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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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BroHuffman said:
Can they support both? If 3rd party doesn't jump on board?
Maybe, but if Nintendo has a system that can finally play the games all it's competitors has and games even better BEYOND that, they can do amazing things and get fantastic 3rd party support!

Also, holy cow, this will be the first time that Nintendo systems will probably get good/equivalent cross-platform games again in a very long time.


i think microsoft will go in 2012 now too. they could feasibly wait it out a year, but i think they were waiting to see what everyone else was going to do first.

sony pretty much has to go in 2013, or it would be like nintendo releasing a new console this year. they are essentially tapped out as far as developers go for a launch in 2012.


Cretinously credulous
The M.O.B said:
Crysis 2 in 1080p.......................AT 60 FPS. OMAOMGSDMGAOGW

That will take some powerful hardware. My PC has a GTX 470, 6GB RAM and Core i7 920 and C2 runs at about 60FPS in 1080p, so that spec can be ballpark. No way nintendo has that, the price will go way above acceptance.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
This is total nonsense. I don't even know where to begin.


michaeltraps said:
So if Nintendo's intention is to recapture the hardcore, the Wii branding is pretty much out the window?

No, why?

The Wii has the strongest and most far reaching brand they have had since the NES.
miladesn said:



kittoo said:
That will take some powerful hardware. My PC has a GTX 470, 6GB RAM and Core i7 920 and C2 runs at about 60FPS in 1080p, so that spec can be ballpark. No way nintendo has that, the price will go way above acceptance.

PCs != Consoles
Skiesofwonder said:
Funny how if one person beaks the NDA then the floodgates are open wide for everyone to talk. Nintendo doesn't like talk, they like to break the news. Expect a PR annoucment similar to the 3DS sometime in the next seven days.

They did that because 3ds had a really unique feature and all they did was annouce that feature. Unless there is some gimmick here, I expect a bit of a wait till Nintendo's annoucment


Hope we're not being trolled with fake info.

One thing I hope though is true, is about the earlier (probably fake) rumor that it is component-upgradeable. Screw the 10-year-cycle. If they can design a system that is pseudo-scalable every couple of years with better internals, then we can choose to enjoy improved features of newly-designed games without huge hits to framerate and resolution.

Give consumers more options!


farnham said:

nintendo going back into the hardcore graphical powerhouse war ?

way to abandon the casual crowd

as a fan of wii sports and wii fit this is infuriating news. hopefully its all false
you keep selling wii games for a bit. get the core on-board with the new system.

ps2 strategy worked sooo much better that wii in many ways... and even without a brilliant new wii ___ concept, you can iterate sports/fit/etc with the new system and grab the keenest of those "casual crowd" folks in the first year anyway.


I'll believe it when I see it. I trust Nintendo to make great games. However, these days their focus seems to put elsewhere. And honestly, that has worked out rather well for them. I just don't see them getting back into the hardware arms race.


Thoraxes said:
Maybe, but if Nintendo has a system that can finally play the games all it's competitors has and games even better BEYOND that, they can do amazing things and get fantastic 3rd party support!

Also, holy cow, this will be the first time that Nintendo systems will probably get good/equivalent cross-platform games again in a very long time.
they will get lazy ports and 2 years in they wont even get that
Darklord said:
But who will buy it? Yay nintendo wii 2 now as Mortal Kombat, Portal 2, Crysis 2, Modern Warfare 3...except everyone has at least one of 2-3 consoles that play all those...with better online support.

I have no idea who going to buy it but like 3ds they want both markets .
Truth is i would get one just for Zelda in HD along with another system next gen.


The M.O.B said:
Crysis 2 in 1080p.......................AT 60 FPS. OMAOMGSDMGAOGW

So PC then? This is my point. New consoles bring NEW stuff to the table. PS3 had blu-ray, Xbox 360 had the bigger and better live, both had DLC, arcade releases, full digital download games ect. Wii had motion control. Everything was a big leap from the last gen. What's this then? Same gen, new hardware? Oh cool I can play a game at 1080p/60fps...like I could on PC! $400 thanks.

Nah, sounds wrong.

So, you don't think merely being a NINTENDO system with Wii BC (in HD!) at this point won't carry over their "casual" audience?

No, I don't. Casuals that the Wii marketed don't give a flying fuck about HD. Most probably have 480p TV's and can't tell the difference.
f0rk said:
If they want the 'hardcore' back they need to fix online first and foremost.

This. I got a nasty bout of food poisoning yesterday and have been bed ridden all day, butI crawled out of bed when i saw the news on Kotaku to come here to say the same thing. Nintendo's online is absolutely terrible and unless they fix this, arrivederci.
Man. Time flies huh?

I'll have to see how things play out but if Nintendo knocks this out of the park I might have to reinvite nintendo to my console party next gen. They need better third party support and to finally dive head first into online.


evolution said:
Do you think nintendo will use DVD's or move up to Blu-rays?
I hope so but seeing that its Nintendo it will probably be some proprietary Blu-Ray drive that doesn't play Blu-Ray movies.
They did that because 3ds had a really unique feature and all they did was annouce that feature. Unless there is some gimmick here, I expect a bit of a wait till Nintendo's annoucment

Weren't all the basics about the 3DS more or less known a good few weeks or more before it was officially announced?


gotta love the changes being made behind the scenes to make gaf run awesome having little effect on OMG NINTENDO ANNOUNCEMENT and npd day.


Guerrillas in the Mist said:
I want RAM bursting out of the console this time, none of this 512Mb shared nonsense.

I remember reading somewhere that the 360 was originally going to have 256Mb of RAM, but Epic Games convinced them otherwise by showing MS a tech demo of the then in development Unreal Engine 3 with and without the extra RAM.

And that decision cost Microsoft a billion dollars lol. Thank god they did though.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
rpmurphy said:
Hope we're not being trolled with fake info.

One thing I hope though is true, is about the earlier (probably fake) rumor that it is component-upgradeable. Screw the 10-year-cycle. If they can design a system that is pseudo-scalable every couple of years with better internals, then we can choose to enjoy improved features of newly-designed games without huge hits to framerate and resolution.

Give consumers more options!

Graphics don't matter as much as you think they do. If that hasn't entered your head yet you're not going to understand Nintendo's moves either, unless they completely lost their minds I don't see this new console being as powerful as these journalists are saying. It's yet another bogus rumour of a Wii successor.


My question is why they would abandon the blue ocean strategy that made them so succesful this generation. Oh well, I'm not gonna complain.


Capture the Hardcore market means make people decide which exclusives appeal more to them.

If Wii 2 gets everything the others get then it literally comes down to are other consoles exclusives worth investing in.

I expect Nintendo will have invested in improving online quite a bit if they expect to be taken seriously
rpmurphy said:
Hope we're not being trolled with fake info.

One thing I hope though is true, is about the earlier (probably fake) rumor that it is component-upgradeable. Screw the 10-year-cycle. If they can design a system that is pseudo-scalable every couple of years with better internals, then we can choose to enjoy improved features of newly-designed games without huge hits to framerate and resolution.

Give consumers more options!

Phil Kollar of GI is saying over twitter that they just got major heat because they were supposed to sit on the story until Nintendo did some sort of announcement. So I guess those "leaks" are true
Am I the only one hoping that each game on this new console will be standard controller compatible as well?

Keep motion control, just please don't make it just motion control only...that's the only thing that stopped me from getting a Wii :(
AniHawk said:
gotta love the changes being made behind the scenes to make gaf run awesome having little effect on OMG NINTENDO ANNOUNCEMENT and npd day.
Think about how much worse it would be with smileys and animated avatars, it'd already be down by now
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