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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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gofreak said:
Hopefully they are targeting the right ballpark.

i.e. something that can keep them in the loop of PS4/720-era third party multiplats without necessarily being technically as powerful.

'More powerful' than PS3/360 is a start, but how much more is key.

edit - though 01.net's report is less encouraging.

I agree, I feel that especially the last couple big announcements have been really dissapointing such as the 3DS and if this is to be announced than I just feel really blah about it already, hopefully it's better than rumored but I don't know if it will be.


I'm not really excited, I mean its good but it wont be long before Sony and MS announce their new system which will trump whatever Nintendo puts out. So I would imagine this is great for Nintendo fans, but since I dont own a Wii and have little vested interest in Nintendo 1st party titles... unless they show me something different and new, I'll likely pass on this as well.

I've migrated back to my PC for the most part, riding out this gen until the next gen console hit. If Nintendo released something that is years old tech, they've missed the mark.

Of course, just my tastes and my opinion.


Our sources have said the console's power will be greater than or equal to the PlayStation 3. Nintendo is reportedly showing the console to publishers to garner interest for a late 2012 launch.

Sources tell IGN that Nintendo will release a pre-announcement this month with a full reveal expected at E3. Sources say the console will be backwards compatible with current Wii software.
I wonder if it will fall in that Dreamcast-esque slot (not in success, but in graphics). Noticeably more powerful than PS3/360, and able to sort of keep up early on with PS4/720 until people figure those machines out.
StuBurns said:
Sounds a lot like the 3DS which is 'wowing' all over the place.

The question is will it be way more powerful than the PS360 so it can have PS480 ports in a few years or is it just going to get PS360 ports for a year or two and be on it's own again.
Word...I think that's their plan. As long as it's in the same vicinity as PS4/nextbox I'm thinking they are banking on easily downscaled versions of games.
Great, just make it fully compatible with Wii and GameCube games.

EDIT: Wait, slightly stronger than current HD consoles and a late 2012. launch? Barring some Wii-like revolutionary new interface, that just won't cut it, Nintendo. You'll need a new console in 2-3 years.


Wario64 said:

Kotaku reports more powerful than X360/PS3


Furthermore, we've heard that the machine will be more powerful than current-gen systems, meaning Nintendo, currently backing a Wii that is weaker in horsepower than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, will be showing a new console that is more powerful than those current competitors.

This is an absolute must. Especially considering so many PS3/360 games struggle to reach 720p and locked 30fps.

I also assume Nintendo will want to push 3D with this new thing. By late 2012 I'm sure the market for it will have had a small increase.


badcrumble said:
The Wii has made Nintendo a ton of money and it also has a momentum problem right now. Sony and Microsoft are trying to stretch out the current generation in order to break even on their gaming efforts to date. Nintendo's got the most to gain by jump-starting the next generation, if they can successfully do so.

I see your point if they were pushing this thing out for this Holiday, but not Holiday 2012. MS and/or Sony are not going to let Nintendo release a new console uncontested. One (or both) of them will match the Holiday 2012 release, or follow shortly after in 2013. These pie in the sky 2014+ hopes are dreams are gone as soon as any one of them announces a new console, period. If Nintendo is banking on having a full year (or more) uncontested to gobble up market share with a slightly powerful hybrid console (motion and traditional controls), they're sorely mistaken.
Monster Hunter and Animal Crossing finally in HD. My fucking life is about to end.


I really hope it's about 10x more powerful than PS360, otherwise Nintendo's new console will bite the dust by the time Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4 arrives.

We REALLY need a generation with multiplatform games across all consoles.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Cosmonaut X said:
I don't understand why people are ignoring the idea of an evolved Remote. The split controller is a great idea, and all it requires is a touch more complexity and functionality to make it suitable for trad games, as well as motion ones.
The Wiimote+Nunchuck combo is already very suited to a lot of traditional games, its actually my preferred playstyle due to comfort.


Finally...you know what this means. In late 2012 360 and PS3 will be known as 'current gen' consoles...unlike now as they are still called 'next gen'.


Maturity, bitches.
With all these outlets breaking this news I wouldn't be surprised if it is from the same source, a very happy source with money in his pocket.
Well, this is an interesting twist. I foresee something in line with Revolution's E3 2005 showing, or optimistically GameCube's Spaceworld 2000 unveiling: reveal of the codename and the hardware design (likely not the controller), and maybe a demo reel showing off a handful of first-party games/demos. Still LOLing at those who thought it had a prayer of launching this year, though.

I echo what others have said about the rumored specs. By most accounts, it should be possible to include a significantly more powerful CPU/GPU than what 360 and PS3 have and still turn a profit at $250-$300; if it really is only on par with 360, it'll definitely have issues getting downports from Sony and Microsoft's next consoles. I suspect that'll be less of a problem for Nintendo (on a technical level, anyway) than this past console generation, considering the more evolutionary nature of the coming transition, but they definitely have an uphill battle ahead when it comes to getting third party support.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
The unofficial timing, i.e April 2011 announcement and a late 2012 release definitely indicates to me Nintendo is going to make a much bigger 3rd party push this time around.


Mr_Brit said:
Whilst NGP is far from a tiny leap, it is hardly a monster unlike the PSP which was ridiculous for its time. NGP is a well designed piece of hardware using common mass market equipment which is used by several other manufacturers and its production price will be falling like a brick after launch. In terms of hardware, NGP is Sony's least ambitious machine yet.
Sure, but it's still a far cry from showing a company that will just add 512 megs of RAM to the PS3, put in a 2008 graphics card, and call it a day, which is what a PS3.5 would suggest.
M_Night said:
I also assume Nintendo will want to push 3D with this new thing. By late 2012 I'm sure the market for it will have had a small increase.
Hasn't Nintendo talked disparagingly in the past about current 3D tech on televisions? (maybe not, but I thought I remembered something like that). I doubt it will be a focal point in any event, given Nintendo tends to aim more broadly and 3DTVs are far from broad at this point or any point soon.


Wario64 said:

Kotaku reports more powerful than X360/PS3


Furthermore, we've heard that the machine will be more powerful than current-gen systems, meaning Nintendo, currently backing a Wii that is weaker in horsepower than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, will be showing a new console that is more powerful than those current competitors.
DennisK4 said:

Now do the unexpected Nintendo and make it a monster machine

Except that doesn't mean they are making a "monster" machine. It could mean they are making something that is indeed "more powerful" then a PS3 or 360, but by how much? I'd wager on them making something that has specs just a little better then the PS3 and 360 currently are. After all, cutting edge graphics hasn't been Nintendo's MO in a long, long time.
I seriously wonder how Nintendo will focus on the western gamer with a total of one major development studio in America and Europe. It's not third-parties will ever develop exclusives for this system either.

edit: It sounds like it's the same power level of the PS3 except a little better, that's an awful mistake. They really shouldn't do that. No one will care if it's the Wii except able to also play PS360 games and play Nintendo franchises with better graphics.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I'm not very excited about this since Nintendo are dicks (and always have been) and they don't give a damn about online.
M_Night said:
I also assume Nintendo will want to push 3D with this new thing. By late 2012 I'm sure the market for it will have had a small increase.

Nintendo won't care about 3D for the same reason they didn't care about HD with the Wii. Not enough people have it for them to really worry about it. The reception to 3D TV's has been pretty lukewarm, and I don't see them going out of their way at launch to push a technology not that many people have.
Sammy Samusu said:
I really hope it's about 10x more powerful than PS360, otherwise Nintendo's new console will bite the dust by the time Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4 arrives.
Just out of curiosity, how did you arrive at "10x" as the target?


Cow Mengde said:
If they want HD, it has to be more powerful than the 360/PS3, otherwise, it would just be sub-HD. Even the current HD consoles don't match the resolution output of TV standard HD. 1280 x 720 doesn't fill out a 1366 x 768 screen.
1366x768 is not a standard HD resolution... 720p is. outputting to 720p IS outputting HD. The only reason 1366x768 is used in some tv's (i'm guessing yours) is cause it's the widescreen version of XGA (1024x768). Not only that, most HDTVs run at 1920x1080 now. I don't even know why this was an issue to begin with...

that said, Nintendo better put some effort into their hardware this time around, otherwise they'll lose all the multiplatform games like they did with the Wii. Hopefully 3DS was just the first step and we'll see a more hardware-capable nintendo console soon. (though I still find it odd that they went with the Pica200 and not a PowerVR SGX GPU... the battery life is still pretty terrible, so how much power did they actually save there? on the other hand, LCD screens are what eats up the most power, so having two and one in 3D does increase power consumption)

EDIT: it seems IGN updated their article...
Our sources have said the the console is significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and that Nintendo's intent is to recapture the hardcore market. Nintendo is reportedly showing the console to publishers to garner interest for a late 2012 launch.

shit just got real


Oh lawd the Vitality Sensor will be part of this new console, can just feel it in my balls. There will be something new, this is Nintendo after all but what I'm interested in is the power of the console. By the time this new console releases chances are the PS4 and Xbox next will also be ready to go, being a betting man my guess is that the PS4 will be a big jump from the PS3 and same for Xbox. Nintendo need to go wayyyyy past the PS3/360 otherwise the situation will not change with Nintendo not getting the 3rd party support while Sony/MS lap it up.
Sammy Samusu said:
Monster Hunter and Animal Crossing finally in HD. My fucking life is about to end.


I really hope it's about 10x more powerful than PS360, otherwise Nintendo's new console will bite the dust by the time Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4 arrives.

We REALLY need a generation with multiplatform games across all consoles.

Not going to happen. It would cost waaaaay to much to be that future proofed.

HD Zelda, Starfox and Mario games though.... I'd buy one in a second.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
I seriously wonder how Nintendo will focus on the western gamer with a total of one major development studio in America and Europe. It's not third-parties will ever develop exclusives for this system either.

I think the long lead time in announcing the console (as opposed to the Wii or even the 3DS) is an attempt to get Western studios on board.


Could this be why Sony decided not to have their conference after Nintendo's, like normal?

Maybe Sony wanted NGP to get a bit of space before Wii 2 was blown out.
The_Technomancer said:
The Wiimote+Nunchuck combo is already very suited to a lot of traditional games, its actually my preferred playstyle due to comfort.

Exactly. But when you have to justify to yourself why, beyond HD, you skipped out on Super Mario Galaxy, game of the forever, you'll begin spouting random gibberish that doesn't quite make sense. As if the nunchuk with Wiimote didn't supply everything a dual shock has, sans a couple buttons and a second analog stick, easily replaced by the pointer.


RPGCrazied said:
What about the Wii owners that just bought their Wii's? I guess, fucked?

What about them? Their Wii's are cheaper priced and have a huge catalogue of games to play due to buying so late. Are you expecting companies to support every released platform indefinitely?


yes yes yes

Frostbite 2.0
Cry Engine 3

Let's get this shit on the road, now be a good boy and announce the Xbox 720 Don, you know you want to you devil.
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