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Rumor: Xbox E3 info (Zombie game, Battletoads, Forza Horizon, AoE, more)

E3 time, where all the "insiders" come out of the woodwork and latch on to already released or obvious information. Yawn.

"Yeah I can confirm that too!"

Sure you can, spill something worthwhile or don't bother!


If Forza Horizon 3 is announced I will get it despite me not having a adequate enough computer/laptop to run it. But the rest of it seems like typical MSoft based on their past E3 conferences.


Why is everyone expecting that kawa46 dude to actually post some legit info, lol. Look at their post history, doesn't exactly scream "industry insider" or anything...

It happens in like every thread like this, a random poster (usually a junior) say it's all true, and everyone freaks out. A mod steps in asked for proof through PMs, everyone freaks out more, then it ends with the poster either getting banned or him just constantly teasing (whilst everyone continues to freak out).


I'm pretty excited about Sea of Thieves, and I'd be perfectly fine with a Destiny / PSO style format for it. Level up, get gear, outfit your ship? Yeah, that sounds great. :)

Battletoads? Meh. I played it when it was released on the NES and I felt like it was too difficult and a little too cheap for me. Its big draw was it's amazing graphics and I just can't see that happening in 2016.

Forza, I think that franchise is starting to get a little fatigued with yearly releases. Yes, I know, this is a totally different game than Forza 6 but that's just my take on it. I'm still pretty satisfied with Forza 3 and 4, there wasn't much left to improve on.
People including a friend of mine are already writing off Sea of Thieves. But maybe you shouldn't. So it's not a real MMO? Good i say, i am not too fond of those. Not saying i am a fan of Destiny/Division, but what if the game uses the good parts of those two games and changes/improves the not so good parts?

Plus i am taking this all with a grain of salt, it's not like he's some top insider, is he?


Horizon Manager? lol
I actually liked the idea of driving from bottom to top. Wonder how they will pull this.
What about DR4? Is it on the MS presser?

I have zero insight into what MS will show at their press conference. I just know a few tiny details about those 2 games, no more

I have no clue if the rest of the list in the OP is legit


F3 in Australia has been rumoured for ages... As has talk of a Battletoads...doesn't sound like "inside" info to me...
Banjo 3, a new Battletoads, FF7 Remake remake, The second to Last Guardian, Phantom Dust, Cyberpunk, Halo 6 and Half Life 3 are all going to be there.

You're gonna have to be trust me, I cannot reveal my sources at this exact moment in time. I assure you they are 100% realsies though. I promise and pinky swear. You can't break pinky swears.
That zombie game is likely either Dead Rising 4 (weren't there articles that the dev was using UE4 for this?) or something from State of decay devs.


I know for a fact some of the list is true (FH3 and DR4) but there is so much noise in there in the form of old news and vagueness (ie zombie game) that it's hard to tell ifhe is just guessing


EDIT: Awww. :( No challenger.
I dont trust them with AOE after III.

FH3 can be set anywhere and im still buying it. FH2 is one of my favourite games of all time. Just hope no FM6 microtransactions and it has an OST as good as Horizon Pulse from FH2.
All believable.

I assumed Sea of Thieves was a Destiny/Division game from the start

lol can't believe Battletoads is a thing. The seeming resurrection of this and Crash is just hilarious to me. I hope they get announced for the hype and both games will fail miserably in this current market. lol


Banjo 3, a new Battletoads, FF7 Remake remake, The second to Last Guardian, Phantom Dust, Cyberpunk, Halo 6 and Half Life 3 are all going to be there.

You're gonna have to be trust me, I cannot reveal my sources at this exact moment in time. I assure you they are 100% realsies though. I promise and pinky swear. You can't break pinky swears.

Cool! Check your PMs.

Sorry just wanted to scare you :(


That zombie game is likely either Dead Rising 4 (weren't there articles that the dev was using UE4 for this?) or something from State of decay devs.

The idea that it's an online zombie game fits in with the State of decay dev's roadmap. The original game had scraped plans for cooperative play.


Ah yes, the period right before E3 when "insiders" come out of the woodwork to grace us with their "leaks"

Are some of these true? Absolutely. Not that much is out of the ordinary here. But from what we've seen in the past, unless things are either incredibly specific, ie the ntkrnl leaks, or riddles from those with proven track records, ie Verendus and Gopher, then it isn't really a great decision to put more stock in them than anything in the E3 predictions thread.


Are you forgetting a huge 3D platforner that's due out later this year?

I would like to think Rare is keeping off banking Banjo again in respect to the ex-Rare developers working on Yooka Laylee.

Although it would be noble; I don't see Rare being the ones that decide something like that, it would be more of Microsoft deciding what to show and what not to.


Not really, Microsoft also purchased the IP rights to Rise of Nations and Rise of Legends fairly recently too


But which IP do you realistically think Microsoft would be willing to put together an in house studio to develop a game for? Rise of Nations or Age of Empires? Not to mention that Age of Empires 2 recently had two 'official' HD expansions released for it.
One thing that's notable about this list is that coming off Sony's legendary E3 conference last year this rumour is surprisingly underwhelming. As in you would have thought Microsoft would be rebounding and coming out swinging given they were outclassed so spectacularly last year. My instinct tells me this list might be either guesswork or just incomplete. Potentially missing one or two surprises. Microsoft should theoretically be doubling down this year to try and match whatever Sony have in store.

Regarding Battletoads it really depends on Rare's work on the game. Rare are still a talented studio so if they bring their A-game it could be good.


I'm just going to cross my fingers and assume this rumor list forgot to include a new AAA JRPG from Mistwalker with CyberConnect2 doing the legwork.



Not surprised about either a new Battletoads or DR4. I've been half guessing half predicting both for a while. Battletoads is "easier" to do than something like Banjo 3, and will easily get people talking.

I wonder if my hunch about Ninja Gaiden 4 as an Xbox exclusive will pan out as well. Team Ninja is working on Nioh, and I have a feeling that it will be delayed to next year, so I'm starting to doubt the likelihood of NG4 happening being announced anytime soon.

I know for a fact some of the list is true (FH3 and DR4) but there is so much noise in there in the form of old news and vagueness (ie zombie game) that it's hard to tell ifhe is just guessing



DR4 is not really surprising at this point. Capcom Vancouver has been working on a major title forever, and they have two major unannounced titles planned for this fiscal year. One is obviously RE7, and it makes sense that the other is DR4. Other titles like DMC5 are way too early, so it's not that.
Well with the state Capcom is in, I didn't want to assume DR4 was guaranteed as I don't recall DR3 doing all that well.

Maybe MS is funding it again?
Well with the state Capcom is in, I didn't want to assume DR4 was guaranteed as I don't recall DR3 doing all that well.

Maybe MS is funding it again?

I don't think they would take the plunge considering DR3 didn't exactly do well. Hoping Capcom themselfs would fund it. And have it on both platforms. Would seem like a no brainer.
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