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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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They need to be competative with the specs this time round. I think it would be great to see a new console at E3 - new tech is always exciting, especially from a company such as Nintendo; however we all know that in 2-3 years time the new Playstation / Xbox will launch and will be (most likely) super powerful, so Nintendo really need to future proof.

It isn't enough to just go HD and use PS360 level graphics, that will not last them 5 years. They sort of went that route with the 3DS and I can see it backfiring on them. So they really need to bite the bullet and go with some impressive tech from day 1.
Skiesofwonder said:
I knew it. No way they wouldn't at least announce it at this E3.

This is interesting. Maybe I;m reading this the wrong way, but Nintendo has to have some new innovation/"gimmick" in the new console considering both Reggie and Iwata have stated countless amounts of times that the Wii 2 will NOT be just an HD update.

My beat is still on built-in Vitality Senso for the controllers.

That sounds reasonable, but is that enough? There must be something else, right? Vitality sensor will most likely be on the new Wii, I just don't see it being used in many games.

Appollowexx said:
They need to be competative with the specs this time round. I think it would be great to see a new console at E3 - new tech is always exciting, especially from a company such as Nintendo; however we all know that in 2-3 years time the new Playstation / Xbox will launch and will be (most likely) super powerful, so Nintendo really need to future proof.

It isn't enough to just go HD and use PS360 level graphics, that will not last them 5 years. They sort of went that route with the 3DS and I can see it backfiring on them. So they really need to bite the bullet and go with some impressive tech from day 1.

I agree that they need upgrade the hardware significantly, especially with the new Xbox/Playstation coming out. And while I want them to make a big leap graphically over the PS3/360, I know they realize that it's not all about the graphics. They have had huge success with the DS/Wii, so while I'm sure they aren't going to go light on the hardware, I'm guessing they'll not worry too much about it if it's a little above par the other consoles graphics wise.


What kind of tech can you fit in a box nowadays that sells (at a profit) for $250? It's hard to imagine that the Super Wii won't be 1.5-2 times as powerful as the 360 or PS3, which are after all based on several years old technology. HD resolution is not a surprise at all - fits in with Nintendo's strategy all along. The only question really in my mind is if Nintendo has managed to find some kind of new hook - motion control is no longer a blue ocean. Super Wii with vitality sensor standard? Who knows? As of now, though, all aboard the hype train!


Sho_Nuff82 said:
A quad core, a 4870, and 2GB of RAM would be significantly more powerful than the PS3 and 360. They would have to actively try to search for outdated off the shelf hardware at this point to make it perform worse.

This is my main concern though is that Nintendo is going to make a system that is on par or barely better. It shouldn't be hard for Nintendo to have something significantly better, but this is the company who has skimped on hardware in recent systems.

I'm sure it will target 720P as well, when new consoles should be going for 1080P.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Marleyman said:
I would be surprised if it was on par with the 360 let alone the PS3.

I'd be shocked if it's not a good advance on the existing systems.

If it's not, and it's pitching itself on improved presentation and third party access, then they may aswell go home now.

If the idea is to be advanced enough beyond PS3/360 to offer a distinct advantage in multiplat third party games and to offer people something fresh looking at 360/PS3 start to age, then they might have something compelling. But if it's coming late 2012, they'll likely only have a year of such an advantage, so it has to be 'good enough' vs even Sony/MS's next systems to stay in that third party loop.
The timing doesn't make sense at all. Even though we'd all love to hear about a new system, Zelda's release date is kinda messing everything up.

Unless they move Skyward Sword to the new system? Who knows.

This industry is BUH NAN NUHS


Please help me with my bad english
A simple upgrade would be quite disappointing. Blowout my expectations Nintendo!


Somebody post some of the high res emulator Wii screenshots so we can drool over how good Nintendo games will look in HD.

Oh yeah and Pachter called it. Man is a genius!


Knowing Nintendo and the assumed release date of late 2012 the only thing they shared with 3rd parties so far probably is "it's capable of running HD resolutions" without further technical details.


Corporate Apologist
Urban Scholar said:
Interesting...ladies and gents I give what's going to crash GAF at this year's E3.
Evilore will be a sad man if his new super server still crashes during E3.
My biggest hope is a totally differently designed box aesthetically. I really don't want just a Wii look alike that plays different games. I hate how the 3DS and the NGP look more or less exactly like their predecessors. I want radically divergent hardware design. I want N64 to Gamecube.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Cosmo Clock 21 said:
It should be, but we know it won't.
That depends entirely on hardware pricing. Like someone said, Nintendo would have to actively gimp the system in order for it to be worse then the PS360, and they're not against good graphics, they're just against expensive graphics.
offshore said:
Doesn't make any sense to be the same power as PS3/360 unless it's cheap.

that's what i was thinking. if it's only just as powerful it better be well under $200.

Unless there's a Zelda at launch. then charge whatever you want.. i'll pay.
The most interesting point of the rumour is that they claim Nintendo will be trying to launch a "new brand".

Are they going to burn the Wii brand for its rather toxic associations for a certain segment of the gaming audience?


Marleyman said:
Same how exactly?

They, alongside last gen, are probably the most similar competing consoles in a long while.

Like for example, when you compare an N64 game screen and a PS1 game screen, you can tell which one is which. Try doing that with a PS3/360 game without labels or buttons shown.



"Hmmm. Our sales of the Wii are slowing down."

"Yes, I think it's time to release a marginally better version with some new gimmicky feature....I hear those kids these days like the HDs, lets release an HD Wii that upscales our garbage looking titles into HD!"

"Do you think that kind of scheme will actually work with a proper console? Surely people won't buy it. It's gotta have a slight tech upgrade, an updated controller, or some kind of new gotta-have-it accessory right?"

"Whatever. Those brainwashed fanboys of ours can't get enough of our incessant worthless hardware and cosmetic revisions - just look at how many versions of the DS we've put out. And to be clear these kind of people went apeshit for new colored gamecubes for chrissakes."

"Good point."

"Let's go masturbate with these assholes' money"



GAF's Bob Woodward
CO_Andy said:
What's wrong with being at least as powerful as the PS3?



If the idea is to bring Nintendo back into a the loop with third parties, what's wrong with it is that a new Sony/MS generation will be starting 12-18 months later that would possibly lock Nintendo out again, if it was 'just' the same power as PS3/360.

Asides from the 'cheek' of Nintendo to bring something only so powerful as these systems 6-7 years after them. They got away with this trick with Wii because they had a gimmick, but if the gimmick here is presentation and third party support, it needs to be competing with 720/PS4 more than 360/PS3 - to both attract the more core crowd now and to keep up with third party support into the future.

That doesn't mean they need something as powerful as PS4/720, but they need something 'good enough'. Good enough could go a long way. PS3/360-level power would not be it though.


I can't wait for the Nintendo fanboys to go from "I'm glad those games aren't on Wii, Wii games are designed from the ground up with the controller in mind" to "lol PS360 version fail".
Cosmonaut X said:
The most interesting point of the rumour is that they claim Nintendo will be trying to launch a "new brand".

Are they going to burn the Wii brand for its rather toxic associations for a certain segment of the gaming audience?

i think they saw Microsoft and Sony both have a general gaming system and add motion control as a secondary add-on with no problems.

I'm assuming they'll go back to a core gaming system and add all that other stuff as just an accessory. concentrating on HD and power this time.. hopefully.


Wario64 said:
In fact, Nintendo is already showing publishers the system in an effort to get them interested and allow them plenty of time to start developing titles in anticipation of the system's reported late 2012 launch. This advance support marks a change from when the Wii launched. At that time, several Western publishers were outright surprised by the announcement, and it affected the software support for the platform.

Someone talked. Scramble the ninjas.

Wario64 said:
"Nintendo is doing this one right," said an anonymous source. "[It's] not a gimmick like the Wii."

Is everyone in this thread ignoring this quote? After all, this source is soon to fall prey to the ninjas, he put his neck out on the line for us.


erotic butter maelstrom
maybe they're branching out into maroon/cyan/olive colored Wii's...

A next Wii would be a pretty exciting announcement. I don't expect it's power to surpass the 360, and that's enough for now, but it is kind of a bummer if they're gonna be a gen behind again. Still, Super Mario HD sounds pretty amazing.
aronnov reborn said:
that's what i was thinking. if it's only just as powerful it better be well under $200.

Unless there's a Zelda at launch. then charge whatever you want.. i'll pay.

This is what i am thinking, Nintendo releasing a New Wii 2 HD Console for $250 and discounting the Wii at $150.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Criminal Upper said:
The timing doesn't make sense at all. Even though we'd all love to hear about a new system, Zelda's release date is kinda messing everything up.

Unless they move Skyward Sword to the new system? Who knows.

This industry is BUH NAN NUHS

And a little title called Dragon Quest X. I say release HD versions of both! Maybe that's whats been taking so long with both releases......


CO_Andy said:
What's wrong with being at least as powerful as the PS3?


As long as it's cheap, then nothing really. But there's no point in releasing a $300, or even $249 console that has the same power as the PS3, when in late 2012 the PS3 is almost certainly going to be $199 or less....with the 360 likely being even cheaper.


I agree that it feels too soon for a new console, but this has been an unusually long generation, even if we don't notice it. If we went by last gen, the Xbox 720 would have come out, like, last year.

StuBurns said:
I can't wait for the Nintendo fanboys to go from "I'm glad those games aren't on Wii, Wii games are designed from the ground up with the controller in mind" to "lol PS360 version fail".

Are people supposed to choose one or the other?
Holidays 2012 for WiiHD and Holidays 2013 for PS4 and XBOX720..... That would make so much sense .

So Fall 2014 is the time for me to Jump to the next generation..... I could live with that :).


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You can have your Super Wii, Nintendo but I'm not buying it again.

Motion controls suck and there is only 4 games on the system that appealed to me. Not going to spend $250 just to be burned like that again just so those games don't look like shit on my HDTV. :|
XAL said:

"Hmmm. Our sales of the Wii are slowing down."

"Yes, I think it's time to release a marginally better version with some new gimmicky feature....I hear those kids these days like the HDs, lets release an HD Wii that upscales our garbage looking titles into HD!"

"Do you think that kind of scheme will actually work with a proper console? Surely people won't buy it. It's gotta have a slight tech upgrade, an updated controller, or some kind of new gotta-have-it accessory right?"

"Whatever. Those brainwashed fanboys of ours can't get enough of our incessant worthless hardware and cosmetic revisions - just look at how many versions of the DS we've put out. And to be clear these kind of people went apeshit for new colored gamecubes for chrissakes."

"Good point."

"Let's go masturbate with these assholes' money"


Uh... huh.
XAL said:

"Hmmm. Our sales of the Wii are slowing down."

"Yes, I think it's time to release a marginally better version with some new gimmicky feature....I hear those kids these days like the HDs, lets release an HD Wii that upscales our garbage looking titles into HD!"

"Do you think that kind of scheme will actually work with a proper console? Surely people won't buy it. It's gotta have a slight tech upgrade, an updated controller, or some kind of new gotta-have-it accessory right?"

"Whatever. Those brainwashed fanboys of ours can't get enough of our incessant worthless hardware and cosmetic revisions - just look at how many versions of the DS we've put out. And to be clear these kind of people went apeshit for new colored gamecubes for chrissakes."

"Good point."

*celebratory chest bump*

Get lost on the way to System Wars?


I wonder is skyward sword will go the same route as twilight princess.

Obviously, I doubt they have a new zelda for the next systems launch date. At this point the next wii will probably be nearing the end of its lifetime when a new zelda comes out.


It is our understanding that Nintendo is trying to embrace the western gamer and will likely launch a new brand with this console.

Rur-roh, Rorge.
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