Generations where 2 or 3 engines existed for 3 or 4 different devices are dead. The Industry is consolidating around very specific engines etc. You either playball or you go home alone.

The key game here is software, not specs.

No point in even trying to play ball unless they're spending massive sums of money on developing/securing exclusive content for 17-35 YO male Western gamers (aka the PS4/XB1 audience).


They chose in the passed to aim for a casual market selling a affordable box something like the PS4 did this gen. If Nintendo wants to release a powerful console they can.
I know they are capable of it. They don't lack the know how or skill. I'm saying that for many people looking forward to the NX, the possibility of it being less powerful than an Xbone was a legitimate concern. That we are now hearing that NX might be more powerful than the PS4 is welcome news.
I think you're just overthinking it. I'm sure that base work is being put into Smash 5 right now, even if it's not in full swing development as of now, and this port (should all this be true) will just be a definitive version of the game, and a way to extend its lifespan. There's going to be a full fledged Smash 5, just like they'll be full fledged sequels to all the Nintendo megafranchises that we get every console gen. I really see no reason to expect otherwise honestly.

If SSB5 is coming so soon, then why even bother porting SSB4? What do they have to gain by doing that if it'll be replaced in a few years?

Thing about past precedent is things can always change according to modern trends, market demands, and whims of the creator. Long-term service games are in vogue big time right now. Look at how many fighters are following that model - Killer Instinct, Street Fighter. Doing that for SSB4 would be pretty big, and the market is game for it.

If I'm overthinking it then there sure are a lot of other people in this thread overthinking it too..
I think it's unrealistic to expect games to be substantially upgraded on PS4K OR the NX compared to PS4, at least in practical terms. This is going to fall under the "half-step" banner as well.

I don't think it matters how much more powerful the NX is in comparison to the PS4 because there's a PS4 and Xbone; developers have a level of parity that works for them. The only way NX would be a power player would be if it became the lead platform, and that's a tall order.

But Nintendo even being in the running is a huge step up for them considering where they've been the past two generations.


Correction to a typo in my last post: I meant to say that the NX version of Smash 4 could be an expandable platform, with hooks for eventual DLC that will only appear on NX, so that rather than making a Smash 5, they'll eventually just sell you $60+ worth of new characters and stages on Smash 4 (NX).


I'm not dismissing their success at all, I'm saying that due to the console they were released on their potential was limited by a pretty low ceiling. It would make complete sense for Nintendo to think they could get more out of the Splatoon ip on a more popular platform.

Your original post I quoted definitely read as a dismissal, even if you didn't intend it that way (the whole, 'you and 4 other people' bit for instance, but the whole post really). And yeah, I acknowledged it's possible multiple times, but realistically, 4 million for a new IP, especially one with such a unique aesthetic and feel, is a very high number. The low ceiling of the console base, in that case, didn't really matter. A higher ceiling could have had higher results, but far from a guarantee of so, like Super Mario Maker, which almost certainly would have sold much more with a higher ceiling.


Well so far we know Square Enix will likely be porting Dragon Quest 11 which is a great sign for their relationship. Other things like Cloud in Smash are also a healthy sign too imo. Hoping for FFXV and Kingdom Hearts 3.

Nice thanks for that :)

Keep in mind, in order for NX to beat the (basic) PS4 GPU, the GPU from Thraktors list that corresponds to "15-30%" or "noticeably" more powerful is the "best case scenario".

Edit: lol, i just read your edit, so nevermind.

"Uh so hearing more and more that those Wii U->NX ports are just wishful thinking. Not ruled out, but seems unconfirmed."

Zelda and SSB4 are definitely happening at that point given how confident the sources are. Plus Trev said Zelda's happening, Serkan Toto said SSB4 is happening...

Mario Maker and Splatoon being in doubt, sure, but the other two are looking 99% likely. Zelda is practically a soft 100% at this stage.


Nintendo World Report is talking about what they've heard regarding Wii U ports. This might be worth mentioning in the OP.

Go to 36:36


From Neal Ronaghan:

On Smash Bros port:

On Zelda NX port:

On Splatoon and Mario Maker ports:

It looks like Mario Maker port has a better survival chance than Splatoon.

I can understand why they don't want to risk porting splatoon if they can't figure out how to transfer that stuff. I feel like people would've been more open to re-buying the game if they knew they could transfer their level and rank info, as well as all their outfits and rolled abilities. That grinding stuff takes hours upon hours to do. People will probably feel like they'd be better off sticking with the U version if it meant they can keep their stats.
Might just be better to get into straight into spla2n next year.


If SSB5 is coming so soon, then why even bother porting SSB4?

Thing about past precedent is things can always change according to modern trends, market demands, and whims of the creator. Long-term service games are in vogue big time right now. Look at how many fighters are following that model. Doing that for SSB4 would be pretty big.

If I'm overthinking it then there sure are a lot of other people in this thread overthinking it too..

I didn't say it was coming soon, but your whole point seems to break down to the fact that Smash 4 took a lot of effort, therefore there will not be a Smash 5. We're talking about a series that gets a brand new installment every console generation, not every few years. Smash 4 had a lot of effort, no doubt, but that doesn't mean their just going to stop making new games in the franchise. The logic honestly doesn't even hold up.

And there's plenty of reason to port it, the same for porting any game from a popular franchise. Extends the life of the game, gets more money overall from the project with minimal effort and money put in, if the NX is not BC with Wii U than that means they can potentially sell it to a new audience who did not get to play that version of the game before, and it helps to bulk up their launch line up. Plenty of viable reasons.


Stuff about the handheld. When's the last time we've heard a major western 3rd party really investing in handhelds?

There could be handheld news out there, but in Japan, where nothing is likely to hit here.


Just taking this all in. Amy new info in this thread itself beyond the OP?

1) where's this May 9 date coming from?

2) can someone explain about the HH and exclusives and downporting part at the end and what's meant by all that?

Thank you 10k!!!

Reposting my questions since I think I got lost in the shuffle. ☺


Smash 4 for NX means to me there might not be a Smash 5.

Which I'm honestly okay with if they support it with a year of more DlC (on top of a complete edition through) like Hyrule Warriors Legends.

Yep, I'd be fine with this too. If I can get a complete Smash 4 on NX, with some additional content (like 3DS stages on the console version) plus more DLC afterwards, I definitely don't need a Smash 5.

Really interested in seeing what Smash 4 NX has in terms of content. E3 can't come soon enough!
That's awfully vague. I've heard Smash/Zelda for NX, and the possibility of Mario Maker. Splatoon was the biggest one in question. And he went from certain to not believing it in less than an hr.

Probably just damage control since Nintendo is likely hunting for heads by now.


It has been a while since a Nintendo console has gotten my atention and hype. Hopefully Nintendo finally deliver something amazing, not just in First Party games, Third Party games too.

So far, it looks I might day one buy this, especially if Smash port is released alongside the NX.
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