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RuPaul's Drag Race Season 7 |OT| Did you not or did you not come for me today?

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World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Honestly trixie or pearl
cant see any way violet will disappoint on a runway challenge
Im even going to say that it will be Kennedy in the bottom two that sends whoever home


can we all just remember what hallucinogens Ru has been ingesting this season

I don't want Katya to leave, but this season calls for the absolute opposite of what needs to happen, happening


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
can we all just remember what hallucinogens Ru has been ingesting this season

I don't want Katya to leave, but this season calls for the absolute opposite of what needs to happen, happening

Yeah, they sent Trixie and Max home before they were supposed to leave, so might as well do one last elimination shocker.

But do it to Violet or something. Not mom. :(


It's been difficult to accept that either/both Kennedy and Ginger are going to be top 3, worst top 3 queens in this show's whole run.

I've heard they are great live and that is nice but we have not seen them shine at all this season, what is Ginger's top moment? Egg lady since she is the living image of Edie? And Kennedy's? Beside Snatch game she has nothing. They have not been funny or good actresses and have not made an impressive runway, so it's really hard to accept them being there still.


katya won't win $100k but she'll win the season and be S7 equivalent of alaska

her and violet, maybe, are the only ones with CUNT
Gotta be either Katya or Trixie this week.

Probably Katya because the world is a cruel place and the fact that she barely receives any credit for anything she does on-screen. Not that it matters because she's pretty much got it made in terms of Miss Congeniality + long-term success. The Rugrets and Ruflections are everything. She's already capitalised on it a shit ton considering that nobody had heard of her pre-Ep 1 and now she's everyone's favourite, and that's probably far more down to everything she's done outside of the show.

Idk if Violet will ever go Bottom 2 at this point or if she's going to be the one who gets to the end without lipsyncing, albeit having scraped by as opposed to sailing through. She needs another Win or two to justify her as a proper competitor going into the end, so hell, she could win the final two challenges now whilst the two frontrunners (Ginger and Kennedy) crash and burn to even things out a bit.

I really want Violet to win.


Gotta be either Katya or Trixie this week.

Probably Katya because the world is a cruel place and the fact that she barely receives any credit for anything she does on-screen. Not that it matters because she's pretty much got it made in terms of Miss Congeniality + long-term success. The Rugrets and Ruflections are everything. She's already capitalised on it a shit ton considering that nobody had heard of her pre-Ep 1 and now she's everyone's favourite, and that's probably far more down to everything she's done outside of the show.

Idk if Violet will ever go Bottom 2 at this point or if she's going to be the one who gets to the end without lipsyncing, albeit having scraped by as opposed to sailing through. She needs another Win or two to justify her as a proper competitor going into the end, so hell, she could win the final two challenges now whilst the two frontrunners (Ginger and Kennedy) crash and burn to even things out a bit.

I really want Violet to win.


violet is polished, young and educated. she's super endearing on social media and knows her shit


In a decent and just world Katya would win, even all queens agreed in the last Untucked, but she is not winning for some odd reason.

This season has been a mess to be honest.


needs 2 extra inches
I know Untucked airs the following day, but what exact time does it get posted? YouTube's timestamp isn't specific.
I know Untucked airs the following day, but what exact time does it get posted? YouTube's timestamp isn't specific.
I usually keep an eye on reddit from about 2PM GMT. It never appears on the WoW channel for me that early but someone always posts the link to the video between 2-3PM. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place on youtube, interneting is difficult for the elderly.
I can't wait to see what else Katya and Pearl bring for the rest of the season, but honestly, after this is all done, I really hope we get a proper, lengthy All Stars 2 next. Give some time for the talent pool to beef up again.


In Canada, Untucked is shown after the episode and usually we get sneak peeks here and there and summaries from Canadian fans the night before it is posted on YouTube.

I think it has to be Trixie.


The fucking runway made me hot and bothered Pearl's boy side, my jesus!!!, also Trixie was cute and Katya's butch gestures, and Katya and Violet 's dance was pure sex, the chemistry these two had. Great episode.

Next episode is a sewing challenge, fuck yeah, maybe they'll send Ginger home
I'm just like... Shocked. I just can't believe it..

But I got to say, this was one of the best episodes of the season. Some of y'all was seriously bugging about dropping it when this was pretty good. I wasn't expecting it to end like this. I was pulling for Trixie but I just don't know what happened.
Not sure if we can post them right after it's aired or not so just to be safe:

Crushed Trixie went home again. She didn't deserve it this time IMO. I wasn't as bummed the first time but I was really pulling for her this time. :( I don't hate Ginger like many/most but I don't see where she outperformed Trixie here. It just felt like she moved on because that's what's happening in this season.

Kennedy has grown on me,I don't like her as much as I like all the remaining girls but she makes me laugh a lot.


Tonight's runway was fucking cool. Pearl and Violet killed it. I wish RuPaul had gone for a split look tonight. Would've been wild.

Ginger and Trixie's dance was hilariously bad, both conceptually and performance-wise. Country robot whatever? GTFO my TV. It's like they were set up to fail.

Obvious elimination was obvious. Honestly, what was even the point of having a lip sync? Ginger could have done nothing but bend over and gape her butthole for the judges and she still would have sent Trixie packing. If plot armor is a thing on RPDR, we all know the one queen who has it this season.

Max would have had a good runway tonight. Speaking of Max, remember that one day she did an unfunny impression and got unceremoniously kicked off the show, leaving several lesser queens to stick around just long enough to remind us why they weren't winner material? Good times!

Jesus lord, boy Ginger's eyebrows are killing me. It is possible to overpluck.

Get rid of my three least favorites? I'm game


this ep was cute, the challenge was fun and katya and Violet were those cunts

this episode was basically ginger: the confessional though
LSFYL was better, in my opinion.

She didn't just flail around her arms and start pantomiming - she actually built up to something (whereas
already started at an 11 energy-wise and only petered out from there) and embodied the rather forlorn, desperate spirit of the song.
The dancing bored me silly. I've felt this way about so many challenges this season, I hope they shake it up next year.

We're down to the wire now, whoever goes next - there will be tears before bedtime.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Trixie: i think I won this week
really bitch


Yikes at this week. Boring challenge, but loved the runway. Some of those queens were a total mindfuck, loved it.

A little surprised at who went home. I thought she did a much better job at the dance, and her runway outclassed the other queen. Lip sync, though, it was clear who won. I'm glad she went home, but I really didn't think it was going to be her.


needs 2 extra inches
I loved the challenge, and the queens unexpectedly turned it out. The bottom 2 was an obvious choice given the performances, and I agree with the choice of the sashaying queen. I will say though, I'm not really sure how they could have won with the styles they were given, so I agree with whomever said it was conceptually busted.

Also, as of today, my dream top 3 is Katya, Pearl, and Violet. Sorry Minj, I carried you as far as I could.
I loved the challenge, and queens unexpectedly turned it out. The bottom 2 was an obvious choice given the performances and I agree with the choice of sashaying queen. I will say though, I'm not really sure how they could have won with the styles they ended up with, so I agree with whomever said it was conceptually busted.

Also, as of today, my dream top 3 is Katya, Pearl, and Violet. Sorry Minj, I carried you as far as I could.

That's my dream top 3 too. This week definitely pulled us toward this as a possibility. <3

Pearl continues to be priceless, Violet continues to be ridiculously polished, Katya remains Goddess-tier, Ginger's slipped big time and now I'm doubting whether she's even a lock for the final.

She deserves it but based on this challenge and what I've seen from next week's previews maybe she'll fall flat again. :/


Runway was mind boggling.

And the assignment of country/robot was so to sabotage Trixie. >_>

lol @ everyone wanting to eff Pearl.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Maybe Kennedy will send Ginger home next week
that would be an lip sync for the ages
Maybe Kennedy will send Ginger home next week
that would be an lip sync for the ages

This would be the best case scenario to be honest, though given how Sharon, Alaska and Adore won the last three balls (all of whom cannot sew) there's a chance Ginger might pull out a win or at least a high placement.

I'm most worried for Katya tbh. Her runways are sickening but I can see them deciding that what she did wasn't new enough, and give her a Dela edit. :(
If they get rid of Katya before the top three, they lose their best narrator / talking head. Has Katya had any friction with another queen this season? I know they kind of spun her working with Violet as "LOOK, VIOLET IS NICE NOW!" but I think its more of a testament to Katya's personality and humor. She really seems to get along with all of the other queens and they all seem to really like her. She could be a politician.
If they get rid of Katya before the top three, they lose their best narrator / talking head. Has Katya had any friction with another queen this season? I know they kind of spun her working with Violet as "LOOK, VIOLET IS NICE NOW!" but I think its more of a testament to Katya's personality and humor. She really seems to get along with all of the other queens and they all seem to really like her. She could be a politician.

There's no reason for her not to be top three at this point, she only really "fucked up" on the second episode and even then she still had charisma and killed the lip sync. Ever since she's either been safe, high, or winning. And yeah, she's the only one who hasn't had any conflict with another queen.

She and Kennedy have the best track record so far, so I can see either of them fucking up just to even out the playing field. My guess is:

WIN: Violet
SAFE: Pearl
SAFE: Ginger/Katya
BTM2: Kennedy
BTM2: Katya/Ginger


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
just want to reiterate that butch bot pearl makes my heartache
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