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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Corky said:
Soo they're not going to do the thing that made the Wii a huge financial success to begin with? I guess losing money on each console is the way to go.
But thats the thing. Nintendo can makes its leap and still be very impressive far cheaper than its gonna cost Sony and Microsoft to make a jaw dropping leap.

Nintendo Could do a PS3.5 and be sitting very comfortable next gen and without a doubt be within the power range to share all multiplatform titles.

Sony and Microsoft have to face the music Next Gen. Do they make the same stupid mistakes again and lose billions or do they do a more manageable leap and stay profitable.


ksamedi said:
Motion controllers are the new traditional controllers.

Yeah. If Nintendo releases a console with a traditional control early enough that it goes against Xbox 360's Kinect and PS3's Move, it will be the odd one out.


antonz said:
So many obnoxious people in here.

Nintendo already acknowledged a significant gap in power is one that was a fatal flaw in the Wii as far as Third Party goes. They are not going to do that again for Next Gen. I think people are expecting way too much from Sony and Microsoft Next Gen. They are gonna be the ones doing the tiny leap while Nintendo does a Huge leap to catch up.
Which part of the NGP's design do you feel supports this?
BroHuffman said:
Are they going to expand on the motion control though? Maybe a mixture of move and kinect or whatever
Considering Move, Kinect, DSi/3DS, and that they already need a device around people's TVs anyway (sensor bar): I'd be surprised if some sort of camera functionality wasn't standard.
Persona7 said:
The gamecube version of Twilight Princess is so superior it is almost laughable
Well, mostly, yes (same with RE4), because the Gamecube controller is so fucking awesome, but the lack of progressive scan makes me sad.


Mama Robotnik said:
Anonymous source is an anonymous idiot.

Nintendo release a console that sells millions, dominates the market, makes a profit on every unit sold from day one, and sells stupid amounts of evergreen software.

Its competitors are more expensive to build, less profitable per unit and have sold in significantly lesser amounts.

How in the name of fuck is the latter business model "doing this one right" while the former is relegated to a gimmick?


The problem was that Wii controllers were limited. The business model wasn't bad, but I guess it was not sustainable. They should have launched with the Wii motion plus as standard.
pooptacular said:
Didn't Nintendo delay twilight princess to release it on the wii? With widescreen that the gamecube somehow couldn't handle?

I imagine something like this will happen again. SS will release on both the wii and whatever its successor is with some updated graphics.

They're not going to do that again.


Nirolak said:
Which part of the NGP's design do you feel supports this?
Well the NGP is actually pretty cheap parts wise as from what I understand as far as cost of parts. Its basically off the shelf Cell Phone/Tablet items. If anything the NGP was the logical progression for them as far as power goes. Since their last model was a pseudo PS2.


Ushojax said:
Never going to happen. All 3 hardware makers will have motion controls as standard with their next console, rightly so. The market demands it.

To hell it does. There is a reason a lot of gamers own a 360 and PS3 and it's not their half assed attempts at motion control addons.


antonz said:
Well the NGP is actually pretty cheap parts wise as from what I understand as far as cost of parts. Its basically off the shelf Cell Phone/Tablet items.
Yes, it's affordable and *powerful*.

If Sony took the same exact approach, it would still be a tremendous leap over the PS3 at this point.


bish gets all the credit :)
How would making it PS3/360 comparable get more 3rd party multiplat ports? By the time this comes out, the multiplat games will be on PS4/720 and be much more powerful than Wii2.
XAL said:

"Hmmm. Our sales of the Wii are slowing down."

"Yes, I think it's time to release a marginally better version with some new gimmicky feature....I hear those kids these days like the HDs, lets release an HD Wii that upscales our garbage looking titles into HD!"

"Do you think that kind of scheme will actually work with a proper console? Surely people won't buy it. It's gotta have a slight tech upgrade, an updated controller, or some kind of new gotta-have-it accessory right?"

"Whatever. Those brainwashed fanboys of ours can't get enough of our incessant worthless hardware and cosmetic revisions - just look at how many versions of the DS we've put out. And to be clear these kind of people went apeshit for new colored gamecubes for chrissakes."

"Good point."

"Let's go masturbate with these assholes' money"

You have to love when you see a post that's clearly the single post the person signed up for and they just couldn't hold it in anymore.


antonz said:
Well the NGP is actually pretty cheap parts wise as from what I understand as far as cost of parts. Its basically off the shelf Cell Phone/Tablet items.

It is hugely more powerful than the PSP.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Well, this really isn't that surprising, especially with the reported late 2012 release date. I do wonder if maybe Japan would get it sooner, since that is by far the weakest region.

And I do not think there is any way the tech is merely on par with the 360. Just because Nintendo did it once does not mean that is their strategy going forward.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Zenith said:
How? Predicting Nintendo will eventually come out with a more powerful console some time in the future? You're actually going to give him credit for that?
I was being sarcastic, and I sincerely hope the other "Pachter was right" quotes were as well.

I really, really do.


Nirolak said:
Which part of the NGP's design do you feel supports this?
Whilst NGP is far from a tiny leap, it is hardly a monster unlike the PSP which was ridiculous for its time. NGP is a well designed piece of hardware using common mass market equipment which is used by several other manufacturers and its production price will be falling like a brick after launch. In terms of hardware, NGP is Sony's least ambitious machine yet.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
SMH at people thinking that Nintendo won't have Motion-Control Support. You expecting Microsoft to abadon Kinect Next Gen as well? Dream on.

Only way that would ever happen is if they kept the Wii line for casual focused titles and decided to make a "third-pillar" console (again) that was a hardcore focused system created to excel in traditonal gamer-pad HD-3D games. They would call it Extreme Nintendo HD or X-Nintendo HD.

And Super Wii would come out the year after with Wii Relax. -.O

Not happening.


ShockingAlberto said:
You have to love when you see a post that's clearly the single post the person signed up for and they just couldn't hold it in anymore.


They will mention it, and that's all. It's going to be exactly how the Wii was announced, and exactly how the Gamecube was announced before it.


Considering 360 and PS3 are hovering around $400 now even if they did go that route it'd be about a $300 system in 2012 if they spec'd it similarly. Maybe they could get a little extra leeway sans hard drive. I definitely don't see them trying to jump into some 1080p baseline beast.

Eitherway, what it does is much more important than how powerful it will be.
ShockingAlberto said:
You have to love when you see a post that's clearly the single post the person signed up for and they just couldn't hold it in anymore.
I miss drohne. He was the only guy who really know how to troll Nintendo threads.
Mr_Brit said:
Whilst NGP is far from a tiny leap, it is hardly a monster unlike the PSP which was ridiculous for its time. NGP is a well designed piece of hardware using common mass market equipment which is used by several other manufacturers and its production price will be falling like a brick after launch. In terms of hardware, NGP is Sony's least ambitious machine yet.
Yeah but you know what it IS a monster compared to? The 3DS. It will be the same exact story with the Wii 2 and PS4. Nintendo's leap will be good, but probably not as great as it could be.


bish gets all the credit :)
Somnid said:
Considering 360 and PS3 are hovering around $400 now even if they did go that route it'd be about a $300 system in 2012 if they spec'd it similarly. Maybe they could get a little extra leeway sans hard drive. I definitely don't see them trying to jump into some 1080p baseline beast.

Eitherway, what it does is much more important than how powerful it will be.

both are under 300 right now.


Cosmonaut X said:
I'd interpret that quote more as:

-- Wii was (basically) just a motion controller stuck on to a repackaged GameCube, with all the issues that later caused. This time, Nintendo aren't doing that.

I don't think it means the end of motion interfaces - or the absence of other "gimmicks" - just that this time it isn't going to be the focus, or strapped to a repackaged system.

I'm certainly not expecting them to end motion controls, that's been a huge thing for them. I just want it more of an optional thing like Move, that's all. No more forced motion controls from games that don't really need them (NSMBWii, DKCR, etc.).
Mr_Brit said:
Whilst NGP is far from a tiny leap, it is hardly a monster unlike the PSP which was ridiculous for its time. NGP is a well designed piece of hardware using common mass market equipment which is used by several other manufacturers and its production price will be falling like a brick after launch. In terms of hardware, NGP is Sony's least ambitious machine yet.

What's stopping them from doing something similar with the PS4? They can use mass market equipment and still come up with something that's much stronger than the PS3. The main thing that they did with the PSP2 is that they went to developers and asked them what they wanted. They didn't do that with the PS3. They just designed what they wanted. I expect the PS4 to follow the same track as the PSP2 and I highly doubt that developers are going to be happy with something that isn't a huge step up from the PS3.


Maturity, bitches.
All I know is that it will be a winner since the cycle stats that Nintendo has to be on top for two console generations.

Then Atari Sega will make a come back
Wario64 said:

We have confirmed with multiple sources that this new home system is capable of running games at HD resolutions. There are conflicting reports, however, as to whether its graphics will be comparable to those on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 – meaning it could surpass or fall short of those systems. Either way it will offer competitive specifications. Moving to HD should greatly help Nintendo and its new console in getting more multi-platform triple-A titles like Portal 2 or Mortal Kombat. This, in turn, will strengthen Nintendo's historically poor relationship with third-party publishers/developers.
How it isn't a given that Nintendo's next console won't surpass 6/7 year old systems is a bit of a joke. And I'm not a graphics whore either.


they are in trouble if comparing it to the 360's graphics is supposed to be a positive thing. the ps3 and 360 are already ancient hardware.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Zoramon089 said:
It wouldn't make sense for it to fall short of the PS3/360 specs considering the step up in power the 3DS is over the DS

Right. Its absurd.


Furthermore, we've heard that the machine will be more powerful than current-gen systems, meaning Nintendo, currently backing a Wii that is weaker in horsepower than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, will be showing a new console that is more powerful than those current competitors.


This seems...nonsensical. What exactly do they have to gain by releasing an ~PS360 equivalent in late 2012 with no gimmick. They're going to be in the same position right out of the gate, a console totally ignored by the "core" crowd and "core game" developers. PS720 will be several times more powerful than this rumor.


ShockingAlberto said:
You have to love when you see a post that's clearly the single post the person signed up for and they just couldn't hold it in anymore.

uhhh it's not? I've been reg'd for awhile.

I'm not a fanboy, I own all the 3 consoles of the current cycle. I have a Wii, DS, DSi...

I'm just frustrated that Nintendo is slacking, as indicated in my second post in this thread.

I've been less than thrilled with the Gamecube and Wii. Great small handful of first party titles...tons of third party shovelware with little technological leap...wag controls were super gimmicky, I still use the gamecube controller on the Wii because it works better for a lot of games. They need to fix a lot of problems if they want to justify a new console. If they're just releasing some modified Wii with a couple new features...then...yeah, am disappoint. We'll see come June.


What about the poor people at The Conduit? How will their games stand out now if everyone else can get good graphics on a Nintendo platform.


You know while I have issues with Nintendo one of those things aren't the hardware revisions. Every console and handheld goes through those. Early adopters know this. Also to Nintendo's credit their hardware revisions tend to be mechanically the same. So it affects you in no way if your DS for example is a fat ds or a lite ds. It will still play the same games. Same with the old gamecube revisions. They were just color changes. Again that didn't affect you one bit gameplay wise.
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