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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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richisawesome said:
of course.

wind waker, resident evil remake, resident evil 4, metroid prime 1 and 2, killer 7, paper Mario, pikmin, f zero gx, rogue leader, luigis mansion, smash bros melee, twilight princess, jungle beat, and TONS more.

you were saying?

don't forget geist.
brochiller said:
I remember there was a wild rumor about Nintendo and Valve working together a while back. Plus with Valve's interest in biofeedback, maybe Nintendo could help them bring out games that support biofeedback with their new technology. Could be beneficial to both parties.

A collaboration could be very good, but honestly I don't think Nintendo have any new biofeedback technology. What Iwata showed was an off the shelf Pusle Oxymeter adapted to plug into a Wii remote.


y'all should be ashamed
Shalashaska161 said:
What the hell do people even mean by Steam support on consoles? All it's amounting too on the PS3 is you get the PC version when you buy the PS3 version.
Not true, actually. You can upload your saves to the Steam Cloud and continue your progress from your PS3 on your PC. You can also chat and play with PC/Mac Portal 2 users on the PS3, download new content from Steam, etc.


Shalashaska161 said:
What the hell do people even mean by Steam support on consoles? All it's amounting too on the PS3 is you get the PC version when you buy the PS3 version. And it's not like Nintendo games are going to start getting PC ports anytime soon, so I have no idea what the benefit is.

In this case, it'd be Nintendo using the Steam online system instead of trying to build something that competes with XBLA/PSN from scratch.


Pyrokai said:
So I actually posted this in the "what's powering the Cafe" thread but realized it's probably better suited for this one. I was wanting to talk more about the power of this console.

It seems that it's up in the air whether or not this system will be at the same level as 360/PS3 or a much improved (yet probably not as much as the future PS4/Nextbox) upgrade in terms of sheer power.

Well, I really wonder how it will hold up among people who already own of those two consoles, and I was wondering what you guys thought as well. I would worry that the system would just become an enhanced-port-fest-of-PS360-titles-but-with-Cafe-enhancements-and-features. The Cafe can have as many or as few unique, revolutionary features that it wants, but I know far too many people won't care if it's only just a notch above current consoles for specs, especially after how most of the "hardcore" market views the Wii. They won't see the reason to get it, imo.

What do you guys think? Do you think Nintendo (assuming it's true that they truly want the hardcore market back) can pull this off with some kind of feature unique enough to pull PS3/360 users over that isn't graphics?

I know it this was probably discussed before, but this thread is so huge I'm not going to bother looking :p

Here's what I posted on the subject earlier;

They need to offer a nice middle ground between innovation and performance. Nintendo is pretty good at the former but they need a console that will support most, if not all of the next generation's graphical trends, albeit on a smaller scale. Tesselation, ray-tracing and all that. Don't skimp on the RAM.

A system like that would be a nice entry-level next-gen console that would garner a good amount of support from developers and core gamers, especially if it's released more than a year before the competition.

It's either that they hit another Wii-like home run with the user interface, which I doubt will happen again and fade into irrelevancy once the PS720 hits.


Woffls said:
Uhh, you seem to have narrowed it down a bit from "so many genres" to "modern party games". Make your mind up then try again.
My mistake then... But again, the idea that Nintendo will abandon the wiimote form factor sounds crazy.
velvet_nitemare said:
Do u work for Nintendo?

I ask because u apologized for them twice in 2 pages.

How am I apologizing, exactly? I am stating exactly what Iwata himself has stated in multiple interviews. If you are unhappy with my posts, then I am sorry.

Alien Coded DNA said:
I don't see why they would keep friend codes. What's your reasoning for them keeping them? Messaging, invites, friend request and the like scream gamertags not numbers. Sure, they are representing the same thing but when it comes down to it, a name is greater than a number.

Likely because then you can name yourself whatever you like, without having to worry about someone else already having that name.
Even with friends codes, I am still AceBandage on the 3DS and that is what everyone sees me as.


Hmmm... I just remembered there was an article a while ago that said S-E was preparing and investing in the next generation of gaming systems... could it be?

And meh, I've seen a new rumour but I can't find the source :/
Paco said:
All of the above. Would also love to see cross-game features like chat and invites, as well as cloud backup/saves. It would also be cool if there were a subset of games that you could buy once and play on either the 3DS or Wii HiFi through the cloud.
Ah. I would take game invites and chats as an almost given.

Cross-game voice chat is an administrative choice after VoIP itself is implemented. VoIP is only about as hard as the game data streams - just add a g.729 sideband to the game data.

Cloud saving isn't hard except that the storage is expensive. That would probably have to be part of the paid service.


Raide said:
Nothing has been announced but the Letter "E" and the number "3" might have a deeper meaning for you.
Entertaining Espresso Event? Yeah, this is definitely a coffee machine. Someone make a cup of coffee and see what it says!
maeda said:
My mistake then... But again, the idea that Nintendo will abandon the wiimote form factor sounds crazy.
I agree, and I've said that they'll still make space for it, but less so than the other features. I think they'll let us use Wiimotes at the very least, and perhaps have a modular attachment for their other crazy controller ideas.

Motion control still has lots of mileage, and hopefully more developers are finding out how to use it properly. Can't believe how long we've been saying that for.
thefro said:
In this case, it'd be Nintendo using the Steam online system instead of trying to build something that competes with XBLA/PSN from scratch.

How would Steamworks really work though? I mean, what would be the benefit for Valve to use their own bandwidth to allow people to play mario kart online?
AceBandage said:
How am I apologizing, exactly? I am stating exactly what Iwata himself has stated in multiple interviews. If you are unhappy with my posts, then I am sorry.

Likely because then you can name yourself whatever you like, without having to worry about someone else already having that name.
Even with friends codes, I am still AceBandage on the 3DS and that is what everyone sees me as.
Just thought it curious, u seem to know a lot about Nintendo stuff.
velvet_nitemare said:
Just thought it curious, u seem to know a lot about Nintendo stuff.

I don't know anything more than what anyone else could. Iwata and Miyamoto have laid out their plans and ideas pretty openly for all to see. The Iwata Asks are bounties of information and insight.
chubigans said:
Not true, actually. You can upload your saves to the Steam Cloud and continue your progress from your PS3 on your PC. You can also chat and play with PC/Mac Portal 2 users on the PS3, download new content from Steam, etc.

And allowing chat a play with PC/Mac users would give Nintendo a huge online community Day 1.
thefro said:
In this case, it'd be Nintendo using the Steam online system instead of trying to build something that competes with XBLA/PSN from scratch.
Nintendo would never ever do that though, so it's kind of silly to even suggest it. There's a higher chance of them making the Cafe a 16' tablet computer/mind reader than allowing an outside company to control a part of their OS software.

Also thanks for the info Chubigans, I didn't realize there was more too it than that. Cross platform play is pretty damn neat.
H_Prestige said:
How would Steamworks really work though? I mean, what would be the benefit for Valve to use their own bandwidth to allow people to play mario kart online?

Being that this would be a huge selling point for a console, Nintendo would surely be willing to pay Valve for use of their servers.
Kinda off-topic, but was there a ban wave in this thread? I noticed a bunch of posters like Scoularis and Gravijah are banned, wondered if this thread was involved seeing as it's attracted a lot of discussion.
Green Scar said:
Kinda off-topic, but was there a ban wave in this thread? I noticed a bunch of posters like Scoularis and Gravijah are banned, wondered if this thread was involved seeing as it's attracted a lot of discussion.

I never saw the discussion become overly hostile, so I doubt it was this thread.


Sadist said:
Hmmm... I just remembered there was an article a while ago that said S-E was preparing and investing in the next generation of gaming systems... could it be?

And meh, I've seen a new rumour but I can't find the source :/
Maybe the big surprise is a chip which automatically generates HD towns.
Green Scar said:
Kinda off-topic, but was there a ban wave in this thread? I noticed a bunch of posters like Scoularis and Gravijah are banned, wondered if this thread was involved seeing as it's attracted a lot of discussion.

Yeah, I notice that too. What the heck happened?


Snakeyes said:
Here's what I posted on the subject earlier;

They need to offer a nice middle ground between innovation and performance. Nintendo is pretty good at the former but they need a console that will support most, if not all of the next generation's graphical trends, albeit on a smaller scale. Tesselation, ray-tracing and all that. Don't skimp on the RAM.

A system like that would be a nice entry-level next-gen console that would garner a good amount of support from developers and core gamers, especially if it's released more than a year before the competition.

It's either that they hit another Wii-like home run with the user interface, which I doubt will happen again and fade into irrelevancy once the PS720 hits.

Definitely makes sense. The question, then, is which route they're going to take again with the Cafe......?
Green Scar said:
Kinda off-topic, but was there a ban wave in this thread? I noticed a bunch of posters like Scoularis and Gravijah are banned, wondered if this thread was involved seeing as it's attracted a lot of discussion.
Scoularis I know got banned in another thread in OT, though I couldn't point you to the correct one. Dunno what happened to Gravijah.
Shalashaska161 said:
Scoularis I know got banned in another thread in OT, though I couldn't point you to the correct one. Dunno what happened to Gravijah.

I've seen more members than that, I thought it might be Juniors being daft but we're out of the initiation period where Juniors are getting murked often so I did wonder. Eh, I'll just ping Grav over PSN and ask (assuming he's not reading this :lol)


Green Scar said:
Kinda off-topic, but was there a ban wave in this thread? I noticed a bunch of posters like Scoularis and Gravijah are banned, wondered if this thread was involved seeing as it's attracted a lot of discussion.

I don't think so. I think the mods have too much fun laughing at the speculation posted.


mysteriousmage09 said:
You did it GAF! WOOT!

Over 10k posts in 3 days is crazy!


I was trying to fish the controller shop i made in this thread but holy shit its buried and gone forever lol


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Paco said:
I don't want to derail the thread, but what inappropriate content are you talking about? And douchbag users are unavoidable, that's no Live's fault.
I'm talking about things like random people showing their wangs to people playing Uno, and the user having to know what settings to change to stop that being possible, as opposed to what settings to change to allow that (if you like your Uno games with a bit of wang on the side that is).

Why For?

All the details I"m reading about this new console sound mouth watering.

Wouldn't it be fucking awesome if the controller basically doubled as a gameboy? So Nintendo releases their backlog of GB/Colour/Advance games on a marketplace than can be played on the controller standalone?

poppabk said:
I'm talking about things like random people showing their wangs to people playing Uno, and the user having to know what settings to change to stop that being possible, as opposed to what settings to change to allow that (if you like your Uno games with a bit of wang on the side that is).
what in the fuck?
H_Prestige said:
Zelda is just a 3D action hack and slash game

This is one of the funniest things I've read on this forum. Wow!

How anybody could supposedly play the games and come to that conclusion is mind-boggling.
Branduil said:
Maybe the big surprise is a chip which automatically generates HD towns.
No one will hurt harder than Square-Enix if the 360-2 and PS4 take generational graphical leaps.

They're too big to be on download services, not efficient enough to develop home console games, so they'll focus 99% of their sight on handhelds.

Which will be different from now in that they'll stop even pretending to try on consoles.


brochiller said:
Being that this would be a huge selling point for a console, Nintendo would surely be willing to pay Valve for use of their servers.
why would steam be a good selling point for a console? i'm going to make a crazy claim and say that most console buyers don't even know what the hell steam is and don't play anything more than farmville on their computers.
Why For? said:
All the details I"m reading about this new console sound mouth watering.

Wouldn't it be fucking awesome if the controller basically doubled as a gameboy? So Nintendo releases their backlog of GB/Colour/Advance games on a marketplace than can be played on the controller standalone?

uh wouldn't it be better to just have them release the backlog to play on the 3ds??


Oh for arguments sake: I'll try to find the original source first thing in the morning (the guy who posted this doesn't normally use shady sites/mags to post this kind of stuff) but here's hoping detective GAF can help me to track down the original source from the following quote:


According to an Ubisoft employee -who wished to stay anonymous-, the publisher pushes all their development teams to cash in with a bunch of 360 ports to match the march 2012 launch. "Even with the extra horse power, in especially the graphical department, we aren't allowed to put extra textures or revise bugged physics that occurred in the original." He also stated that the 3D features the system offers are revolutionairy and stunning, because you don´t need any glasses or 3DTV to experience it! The controller with build in screen and camera plays a huge part of that hologram like 3D effect. "With the optional motion control and the right horse power the only thing I can say is, Nintendo did it right this time!"

If this shit is bogus, I'm stupid.
What the hell? Now they're doing glasses-less 3D for televisions? Hologram-like effect on the controller?

We're through the looking-glass here, people.


Why For? said:
All the details I"m reading about this new console sound mouth watering.

Wouldn't it be fucking awesome if the controller basically doubled as a gameboy? So Nintendo releases their backlog of GB/Colour/Advance games on a marketplace than can be played on the controller standalone?

I actually thought: "What if Nintendo will bring back the GameBoy brand, but as a controller this time?"
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