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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Super Member
Sn4ke_911 said:
Sorry, but I'm just not buying it.

Not saying the sources are wrong, but Nintendo's MO has never been about console power. Hell, the 3DS barely matches the GameCube, and I've seen several PSP games that look better as well, although that may be due to the higher-res screen.

Also, reclaiming the hardcore market? I just don't see that happening. Nintendo knows that they officially lost their last vestiges of the hardcore with the GameCube, and barely tried to reclaim them with the Wii.

And then, there still lies the issue of third party support. Nintendo needs to realize that there's been a major sea change in the last generation from Eastern to Western developers, and the big guns of the industry: Bioware, Epic Games, Bethesda, Bungie, EA, Ubi, parts of Activision, Rockstar, etc...have been so turned off by the company in recent years due to how Nintendo handles their third-party relationships that they probably wouldn't even develop for it if Nintendo managed to achieve photorealism, just because of the "N" word on the box. There's a MASSIVE stigma there, and I just think Nintendo is forcing a change that's, quite frankly, too little, too late.


Marleyman said:
As some have professed, they will buy anything Nintendo puts out. Is this the typical hardcore Nintendo fan's mindset?
If you consider Nintendo Franchises some of the best in the industry and desire to play them then you buy what they make.


Super Member
Marleyman said:
As some have professed, they will buy anything Nintendo puts out. Is this the typical hardcore Nintendo fan's mindset?
Is it any wonder that Nintendo has fans?

they make good shit
cjelly said:
The problem with releasing in the next 12 months is that they will likely be trumped by MS and Sony 12 months later... therefore being left behind, again.
Left behind? Isn't the Wii the most successful console this gen?

The 360 launched a year before the PS3 and it took 6 years to catch up to the 360 worldwide.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
So Ono probably did mean SFIV on 3DS, and that's why he's all giggly about AE? Not sure if I'm going to get excited before I see anything, but I can't help but wonder how Nintendo will try to recapture the hardcore market. Will they finally put their money into some serious games outside their Mario/Zelda comfort zone?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
GodDuckman said:
Not saying the sources are wrong, but Nintendo's MO has never been about console power. .

Are people saying this 8 years old?


Where the hell did all this news come from?

This is awesome. I told myself I wouldn't buy another home console but I am Nintendo's bitch. I fully admit that now lol

Show me your pikmins, new Nintendo console. Show me them.
Nirolak said:
Which part of the NGP's design do you feel supports this?

I'd s say the fact that its SCE' most conservative design in history (at least in terms of silicon) somewhat support that statement. The ridiculous TDPs this generation are something that clearly won't be repeated and with the power draw of PC GPUs going off the deep end in recent years, well its simply going to be impossible for them to have cutting edge performance.


Damn... this is Nintendo pulling one hell of a bait and switch on MS and Sony. Release the Wii with motion controls with MS and Sony following not even 6 months ago....then pull another trick out of their hat to keep Sony and MS running after them.

2006: Nintendo - "Motion controllers is the way to go"
Late 2010: Sony & MS finally release their own versions of waggle
2011: Nintendo - "haha new console, bitches!"


mr. puppy said:
why would they be interested in capturing the hardcore markets if they made a fortune catering to the exact opposite of it at cheap prices?

And does the hardcore market even want to be captured by Nintendo? Are they going to make the system as powerful as Sony/Microsoft's NEXT system? Overhaul the online system along with the online marketplace? Friend Codes?
antonz said:
If you consider Nintendo Franchises some of the best in the industry and desire to play them then you buy what they make.

Pretty much. I may not buy at launch, but what's the point of gaming if I'm going to miss out on a Super Mario platformer?
Being more powerful then the ps3/360 is all fine and dandy but I bet most developers would continue to develop their games on the xbox first and then move it over to the Wii 2. Kinda how a majority of them still do that regarding the ps3.
GodDuckman said:
Sorry, but I'm just not buying it.

Not saying the sources are wrong, but Nintendo's MO has never been about console power. Hell, the 3DS barely matches the GameCube, and I've seen several PSP games that look better as well, although that may be due to the higher-res screen.

Also, reclaiming the hardcore market? I just don't see that happening. Nintendo knows that they officially lost their last vestiges of the hardcore with the GameCube, and barely tried to reclaim them with the Wii.

And then, there still lies the issue of third party support. Nintendo needs to realize that there's been a major sea change in the last generation from Eastern to Western developers, and the big guns of the industry: Bioware, Epic Games, Bethesda, Bungie, EA, Ubi, parts of Activision, Rockstar, etc...have been so turned off by the company in recent years due to how Nintendo handles their third-party relationships that they probably wouldn't even develop for it if Nintendo managed to achieve photorealism, just because of the "N" word on the box. There's a MASSIVE stigma there, and I just think Nintendo is forcing a change that's, quite frankly, too little, too late.
The Super Nintendo and the Nintendo 64 say HI.
GodDuckman said:
Not saying the sources are wrong, but Nintendo's MO has never been about console power.

Huh? Nintendo's design philosophy for the N64 was all about power. SNES had some pretty nifty things going for it as well.


Nintendo is not going to win an arms race. But obviously if it is indeed more powerful than current gen consoles, especially PS3, then they can do a lot with the tech.

Sony or MS will most certainly announce their successors with even craziers specs and accuse Nintendo of not being cutting edge.

But the significant news here is that Nintendo is likely to launch first among the 3. Perhaps with Microsoft rushing out a console to launch alongside.

But they won't launch 2nd or last like they have since the SNES era. Sony is the biggest loser as it will force them to stick with the PS3 or undercut their nascent profit recovery by joining in the race.

My last point is this. Nintendo also can't win just with a Nintendo console in HD. I will be interested to see how this new console is different philosophically from current home consoles and how 3DS may connect to it.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
mj1108 said:
Damn... this is Nintendo pulling one hell of a bait and switch on MS and Sony. Release the Wii with motion controls with MS and Sony following not even 6 months ago....then pull another trick out of their hat to keep Sony and MS running after them.

2006: Nintendo - "Motion controllers is the way to go"
Late 2010: Sony & MS finally release their own versions of waggle
2011: Nintendo - "haha new console, bitches!"
It's brilliant.


Wonder if they want to make a unified digital storefront this time, now that the 3DS Store carries the rather neutral name "Nintendo E-Shop".
sillymonkey321 said:
And does the hardcore market even want to be captured by Nintendo? Are they going to make the system as powerful as Sony/Microsoft's NEXT system? Overhaul the online system along with the online marketplace? Friend Codes?

Most importantly are third parties. If, at best, they're just getting quick ports of games on 360/ps3 (or worse, their next consoles) then what's the point? We'll have a gamecube situation all over again. It won't matter how super poweful it is if third parties continue to hate Nintendo.


Magicpaint said:
The Super Nintendo and the Nintendo 64 say HI.

Don't forget the Gamecube. Something that size, more powerful than a competing console that was $100 more expensive (and much larger at launch) is a very impressive feat.
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