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RuPaul's Drag Race Season 7 |OT| Did you not or did you not come for me today?

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I'm assuming the big-name sponsors being gone is a real issue.

They are probably raking in some YouTube dollars though. The editing got more heavy handed after the sponsors 'left' for whatever reason.

I don't think Absolut's absence has really hurt the show. Formdecor is kinda still there in place of Interior Illusions and we just don't have the usual tour but instead they do Battle of the Seasons among other things.


Apparently Kennedy broke the rules in the lipsync, oh well, I ain't even mad tbh, Katya was one of my picks to win, but oh well.
At this point the clear winner has got to be Violet, I hope Violet takes the crown.


Ok I didn't mean to get them wasted (which from what I've read is a reason they stopped giving them an open bar, some queens abused it), I meant to just get them a little tipsy to get things going.

Fame and Katya were sober and those two had their "drunk" moments all the time so to speak, Katya specially. Like, seriously, these are drag queens, I think is impossible to get bored with 14 of them. Maybe is the show getting more mainstream and now they have to edit more stuff out? I don't know, I just miss old seasons.

I know, I meant to clarify I meant that not in a way to get them wasted, but it has effected the editing of the show and untucked, IMO. This season, as a whole, has had less zany, fucked up moments than any other season, and, to me, it seems to be a result of the loss of sponsors and the soberhood of the queens.

I could just be making it up, though.


I just can't get behind Violet winning this season... Her personality just didn't appeal to me in any way.

However, given the fact that fan voice is taken into account now... She is going to win that crown.

Ah well.


I think Pearl's getting a bit of a sob story push. (and it might especially be apparent next week during the Lunch With RuPaul)

She could be the winner.


I just can't get behind Violet winning this season... Her personality just didn't appeal to me in any way.

However, given the fact that fan voice is taken into account now... She is going to win that crown.

Ah well.

This isn't an insult or a compliment, but I see Violet as a successful version of Serena chacha. Obviously the big difference here is the fact that Violet has actually delivered some really great runways while serena was a flatout dud.
What a disaster elimination. They just got rid of the stronger contender, but I guess that makes it a more level playing field for everyone else.

Pearl is winning season 7.
I can easily get behind Violet taking home the gold this season.
Her incredibly unshakable confidence , hunger for the crown, self-awareness (something which I honestly didn't think she had during the first few episodes, pesky WOW editing), and astonishingly fierce fashion/beauty/design/aesthetic skills are very admirable qualities that outshine the other top 4 queens in my opinion.
Also going by the way she was screaming during that lipsync it seems like she's really living for the competition and all the spectacle that comes along with it.
In addition to that, outside of the maxi comedy/acting-centric stuff she's surprisingly funny and knowledgeable.
Honestly, I've seen her as top 3 material ever since she walked into the werk room wearing a killer pair of fetish-y pinup girl pumps.

Also on a nother note, her hello kitty character was really adorable.
It seems like she was the only one, sans Ginger, who understood how to design a character who is unique and funny but could still hang out with Hello Kitty in the official content while also expanding upon the fun girly concepts present within the brand.

Edit: Also nobody (not even Pearl) could compete with her look tonight; it was beautiful, cutesy, and very creative.


App preview shows a bit of Kennedy vulnerability but at this point I think it's similar to the Roxxxy backstory in that she's probably not winning but it is brought up to make her less ~villainous~.


Fuck this disaster of a season right in the hole. I have never been more over this show, and I've watched the whole damn thing. Shit.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
well I was fucking wrong but lawd hammercy for that lip sync was life
I can't really argue with that bottom two, they were definitely the most disappointing in the challenge (although pearl was lucky to escape it given that ha hello kitty was good yet didnt fit the best friend thing)

Ginger complaining about sewing challenges made me laugh, like simmer down girl.

Going forward I'm really not sure who is going to win but I'm having to assume that either Pearl will be going next, given her performance over the season.

Also what is with Santino nearly being the same colour as Ru. Calm down with that tan girl


*cue frantic convulsing to terrible song*


*epileptic headbanging and pussy pounding*

Michelle: My nerves!

*gymnastical buffoonery*

Ru: Child you are a delight, take all of the crowns. *sniff*

Santino: *dopey grin*


Hello Pearl IMO was the best overall but yeah, no way would Hello Kitty be caught near that, lol. OR MAAAYBE EVEN A ROCKET SCIENTIST

I think since Ru could kinda see that Pearl would be really well liked ahead of time during filming, Pearl can't go home at this point. D: If she does though... Violet's got this in the bag.

So weird seeing Violet coming onto Santino during that whole walkthrough LOL
Fucking livid. Soulsis, fan me please.

I was at a watch party downtown when this aired yesterday and the whole goddamn club erupted in a fit at the end.

As I said, if she was still in, then she would have obviously won the whole season. She has the most polished mix of fashion and comedy, and everyone adores her. Sucks that the finalists aren't even on her level.

This is like BenDelaCreme's elimination except this burns extra hot since Katya never really fucked up in a legitimate way since episode 2 (and even then, she was hardly the worst), and unlike Ben's situation we don't really have a Bianca cushion to calm our nerves. Thankfully there are only two episodes left so the sting won't be longterm. :(


This show has become such garbage, why do I keep watching it? UGH.

Team Violet, I guess.
Team Violet or Pearl or something, whatever. Who knows or cares anymore, just as long as either of the two queens who should have been long gone don't take the win.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Yeah I think I'm team violet
I like pearl but I dont think she deserves to win because frankly shes not the best. Not even sure she deserved to get this far

BUT I think the crown will go to Kennedy. Although she has put out too many busted looks she is the most rounded of the survivors

About to go and watch untucked now.
We all hate to see Katya go but the bottom two were the right two and Kennedy rightly won the lipsync. Katya is one of the stars of Drag Race as a show for me - I'm sure she'd love the prize money and title! But she's up there with Alaska, Alyssa Edwards, Raven etc for me as a stand out stars of the series.

Ginger's outfit was basic too but looked more complete than the bottom two, her character also saved her I think although they were all funny. I loved Violet's runway look and totally saw in the outfit every reference she mentioned. She gave me Lady Miss Kier vibes too.
Pearl's look I also liked a lot, as simple as it was - a blanket with a belt, but she wore it well and the silhouette just worked. It reminded a tiny bit of Grace Jones performing Slave To The Rhythm on Terry Wogan she's wrapped from head to toe in what looks like a grey striped towel fabric.


The more I think about it the more I wanted Pearl in the bottom 2.

She did lingerie with her bff yet again, it's getting tired, as I said I expected so much more, and the ball dress was just bad, not Kennedy bad but bad nonetheless.


Man that is a blow to the gut for me. Katya's runway descriptions and constant asides were a big reason I stayed tune for this season. Now I guess I am TeamViolet and Pearl for the finals.

At least Katya is a shoe in for the Ben De La Creme 'oh crap we sent a potential winner home' Mrs. Congeniality win.
Untucked made me tear up :( I don't think I've ever been affected by an elimination like this one. All the girls love her too and it's obvious that Katya's a total sweetheart.

Probably in the running for all-time favorite queen at this point. Can't wait for her to take Congeniality at the reunion. Yaas fifth place


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
lbr Max should still be in the comp


needs 2 extra inches
That was a hard Untucked to watch. Katya was head and shoulders above the rest in terms of balance between entertainment and competency. And she had the best personality to boot, self-destructiveness notwithstanding.

You know, I voted her as Miss Congeniality before watching the episode —while still under the impression she's going to be the winner— because I felt nobody really deserved the title more than she does.

On a completely different note: I think Kennedy was the better lip-syncer in that LSFYL, and that she won fair and square. But I don't have a lot of respect for any queen coming to this show, on it's 7th season, and using "this is me, I don't do what you guys do, and if I go home doing me so be it." That's total BS. This show isn't RuPaul's Old School Pageantry— it's a show that puts these contestants, who happen to be drag queens, through the paces in order to push them outside their comfort zone.

Everything she was spewing was excuses, excuses, excuses... and it's extremely disrespectful for the other girls who have been really pushing themselves. It belittles and downplays their achievements and breakthroughs. Fuck that noise.

Yeah, I is mad.
RuPaul: “Kennedy Davenport. I’m sorry my dear but you are up for elimination.”

Kennedy: “Who am I sending home?”



Line up your faves and let Kennedy send them home. Hopefully Chachki and Pearl are next.
Doubt it tho. My faves never win. It's nice to dream though.

Bye Katya. You were the cutest.


Apparently our lip syncing choreography needn't have any connection to the song anymore. RIP in peace Katya. You should have known better than to tailor your performance to the music in RuPaul's Herky-Jerky Clown Race.


I don't really disagree with the lipsync winner.

But Kennedy is not long for this competition IMO. I think the furthest she can make it is 3rd if she makes it past the music video challenge.


I don't see how Katya's lipsync was more "connected to the music" than Kennedy's. Actually, that Katya didn't at all connect to the energy of the song is probably why Kennedy won it.

It was sad to see Katya go, but I think Kennedy fought for her place fair and square, and despite the haters she's done really well on the show so far. I didn't see Ru sending her home over Katya.

Max is still the most disappointing elimination of the season for me.


Kennedy and Ginger were so... boring. I can't recall any past top 3 queens that didn't wow you with something even if you didn't like them. Kennedy does violent splits but that's about it. At least Violet has probably the best runway so far in all seasons. Pearl is there being cute.

I kind of blame the season more than anything, practically all the challenges were terrible and repetitive, the queens were restrained to a script up until the last couple of challenges, it sucked completely. Ginger seems to be hilarious, but we never got to see it with these horrendous challenges. Just remembering it makes me angry, we finally get someone like John Waters and we get a terribly written musical number? urrgh...

I do not see Ginger or Kennedy winning, unless Ru is really mad about the social media response or something and want to "teach" the children a lesson, but as with Pearl and their staredown, she knows she sometimes has to swallow her words and do the thing that will benefit the show.


I think Manila and Raja are neck and neck when it comes to the fiercest fashion of all the seasons. Violet is up there too though.


needs 2 extra inches
I'd put Nina Flowers up there, easily... maybe even Chad Michaels if you're feeling a little bit matronly.


I'd put Nina Flowers up there, easily... maybe even Chad Michaels if you're feeling a little bit matronly.

Nina is a goddess and a creative powerhouse. Chad is good, but I think her husband is the one with the taste level since he makes all her stuff. ;P


Tyra Sanchez also had pretty fierce looks, bitch served 3 looks in one one time, way before Violet's tartan eleganza


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Kennedy is top 3
LBR she is going to outperform everyone there so if shes in the bottom 2 tomorrow then shes just going to send someone home


Yeah, you can't forget Tyra.

She never did anything really artsy, but she was always extremely well put-together, AND she could paint.
Kennedy sucks, her looks have all been trash the entire season - she doesn't deserve to still be in the competition.

Max should have been voted back instead of Trixie, would have made these final few weeks a bit more interesting.

Kennedy and Ginger should be the next to leave.


Kennedy sucks, her looks have all been trash the entire season - she doesn't deserve to still be in the competition.

Max should have been voted back instead of Trixie, would have made these final few weeks a bit more interesting.

Kennedy and Ginger should be the next to leave.
These bland queens have clung to the show like a bad odor. What's the point in manipulating a competition if you don't even keep the most interesting contestants around?

The previous seasons were far better about this.


Kennedy sucks, her looks have all been trash the entire season - she doesn't deserve to still be in the competition.

Max should have been voted back instead of Trixie, would have made these final few weeks a bit more interesting.

Kennedy and Ginger should be the next to leave.

Kennedy may not be knocking it out of the park aesthetically every week but she's still around because she does what is asked of her. The are other girls with better "looks" but there's nothing behind it, that's why they're gone and she's still here.

I like Max but she was fucking boring. How could max have made these final weeks interesting? When did Max do or say anything that was interesting when she was on the show?
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