I just watched the first episode, and I thought it was rough as hell.
Like I got the premise, but it seemed a lot to take in - like it read well on paper, but it was harsh on screen, a lot of rules to explain. It felt really hardcore and cutting. I know we want these bitches to read, but it felt like the show went in on them from the first moment in order to force them to go in on each other. It was just rough for me, perhaps a step too far.
Halfway through before the reveal, I was thinking it could be fun to have them all stick around and the winner be the girl who had earned the most or whatever, and the cattiness would come from them all being there the whole run and some girls earning more than others - but this felt so cut throat. And this is the season they decide to ditch Untucked? We get the highlights sure, but I wonder how they're going to do the sweetness and light bit at the end of the season since from the start they wanted hate and harshness.
You have girls who go in on each other, but this time it felt like the show itself went in on the girls. It made me uncomfortable.